2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Front page (A1), left column - article continuing onto page A18.
COLUMN ONE - TITLE: "The Pirates of the Internet"
Subtitle: "As the global computer network grows so do the rings of thieves
who use it to steal software. Frustrated security experts say they
may have to resort to bounty hunters."
By: Adam S. Bauman (nickname "reporter")
Contact: 1-800-528-4637 extension 73492
In the early hours of July 6, Jenny, head of a software piracy
ring based in the Pacific Northwest, paced impatiently in front of a rack
of high-speed personal computers, waiting for the phone call that would
make her a superstar in the pirate underground.
It would come from an employee of LucasArts Entertainment Co. in
San Rafael, who for $300 would supply Jenny's pirate group with one of
the most anticipated games of the summer: "TIE Fighter," based on the
"Star Wars" movie trilogy and priced at about $60 per copy.
At LucasArts, the employee attached a small cellular modem to the
back of his PC - a technique that would keep any record of the call off
the company telephone bill - and dialed. Within a few minutes, the
program had arrived in Jenny's computer, lacking only the code keys that
would make it possible to play the game without an owner's manual.
Jenny then dialed into the Internet, the global computer network,
and after taking several deliberate electronic detours she connected with
a small computer in Moscow. There, a programming whiz who goes by the
name "Skipjack" quickly cracked the codes and sent the program back
across the Internet to "Waves of Warez," a Seattle bulletin board popular
with software pirates.
Within 24 hours, "TIE Fighter" would be available to thousands of
software pirates in major cities around the world - days before its
official release date of July 20.
Welcome to the underside of the Internet, where stealing software
has become highly sophisticated and hotly competitive - pursued more for
thrills than for money. It's a world where pirate groups build
alliances, undertake mergers and sometimes launch all-out battles against
And, contrary to common stereotypes, it is populated not only by
nerdy teen-age misfits, but by a curious cross-section of computer
enthusiasts looking for some dangerous fun.
Jenny, for example, is a woman whose hobbies include motorcycles
and collecting rare birds. The head of a big East Coast-based ring is a
commercial airline pilot. Another group leader is a junior studying
chemical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Yet another is a grandmother, leader of an elite group called Nokturnal
Trading Alliance.
Their activities are, of course, illegal, potential felonies in
many cases. And to most denizens of cyberspace, who use the Internet for
scientific research, legimate commerce and legal forms of entertainment,
the pirates are common vandals at best.
Still, a number of pirates agreed to allow a reporter to observe
their operations - both in person and via computer techniques that make
it possible to monitor computer activities remotely - on the condition
that their real names not be used.
The economic impact of the pirates' activities is difficult to
measure. Electronic software theft via the Internet and other on-line
services accounts for about one-third of the $2.2 billion lost in the
United States last year as a result of piracy, according to the Business
Software Alliance, a trade group. Pirates who mass-produce CD-ROM and
floppy disks with stolen software pose a much bigger problem.
But Internet software theft is growing rapidly, along with the
global network itself. Even major, mainstream software programs - like
the new version of IBM's OS/2 operating system - are now routinely
obtainable for free on the Internet.
And the pirates' activities have other consequences as well.
They sometimes invade and effectively disable computers being used for
scientific research, for example. And many in the information technology
industries fear that software theft and other illegal activities are
giving the Internet a bad name just when it is gaining unprecedented
Yet stopping the pirates turns out to be a very difficult task.
Law enforcement agencies, software companies and even indignant
individuals are stepping up efforts to hunt down electronic lawbreakers,
but new methods of stealing and distributing stolen software are
developed every day.
By design, the Internet lacks any central administrative
authority, and security procedures aimed at thwarting pirates could
interfere with the philosophy of free and open communications that is
integral to the network. Some suggest the thievery won't be stopped
until "bounty hunters" are recruited from the pirates' ranks and paid to
hunt their former cohorts.
It may be small comfort to the victims, but most of the pirates
interviewed for this story insisted they were not in it for the money.
"It was just for the thrill of getting free software or logging
onto pirate bulletin boards that normal people don't know about," said
Mike from Seattle, who says he has never earned a dime in his role as a
"courier" for a pirate group.
During the interview, conducted in a tidy suburban home that he
shares with friends, Mike uploaded a new program - "Lode Runner for
Windows" by Sierra Games - to the Internet from his custom-built
computer. He then typed e-mail messages to other couriers notifying them
of the new game and instructing them to copy it to various pirate sites
around the world.
There appear to be about 20 major groups dedicated to software
piracy, a length Times investigation has found, with names such as Razor
1911, Tristar Red Sector Inc. (TRSi), Pirates With Attitude (PWA),
Revolutionizing International Piracy (RIP), Legend, Malice and Anti
Lamers Foundation (ALF). The groups vary in size from 20 to 100 members,
and most have a similar hierarchy: group leaders, senior staff, regional
coordinators, couriers and members.
The groups divide into two broad types: releasing groups, which
arrange for software to be supplied and transferred to local computer
bulletin board systems, and courier groups, which have a worldwide
network of members who quickly transfer software from local bulletin
boards to the Internet for instantaneous worldwide distribution.
Operators generally pay a pirate group a "donation" of $50 to
$200 per month to carry that group's software on their bulletin boards.
The more successful groups boast as many as several dozen affiliated
bulletin boards.
The logistics of coordinating these far-flung networks are
daunting, but the pirates are resourceful. One crucial communications
method is the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) system, a kind of citizens' band
of cyberspace that connects thousands of computer users in 21 countries.
A particular series of channels, known as "warez" channels, are used both
for conversation between software pirates and the on-line trading of
freshly stolen software.
But the IRC has its limits, and even computer hackers sometimes
need to talk with each other.
One method they have developed involves a "beige box," or
custom-built telephone. The pirate travels a distance from his or her
home and taps into the exterior wiring of an apartment building or house
to arrange a conference call, possibly involing 20 people or more in
several countries, via an AT&T Alliance Teleconferencing opertor.
The pirate controls the conference call from a pay phone. But at
the end of the month, the person whose line was tapped receives the bill
- which can run well into five figures.
Several leaders of software pirating groups also descrived a
method to avoid charges that involves a special computer program, a pay
phone and a recordable Hallmark greeting card that contains a small
computer memory. The electronic sounds a quarter makes when dropped in a
pay phone are recorded on the memory chip, then are played back into the
phone in lieu of depositing money.
Despite the seeming case with which many pirates stay one step
ahead of law enforcement, there are plenty of risks - especially for
those who work in the computer industry.
On Aug. 3, Cupertino-based Symantec Corp., best known for its
line of Norton Utility software backup and security products, discovered
an employee in its Baton Rouge, La., facility running a pirate site on a
company computer.
A Symantec source says the company took the unusual step of
packing the offending computer inside a chilled and shielded container
and flying it to corporate headquarters in Cupertino for laboratory
analysis. The employee - who the source said was motivated by "the
thrill of being part of the pirate scene" - was fired.
Last month, Dr. William L Sebok, an astronomer at the University
of Maryland, announed he had shut down a large pirate site that contained
more than 500 megabytes of stolen software - enough to fill half a dozen
personal computer hard disks. The site had been running on a laboratory
computer used for processing images from the recent collision of Jupiter
and the Shoemaker-Levy comet. The illegal use was detected three weeks
ago when processing on the computer inexplicably slowed to a crawl.
Maryland officials tried to trace the thieves back through the
Internet, but met with little success: Many pirates were found to have
used computer accounts belonging to university students in Switzerland,
Spain and Slovenia who were unaware their accounts were being used for
illicit purposes.
Still, Sebok says the time he spent tracking the pirates was well
"I figured by shutting their site down, I would create a stir for
[the pirates] that would be worth it for me. I didn't want to see the
cockroaches tunneling through our computer system any more," he said.
Law enforcement officials have grown more vigilant about computer
crime of all types. A group of special FBI agents now cruises the
Internet, and many local and state law enforcement agencies have been
training investigators to root out computer crime. But software piracy -
especially involving games - takes a back seat to credit card theft and
other more destructive crimes.
Dr.G Gene Spafford, an associate professor at Purdue University
and a computer security expert, says software manufacturers and trade
groups like the Software Publishers Assn. may have to resort to frontier
justice to stem the tide of illicit software being transferred over the
"Some of these same guys who are out pirating right now could
very easily turn in the rival groups for a buck or more, and they'll be
very willing to do so," Spafford said. He expects to see bounty hunters
who get paid based on damages recovered or convictions of software
pirating groups.
"We are already seeing private detective agencies investigating
computer break-ins, because the local law enforcement agencies arn't
equipped," he added.
Robert Roden, general counsel at LucasArts, said the growth of
the Internet has made it much easier for people to steal and distribute
games around the world. Usually a company sends out cease and desist
letters to pirates if it can find them, but that has become harder, Roden
"If they're stealing 'TIE Fighter' because they love the game,
the irony in all of it is that they're harming the thing they love,"
Rodden added. "They're making it more difficult for software companies
to make these products and survive in the market."
But the pirates arn't much impressed with that argument. On July
14, a 20-year-old pirate nicknamed Drizzt took a morning drive from his
home in the San Fernando Valley to Babbage's computer retail store at the
Glendale Galleria. He wanted to check if LucasArts' "TIE Fighter" game
had come yet.
Glancing inside, Drizzt could see the game had not arrived. On a
shelf near the front of the store stood empty "TIE Fighter" boxes, gaily
decorated with ribbons that said "coming soon."
Drizzt recalls laughing at the sight of those empty boxes. "The
funny thing was," he later told a reporter, "I'd been playing that game
for the last seven days. I'd downloaded it off the Internet, I didn't
have to pay for it, I was up to the sixth mission and it worked great."