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[pp 38-40: Article from DIE ZEIT, 30 November 1984, by Thomas von Randow]
Bildschirmtext: A Blow Against the System
A Computer Club Discovers Breaches of Security in the Bundespost's BTX Program
"Whoever hooks up to the BTX system in the next two to three years should be
punished for stupidity." This withering assessment of the Bundespost's new
service, Bildschirmtext, could be heard last week at the eighth conference of
data protection specialists in Cologne--from an authoritative source. It was
spoken by the chairman of the Association for Data Protection (GDD), the
conference host, after he heard the comments of a computer entthusiast. With
wit and a relaxed patter, Herwart ("Wau") Holland of Hamburg's "Chaos Computer
Club" (CCC) explained how he and his 23-year-old fellow club member, Steffen
Wern‚ry, had managed to take the Bildschirmtext service for a ride.
It is easier to get a winning six-digit combination in the lottery than to
illegally acquire the password of a BTX subscriber, Bildschirmtext experts at
the Bundespost had boasted. But that is exactly what the computer chaotics did
straight away. An error, in professional circles called a bug, in the system's
computer program made it as simple as child's play for the hackers. Many
Bildschirmtext users had already noticed that there was something wrong with
the program.
Suppliers compose full-screen images with information about what they have to
offer--merchandise from the mail-order catalogue, vacations, account statements
for bank customers, or simply letters to friends. These "pages" can then be
called in by (authorized) BTX subscribers, and responses to the relevant
questions--concerning a flight booking or a money transfer, for example--can be
input at home on the keyboard of the BTX auxiliary unit.
However, space on a television screen is limited, and the BTX page can hold
only 1,626 characters. So that the designer knows during editing how many
characters he has left on the page, this number is indicated at the bottom edge
of the screen. Until recently, however, this number was wrong--programmers are
notoriously poor at mental arithmetic. The page was full before the number of
available characters reached zero. For this reason, many suppliers experienced
a chaotic overflow of characters, something that should not happen.
Suddenly, all sorts of words, numbers or incomprehensible letter sequences flit
by on the screen. The reason for this character salad: The creators of the
BTX program apparently forgot to take care of "trash disposal," i.e., to see to
it that excess text be ignored by the program or somehow set aside. For that
reason, the excess characters force parts of the program writer onto the
screen, and they are, as the Hamburg hackers discovered, sometimes telling.
Specifically, they sometimes reveal the very secret that a BTX subscriber must
guard most closely, his identification code. This password is the key to
access to the system. Although it cannot be used to plunder someone else's
bank account, it is possible to cause a great deal of mischief. Merchandise
can be ordered, vacations can be booked, magazine subscriptions can be entered.
By agreement, the legal holder of the security code is liable for all damage
thus incurred.
Steffen Wern‚ry and his colleagues--the club is a registered subscriber--caused
masses of BTX pages to overflow and then studied the ghostly characters on the
screen. In so doing, they discovered "usd 70000," the password for Hamburger
Sparkasse (Haspa). Now they were able to carry out what they had been planning
for some time: an impressive demonstration of the inadequacies of
Bildschirmtext. They set up a "contribution page." Suppliers may charge a
type of protection fee or contribution for each call-in of their pages,
although this fee cannot exceed DM 9.99. The account of the subscriber who
calls in the page is automatically charged with the fee. With the Sparkasse
password, the hackers now called in their own page--to the tune of DM 9.97.
The idea was for this to occur repeatedly, which is why a home computer was
programmed to automatically call in the page over and over again. It did its
job well, and while the club members worked on other activities, the cash
register rang every three seconds. From Saturday at 6:00 p.m. until Sunday at
1:00 p.m., a total of DM 135,000 was credited to the club's account, money
which they gladly returned to Haspa.
Long before computers were popular, American students dubbed a type of trick
using technology a "hack." Legendary is the hack of Captain Crunch, a student
who took his name from a brand of breakfast cereal. Inside the box of this
type of cereal was a small plastic whistle, that was coincidentally tuned to
exactly 2,600 hertz. In the American telephone system, as Captain Crunch
discovered, this frequency, when whistled into the microphone of the telephone
receiver, caused a breakdown in the fee meter.
Word of the trick with free long-distance calls soon spread; it made the cereal
company rich and the telephone company poor. Or at any rate, it was in a
difficult bind. A decision had to be made between accepting the loss, the
amount of which was difficult to determine, and undertaking expensive technical
changes in the continental network. Bell decided in favor of the second
This type of blow against a computer system represents a wonderful triumph that
goes far beyond the financial advantage associated with it; it is a liberating
blow, which frees us for a few moments from the dominance of technology. In
the 1930s, small-plot gardeners in Hamburg illuminated their houses free of
charge. The supplier of electricity was the nearby antenna of a strong radio
broadcaster, from which energy was diverted using a simple trap circuit to the
lamps. For years, this hack went undetected--and once it was finally blown
open, it elicited a fundamental legal debate: Are radio waves movable property
under the meaning of the law?
The trickster who thought up the hack with the first push-button pay phone by
SEL just 10 years ago remained anonymous. For this, he used a piezoelectric
lighter. Whoever wanted to make a free phone call simply went to a telephone
booth with the SEL phone, inserted a five-mark piece and called his party. But
before all the money was used up, the lighter had to be struck near the key
pad. The spark from the lighter significantly disturbed the electronics and
the phone was then forced to assume that the connection had not been made, and
thus--in dubio pro comparticipte--the five-mark piece was returned. In all pay
phones of that type, the logic boards had to be replaced.
For the victim, the hack is not only annoying, it is generally an educational
experience as well, revealing technical design flaws. Naturally, as the degree
of complexity of the system increases, so does the potential for damage that
can be inflicted even with the first hack. Thus, it is a wonder that the games
played by BTX hackers have thus far been harmless. After all, they revealed
the wretchedness of the Bildschirmtext design with a degree of clarity that
leaves nothing to be desired.
In BTX's country of origin, Great Britain, hackers made a game out of cracking
Prince Philip's electronic mailbox. The BTX mailboxes are definitely oddly
constructed. Bildschirmtext letters that have already been mailed can be
rewritten later by the sender. Any mailbox can even be rendered fully
inoperative. In order to do so, all that is required--as the Hamburg Chaos
hackers also discovered--is that the command to repeat the entire call-in be
placed at the end of a page edit. The page drawn up in this way then appears
repeatedly. It also does so in the mailbox to which it is sent, the result
being that nothing else can be retrieved from it. Only the Bundespost knows
how to break up this vicious cycle.
A microcomputer can also be connected to the Bildschirmtext system. But pity
the poor soul who uses it to call in a crash program specialized for his type
of machine. That will cause the computer to crash, destroying the programs
loaded in its memory. The only thing that can be done then is to reboot. The
destructive program is offered as a harmless Bildschirmtext page. Advanced
hackers have even set them up as time bombs. It is only later, once the page--
generally headed with silly sayings--is long forgotten that the machine breaks
down, so that generally the cause can no longer be determined.
The Bundespost should have learned its lesson long ago, before its pride and
joy, Bildschirmtext, was dealt a resounding blow last week by the Sparkasse
trick. The piecemeal adjustments that they undertook in the past after every
announced BTX hack were apparently inadequate. A program that needs so much
clearing up is hopelessly contaminated.
Naturally, the Bundespost knows this, and it grieves them in particular because
BTX had just overcome the last political hurdle on the path to being
universally introduced. It also hurts since there is already a dearth of
interest in the new medium of communication. According to predictions by the
Ministry, BTX should have around 150,000 subscribers by now. In reality, that
figure is only a scant 19,000, of which 3,000 are suppliers.
It is questionable whether the Bundespost will be able to compensate for its
losses from IBM, who set up the system. "Big Blue" will scarcely be able to
get out of supplying a new computer program. And that could take two to three
years, which is the time that Reinhard Vossbein meant when he declared anyone
who subscribes to Bildschirmtext during that period guilty of stupidity.
[p 40: Unattributed text]
20 November 1984, 5:10 a.m.
MICKI is thinking about the CCC's BTX gag (bravo, by the way...), and reaches
the following conclusion:
The more securely a system is protected against unauthorized access, the more
unauthorized the people who can uncover weaknesses must be.
Ultimately, you have a system to which only the unauthorized have access...
In this regard: Keep on doing it!
[p 40: Unattributed text of computer program]
10 REM bankrob.ba
20 REM Version 1.00
30 REM (c) 1984 by Wau
40 MOTOR OFF: 'Relay for money key
100 CLS:PRINT"Bankrob.ba -Restart procedure"
110 INPUT "Prior money received: ";MONEY
120 IN=52:'Time value key on
130 OUT=169:'Time value key off
150 CLS:PRINT0,"DM ";MONEY,"in: ";IN;" out: ";OUT;
160 PRINT90,"o<<<< out >>>> O"
170 PRINT130,"i<<<< in >>>> I"
180 PRINT170,"Stop with x "
190 PRINT210,TIME$;:GOTO 1100
200 REM Rhomboid loop
250 MONEY=MONEY+9.97:PRINT0,"DM ";MONEY,"In: ";IN;" Out: ";OUT;
260 GOTO200
1000 REM Speed
1060 IF X$<>"x" THEN RETURN
1100 PRINT170,"Continue with x "
1120 X$=INKEY$:IF X$="x" THEN 1150 ELSE 1120
1150 PRINT170,"Stop with x ";GOTO 200
[pp 41-42: Article by "Wau," from TAZ, 22 November 1984]
How the Hamburger Sparkasse BTX Code Was Cracked
Bildschirmtext Tested for Weaknesses
Ever since the coup by the Chaos Computer Club in Hamburg, who used a bug in
the Bildschirmtext system to charge fees of DM 135,000 to Hamburger Sparkasse,
Bildschirmtext, or BTX, has been a topic of discussion, and the chaotics from
the Chaos Club have made headlines.
Bildschirmtext is a big joke being played on consumers. For more than seven
years, "field tests" were run in Berlin and D<>sseldorf. From the very
beginning, it was obvious that the system would be introduced following the
field tests, regardless of the results of the "tests." The political objective
made immense investments possible, thus making it simply impossible to abandon
the system. After the "test," the test subscribers could throw away their
equipment, since in the meantime it had become technically obsolete. The
Bundespost paid for the technical conversion, giving all the subscribers a
1,000-mark credit, financed by the coins spent on pay telephone calls.
Nevertheless, around one in six refused this attractive offer and terminated
BTX service. The Bundespost predicted 150,000 subscribers by the end of 1984.
It was actually a scant 20,000, which includes many who are not active
subscribers. In the meantime, the Bundespost has stopped making its own
predictions, instead spending a couple of million on programs that are supposed
to provide better prognoses.
The Bundespost has invested more than DM 700 million in BTX. If you compare
this to subsidies for opera houses, then the Bundespost has built a 35,000-mark
box for each subscriber. The only problem is that the opera program is still
rather monotonous.
IBM is the supplier of the computer and of the programs for the current system.
They had high hopes about their deal, and wanted to sell their system to a
number of countries. After all, approximately 100 people worked on programming
for around two years. If you spend DM 20,000 a month for one of these
specialists, that makes DM 50 million. A succession of several executives was
in charge of the project. There were only a few "minor details" to be improved
in the program, and with programs the smaller the correction, the more time
they take.
Chaos Team Becomes BTX Supplier
In the fall of 1984, after long debate, the Chaos Computer Club decided to
subscribe to BTX. Naturally as a "supplier," since being a subscriber is not
interesting. They started with the least expensive equipment, which was
technically refurbished. Still, the first months were torturous. The
prevailing mood with home computers is well-known: "Turn it on--it doesn't
work." But with the Bundespost, everyone expects that everything will work
fine. It is only rarely that you get mail from the Bundespost saying, "Because
of work on the system, few telephone calls will be possible on the weekend."
With Bildschirmtext, hardly anything worked. Even an accent on a letter in a
person's name caused unexpected developments (and this in a "European" system).
In terms of computerization, changing names with accepts is offered up as a
subversive strategy. Moreover, the blocking and unblocking of pages did not
work. Blocked pages were legible, unblocked ones were not. The Bundespost
told people who complained that they were doing something wrong. Blocked pages
are something like the closed doors in an Advent calendar. On the first of
December, the first door is opened (in BTX: unblocked), on the second the
second door, and so on. The Bundespost has a Christmas calendar game of chance
in Bildschirmtext. Every day, new letters behind a door can be seen, and on 24
December, there is a complete sentence (Season's Greetings from the
Bundespost). But without any coercion, all the doors flew open on the first of
the month. Either someone at the Bundespost typed something wrong, or the
system has yet another small bug. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) first got wind
of this on 12 December, and sent in the complete solution, the prize being
telephone credits. It is interesting how many subscribers sent in the solution
before the CCC. Does the Bundespost perhaps believe here as well that some
chaotics sneaked into the Bundespost to find the solution?
However, a major problem with BTX is composing pages. The CCC does a type of
electronic newspaper, which is published irregularly. Once a new article has
been written and is supposed to be loaded into the system, all eyes focus on
the lowest line, waiting for the message "ED007 EXECUTION NOT POSSIBLE AT
PRESENT" or otherwise "Won't work right now."
In order to penetrate the BTX system, all you need is the connection code.
Every subscriber has a different 12-digit number. This access authorization is
generally sent by pressing one key. This is practical and reasonably safe.
You can imagine it as a nine-digit padlock (the first three numbers are
generally zero) on your bicycle shed. Secondly, there is a personal code word.
This is comparable to a padlock on the bicycle itself. And you can also put
your bicycle in a communal shed. In BTX, this is called a "free-access
connection." In that case, anyone can go into the communal shed and, if he
knows the number of a particular bicycle lock, he can move about in BTX and
take a look at things. A lot of it is free of charge, but some information or
offerings cost money. Springer-Verlag reports cost 1 pfennig, FRANKFURTER
ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG reports cost 2 pfennigs, and the owner of the bicycle pays
for this, not the cyclist.
Test of BTX Weaknesses
At some point, discussion at CCC came back to BTX and the policy of the
Bundespost to simply ignore or deny the risks of BTX. The question arose of
whether this was intentional or just stupid. A test was decided on. Who would
be the guinea pig? The Bundespost Ministry in Bonn? A single quote suffices
here: BTX is allegedly secure because it is difficult to tap into the
telephone lines in this country, since they are all underground.
The BTX control facility in Ulm is not that interesting as a test object. It
tries to keep the system running. And the Berlin office of BTX is responsible
for calming down postal customers when something goes wrong. The Central
Telecommunications Office (FTZ) in Darmstadt is the site where technical plans
and standards are drawn up. There one might expect to find the practical
technicians who worked out the security system. Those are the right people for
a test of BTX weaknesses. Without giving it much more thought, the BTX
connection of the FTZ was tested one day by the CCC: Do they or do they not
have free access? In order to find out, their subscriber number had to first
be entered: 06151 83. That is the telephone number for the FTZ. Then there
is the prompt for the code word. At this point, you can type in anything and
tell from the subsequent error message whether the FTZ has a free-access
connection or not. The CCC typed something in, the same telephone number
again. The FTZ was careless: There was free access. But even worse, the FTZ
had chosen its own telephone number as its secret code word. That is clearly
more careless than one would have expected, certainly from Bundespost
A record is kept by the Hamburg data protection commissioner of who worked on
Bildschirmtext when. Since the BTX reports when someone was last "on," an
"outside use" can often be detected in this way. But scarcely anyone keeps a
record of it; it is too tedious. At any rate, the FTZ did not notice the
"outside use" by the CCC. This cleared up the question: The Bundespost was
not withholding and/or providing false information about BTX out of stupidity.
The CCC considered what it should do now. The most obvious thing was of course
to get money from the Bundespost. In order to do so, a page for which a fee is
charged must be called in by another BTX subscriber. And that can be repeated
any number of times. The highest price per page is currently DM 9.99. With 1-
pfennig pages from Axel Springer, the CCC tested, at its own expense, how fast
money can be collected using that method. In non-automatic operation, it
worked out to around DM 10 an hour. For the CCC page, at DM 9.97, this would
be DM 10,000 an hour. So you could really get something over night. These
fees are charged on the telephone bill--in this case, the FTZ's telephone bill
--and transferred to the suppliers a couple of weeks later. Right now, it is
not working again, the Bundespost has another bug in the program, and it hopes
to be able to pay the fees in February. In principle, however, the money is
being recorded.
Getting the money would be phase one. What then? Should we sell this breach
of security to the Bundespost? We could, as is normal in industry, "hack" DM
100,000 or more and then sell the Bundespost consultation on this problem for a
certain percentage of the money. Or get free, lifetime telephone service for
the CCC or something like that. The Bundespost had to pay for its gross
In both cases, however, the price would have been silence. Otherwise, the
concentrated rage of the postal authorities would have been forthcoming.
Consequently, perhaps half a dozen officials would have tried to do something
to the CCC.
But the CCC wanted enlightenment about the risks of this new system. To this
end, the finance transaction had to be made public. Fine, but who should push
the starting button for the money transfer? After all, it is an infringement
like a parking ticket, although more expensive: a DM 50,000 fine. Will the
data protection commissioner do it? He probably would have taken advantage of
the opportunity and attempted to achieve an improvement by official means.
A politician? Perhaps. But what if he leaks the story? There remained only
one option: Do it ourselves, and abrogate our criminal liability by going
public with it. A week later, the attempt failed, since the FTZ had in the
meantime closed off free access to its connection.
Hackers as Data Protection Specialists
Several weeks later, Wau gave a presentation at a conference of data protection
specialists in Cologne: BTX--El Dorado for Hackers. Cologne was a sea of pin-
stripes, and Wau looked like a parrot in the midst of it all. Despite their
initial distance, the audience was impressed by his presentation. Only the
representative of the Bundespost felt that he was hitting below the belt, and
that he did not intend to address those issues. That was dismissed with
laughter, since the presentation depicted a series of program bugs drastically
and in three dimensions. There is a bug in the sending of electronic mail.
The sender can still change the contents after the letter has arrived. You can
send a business partner a bid for, say, DM 2,300 and then later change the
price, either raising it or lowering it. Another bug means that under certain
circumstances the BTX system spits out internal system information. With a
little luck, connection code words and secret passwords can be detected in this
way. "Nonsense," said the Bundespost representative. And to the offer of
cooperation came only the response, "First you have to get serious." It is
unclear whether the CCC succeeded in doing so. At the very least, the BTX
system finally spit out the connection code word and secret password of the
Hamburger Sparkasse after a number of tries with the well-known system bug.
Thus, it became possible to carry out the presentation planned for the FTZ with
the Sparkasse instead.
Almost everything went as planned. Over night, in 12 hours and 59 minutes, a
good DM 134,000 was raised. With a portabfŸ œÒÆ@%ÁÕÑ•È<E280A2>Ñ¡”<C2A1>Á…<C381>”ƒen run in a
daily newspaper, and a meeting of two dozen people from all over West Germany
then took place in Berlin. We then decided to keep in touch and exchange
experiences. The idea was simply to put together a magazine, but at that point
it was all too vague, and it didn't come off. Next, contacts with the United
States were established, with Cheshire Catalyst (the "king" of U.S. hackers,
Ed.) and with his magazine TAP, which a bunch of people here in West Germany
already knew about and subscribed to. At the Telecom in the fall of 1983, I
met him personally and wrote a two-page article about him in a daily newspaper.
And this two-page article elicited a great deal of response. By the end of the
year, things had progressed far enough to set up a magazine. Previously, the
idea was to exchange all information by floppy disk, but everything was
incompatible, and it had no purpose. The magazine was announced around the
beginning of the year, and we received 100 replies within one week. And so to
us in Hamburg, it was obvious: If 100 people want it, then it has to be done.
In March, the first issue was finally finished. Once the first and second
issues were out, there was a veritable flood of letters. The amount of mail
was equivalent to placing both my hands on end.
[Question] How many subscriptions does the magazine have?
[Answer] We took the course that whoever writes should get information,
regardless of whether they send money in. The number of subscriptions
fluctuates somewhere over 200.
[Question] How do your finances look right now?
[Answer] Terrible! The production costs are around 10 pfennigs per copy, for
both sides of a DIN A3 page. On the other hand, the most expensive thing is
postage, 50 pfennigs a piece. For each copy there are three copies that are
not paid for, that we simply send out, as a sample or in response to a request
with no money enclosed. It is in fact financed by the skin of our teeth, but
we do hope that a number of people are willing to pay for it. If money comes
in, then we can continue.
[Question] And of the 200 subscriptions has each one paid around DM 30?
[Answer] More or less. They came in with the full amount, a couple sent more
than that, but unfortunately it was fewer than we had hoped. It costs about DM
1000 to produce one issue of DATENSCHLEUDER.
[Question] How long will people receive DATENSCHLEUDER for their DM 30?
[Answer] One Chaos year. That is effectively around one year, with around 10
issues. You definitely have to give our address, or they'll come beating your
door down for that.
[Question] How many regular members do you have now?
[Answer] About the membership structure--it's rather open and free. Everyone
who has information for us simply contributes it, whether he has a subscription
or simply receives DATENSCHLEUDER, or even if he knows nothing about
DATENSCHLEUDER. There are people who are working on the modem layout, and we
are producing and marketing motherboards, for example. And then we do
DATENSCHLEUDER, and also do communication via computer. It is simply an open
structure, where anyone who feels like it can join in and leave at any time.
But we are thinking about whether we should impose organizational structures on
the whole thing. There are a couple of external areas where we are simply
encountering problems. But on the other hand, we basically like this open
structure. It's a dilemma.
[Question] But surely you can provide an approximate number?
[Answer] If we approach it in terms of subscriptions, we come up with more
than 200, of which around 30 are in Hamburg. But that's very fluid. Should I
count a graphic artist who does a couple of pictures for DATENSCHLEUDER as a
member? We don't look at it that narrowly. Somebody comes along, finds it
interesting, and joins in. That's also how it is at our meetings, which we
hold once a week at a bar here in Hamburg. We always get different people
there, it's just a regular meeting base. On the other hand, we generally meet
once a month to exchange information.
[Question] What kind of people are involved?
[Answer] It ranges from pilots to a metalworker, people who run their own
shops to unemployed people and students. They are between 16 and 35. No one
is older than that.
[Question] What is your assessment of the legal status of your activities?
[Answer] We just don't like being forced into any corner. Now people are
saying that it's all criminal, breaking into data bases and getting into