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Well, we finally achieved closure (at least for now) on this filksong
over on Furnet. As I promised Kay, here is the (current) final edition
of the filk Recursive Flaming. The tune I had in mind for this one was
the tune used for Recursive I/O on the Bayfilk 4 tape. Hope it gives
someone a couple of minutes of enjoyment.
by Philip Jacobs, Carl Monk, and Dave Aronson
Hi ho the flaming post, the post on my computer-o!
Hi ho the flaming post, the post on my compurer-o!
And in that post there was a flame,
A fine flame and a furry flame.
Flame in the post and the post on my computer-o.
And in that flame there was a quote,
A fine quote and a furry quote.
Quote in the flame and the flame in the post
And the post on my computer-o!
And in that quote there was a name,
A fine name and a furry name.
Name in the quote and the quote in the flame
And the flame in the post and the post on my computer-o!
And in that name there was a pun,
A fine pun and a furry pun.
Pun in the name and the name in the quote
and the quote in the flame and the flame in the post
and the post on my computer-o!
And in that pun there was a slur,
A fine slur and a furry slur.
Slur in the pun and the pun in the name
And the name in the quote and the quote in the flame
and the flame in the post and the post on my computer-o!
And in that slur there was a typo,
A fine typo and a furry typo.
Typo in the slur and the slur in the
Pun and the pun in the name and the
Name in the quote and the quote in the
Flame and the in the post and the
Post on my computer-o!
And in that typo there was a filk,
A fine filk and a furry filk,
Filk in the typo and the typo in the slur
And the slur in the pun
And the pun in the name
And the name in the quote
And the quote in the flame
And the flame in the post
And the post on my computer-O!
Chorus X2