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#: 21385 S1/General Interest
07-Mar-96 01:01:38
Sb: #21373-#Who Uses OS-9 and CoCo
Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156
To: Richard E. Crislip 102746,407 (X)
Despite the fact that I have recently moved and my computer systems are in a
state of disarray I do have my COCO together and used the mail09 mailing list
for my Christmas cards. Trying to interest my youngest in computers and the
COCO is still an obvious starting point. Very simple machine under RSDOS,
promotable to powerful operating system under OS9 (Sardis non stop controller &
NITROS9 make it a smoother operating machine) Shares the desk with a TC70
(apart today) and, of course a DOS/WINDOZE (cyrix 5x86 at 100 mhz). Still play
gantelet on the COCO from time to time. Still dig out old software and if I
ever retire (yes, I'm almost that old, the COCO will stay as a software
tinkering toy although its function there has been taken over in large part by
the TC70. Wish there were more hours and that I had a larger desk. Oe thing
the COCO never was - space efficient.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21386 S1/General Interest
11-Mar-96 10:34:01
Sb: #21385-Who Uses OS-9 and CoCo
Fm: Richard E. Crislip 102746,407
To: Bob Palmer 74646,2156
<Oe thing the COCO never was - space efficient.>
Hi Bob:
I too have moved and my set up is in disarray. That's why it took me sooo
long to respond. BUT, I understand about the CoCo taking over. kinda like the
old component stereos 8-)
_|_ Cruisen on AutoPilot
----O---- R.E.C.
#: 21375 S1/General Interest
25-Feb-96 00:32:42
Sb: os9
Fm: tom farrow 72701,543
To: general
I would be interested to know if anyone has hooked up an os9 machine to a HPLC
or to a Spectrophotometer with any luck. I get the dubious pleasure of working
with Messy Dos at my work place. I think that Gwindows would be a good platform
to hook up to a HPLC. Also under Gwindows does the mouse work well with Umacs
for all or am doing some thing differently than I should? I eagerly await
responce. Thanks in advance for all the help Tom F
#: 21390 S9/Utilities
12-Mar-96 17:18:44
Sb: #OS9 Disk Image
Fm: Kenneth Inman 75054,3217
To: all
Can anyone make a disk image of OS/9 for me!!! I'll mail you the 1st page of
the manual to prove I own it! I just cannot seem to make an image for Jeff's
emulator no matter how hard I try...or what I do!....
...Please HELP!
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21391 S9/Utilities
12-Mar-96 21:37:40
Sb: #21390-OS9 Disk Image
Fm: John Murphy 73077,2305
To: Kenneth Inman 75054,3217
Can anyone make a disk image of OS/9 for me!!! I'll mail you the 1st page of
the manual to prove I own it! I just cannot seem to make an image for Jeff's
emulator no matter how hard I try...or what I do!.... ...Please HELP!
What specifically are you having trouble with?
Which version of the emulator are you using? Coco2 or Coco3?
Are you trying to boot a double sided image?
Let us know, and we'll try to help.
#: 21392 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
16-Mar-96 14:51:37
Sb: #21370-!!!UPGRADE???
Fm: randy pischke 75460,205
I have a spare 512K upgrade. I bought a bare board from Radio Shack when I had
trouble getting my PBJ upgrade to work. My PBJ upgrade now works fine so you
can have my Radio Shack board for $25.00. I will even throw in the memory for
nothing. I fix computers for a living so have access to lots of parts.
-Randy Pischke
#: 21376 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
26-Feb-96 05:14:58
Sb: 25 line windows help.
Fm: John L. Wilkerson Jr. 71140,77
I used the grfdrv patches to allow a 25 line display. All I get on my windows
is the top line moved up one line and a blank line on the bottom. I used xmode
to add the extra line....
Interesting note: Supercomm _Does_ give me 25 lines. No other program or the
windows alone recognizes the 25th line.
Any cluse folks?
#: 21387 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
11-Mar-96 21:54:34
Sb: #21341-nameserver
Fm: Neal Wilsey 73757,2144
To: Jost Eberbach 73502,2041 (X)
Thank you for the information about OS9TCP. That sounds like the program
I am looking for!
#: 21388 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
11-Mar-96 22:01:03
Sb: #21341-#nameserver
Fm: Neal Wilsey 73757,2144
To: Jost Eberbach 73502,2041 (X)
Thank you for the information about OS9TCP. Do you have any information
on availability?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21389 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
12-Mar-96 12:01:42
Sb: #21388-nameserver
Fm: Jost Eberbach 73502,2041
To: Neal Wilsey 73757,2144
>> Thank you for the information about OS9TCP. Do you have any information on
availability? <<
OS9TCP has one big disadavantage, they only have a version for OS-9 2.4, not
for 3.0. I've heard they're working on a new version.
I don't know about the availability of OS9TCP in your country. In Germany
OS9TCP is available from a company called ELTEC.
Here is their address:
ELTEC Elektronik Mainz GmbH
Galileo-Galilei-Str. 11
Postfach 421363
55071 Mainz
Phone: ++49-6131 918-0
Fax: ++49-6131 918-199
#: 21377 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
01-Mar-96 11:08:11
Sb: #MM-1 users?
Fm: Jim Peasley [CA] 72726,1153
To: All
Any MM-1 users still out there?
What'cha using it for these days?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21379 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
01-Mar-96 20:55:12
Sb: #21377-#MM-1 users?
Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676
To: Jim Peasley [CA] 72726,1153 (X)
> Any MM-1 users still out there?
> What'cha using it for these days?
> ...Jim
> Hey, its been a long time, Jim,
Sure. There are still a fair number of MM/1 users around. Some have left CIS
and hang out on the Delphi OS9 forum, but there are a few of us still here.
My MM/1 has grown since I last talked to you. It now has a 68340 CPU (sort of
a modified 68020), 9 Megs RAM, a CDROM and a tape drive along with 3 Hard
drives of various sizes.
It runs TeX/LaTeX2E, and Ghostscript, so I can produce and read Postscript
documents as impressive as any PC or Mac. (With another program I wrote to
produce Postscript drawings on the MM/1).
It sends faxes -- I'm working on receiving them GRIN,-- but if I do that, the
486 next to it will lose another job. If I come up with an OSK scanner
interface and a Graphical WEB browser, the 486 will get buried in dust bunnies.
(Or at least dump messydos completely and run LINUX and OS-9000.)
It keeps records for my business (SCULPTOR), and allows access from a surplus
cheap terminal and modem at the office.
Does all my CIS and DELPHI forum and email message work.
Finally, and best of all, it allows me to snicker quietly at those who think
Windoze-94.9996 (Pentium) is the ultimate system.
John Wainwright
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21380 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
02-Mar-96 11:43:38
Sb: #21379-#MM-1 users?
Fm: Jim Peasley [CA] 72726,1153
To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X)
>> My MM/1 has grown since I last talked to you. It now has a 68340 CPU
(sort of a modified 68020), 9 Megs RAM, a CDROM and a tape drive along with 3
Hard drives of various sizes.<<
All I can say is *WOW*! Sounds like you jacked up the MM/1 emblem and shoved
a full-blown high-end Unix system under it! <G> What'cha using for video?
>>...snicker quietly at those who think Windoze-94.9996 (Pentium) is the
ultimate system. <<
Heh, heh! Been there too! Although, as a WIN95 user on a 100mHz P5, I _DO_
enjoy going to the store and shopping for hardware/software that I can just
come home and 'plug in'! For someone without a CS degree and a lot of time,
this makes more sense than my MM/1.
I was looking to see if there was enough activity that I could offer my MM/1
for sale, or if I should just quietly box it up and stuff it in the rafters.
What'cha think?
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21381 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
03-Mar-96 22:43:13
Sb: #21380-#MM-1 users?
Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676
To: Jim Peasley [CA] 72726,1153 (X)
> John;
> All I can say is *WOW*! Sounds like
> you jacked up the MM/1 emblem and
> shoved a full-blown high-end Unix
> system under it! <G> What'cha using
> for video?
> The 68340 and 8-meg Ram were purchased at COCOfests, the software is
available here and/or on the Delphi OS9 forum, plus at least one ftp site. The
68340 upgrade turns the machine into an "MM/1a".
Still the old Tandy CM-8, with a Magnovox for a backup. That is one of the
things that the SVGA machines can do better. Ghostscript on my MM/1 is pretty
slow compared to the Linux version on my 486. I can see a whole page of
Postscript on the MM/1 screen, but anything under 12 point type is a blur.
There is a new machine out, being called an MM/1B by some, that will use a VGA
card and monitor. Should be capable of better graphics with the right card and
drivers. It also uses IDE hard drives. I think the basic motherboard goes for
about $400.
For the REAL details on the new machine, and what is available
for the MM/1, EMAIL
Bill Wittman -- WW2150@ACSPR1.acs.brockport.edu
David Graham -- NIMITZ@delphi.com
> I was looking to see if there was
> enough activity that I could offer my
> MM/1 for sale, or if I should just
> quietly box it up and stuff it in the
> rafters. What'cha think?
> ...Jim
> Sure - post an offer here. If you like, I will tack it on the Delphi OS9
forum for you too. - Maybe on the COCOLIST also. I can't guarantee it will
sell, but I can assure you that there are still a lot of COCO users around, and
some of them are looking for a bigger OS9 machine (if the price is right GRIN).
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21382 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-96 11:33:36
Sb: #21381-#MM-1 users?
Fm: Jim Peasley [CA] 72726,1153
To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X)
>> Still the old Tandy CM-8, with a Magnovox for a backup. That is one of the
things that the SVGA machines can do better.<<
Yah, good grafix and resolution are a must if you spend any amount of time on
a computer and have any vision difficulties!
>>... an MM/1B by some, that will use a VGA card and monitor. ... It also uses
IDE hard drives. <<
Cool! Should expand the usefulness of the machine greatly!
>> For the REAL details on the new machine, and what is available
for the MM/1, EMAIL Bill Wittman -- WW2150@ACSPR1.acs.brockport.edu
and David Graham -- NIMITZ@delphi.com<<
These the guys that are putting out the upgrades? Are Mark/Paul/Kevin still
involved in the scene?
>> If you like, I will tack it on the Delphi OS9 forum for you too. - Maybe on
the COCOLIST also.<<
That would be great! Let me put together a sale ad and get back to you.
Shipping might be a problem if the CM-8 goes with it tho.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21383 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
04-Mar-96 20:59:13
Sb: #21382-#MM-1 users?
Fm: John R. Wainwright 72517,676
To: Jim Peasley [CA] 72726,1153 (X)
> for the MM/1, EMAIL Bill Wittman --
> WW2150@ACSPR1.acs.brockport.edu
> and David Graham --
> NIMITZ@delphi.com<<
> These the guys that are putting out
> the upgrades? Are Mark/Paul/Kevin
> still involved in the scene?
Bill Wittman (Wittman Computer Products) and David Graham (Blackhawk) are MM/1
reps. Paul (Ward) left the scene a long time ago. Mark (Griffith) is still
around, even checks in here now and then, but he is no longer active in the OS9
area. Kevin (Darling) also checks in here now and then, but he is really busy
with his job -- programming OS9 boxes of course.
Kevin (Pease) made the 68340 and 8-meg upgrades I mentioned earlier. The new
WCP-306 aka MM/1b board is produced by Carl Krieder.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 21384 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
05-Mar-96 14:01:09
Sb: #21383-MM-1 users?
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: John R. Wainwright 72517,676 (X)
Yeah, I'm still lurking....more out of a decade of habit than anything else I
guess (grin).
See ya later. Mark
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