718 lines
23 KiB
718 lines
23 KiB
Msg 86064)
Hi, Zack -
> Boisy, save me some research time. I was looking at my /tn modules to
> see about increasing the buffer sizes for them, but moded does not
> indicate a field identfied as a buffer size. Which field is it? Can I
> change this with moded? If I need to change it with dEd, what is the
> offset and field size?
Check page D-3 of the OSTerm 68K manual for a description of using 'moded'
to increase the buffer sizes. It also includes information for setting
hardware handshaking in the descriptor. (Of course, since you are still
awaiting hardcopy, and the info is in an appendix, it was probably
safely hidden ;-( ).
But as Paul J has mentioned, you will need the updated version of the
'moded.fields' file, which was included in the MM/1 upgrade files. (I think
it is under "./SCF/SYS/moded.fields" in the upgrade versions posted online.
It should be copied to "/DD/SYS/moded.fields".)
Good luck... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
86079 6-MAR 23:01 General Information
RE: MM/1A Screen Problems (Re: Msg 86067)
Zack, I used moded to make the buffer (and other) changes to /t0 and /t5 on
my mm/1a. But, in order to do this, I had to add a proper section in
moded.fields. Take your favorite text editor and run through moded.fields.
Find the section for sc68681, block copy it (making a dup section), then go
through the copy and change all 68681's to 68340's. The 68681 and 68340
chips and drivers are not the same, but close enough for this to work.
86085 7-MAR 02:35 General Information
RE: MM/1A Screen Problems (Re: Msg 86079)
Frome a purist systems standpoint, you should only *Add* to the 'moded.fields'
file as it is supposed to know about evertything. But hey! I'm not a purist.
Wanna make it work faster1 (said the hacker!) Take out every reference that
isn't a descriptor on YOUR system. It loads in a fraction of the time. (Make
a backup first!)
Josef L.
P.S. Then again, how often do you use it?
86086 7-MAR 06:32 General Information
RE: MM/1A Screen Problems (Re: Msg 86051)
> I found the problem with dots and missing bits appearing on the screen
> when scrolling while connected at 38400 baud. I set my input and ouput
> buffers on the /t3 device descriptor to 256 bytes each. This fixed the
> problem.
You reduced the size of the buffers to 256 bytes? Hmmm ... seems counter-
intuative to me. Any idea why a smaller buffer would be better in this case?
*- Steve -*
86090 7-MAR 20:15 General Information
RE: MM/1A Screen Problems (Re: Msg 86086)
The buffers were $14 and $50 respectively BEFORE I changed them. They
were increased in value, not decreased.
86097 7-MAR 22:11 General Information
RE: MM/1A Screen Problems (Re: Msg 86063)
> I *increasd* them. Actually the input buffer was 20 characters and the
> output buffer was 80. For good measure, I kicked both buffers up to
> 1024 characters. No problems have occurred since.
Where and how do You increse the buffer in /T3 ?
End of Thread.
86068 6-MAR 16:20 Programmers Den
pf TNG
From: WDTV5 To: ALL
I'm making some progress in the re-write of printform to handle the
escP2 EPSON stuffs. The general outline is to make the config
file go up from 432 bytes to 2048 by allowing the use of any
character that will get past the "isprint()" function, minus of
course the ones already defined in the current version. That
leaves a few holes in the array that can be used for the escP2
specialty stuff.
I have in mind 2 methods of doing it. Method 1 will be an absolute
size command achieved via an added '.' command. This would tend
to limit it to whole lines.
Method 2 will if the escP2 implementation allows it, cause a 1 step
up or one step down in size. This incremental method will be
integrated into the line position tally being kept such that we
can still do the proper line wraps etc. This method could be
expanded to allow absolute sizes too, but I need to see the
manual pages for a printer that does do "escP2" things before I
tackle such a project in ernest.
This is going to need a basic list of char widths obtained from
your manuals under the "proportional" heading. They'll be
entered into the file you feed to print_mod, and I'll have to
assume they are in the printers basic "dot" width values. And
I'll have to figgur out how to integrate that LONG list into the
config file, or attach it to the end thereby expanding it beyond
the 2k mark by about 114 bytes.
Why am I telling you'all this? Easy, I need somebody to mail me the
down and dingy details of how this works since my printer
doesn't. Can somebody drop me an envelope full of a copy of
those pages from a manual? Don't send the real manual, just copy
those pages.
Send to:
Gene Heskett
291 Garton Ave.
Weston WV 26452
86069 6-MAR 18:44 Games & Graphics
RE: new user hard drive (Re: Msg 85990)
Dennis, how does Hyper I/O work with the Disto? I have a Disto SCII and SCSI
HD system, but use the 512 byte sector format from Northern Xposure on the
drive. I doubt Hyper I/O will work with that...
86076 6-MAR 21:10 Games & Graphics
RE: new user hard drive (Re: Msg 86020)
> SOME of those games. Also I think they require the vdgint
> descriptor/driver<???> which might still be in your bootlist.
> since I am in the process of trying to do the same thing, I would
> advise you to make up a seperate bootfile for games since the VDGint
> Module takes up a good deal of memory, plus FTDD and some of the
> others which are specific to the some of the games.
The only need for having a separate bootdisk is if your bootfile is so
big that you run out of system memory. I have both WindInt and VDGInt
in my bootfile, as well as FTDD, etc, and apparently both 'Int's can coexist.
In addition, I use the ftdd/nil, etc stuff from "vrn.ar", which replace
the fs2, KQ3 drivers & descriptors.
-- David Breeding --
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
86078 6-MAR 22:20 Games & Graphics
RE: new user hard drive (Re: Msg 86069)
I don,t know about that,did,nt B&B come out with a 512 byte driver?
86100 7-MAR 23:07 Games & Graphics
RE: new user hard drive (Re: Msg 86078)
Yeah they did come out with their own driver dennis. I haven't heard much
about it, but have seen it mentioned.
End of Thread.
86070 6-MAR 18:52 OSK Applications
system command
In the os-9 C manual for V2.4, it states that systerm() returns the
exit status of the created shell.
If I say:
if ( system("dir") EQUATE NUMBER )
what would I use to tell that the system command failed to execute the dir
command. Would I be looking for a "== 0" or "< 0", or ect??? Is it dependent
on the program that "system()" calls??
The manual is somewhat vague on this. It does say that if I send a NULL
POINTER it will return a non-zero value, if the shell is available.
John D.
86072 6-MAR 20:01 OSK Applications
RE: system command (Re: Msg 86070)
Under OS-9, programs normally return 0 onm exit if they exit normally.
86099 7-MAR 22:42 OSK Applications
RE: system command (Re: Msg 86070)
>If I say:
> if ( system("dir") EQUATE NUMBER )
>What would I use to tell that the system command failed to execute the dir
>command. Would I be looking for a "== 0" or "< 0", or ect???
'Normal' exit status under OS9 is zero so, usually, you want to look for a
zero. Try something like the followng to check it for yourself:
#include <stdio.h>
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *process;
int status;
BTW, I would advice against using system() to fork a child process except
during testing. os9exec() is easy to use and provides much more flexibility.
Stephen (PAGAN)
End of Thread.
86071 6-MAR 19:06 General Information
RE: Unix System V problem (Re: Msg 86046)
Hmmm..... try shutting the system down after everyone gets off for the
evening... I mean shutting all processes down, but not resetting. It sounds
very much like there is some stray process left running with nothing to do-
the input device is gone and possibly the output is off-line also. So shut
all but the absolutely necessary processes doen before leaving work. Might
even get your boss to allow you to change your work schedule... come in an
hour later, leave an hour later. Would skipp most of the traffic that way
anyhow! But do try this and see if it solves your problems.
86073 6-MAR 21:07 General Information
RE: DISTO Products running Low. (Re: Msg 85589)
Tony, I have the 4in1 board - love it, but I have been wondering about getting
it (or another one) modified to recognize RTS/CTS flow control in order to
use data compression and error correction on my modem. I own a multipak and
RS232 Deluxe pak, but would hate to go back to using the multipak.
-- David Breeding --
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
86074 6-MAR 21:08 General Information
Hello All...
Hello everyone...
I finally got around to signing up on Delphi. Been putting it off for a long
time but finally jumped in. Several of you have already had the misfortune of
meeting me, either personally or via telecom but you may have to out up with
me here for a while. Everyone had been telling me that the SIG here
was pretty active.. from what I have seen so far, it is. Started to dload
the entire msg base. Got about the first 600, had a Segment list full error,
saw I only had about a month of msgs & said "Uh-Oh", then went back and
grabbed the LAST 600. Lotta reading <GG>
It seems that navigation here is a little different than CIS, but maybe I can
learn it. My biggest problem is that I have "IX" and it's so easy, that I may
not get in there and work to learn as fast <g>.
Well, think I'll go blunder around some more. Talk to y'all later....
-- David Breeding --
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
86084 7-MAR 02:00 General Information
RE: Hello All... (Re: Msg 86074)
Hello David:
One of the things that I did with the forum messages was a read ns (for non-
stop) subject: (whatever) You could also use a dir ns subject: It is really
easy to search. Glad to have you here.
With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
OS9 User's Group Treasurer
End of Thread.
86075 6-MAR 21:09 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 85861)
Hey, Jim, How ya doin'?
Thought I'd butt in on this thread to ask something I've been wondering
about, I suppose it's related enuff. Really, anyone may be able to answer...
I wonder if a CoCo can benefit from a modem's data compression. My modem is
capable of MNP and v.32bis etc. However I'm using a Disto 4in1 and it
doesn't support RTS/CTS handshaking. I've heard that it can be modified or
I also have a Multi-Pak <uggggggh> and RS232-Deluxe, but hate to put it back
in. However, I wonder if there is any benefit. Also, there is a passage in
my Modem manual about "the computer-to-modem speed should be several times
faster than that of the DCE line speed." Does that mean that I could have
my computer set at something above 2400 baud? The modem is 2400...
Just wondering...
-- David Breeding --
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
86081 7-MAR 00:12 Telecom (6809)
RE: 9600 on a CoCo... (Re: Msg 85942)
> Unfortunately the CoCo can not handle bidirectional transfer of data at
> 9600 baud. Especially if wea re talking about large files. I have the
> proof of that.
> Carl
Well, I have the StG login package, and my brother has the same package, and we
use this setup to send very large files bidirectional at 9600 baud all the
time, from Lethbridge to Edmonton! And have no problem whatever! The highest
CPS we got was 790...
We use the 63C09 CPU running NitOS9 1.16...
86082 7-MAR 00:12 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 85944)
> You must realize that Jim is talking about a bidirectional transfer of
> data here. He is running StG, just like me. TTYL,
I use StG BBS and have NO problems using 9600 baud transfers with PhotoNet,
also a StG Node!
86083 7-MAR 00:12 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 85945)
> Dieter,
> I've never had any luck getting the hack to work properly with my CoCo.
> Perhaps what I need is to send you my RS-232 pak and let you do the hack and
> send me the pak and your SACIA settings. IF I could get ChiCoCo running at a
> reliable 9600 baud I'd hook the US Robotics back up to it. TTYL,
> Carl
Sure! I have one TANDY Deluxe RS-232 pack already converted, and it works
great on my CoCo 3 with SARDIS No-halt controller and the B&B hard drive
sub-system, my CoCo 3 has the Disto 1meg memory board, and the 63C09 CPU
running NitrOS-9. I also use a 512
K memory board as RAM Disk R0...
I also have a disto setup with 80meg hard drive space! Tryed to setup the BBS
on that one a while back and had the same problem You are having now! Never
could get it going at 9600 baud, but the obove B&B system works just great...
If You want me to upgrade the RS-232 pack, send me Your pack plus $20 bucks US
and I will upgrade it, plus include all the the SACIA patches for it...
86092 7-MAR 21:04 Telecom (6809)
RE: 9600 on a CoCo... (Re: Msg 86081)
Ah but Dieter, you have modified your serial port. I am talking about an unmodi
unmodified pak and running NO patches such as powerboost or Nitros.
86093 7-MAR 21:05 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 86082)
Are you running a stock serial port and stock OS-9 with stock modules?
I think not.
86094 7-MAR 21:07 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 86083)
I should have all the SACIA patches now.
86101 8-MAR 00:06 Telecom (6809)
RE: SandV BBS (Re: Msg 86093)
Welp... Just talked with Scott G. again tonight, and got some good
news... He now has the base low level protocal working for StG V4 "stgxfr"
and, on a 9600 baud link between his MM/1 and Sun 3/160, was able to get
over 1300 CPS on a bi direction test transfer, on un refined code. The
MM/1 side showed no errors, while the Sun side had only 7 retries (don't
know how big the test file was)
End of Thread.
86077 6-MAR 21:10 OSK Applications
RE: Finally figured it out (Re: Msg 85934)
> Thanks to Bob van der Poel for writing VPRINT, and to Gerry McCleary
> Opinions herein are those of their author, and not necessarily those
Hey, I picked up VED/VPRINT (CoCo) in Atlanta, and, although I don't do
a lot of text composition, I was really impressed. Of course you can see
changes that could be made in anything, but VPRINT is fantastic. The
setup procedure may be a little involved, but this thing can really put out
some professional-looking text. I'd have to see something really stupendous
to not get the combo when/if I get an OSK machine.
Yeah, great job...
-- David Breeding --
*** Sent via CoCo-InfoXpress V1.01 ***
^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
86080 6-MAR 23:05 Programmers Den
C's stack
From: WDTV5 To: ALL
I would like to know if others have found a similar effect to the one
I just found while working on yet another edition of pf.
The effect in question is that the compiler apparently does NOT add
the stack requirements to the data size value in the module header!
At least not for arrays declared inside the opening { of a module,
which should put the declared array on the stack. It does ask for the
correct amount via a call to stkcheck, but its instant whole system
crash to exec the stkcheck code if the request is much larger than the
datasize currently defined in the modules header. As in 3x the
available memory in this case. And the instant whole system crash has
to be in the stkcheck code as the next statement was a debugging
printf call to show where the array was numerically. It never got to
the printf statement, ever!
I kept changing the array size, but found that it had no effect on the
actual datasize in the module header when changed from [27][16] to
[134][16]! Moving the declaration to a point above the function
declaration apparently fixed it just fine. From what I know about the
compiler, that puts the data area back on a pointer from the y
register. And no crash....
Is this the reason we've had to nearly always declare extra memory on
the CC invoke line via the "-m=xk" for all these years?
Cheers, Gene Heskett, WDTV5@delphi.com
86096 7-MAR 22:10 Programmers Den
RE: C's stack (Re: Msg 86080)
I certainly sounds like a compiler problem to me. I've run into that
data size problem on almost every program I've wrote, too. It could be
time to disassemble stkcheck()?
End of Thread.
86087 7-MAR 08:46 General Information
internet mail
How can I send a internet mail file to Matt Thompson? I have his address
but when I type it in I get '@vicuna.ocunix.on.ca' is not valid.
I have a message made up in my work space that I want to send to him. I
tried to send it from E-MAIL.
86089 7-MAR 18:42 General Information
RE: internet mail (Re: Msg 86087)
try this..
MAIL> send name_of_file_to_send
To: in%"matt's address"
that should work...
End of Thread.
86088 7-MAR 08:51 System Modules (6809)
I read somewhere that Alan Dekok had made new VDGINT files that would
work with the Disto 2meg upgrade; Does anyone know where he has uploaded
these files to? I have the ones he first made but need the new ones to
work with my upgrade.
86095 7-MAR 22:08 System Modules (6809)
RE: SMALL VDGINT (Re: Msg 86088)
> I read somewhere that Alan Dekok had made new VDGINT files that would
> work with the Disto 2meg upgrade; Does anyone know where he has uploaded
> these files to? I have the ones he first made but need the new ones to
> work with my upgrade.
Don, Alan has produced a new version of the small VDGInt, but he hasn't
uploaded it anywhere. He only has 512K, so he cannot test it himself to
make sure that it works. He gave it to me to email to another user
to test it. I haven't yet heard back whether it works or not.
I will not post the file to the database until I get confirmation that
it actually works.
Regards... / Ken
Ken Scales Delphi:KSCALES Internet:kscales@delphi.com CIS:74646,2237
End of Thread.
86091 7-MAR 20:16 General Information
MM/1A Mouse Mysteries Revealed??
Hi All,
Deciding I couldn't live without a mouse for my new MM/1A any longer,
I went out and bought two different mice. The first one was a Logitech
Trackman which claimed 100% compatiblity with Microsoft mode or your money
back. This mouse retailed for $67. The other mouse was an Identity Systems
el cheapo $9.95 mouse. Both have three buttons. On the Identity Systems
mouse, there is a switch which indicates either Mouse Systems mode or
Microsoft Mode.
At this point, only the el cheapo mouse works, and then only in "Mouse
Systems Mode." I thought that the MM/1A handled Microsoft mice ok.
The Logitech Trackman does not work. Given the fact that my prior
assumption of Microsoft mice working on the MM/1A has been blown away,
just what are "the facts?"
As I see it, there are three modes:
Microsoft (doesn't work on the MM/1A)
Mouse Systems (works on the MM/1A)
Logitech (doesn't work on the MM/1A)
Does the MM/1 070 mouse driver work with the MM/1A? I noticed that there
was an 'ms' descriptor on the 070 bootmods disk. Why isn't this used in
the MM/1A? Can someone give me the history of mice on the MM/1 and put
things into perspective?
86098 7-MAR 22:26 General Information
RE: MM/1A Mouse Mysteries Revealed?? (Re: Msg 86091)
I don't have an MM1A, but I do have a regular MM1. From
what I remember reading, both Microsoft and Mouse SYstems
mice are supported. However, the preferred mouse was Mouse
Systems due to its support for three buttons. (Left button
is for menus and such, middle button is cut and paste, right
button is cycle through windows).
Download Mike Sweet's (DODGECOLT) kwindows reference document
from the databases here, it should be helpful to you.
From the document, it appears that 2-button microsoft mice
are controlled by msdrv.070.ms or msdrv.901.ms. The latter
/t2 and the former for /t0.
End of Thread.
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