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#: 14132 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Jan-92 20:51:21
Sb: #14123-#MM/1 I/O Board
Fm: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117
To: Jim Peasley 72726,1153 (X)
I received my MM/1 last August. No, I didn't receive the update disks with
the I/O board. I have downloaded newer drivers from the Ocean BBS and the
latest driver update from dl12 here. I noticed the mask number on the scsi chip
is 08. I was able to get the Seagate formatted with the new drivers from the
Ocean BBS and the hard drive is pretty fast (seems to be about as fast as the
IDE drive on my 386). I talked to Paul today and he said the update disks
should be going out soon. I think he said Mark G. had the master disks now. He
also said he received the Quantum drives today and just finished printing a new
I've put about 4 megs on the hard drive (a ST138) and tried FHL's hard disk
backup program fbu. Using the command line: fbu -$=dir-ur -b=1024k -d=/d1 itt
6 minutes and 28 seconds to complete the backup to previously formatted
diskks. And this is using a relatively slow hard drive and without the newest
scsi drivers. All in all, not too bad.
Got ot go play some more. Type at you later.
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14155 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
02-Feb-92 10:21:54
Sb: #14132-MM/1 I/O Board
Fm: Steve Wegert 76703,4255
To: Ernest Withers Jr. 71545,1117
You're one up on me, Ernie.
The MM/1 arrived early last week (minus the I/O board at my request) and I
quick ordered a Connor 120 meg HD, 2 megs of memory and a keyboard. All that
stuff showed up by this past Friday.
Friday evening Mark Griffith and I put the thing together (well ..... I did
watch!) and it works.
A couple of problems did crop up. The keyboard I ordered from Microlab in MI
appears to be DOA. I'll check it out when I get back to the office. Otherwise,
it's RMA-city for that puppy.
Like many others, I'm anxiously awaiting my I/O board. From first impressions,
it sure looks as if it will be worth the wait.
#: 14134 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Jan-92 21:16:14
Sb: #14117-#Mshell Discount?
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754 (X)
Lint? The only lint for OS-9 that I know of is a port of Gimpel's Generic
Lint, and I thought someone other than Microware sold it.
Alas, there is sort of a Catch 22 operating--more folks would buy it if it cost
less. Gee, it would cost less if more people bought it. If I knew how to
overcome the impasse, I'd probably be a lot richer.
(Opinions expressed here are solely those of the poster.)
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14138 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Jan-92 22:30:09
Sb: #14134-Mshell Discount?
Fm: Jim Sutemeier 70673,1754
To: James Jones 76257,562 (X)
lint--> it was a lint type of program... a C Source Debugger that Microware is
offering for $850.
Shucks, if they were asking $400 for it, I'd consider it....but I can do my own
debugging of C routines, and a lot of it, for $850 (grin)
#: 14137 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Jan-92 22:13:35
Sb: #14111-Mshell Discount?
Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76
To: Jay Truesdale 72176,3565
Have you looked at the TOP shell. I will soon be in a position to support it
properly, fix bugs, etc. - Carl
#: 14135 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Jan-92 21:22:38
Sb: #14127-arrays in 'C'
Fm: James Jones 76257,562
To: SCOTT HOWELL 70270,641 (X)
It's true for the 680x0, x < 2 or == 7. The reason is that OS-9 wants to use
position-independent and re-entrant code, and also that the compiler can't look
into the future and tell how much data space will be linked together to make a
finished program. It therefore generates code presuming that the 68K base plus
signed 16-bit offset will suffice to access a variable by name, unless you use
the "remote" storage class, which will cause it to use a rather longer (but
sufficient to access anything anywhere) code sequence to get to the variable.
(The 680x0, x >= 2 and x != 7, have addressing modes that avoid the limitation,
so it's not as big a deal for those processors, though there is a definite code
savings for the 16-bit offset vs. 32-bit offset addressing modes, of course!)
#: 14136 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
30-Jan-92 21:30:34
Sb: #New to OS9,Need Power
Fm: JAMES LONG 70043,2203
Not Being an avid os9 user (IBM or Msdos 5 is much friendlier, in my opinion) I
am forced to put up with os9 innability to do much of anything from an OS
standpoint. Does anyone Know where I can find such utilities as: TREE (or
something like it), a NORTON COMMANDER like util, WHEREIS or FILEFIND, and
lastly, is there any way I can make the prompt show the current directory (yes,
like DOS) ? Im running OS9 2.2 68k from Micoware. How about a disk fix program
that marks bad sectors out of the allocation table or am I dreaming ?
I just read about MSHELL. What is that ? Being new to os9 is a pain. My system
at home (286) cranks and thats what I want to do with this box but Im a little
short on utilities. Anyone have a few suggestions?
There are 3 Replies.
#: 14141 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
31-Jan-92 11:43:58
Sb: #14136-New to OS9,Need Power
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: JAMES LONG 70043,2203
James -
ANY time you step into a new environment it appears to be hostile and barren...
this is mostly a) extreme familiarity with your previous environment and b)
lack of knowledge about where to get the utils & tools for the new environment.
With the possible exception of MS-DOS's new shell, I think most folks would
find bare bones DOS a pretty ugly option as well.
Most of my background with OS9 was with the 6809 version, so that may be of
limited use to you. The good news is that most folks in the os9 domain post
SOURCES in their AR files (our equivalent of .ZIP files - you'll need AR68.BIN
to bust them up), and for the most part these sources will port fairly easily
to 68K boxes.
On a file finder, look at the FILES.AR source in DL9. Should port to OSK
without too much of a problem. Regarding the other stuff, perhaps some of the
more active 68K folks will chime in.
#: 14142 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
31-Jan-92 16:40:52
Sb: #14136-New to OS9,Need Power
Fm: Ed Gresick 76576,3312
To: JAMES LONG 70043,2203
Having introduced many MS-DOS users to OS9, I think I can appreciate
your dilemma. When people go from 'half an operating system' to an
operating system as powerful as OS9, they are often quite bewildered.
I think you'll find that the people on this forumn are friendly and
helpful but they do expect you to do some of your own homework. I suggest
you first study the OSK manual particularly those sections pertaining to
the shell and format. Then go through library 12 and pull the TOP index.
Many of the utilities you may need are there - no charge - PD stuff and
pretty good.
Ed Gresick - DELMAR CO
#: 14146 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
01-Feb-92 09:21:39
Sb: #14136-New to OS9,Need Power
Fm: Bud Hamblen 72466,256
To: JAMES LONG 70043,2203
Want to find a filename anywhere on your disk?
type: dir -arsu /dd ! grep <filename>
Want to list all your directories?
type: dir -n /dd
If you want to look at a disk other than your default disk, just
type the disk name instead of /dd.
Want to see what your data directory is?
type: pd
The stock shell won't prompt you with the current data path, but
the optional MSHELL (big bucks from Microware) might.
I'm not sure about your disk checker program.
I have to use MSDOS at work (we run PS/2's) and think OS-9 is rather
easier to deal with.
#: 14139 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
31-Jan-92 06:33:05
Sb: Floppy Driver
Fm: Mark Griffith 76070,41
To: All
To All MM/1 Owners:
I put the wrong floppy driver module in the MM/1 Update archives. That driver
will not work with PCF. I have uploaded a new driver by itself in Library 12.
As soon as it is enabled, please download it.
Sorry for any problems my mistake may have caused.
#: 14140 S1/General Interest
31-Jan-92 10:45:20
Sb: Rules to LIVE by...
Fm: Lee Veal 74726,1752
To: All
10 commandments for Technicians
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1. Beware the lightning that lurketh in the undischarged capacitor,
lest it cause thee to bounce upon thy buttocks in a most
un-technicianlike manner.
2. Cause thou the switch that supplieth large quantities of juice to
be opened and thus tagged, that thy days in this Earthly vale of
tears be long.
3. Prove to thyself that all circuits that radiateth and upon which
thou toil are grounded and thusly tagged lest they lift thee unto
radio heaven.
4. Tarry thou not amongst those fools that engageth in intentional
shocks, for they are surely non-believers and are not longeth for
this world.
5. Take care that thou useth the proper method when thou taketh the
measure of a high voltage circuit, lest thou incinerate both
thyself and thy meter.
6. Take care thou tampereth not with interlocks and safety devices,
for this incurreth the wrath of thy supervisor and bringeth the
fury of the safety inspector upon thy head and about thyhshoulders.
7. Toil not thou on energized equipment, for if thou so doest, thy
fellow workers will surely buy beers for thy survivors and console
them otherwise.
8. Service thou equipment not alone, for electrical cooking is a
slothful process and thy mind will sizzle in thine own juices for
hours upon a hot circuit before thy maker sees fit to end thy
9. Trifle thou nit with radioactive tubes and substances lest thou
commenceth to glow in the dark liketh a lightning bug and thy spouse
hath no further use for thee except for thy wages.
10. Causeth thou to be tagged all modifications made by thee upon equipment
lest thy successor teareth out hair by the roots and goeth slowly mad in
an attempt to decide what manner of creature madeth a nest in
the wiring of such equipment.
#: 14143 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
31-Jan-92 20:14:22
Sb: #OS-9 Utilities
Fm: MARK LITTLE 70761,3147
I have OS-9 L I on a CoCo2, and OS-9 L II on a CoCo3. I would like to know if
there is in the libraries the following files:
1. C compiler files to use the RadioShack C compiler on L II
2. A TSMON driver for L II that uses /T2 & /M2 slots
3. A TS-WORD compatible spell checker utility
4. Also, which OS-9 terminal program do you suggest over this DESKMATE?
Thanks, Mark Little
There is 1 Reply.
#: 14144 S10/OS9/6809 (CoCo)
01-Feb-92 07:27:59
Sb: #14143-OS-9 Utilities
Fm: Pete Lyall 76703,4230
To: MARK LITTLE 70761,3147 (X)
Mark -
1. There are several add-on files for the C compiler in DL3. You don't need to
do anything to get the compiler to work under LII - it does already.
2. Scan dl7 for keyword *MON and see what they have (they have a few of them).
3. The UGLIB 'spell' utility works just like the UNIX spell, and can be used
with any textfiles.
4. For CIS use, grab STERM??.AR in DL7. It supports CIS B protocol which will
make dowloading from CIS a breeze. It also supports Xmodem.
#: 14149 S7/Telecommunications
01-Feb-92 21:58:58
Sb: #14116-OSK sterm bug
Fm: Carl Kreider 71076,76
To: Timothy J. Martin 71541,3611 (X)
Let me know if you don't find getopt.h and I'll mail it. I've heard that
xmodem bus traps but don't use xmodem so haven't chased it. But I would
appreciate it if you would let me (or Mark) know if you find the problem. -
#: 14151 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
02-Feb-92 00:29:58
Fm: Bob Palmer 74646,2156
To: all
Can anyone advise me on the use of INKEY in BASIC (on the 68000 that is)? The
format as my manuals reads is INKEY(#<path>) ant that is just about the same as
the FILSIZ command. WHen I try to run INKEY from path 0 (the keyboard) I
invariably come up with an error 208. I can run it from another path such as a
disk file but what would be the point? All I want to do is the same as the
INKEY under BASIC09 or even old DECBasic. Was trying to write a quick and
nasty DISPLAY command for my new TC70 but it looks as if I will really have to
polish up my C if I cannot get BASIC's INKEY to work from the keyboard.
Looking back I find I lie a bit - the battle with INKEY is more in the area of
a key converter so I can read the output from the arrow keys. Then I want to do
the dislay.
#: 14152 S12/OS9/68000 (OSK)
02-Feb-92 01:52:58
Sb: MM/1
Fm: Jim Peasley 72726,1153
To: all
MM/1 for sale - includes the following :
System unit w/1MB of RAM in 'baby' AT case (IMS)
1 TEAC and 1 FUJITSU 3.5" 1.2M floppy drives
1 QUANTUM LP105S SCSI drive (new, installed - waiting on I/O board)
1 Monterey 101 key keyboard - your choice of 'click' or 'soft' styles
1 Mouse Systems ergonomic Trackball (brand new in box)
Complete set of Microware OS-9 v.2.4 manuals
Signetics 68070 and VSC manuals
All included IMS documentation and software - 'C', BASIC, Oddjob, etc.
Current delivery position for I/O board and serial port(s)
System has very LOW hours and delivery of I/O board will depend on when IMS
ships to me. $1275 OBO
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