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Issue #183 December 18, 1989
= 1989 by Rovac Industries, Inc.
ZMagazine - (ZNet Online)
Publisher/Editor: Ron Kovacs
The Z*Net BBS CompuServe:71777,2140
(201) 968-8148 GEnie: ZMAGAZINE
EDITORS DESK by Ron Kovacs
This is a very special issue since it is our LAST regular edition.
ZMagazine will still continue through a new publication called ZNET
ONLINE starting January 5, 1990.
With the lack of 8-bit news and reviews available we are sad to stop
publishing an exclusive 8-bit online, but with nothing to review or
cover, we are forced to use material from our sister publication
We have 4 years and over 183 issues of material which is available.
There will be some special 8-bit only editions released in addition to
the regular Friday release of ZNet Online, although not on a regular
basis. The latest news in the 8-bit areas will be contained in ZNet
whenever possible. Please note that we are NOT leaving the 8-bit, just
using another system to provide the news.
In January, we will release a special index of ALL ZMagazine issues, so
staty tuned to your local BBS or the pay services for the file. You can
also stay up to date on all releases on the ZNet BBS at (201) 968-8148.
See you in January! For the latest Atari News First, read ST*ZMagazine
between now and the end of the year in the ST areas on both pay
services, your local BBS and the ZNet BBS.
Thank you for your support over the last four years. I am very sorry
the state of the 8-bit community has caused us to make drastic changes.
We want to survive and continue our weekly updates, but can not see any
light through the tunnel!
Atari announced two weeks ago that the FCC had finally passed the STACY
Laptop Computer for U.S. distribution. However, the type acceptance is
as a CLASS A device, which is a designation for business and industrial
use only. This means that Atari cannot sell the Stacy as a consumer
device at this time, but will be able to market it to the largest and
loudest group currently clamoring for it - professional musicians. The
Stacy, with its built in ST MIDI ports, is a Godsend to musicians who
need portable equipment for performances. As a result, the Stacy will
be shipping -within 30 days- to anxiously waiting music stores across
the USA, according to Atari sources.
It seems that the power supply has been one of the most problematic of
the electrical noise output that has prevented Stacy from FCC acceptance
to date. The -Type A- rating is much more forgiving than the -Type B -
Computing Device- acceptance that will be needed before regular consumer
/computer stores will be able to market the computer. Atari plans to
continue the efforts to obtain the more favorable type acceptance, even
if some re-design of the Stacy becomes necessary.
Musician demand appears to already be large enough to eat all of the
first production runs of the laptop ST. While later internal revisions
may be drastic, even to the point of an entire new motherboard, the
features that musicians need will likely be unchanged. Potential
changes include incorporation of the STE design, which is cheaper to
manufacture and uses fewer parts, while offering added palette colors
and digital stereo internal sound. If this route is taken, expect a
revised Stacy to finally make it into the consumer channels as late as
mid 1990.
Mac users will be livid... even Atari officials concede that a huge
market for the Stacy lies in the Macintosh emulation of the GCR from
Gadgets By Small. At a third the cost of the MAC portable, the Stacy/
GCR looks better and runs faster. On the brighter side, the FCC has no
-home patrol-... so just because Atari can't market through home
computer store channels does not mean you and I can't go buy a Stacy at
the local music store and take it home. This is all part of the wide
and wonderful world of Federal regulation. Makes you feel safe, doesn't
In a move reported to us this week from several sources both in and
outside of Atari, recently appointed President of Atari Computer Mike
Morand has resigned. Reasons for his decision are not public at this
time, but many observers noted that Mike has not participated in recent
public events, a signal that all was not well. Mike was not visible at
COMDEX, despite other Atari officials (from Jack Tramiel on down) being
on hand. It has been suggested that promises of what it would mean to
be President of the family-run Atari Corp may not have panned out as
Morand expected.
Mike's replacement is DAVID HARRIS, a former Atari VP who left two years
ago to start his own calculator company. David arranged to license the
ATARI name for his calculators, and his company was recently merged into
Atari's consumer products division. David is a knowledgeable and
personable businessman who knows what to expect from the Tramiels. We
welcome him and hope that his return to Atari will bring success.
New York retailers, who are trying to keep the new Atari Lynx portable
color video game system on their shelves for holiday shoppers, have been
asking Atari to ship reorders by air. Two New York City retailers
stated that as soon as they receive a new Lynx shipment, they call
customers that are on the waiting list. Any units that aren't spoken
for are rushed to the shelves. Managers at both FAO Schwarz and Kiddie
City said that Manhattan consumers are snatching up the system because
it's the only portable unit available that features full-color graphics
and four-channel sound. People from as far away as Los Angeles are
phoning and asking to have the Lynx shipped to them. In 1990, Atari
plans to produce more than one million Lynx game systems and additional
game cartridges. In addition to California Games, which comes with the
Lynx, other games, including Blue Lightning, Gates of Zendocon,
Electrocop and Chip's Challenge will be arriving soon.
Burger King restaurants will soon begin using an electronic ordering
system and electronic mail as an ordering system to replace manual
methods. Ordering supplies for it's restuarants will become more
accurately and consistent. The e-mail system provides instant
communication between restaurants through hand-held computers, PCs and
point-of-sale work stations.
Atari UK sponsored a 17 date UK tour of female vocalist Julia
Fordham. Fordham appeared at the PC Show earlier at Atari's Music
stand, and Atari was present at each location showing off their
business and entertainment hardware and software.
From: DataQue Software
Post Office Box 134
Ontario, OH 44862
GEnie: DataQue.1
Compuserve: 71777,3223
BBS: (419)529-5197
Subj: Product Information Release #7 November 15, 1989
TURBO-816: For those not familiar with the Turbo-816:
The Turbo-816x is a 16-bit CPU upgrade for the Atari XL/XE computer.
This upgrade will add 16-bit working registers, a 24-bit address bus,
and numerous new addressing modes and instructions. All this new power
is available to new programs written to take advantage of the new CPU,
while maximum compatibility with current hardware, and software is
maintained. Included with the Turbo-816x is a new operating system
PROM, which can be installed to replace your current Atari OS, or using
a switch circuit, used in addition to the Atari OS.
The Turbo-816x is clocked at the same speed as the original Atari CPU,
so that current games and such will run at approximately the same speed
as with the stock CPU. Since the OS, Interrupts, and Floating Point
package are more efficient than the stock OS, existing applications will
realize a speed increase proportional to their OS usage.
The Turbo-816x comes packaged with the following:
- Turbo-816 adapter board for the XL/XE computer systems.
- Turbo-OS Operating System 28-pin PROM (2 for 1200XL).
- CPU 12 inch ribbon cable with connectors.
- Installation, and Operating Directions.
Included also are the following files on two SSSD disks:
T816XRF.DOC Turbo-OS to Atari 400/800 & XL/XE OS cross-ref guide.
T816CAL.DOC Turbo-OS function call information.
T816INC.DOC Turbo-OS MAC/65 compatible include file.
T816MAC.DOC Turbo-816 MAC/65 compatible macros for 65816 instructions.
T816MAP.DOC Turbo-OS memory map guide.
T816BUS.DOC Turbo-816 expansion bus pinout.
T816SYS.DOC Turbo-OS system call examples.
T816PAL.DOC Turbo-OS menu features, and issues.
Several Example files are also included.
TURBO-SRAM/PROM: The Turbo-SRAM/PROM boards are also available now.
These boards will hold two memory devices. Supported types are 62256
(32k SRAM), 66204 (128k SRAM), 27128 (16k EPROM), 27256 (32k EPROM),
27512 (64k EPROM), and 27010 (128k EPROM). Information to configure the
card for other devices is supplied.
Both devices should be the same size, although you may have one SRAM
device, and one PROM device. Normally if the two devices are not the
same size, the board is configured to support the size of the larger,
unless the smaller device is a SRAM, in which case it is suggested that
the card be programmed for that device (due to foldback). This is
programmable within certian limitations.
The Turbo-SRAM/PROM board may be located from $010000 to $08FFFF as
explicit memory, or $090000 to $0FFFFF as expanded memory. The memory
card will only work with the DataQue Turbo-816 proprietary bus
structure. It will not function with a normal 6502 (at least not
without changes). If used as expanded RAM, 4k of the total available
expanded RAM will be dedicated for memory management.
Included with the board is a user guide and 12- ribbon cable with with
connectors. The cable will support one memory card. A larger active
cable will support multiple (eight maximum) cards when released.
TURBO-CALC: Turbo-Calc is a cartridged based spreadsheet program for
the Atari 800/XL/XE/XEGS/T816 systems. It will work with, or without a
Turbo-816 installed. With most DOSes, there is about 20k of space
available for spreadsheet data using Standard RAM. If expanded RAM is
available, the spreadsheet could potentially support up to 8Mb of cell
information. Obviously the Turbo-816 is required to allow access to
expanded RAM.
Turbo-Calc functions may be called one of two ways. You may either use
Hot-Keys to activate all commands and functions, or by a special user
environment. Turbo-View, is a graphical operating system (GOS), which
is resident with application programs. This allows the GOS to be
customized for each application, while maintaining a common
functionality between applications.
Turbo-Calc and Turbo-View source code are available seperately to
registered owners of Turbo-Calc. See the price list for more
information. The source code of Turbo-Calc, allows the beginning 65816
programmer a clear reference as to applying the Turbo-816, while still
maintaining compatibility with the current 8-bit line. The actual
source code remains the property of DataQue Software, and is provided
for reference purposes only.
Turbo-View source has routines for handling drop down menus, buffered
windows, joystick control, and routine selection. The source code is
available to developers to include into their applications. There is a
one-time licensing fee for Turbo-View, for programs which are to be
distributed, in addition to the normal cost of the source code alone.
The only other requirement is that the used of the Turbo-View routines
be acknowledge within the application, as outlined in the provided
PRICING: Current pricing as of 11/15/89.
Prices subject to change without notice. All prices are in US Dollars.
List ---- Quantity Pricing ----
Item Code Description Price 1-2 3-5 6-9 10-20
--------- ---------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
T816X-K Turbo-816 Kit $169.00 $120.00 $108.00 $96.00 $84.00
Turbo-816 for the XL/XE computers.
Includes adapter board, connection cable, Turbo-OS PROM, installation
and usage guide, programming information diskettes. Please indicate
which system (600xl, 800xl, 130xe, or 65xe).
Note: 1200XL function keys and lights are not supported by the Turbo-OS.
Also, to make room for added features the international character set,
and cassette device handler have been removed from all versions of the
Turbo-OS. Installing the Dual-Prom option will allow use of the Atari
OS in applications where those features are desired.
T816X12-K T816 for 1200XL $199.00 $130.00 $118.00 $106.00 $94.00
Same as XL/XE kit, except includes two PROMs for the 1200xl.
T816INS T816 Installation into computer $30.00
Includes installation of a Turbo-816 into an Atari 600XL, 800XL, 65XE,
130XE, or 1200XL. Units will be tested before installation, and will
not be modified if the unit does not pass the test. Price includes any
needed sockets for the CPU and PROM and wire. Dual-Prom installation
includes sockets, wire, and toggle switch. Installations usually have a
two day turn-around. Please provide name, address, and phone number
with unit.
T816IND T816 Installation w/Dual Prom Option $45.00
Includes installation of a Turbo-816 into an Atari 600XL, 800XL, 65XE,
or 130XE. Units will be tested before the installation, and will not be
modified if the unit does not pass the test. Price includes any needed
sockets, wire and toggle switch. Installations usually have a three day
turn-around. Please provide name, address, and phone number with unit.
Not available on 1200XL.
T816-OSW Turbo-OS source listing $200.00
Turbo-OS listing includes a list file of the current version of the
Turbo-OS. It is available only as a listing file. A signed non-
disclosure form, must be included with the order. Write for more
information. This is not for resale, and must be purchased directly by
the developer. Purchase does not grant any usage rights to the
information contained within, other than for writing compatible
applications. Available on either Atari DOS 2.x, or MS-DOS formats.
T816-S16 Turbo-Calc $60.00 $40.00 $36.00 $32.00 $28.00
Turbo-Calc is a cartridge based spreadsheet program. It supports 104
columns and 99 rows of information. It can use either standard or
expanded memory (if t816 installed). Turbo-Calc will work with stock
XL/XE/800 systems using the standard memory. Includes user guide.
T816-S16W above w/src list $80.00 $59.00 $50.00 $45.00 $40.00
The T816-S16W includes the Turbo-Calc cartridge, user guide, and program
listing for the spreadsheet. This is provided for informational
purposes only. Please specify Atari or MS-DOS disk format.
Note: Turbo-View environment not included (see below).
T816-V16W Turbo-View source code $80.00 (private use only)
T816-V16D Turbo-View source code $120.00 (developer use)
Turbo-View is a graphical operating environment, which uses the graphics
0 (antic 2) mode. The source code supplied contains the windowing
routines, and execution control algorithms. Supplied also is the Turbo-
View module of the Turbo-Calc program, to show an actual example of its
use. Purchase of source allows usage in non-distributed programs.
For the developer version of the source code, a signed non-disclosure
form must be included with the order. Write for more information. The
source itself is not for resale, and must be purchased directly by the
developer. Specify Atari or MS-DOS disk format.
We accept personal checks, Money Orders, or cashier's checks made out to
DataQue Software. Personal checks must clear before shipment is made.
If you would prefer a COD delivery, include $5.00 for special handling.
Shipments are shipped via parcel post unless special handling is
indicated. Foreign orders must be a money order drawn on a US bank, and
require an additional $5.00 added to the total amount. Any taxes or
duties are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Dealer purchases require the indicated quantity to receive a discount.
Your initial purchase should include a photocopy of your venders
licence for validation. Diskettes may be mixed to qualify for maximum
discount. Any dealers selling Turbo-816 products must offer
installation at a reasonable cost.
DataQue warrents its products for 1 year on parts (hardware and media),
and 90 days on labor. Shipping to DataQue Software is the
responsibility of the customer, and return postage is payed by DataQue.
Please include a complete description of the problem, and a phone number
in case we need to contact you.
Order Form for DataQue Products:
From: (name)_________________________________________________________
(country/zip code)_____________________________________________
(for computer)_________________________________________________
(order date)______/______/________(PO #)_______________________
Send to: DataQue Software
Post Office Box 134
Ontario, OH 44862
Item # Quantity Part Code Description Each Total
------ -------- --------- ----------------------- ------- --------
__01__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__02__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__03__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__04__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__05__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__06__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__07__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__08__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__09__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
__10__ ________ _________ _______________________ $___.__ $_____.__
total merchandise ........................................... $_____.__
shipping and handling ....................................... $_____.__
additional costs (foreign and COD) .......................... $_____.__
total amount of order ....................................... $_____.__
* Foreign orders must be prepaid by money order drawn on a US bank, and
must include an extra $5.00 processing fee. COD orders are shipped
by USPS COD which are $5.00 additional, and must be payed in cash.
* Diskette orders please include $3.00 for the first diskette, and $0.50
for each additional diskette for shipping and handling.
* Hardware orders please include $5.00 for the first item, and $1.00 for
each additional item for shipping and handling.
In order to connect your 8-bit to the new PORTFOLIO computer, you have
to know three things;
1. You have to have an RS232 interface connected to your 8-bit; the
850, P:R: CONNECTION, or MIO devices all work well for the purpose.
2. You will need a null modem cable. This is a cable which connects
two computers without the need for modems (cutting out the middle
man, so to speak).
3. You will need to make the null modem cable (or have a friend do it
if you subscribe to the ancient Code of the Programmer); -Hey, I
don't do that, it's a hardware problem!-
The PORTFOLIO has file transfer capability... through the parallel
interface. I don't know of any 8-bit aplication to redirect
communication software into the parallel port, so ignore the File
Transfer section in the SETUP application.
The RS232 ports on 8-bit computer interfaces are not compatable with
-standard- RS232 DB-9 cables, (having been developed a few years before
IBM stuck their foot in the PC door); pinouts are as shown below.
1 DTR 1 CD
2 CD 2 RD
3 TD 3 TD
4 RD 4 DTR
9 (none) 9 RI
Fortunately, PORTFOLIO's Serial Interface does conform to this standard,
so that modems and IBM AT cables can be used with it.
One other problem; the diagrams in the Serial Interface manual are wired
wrong. If you intend to make your own standard cables, refer to this
service for the file detailing proper connections. (NOTE: this file may
be found in the ST sections of this service; for CIS, GO ATARIPRO; for
GEnie, type ST.)
Well, Part One ought to have scared the willies out of all but the most
determined Solder-Jockies, so we can now proceed with our interface.
1. Get two (2) DB-9 -D- style connectors; one Male, one Female. (NOTE:
if you don't want to go through the hassles of soldering, pick up
the Radio Shack crimp-style connectors [CAT #276-1427 & 276-1428,
respectively]; with these connectors, all you do is insert the
wires and crimp the pins closed.)
You will also need hoods for your connections; I used the metalized
hoods [276-1513] for my cable, as they offer the shielding ability of
metal with the light weight of plastic.
For the cable, I recommend [278-775] double-shielded cable, especially
for the MIO user; the PBI bus is flat-out full of RFI, and the chance of
data corruption from that monster makes the extra cost worthwile.
Connections are as follows;
+--1 DTR 4 DTR--+
+--2 CD 6 DSR--+
+--6 DSR 1 CD (N/C)
5 GND-------------5 GND
3 TD--------------2 RD
4 RD--------------3 TD
+--7 RTS 7 RTS--+
+--8 CTS 8 CTS--+
9 (N/C) 9 RI (N/C)
Cable shield attached to PF hood ONLY.
Double check your connections before connecting to either computer.
To test your interface, connect the cables to their respective
interfaces and fire up your favorite 8-bit term software (I've used 850
EXPRESS! and BOBTERM with equal results), and set the terminal for 300
baud, half duplex, ATARI. The ATARI mode will be important once you
start binary file transfer.
For PORTFOLIO, go to the RS232 option in the SETUP menu, and set 300
baud, no parity, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, and initialize.
Force the TERM mode on your 8-bit.
At the c> prompt, enter:
Type something in to your Portfolio, press ENTER: your message from
PORTFOLIO should echo on your 8-bit monitor. If not, check the term
program settings, connections, and cable pinouts.
Congratulations! You now have a handheld computer that -talks- with it's
older brother.
The advantages? You can use your full-screen 8-bit for communications
and D/L to your palmtop. You can fill your Portfolio with programs
without having to borrow somebody's IBM.
And, best of all, you can compute respectfully during the day, and
_still_ blast the bloody bejeezus out of DEFENDER at night.
Beautiful downtown Augusta, GA. You've got four Atari BBS's and tens of
others. Competition among SysOps is rough, to say the least, for the
attention of a limited number of users. With a general population of
200something thousand, the CSRA(Central Savannah River Area) is
definitely wallowing gleefully in a glut of Bulletin Board Services.
Most BBS's in the area boast at least 20Megs of on-line storage and some
as much as 200Megs.
Into this huge garden party, introduce a pigheaded, diehard Atari8 user,
a dying BBS, and bingo! You've got four aces. THE FOUR ACES BBS, that
is. Running on an Atari 130xe, 3 U.S. Doubled 1050's, one ATari 810
(can you believe it?), and an Atari SX212 modem, and severely under-
powered, this little BBS continues to amuse, amaze, and attract more
than its fair share of users.
Who, you ask, is this SysOp? Donald Trump? Lee Iacocca? Bill the Cat?
No, Cy Kurtz is the one at the controls of this amazing vessel. Seeing
the BBS in severe trouble due to the ignorance and apathy of a mostly ST
user, Cy asked for (I'll repeat that, asked for) and received steward-
ship of his users' group's BBS. He has been running the Aiken Augusta
Area Atari Computer Enthusiasts (AAAACE) BBS for four months now. Cy
had a rough go of it for a little while, as problems ranging from
telephone company ineptness through modem failures to lack of
documentation plagued the BBS.
Having committed time and, more importantly, money, Cy was not going to
let all of this go to waste. After making the rounds of the self-
appointed geniuses in the area and receiving the same condescending
drivel from most of them, he bought a modem. That brought the system
online once again and Cy was about $80.00 the wiser for it.
Having the system online, while an accomplishment, was hardly enough.
Cy set to work. He downloaded the documentation, now shareware, from
GEnie. With documentation firmly in hand, he set about changing
everything in sight. From the welcome screens, to the logoff screen,
nothing was safe. He changed the upload/download file descriptions to
allow diversification to non-Atari users.
Cy, having realized that the hardware was not able to compete with other
BBS's offering 20Megs and up, began to labor to make the users' online
options more appealing. Zmag began to appear with astonishing
regularity. Online games sprang out of the woodwork. The results were
beginning to show as users returning from long abscenses were pleased to
see that the BBS was not at all what they remembered.
This story of a modern day Prince Charming, whose kiss of hard work,
intelligence, and creativity awakened a sleeping beauty BBS is a much-
needed shot in the arm for the Atari8 telecomputing community. It is
not, by any means, the only good thing happening today for Atari 8-
bitters. Just the only one about which someone has taken the time to
Cy's philosophy, of which he'll inform you with alarming candor, is that
the Atari8 home computer is a machine. Nothing more, nothing less. The
purchasers of which were and still are extremely thrifty and common-
sensical people. Manufacturers and software developers, armed with this
knowledge and unable to offer anything with a similar 'bang for the
buck', have chosen to invest elsewhere.
The burden for the support of the Atari8 line rests squarely on the
users themselves. The sooner we quit protesting simple economic
principles and get up off of our collective duff, the sooner we'll be
able to reap the full value from our machines.
You can call THE FOUR ACES BBS at 404-790-5593. It's online at 3/1200bd
24hrs/day unless Cy's working on it.
Innovative Concepts (I.C.)
31172 Shawn Drive
Warren, MI 48093 USA
Phone: (313) 293-0730
BBS: Coming Soon!
CompuServe: 76004,1764 GEnie: I.C.
As of December 1st, 1989, we are now shipping version 2.0 of our XF35
Kit ROM. Owners who purchased the kit before that date (has -Rev. 1.0-
labeled on the ROM), can now upgrade to this enhanced version, for only
$10, along with their original XF35 Kit ROM. Or, for those who prefer
to keep the original XF35 ROM, you can send in $15, along with a copy of
your receipt, and have the upgraded ROM as well. Note: These prices
INCLUDE S&H for USA/APO/FPO orders. Add $3.50 for Canada/Mexico, or
$6.50 for all other countries.
Features: The Upgraded XF35 ROM fixes that -No DOS- error message, that
you normally see on first boot-up. Next, the density change problems
(from single to do double, or vice versa) has been fixed. Also, the
read/write time has been further optimized. A real time-saver, when
copying several files!
Special THANKS to Bob Woolley, for his continuing efforts on this XF35
Kit project, and helping us make them available to the Atari community!
Hey Bob, I want to see that Super-Deluxe Drive Controller! <grin>
This text file originated on CompuServe and GEnie, and may be freely
distributed, as long as it remains intact, unchanged.
POKEY STEREO UPGRADE by C. Steinman (GEnie User: DataQue.1)
Presented 12/16/1989
Information file for adding stereo to an Atari 8-bit computer using two
pokey chips. Note: Installation of this modification will void any
warranty you may have on your computer. Chuck Steinman, DataQue
Software, or GEnie telecommunication service cannot be held responsible
for the installation of this upgrade or any incidental or consequential
damage to any equipment or persons using this upgrade or any variation
of it. In other words.... you are on your own.
This is upgrade version #1. It will only provide stereo output for
software written specifically for this upgrade. It will not produce
stereo output for existing software. Also, the keyclick will NOT be
fed into the stereo outputs, as it does not originate from POKEY.
A) Parts Needed:
1) Second Atari POKEY Audio Chip
a) BEST CO12294 $5.00
b) B&C ComputerVisions C2294 $3.50
2) 74LS14/74HCT14 Inverter
a) BEST (74LS14) CO16541 $0.30
b) Jameco (74HCT14) 74HCT14 $0.29
3) 1000 Ohm, 1/4 Watt Metal Film 2-5% Tolerance
a) Jameco (10 lot) R1.0K $0.50 for 10
b) Radio Shack (2 lot) Dont know P# or $
4) Two RCA style phono jacks
a) Radio Shack, Jameco or other electronics outlet
5) Two 0.01 (or close) 16V (or more) bypass capacitors.
Jameco DC.01 $0.10 each
6) Two short (6-12- each) sections of shielded audio cable.
7) A standard dual RCA to RCA patch cable.
8) Optionally two 50k single turn trimmer pots.
Jameco 63P50K $0.89 each
B) Hardware
1) Inverter Information
a) Bend up all pins of the inverter except for pins 7 and 14.
b) Cut off the narrow part of the pins which were bent up.
c) Install the inverter over top of the existing 74LS14 (or another
74LS part if more convenient) on the motherboard. Make sure that
the new chip has its locator notch/dot on the same end as the
chip below it.
d) Solder pins 7 and 14 of the inverter to the same pins of the
lower IC.
e) Run a small wire (wire wrap type works best) from pin-1 of the
inverter to pin-13 of the CPU. The CPU is part number CO14806 on
the XL/XE series.
f) On the old POKEY there is a 3k pullup resistor connected between
pin-31 and Vcc. You will need to unsolder this resistor and
remove it.
g) Run a small wire from pin-2 of the inverter to pin-3 of the
inverter, and then on to POKEY pin-31. Note, you can use the pad
where the resistor was just removed. Be sure to get the correct
2) POKEY Information
a) Bend up all pins on the new POKEY which are marked with a minus
on the diagram. This includes POKEY pins: 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,
15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28, and 29.
b) Cut off the narrow part of each pin bent up.
c) Tin each lead which was NOT bent up. This includes pins 1,2,3,4,
5,6,7,17,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 and 40. These pins are
marked in the diagram as *,>>, or <<.
d) Now, bend up the pins indicated by the >> and << symbols. Do not
cut these pins short.
e) Place the new POKEY on top of the old POKEY in a piggy-back
f) Solder the unbent pins of the new POKEY to the old POKEY. If
your original POKEY was in a socket, then it is easier to connect
the two if it is removed. Make sure no excess solder flows down
the pins to the narrow part of the OLD POKEY. Reinsert both
POKEYs into the original socket.
g) Solder the 1k resistor from pin 37 to Vcc. The most convenient
location to pick up Vcc is where the 3k resistor was removed
h) Solder a wire from pin-31 of the new POKEY to pin-4 of the
i) Mount the two RCA jacks on the rear of the case, preferably in an
area close to the POKEYs.
j) Solder a bypass capacitor to each of the center conductors of the
RCA jacks.
* k) With the trim-pot knob facing you, pin 1 should be to the left
side. Solder a wire from this pin on each trimmer, to a ground
trace on the motherboard.
* l) Connect the free end of the bypass capacitor to the center pin of
the trimmer (one capacitor to each trimmer).
* m) Connect the shields of the audio cables to the provided solder
lugs on each RCA connector, and the center conductor of the free
terminal of each trimmer.
n) Connect the center conductor of the free end of the audio cable
which is connected to the left RCA jack/trimmer/cap to pin-37 of
p) Connect the center conductor of the free end of the audio cable
which is connected to the right RCA jack/trimmer/cap to pin-37 of
q) The shield of the audio cable on the POKEY end, should be cut and
taped (or heat shrinked) so that it does not touch anything.
r) Run a 18-20 AWG wire from the ground lug of the RCA jacks to the
wide ground area on the motherboard. This normally makes contact
with the shield box that covers the motherboard.
s) You will now be able to connect the two RCA cables to an AUX (or
Tape) level input of a stereo or boom box.
* t) I would suggest centering the trimmers in their travel, and
adjusting them as needed to get the best clarity. You may want
to glue the trimmers to the back of the cabinet to keep them from
moving around.
* NOTE: On my system the POKEY outputs worked fine without the
trimmers. So I just connected the bypass capacitor on each RCA jack to
the apropriate audio cable center conductor. This was driving an AUX
350mV input of a Pioneer SPEC-1 preamplifier.
POKEY Pinout
____ ____
| \/ |
Vss *| 01 40 |* D2
D3 *| 02 39 |* D1
D4 *| 03 38 |* D0
D5 *| 04 37 |>> Audio Out
D6 *| 05 36 |* A0
D7 *| 06 35 |* A1
02 *| 07 34 |* A2
Pot-6 -| 08 33 |* A3
Pot-7 -| 09 32 |* R/W
Pot-4 <<| 10 31 |<< CS1
Pot-5 -| 11 30 |* /CS0
Pot-2 -| 12 29 |- /IRQ
Pot-3 -| 13 28 |- Serial Data Out
Pot-0 -| 14 27 |- A Clock
Pot-1 -| 15 26 |- B Clock
Key Strobe 2 -| 16 25 |- Key Strobe 1
Vcc *| 17 24 |- Serial Data In
Keyboard-5 -| 18 23 |- Keyboard-0
Keyboard-4 -| 19 22 |- Keyboard-1
Keyboard-3 -| 20 21 |- Keyboard-2
C) POKEY Registers:
I will only elaborate on registers used to produce sound in the stereo
upgrade. All registers which were in the original POKEY will appear in
the second POKEY 16 bytes higher in memory. The extra UART, key
scanner, and pot scanner could be used for all kinds of neat projects.
Location Name R/W Function
-------- ------ --- ---------------------------------------------
$D200 AUDF1 W Audio Channel #1 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D201 AUDC1 W Audio Channel #1 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D202 AUDF2 W Audio Channel #2 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D203 AUDC2 W Audio Channel #2 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D204 AUDF3 W Audio Channel #3 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D205 AUDC3 W Audio Channel #3 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D206 AUDF4 W Audio Channel #4 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D207 AUDC4 W Audio Channel #4 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D208 AUDCT1 W Audio control for channels 1-4
$D20F SKCTL1 W Serial Port Control
$D210 AUDF5 W Audio Channel #5 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D211 AUDC5 W Audio Channel #5 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D212 AUDF6 W Audio Channel #6 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D213 AUDC6 W Audio Channel #6 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D214 AUDF7 W Audio Channel #7 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D215 AUDC7 W Audio Channel #7 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D216 AUDF8 W Audio Channel #8 Frequency (Divide F/n)
$D217 AUDC8 W Audio Channel #8 Control (Vol/Distort)
$D218 AUDCT2 W Audio control for channels 5-8
$D21F SKCTL2 W Serial Port Control
Each Audio Channel Frequency Register is an 8-bit value which is a
divisor of the primary frequency.
Each Audio Channel Control Register Controls the Volume and Distortion
of each channel. The bits are assigned as follows:
----vvvv Volume control bits. Range controls vol. as follows:
0000 lowest volume level
1111 highest volume level
---s---- Volume only bit. Directly controls audio output:
0 Speaker output is off
1 Speaker output is on
ddd----- Distortion code. Code is assigned as follows:
000 5-bit/17-bit poly noise
001 5-bit poly noise
010 5-bit/4-bit poly noise
011 5-bit poly noise
100 17-bit poly noise
101 pure tone
110 4-bit poly noise
111 pure tone
The AUDCTn register controls all channels. There are several functions
assigned to this register as follows:
bit-7 Makes 17-bit poly into 9-bit poly counter
bit-6 Clock Channel-1 with 1.79 MHz (CPU rate)
bit-5 Clock Channel-3 with 1.79 MHz (CPU rate)
Bit-4 Join channel 1 and 2 to form 16-bit range
Bit-3 Join channel 3 and 4 to form 16-bit range
Bit-2 Insert filter in channel-1, clocked by channel-2
Bit-1 Insert filter in channel-2, clocked by channel-4
Bit-0 Switch clock base from 64kHz to 15kHz
The SKCTLn register controls various functions of the POKEY device, and
only has to be initialized to a value of three to assure all four
channels of POKEY are active.
Note: To detect if the upgrade is installed, look at the 8 extra pots,
they will be all zero. Also the key code register will be also zero.
If you compare the keycode at $D209 with that of $D219, and $D219 is
zero, the upgrade is installed. You may want to mask IRQ's during the
test for safety.
Let me know what wild things you all come up with for this upgrade...
and in a few days I will try to have the version 2 upgrade, if it is
possible. thanks, Chuck
ZMagazine (Last Issue) Issue #183. December 18, 1989
Syndicate ZMagazine/Rovac ZMagazine May 1, 1986 - December 31, 1989
All Issues Copyright (c)1986,1987,1988,1989,1990 Rovac Industries, Inc.
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