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The W.A.R.î.Z. Magazine
iSSUî # FiVî!!
MORî /<-/<00|_ |]00|]îTTîZ
Wow, i have finally gotten around to to starting the fifth issue of this
magazine. I have a lot of k-k00l d00dz to cover in the 916 a/c..w00i33!
Thuh Lame List
1) Exodus - Wh0a, bring on the 0-day..pffft, bahaha, fuck the lamer.
2) Grandmaster - Oh he is cool..he tried to upload me a virus in mail!
3) Warlord/Exodus - Ya, exodus again, AND Warlord..i think they are in bed
right now..the SAME bed..fuck them fagz
4) Ironman - W0w d00d! how 3133+3! fuck that lamer too heh :)
5) Critios - W00 h00 go s.t.i.f. buhaha, he is a k-kool ansi drawer..
pffft, ya, he is trying to SELL, LAME ansi..he also is
uh..um, LAME PERIOD>!
Now I am going to tell a story about EXODUS.
Exodus i have known for a while, and he is probably the lamest of the lamers.
I saw him in public, buttfucking a cop..go figure! What the hell? I didn't
know he was gay. Shit, until i had some suspicion as he posted "What is a
pussy?" on some oneliners..then i SAW him..whoa shit, that was not a perty site.
He was so lame, he had to try and switch his handle. Then he was STILL lame.
He was noticed in about a day. Anyways, if you don't like faggets, keep him
off your board..and if you don't like lamers, keep him off..he thinks he is
super elite..
Wow, you thought you knew what a lamer was? WRONG..this guy logged on my
board and actually posted "I can fuck longer than any guy in the world and
cum more than anyone." This is NOT some STORY..its TRUE..keep this male SLUT
and fag off your board!
Exodus's husband, is yet another fag
Exodus's and Warlord's son, who is now the new husband of Exodus, now that his
dad and exodus are fighting right now..confusing? one word..NASTY
Wow, if you have any more lamers in the 916 to report, let a w.a.r.e.z. mag
writer know about it! =) i enjoy putting them to shame..
Stay toon SOON, because there will be probably some quick issue's coming.