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º Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter #0077 º
º Date Released : [08/31/92] Author: Studmuffin º
º How To Properly Hold A Satanic Ritual. º
Well its been a while since a new VaS came out. Why? Because I have
been busy putting in a new hard disk over here at LiVE WiRE BBS, so we're up
to 250 megs <and 4600 or so tfiles!>. But I figured since we hadnt done much
lately, heres something good.
First our typical plea for writers, we need you guys to contribute
stuff so VaS doesnt die. We have lasted this long, lets keep going until the
end of eternity.
Anyhow this issue will tell you exactly how to hold a proper satanic
ritual as explained by a bald dude with a fumanchu named Anton Szandor LaVey,
I wish I knew his number so I could recruit him as a VaS author.
1. Person performing ritual stands facing the altar and symbol of
Baphomet throughout ritual, except when other positions are
specifically indicated.
2. If posible, altar should be against the west wall.
3. In rituals performed one person the role of priest is not
required. When more than one person is involved in the
ceremony, one of them must act as priest. In a private ritual the
sole performer follows the instructions of the priest.
4. Whenever the words "Shemhamforash!" and "Hail Satan!" are spoken by
the person acting as priest, the other participants will repeat
the words after him. The gong is struck following the other
participants' response to "Hail Satan".
5. Conversing (except within the context of the cerimony) and smoking
are prohibited after the bell is rung at the beginning, until
after it is again rung at the end of the ritual.
6. The book of Belial contains the principles of Satanic magic and
ritual. BEFORE attempting the rituals in The Book of Leviathan,
it is impeprative that you read and understand the complete Book
of Belial. Until you have done so, no degree of success can be
expected from the thirteen steps which follow.
1. Dress for ritual.
2. Assemble devices for ritual; light candles and shut out all
outside light sources; place parchments to right and left of
altar as indicated.
3. If a woman is used as the altar she now takes her position - head
pointing south, feet pointing north.
4. Purification of the air by ringing of the bell.
5. "Invocation to Satan" and "Infernal Names" which follow are now
read aloud by priest. Participants will repeat each infernal name
after it has been said by priest.
6. Drink from chalice.
7. Turning counter-clockwise, the priest points with the sword to
each cardinal point of the compass and calls forth the respective
Princes of Hell: Satan from the south, Lucifer from the east,
Belial from the north and Leviathan from the west.
8. Perform benediction with the phallus (if one is used).
9. Priest reads aloud appropriate invocation for respective cerimony:
Lust, Compassion, or Destruction.
10. In the case of a personalized ritual this step is extremely
important. Solitude is compatible with the expressing of the most
secret desires, and no attempt to "hold back" should be made in
the acting out, verbalizing, or casting of images pertaining to
your desires. It is at this step that your "blueprint" is drawn,
wrappeed, and sent off to the recipient of your working.
(A) To Summon One For Lustful Purposes Or Establsh A Sexually
Gratifying Situation.
Leave the area of the altar and remove yourself to that place,
either in the same room or without, that will be msot conductive to
the working of the respective ritual. Then, fashion whatever imagery
you possibly can that will parallel in as exact a way as possible the
situation towards which you strive. Remeber, you have five senses to
utilize, so do not feel you must limit your imagery to one. Here are
devices that may be employed (either alone, or in any combination):
a. graphic imagery such as drawings, paintings, etc.
b. written imagery such as stories, plays, descriptions
of desires and eventual outcome of same.
c. acting out the desire in tableu or playlet, either as
yourself or portraying the role of the object of your
desire, using any devices necessary to intensify imagery.
d. any odors relative to the desired person or situation.
e. any sounds or background noises conductive to a strong
Intense sexual feeling should accompany this step of the
ritual, and after sufficient imagery is obtained, as strong an
orgasm as is possible should serve as a climax to this step. This
climax should be attained using any masturbatory or auto-erotic means
neccessary. After orgasm is obtained, return to the location of the
altar and proceed with step #11.
(B) To Insure Help Or Success For One Who Has Sympathy Or Compassion
(Including Yourself).
Remain in close proximity of the altar and with as vivid a
mental image as possible of the person you wish to help (or intense
self-pity), state your desire in your own terms. Should your emotions
be genuine enough, they will be accompanied by the shedding of tears,
which should be allowed to flow without restraint. After this exercise
in sentiment is completed, proceed to step #11.
(C) To Cause The Destruction Of An Enemy.
Remain in the area of the altar unless imagery is more easily
obtained in another spot, such as in the vicinity of the victim.
Producing the image of the victim, proceed to inflict the destruction
upon the effigy in the manner of your choice. This can be done in
the following ways:
a. the sticking of pins or nails into a doll representing
your victim; the doll may be cloth, wax, wood, etc.
b. the creation of graphic imagery depicting the method of
your victim's destruction; drawings, paintings, etc.
c. the creation of a vivid literary description of your
victim's ultimate end.
d. a detailed soliloquy directed at the intended victim,
describing his torments and annihilation.
e. mutilation, injury, infliction of pain or illness by proxy
using any other means or devices desired.
Intense, calculated hatred and disdain should accompany this
step of the cerimony, and no attempt should be made to stop this
step until the expended energy results in a state of relative
exhaustion on the part of the magician. When this exhaustion ensues,
proceed to step #11.
11(a). If requests are written, they are now read aloud by the priest
and then burned in the flames of the appropriate candle.
"Shemhamforash!" and "Hail Satan!" is said after each request.
11(b). If requests are given verbally, participants (one at a time)
now tell them to the priest. He then repeats in his own words
(those which are most emotionally stimulating to him) the
request. "Shemhamforash!" and "Hail Satan!" is said after
each request.
12. Appropriate Enochian Key is now read by the priest (See the VaS
SaTaN series) as evidence of the participant's allegiance to the
Powers of Darkness.
13. Ringing of the bell as pollutionary, and then the words "So It Is
Done" are spoken by the priest.
Anyhow kiddies, thats all for this issue. Have fun holding your
Satanic rituals, if you decide to hold one, be sure to invite me!
º BBS Name Number Baud Sysop Title º
º LiVe WiRE BBS (313)464-1470 14.4 Studmuffin World HQ º
º Floating Pancreas (305)551-0311 14.4 Majestic Cockster Dist. #1 º
º Midian BBS (703)790-8048 14.4 The Raging Golemn Dist. #2 º
º CHaoTiC BeHaVioR (717)652-7096 16.8 Chaos Dist. #3 º
º Land Of Silence (418)687-2448 14.4 Coaxial Karma Dist. #4 º
º VaS Voice Mail Box ... (313) 910-3030 ... Toll Free In Michigan! º
º Studmuffin can be reached via internet at the address: dmitchel@ais.org º
º And To Reach us Via U.S. Mail, Send Letters To: º
º VaS World Headquarters º
º P.O. Box 530768 º
º Livonia,MI 48153 º