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º Vaginal and Anal Secretions Newsletter #0073 º
º Date Released : [08/01/92] Author: The VaS Crew º
º Meet The VaS GuyS. º
Well, The purpose of this article is to let you guys out there who
actually enjoy this rectal rejection find out just what kind of phucked up
freaks we are here at vAs. eacH auTHor WaS Given the assignment of writing
a short profile on themselves, and here they are... now you will truly know
whos fucked up here..
-------------======[ NoCTuRNuS - LoRd oF AnTiNeyGroDom ]======--------------
Gods transform me, this storm will cleanse me, hear the laws I shall
not heed.... Blah blah blah..... EICH! Uffen den Farfugnugen..
tHe EpIc tAlE oF NoCtURnuS, lOrD Of AwL fEvERs aNd PlAGuE.
Greets, again. The reason i haven't been writing in a long time is
because i've been busy. If you are pissed because you haven't read
my volumes of glorious philosphy, fuck off.
Now back to me. a Long time ago, a dood named Tzeentch appeared on
the 714 modempunk scene. I mainly called PD systems, and RPG BBS's
and thought 'this blows rancid emu nards..' and looked for something
more intresting to do. So, I called a modem pal, a dude named Horus
(Looks like an oriental Elvis) who just got into the UlTiMatEsT
'WaReZZzZ Scene'. It was fun, for about two days. Then I started
getting into the Phun shit, by joining a then forming group called
P/HARM. With the help of my friend Cyberpunk. During this time I
changed my Handle to VAMPYRE. I then turned 16 and we started dooing
Gnarly drugs, and burglarizing Ma Bell for Fun and profit. It was a
blast. Then, Cyberpunk got nailed for an Unrelated Burglary, and
P/HARM stopped Burglarizin' in phavor of the more mellow stuff, such
as beige boxing and code hacking.
DISASTER STRiKES!: Actually, PHArm just broke up due to prezident
Dopey's Nasty Cocaine habit. the group split, and our sites went
I quit Modempunking for about 6 months, and started Raving. IT was
ok I guess, But my Favorite form of Music is DEATH/GRiNDCorE. I like
some Industrial stuff like Laibach. Hardcore Techno is cool on
occasion, also. I started using meth regularly, and I got bored and
got sick of waking up not knowing where I was. I got sick and tired
of fucking up. I couldn't remeber, allot, and my school grades went
to shit.
Nocturnus Mellows Out: It was during this time that i met my current
Girl friend, Who helped pull me out of the shit my life was in. The
Only drugs I do now are Meth(once in awhile at least), Pot Shrooms,
Acid, and Occasionally MDMA(X for you Idiots).
Nocturnus Joins the Circus: I started Modeming agian. 714 sucked
slop, so I started PBX hacking. And Calling LD. It was also during
this time I started Buying Selling 'Sterile' Firearms. This Quicky
got sticky, and I still have a Warrant out there.... hehehe. I got
Busted, got probabtion, and don't sell them anymore. So DON'T ask me
to get you one, assholes. I was into the NuKE scene(not a member,
mind you) But they broke up, and I was pissed. I continue to Hack,
Phreak, Destroy Ma-Bell Property,
I get fucked up(not as Much as I used to. I then Saw an ad for a
board called PoT(which is DOWN) and I saw some .TXT files by people
as Sick and fucked up as I was. So, I wrote one. and here I am. My
Specialties are 'Social Engineering', Internet stuff, Burglary, and
'boxing'. I'm also a competent PBx hack(you know Sys75,85, ROLM..etc)
Learning VAXEN VMS, and will be messing with your mind shortly.
I have a DEEP Hatred for Ma-Bell. THey must all be destroyed. kill
kill, maim, Dismember, Lick up the Steaming Entrails.
ALWAYS fuck with the Fone CO. They rip us off Daily. fuck them.
Well, Thats all I can think of. Special Thanx to Alison, Marc, Greg,
Cyberpunk, Dopey, and the ole' PHARM Crew, Wherever you are!
Greets to : LOD. You guys are my HEROES!!!(and they should be yours
Line Breaker
Eythl Meatplow
Cannible Corpse, GodFlesh, Morbid Angel, Deicide,
Entombed, Carcass, Obituary, Napalm Death,
Carnage/Dismember, FLA, Osiris, Mindfuck Productions,
Suffocation, Gorguts, Jon and Exhumed,
9mm Hollow points, Glock series of weapons, Styer-AUG,
Disharmonic Orchestra, Cathedral, Lysergic Acid,
Laibach, And all Phreaks and Hacks Everywhere!
A Nice 'Blow ME you worthless Hack' and Fuck off to: MA-Bell
Megadeth(Dave you SUCK Live, you rancid piece of filth) Glam fools, Dirty
Naygroes, Catholic Highschools, Orange County Youth Athority, Spics, Dinks,
gooks, and nips, Trisha, the Cure, all GTE manholes, the idiot who Invented
the Phrase d00d, r0d3nt slime, Cisco shit by Everclear, CMS enhancements,
and Corporate Slime, Pigs, and Narcs everywhere.
flamers can't do Anything right. I'd like to see you hack your way out of a
Paper bag. and the Largest Hairiest Piece of r0d3ntious filth in existance
'Sadist' aka WEE TRAN, Crank this tard at 714-531-9666. Thank you.
------------------======[ ® PR“áˆúX ¯ - HaCkiNg D0oD ]======-----------------
Handle: PROBE-X
Call me: Chris
Past handles: Cinds II
Handle origin: Beats the fuck outta me
Date of Birth: July 20, 1979
Age at current date: 13
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Computer: XT-DOS & MINIX
I like computers. Just started this stuff a while ago. I have done a little
hacking like 10 or 15 accounts in the last 5 months and it's really boring
until you finally get it. I first owned a ZX81, then an Apple II, and Short
-lived Tandy 6000 running Xenix and now a XT with Minix. I started all this
when I had my Apple and I started out with a 300 baud Micromodem IIe and I
hacked USGS and even cracked a game, 1987 Packman. Now I have a XT and I can
do a little stuff but nothing big. I even make some money helping my dads
friends and other small businesses with their systems and security and i'm
saving to get a 486 so I can run 386BSD when a more stable release comes out.
I don't make computers a big deal and I don't really want a 386 or 486 anyways
but I like Unix so what the hell. I like all kinds of foods, Pizza, Hamburger
(Not the tape from Mcdonalds) and Mexican and Italian food. I am Italian by
the way but I can't speak much Italian. I nearly died when I was 6 or 7 but I
can't really remember, I had some kind of disease. hah. Gone now. I love
parties and alot of my friends around here don't know how to turn on a
computer so I really don't use it much. I like lots'a music, lots'a Rock and
a little rap (not that jump jump pump up the bass shit). I can't stand Heavy
Metal cause it's worse than jump jump pump up the bass shit. I'm stable on
Acohol but this stuff makes me (no joke) bang my head. I've released a lot of
t-files. Well not a LOT but enough. I made various stuff like the complete BT
North America (Tymnet) list and a Sprintnet (Telenet) list and various other
networks and some PD stuff that is worth d/ling like a list of legitimate
1-800 support systems and a list (and how to use) the free Merit shit. Also
I wrote some shitty UI newsletters (long dead, never really existed group).
I also wrote (or got from Usenet) some VaS articles and more are coming...
My girlfriend, Lisa, is also 13 and she is real cool about everything. She
used to go out with me last year and then we broke up but now everythings
back together. After I showed her how, she hacked two VMB's. She is also real
fun to be with when her mom and dad aren't fighting. They should have been
divorced years ago, her mom is a real fucking bitch. They fight about stupid
things like why her dad forgot the tomatoes or why he bought a lottery
ticket. Real fucking stupid. Anyways, I used to live in Marquette (in the
Upper Penunisula of Michigan) and it's real sweet there and when we move
back, I'm gonna open a big 'free speech' multiline BBS. I love the snow and
the woods, I like hiking (not really much camping though) and there's a big
Bell building there. I started hacking and stuff after I moved here so I
really didn't know it was useful. heh. L8r..
Net E-Mail: ccappuc@caticsuf.cati.CSUFresno.EDU
BBS: Live Wire BBS (313)464-1470 E-Mail to Cinds II
---------------======[ SiR RoBiN - S0oPeR SoAkeR FieND ]======---------------
By: Sir Robin
Now today we're going to talk about me. In order for me to do this, (And the
fact that it's 3:45 Am and I'm bored as hell) I'll discuss Me in third person.
Me is quite young, a teenager who is the youngest in his high school
freshman class. Me is quite bored with all forms of life, and is thinking of
things to do. Me decides to Make Not-Me's lives hell, and think that's funny.
Me is quite strange, or so the Not-Me's say. Me is writing this thing because
Sutdmuffin (A Not-Me) told me to. Me has semi-long, dark-brown hair, and me
has strange eyes, that change with whatever color cloth me is wearing.
Me wrote V.a.s. Number 70, and Me think every Not-Me would like it. Me is
currently working on stuff, which may show up somewhere soon. Me lives in
Michigan. Me is tired of writing stuff for Not-Me's. Me is tired of writing
third person.
Well, Kids, let's play count how many times the word "Me" was in this little
part of the file. I'm working on some other stuff, so keep watching.
<Sir Robin '92 - YAWN>
------======[ PHReaK_ACCiDeNT - PuBLiC EnEmY #1 oF 313 PD BoArDs ]======-----
Well since P_A was t0o lazy to write this, and since i know him better than
anyone else around here, i'm ghost writing it... <me being STudMuFFiN> This
will be short...
HoBbiEs: Deafening me with his cRAP music. Driving like a maniac. Stealing
radar detectors with me and Running through pitch black woods after stealing
radar detectors. Generally creating havoc and dealing on hot sexy slut slave
women. Flirting with death. Beating on the h0mosExuaL FbI ageNTs Wh0 KePt
TrYiNg to buSt PoT BBS FoR HaViNG IllEgAl NaKed ChInChillA aNd KiM0do DragoN
GiFs iN 4-CoLor CGA.
QuoTeaBlE QuOtes: 'I Dont Run unless its from the cops' - on running for fun.
'Dude you are a freak' - on me.
'I hAd loTs oF FuN FuCKiNG 15 HoT aNd
HoRnY 17 YeAr OlD ChEeRLeaDerS AnD
ThEn Spl0oGiN All OVeR TheIr FaCes' - on his daily
Dislikes: aLL 313 UseRs eXcePt abOut 5 oF TheM. BuSCh BeeR. FaT ChicKs.
ThE LoCaL BaCoN-BiT PaTr0l (PoLiCe ThAt iS).
Ph0to nOt AVaiLaBle.
---------======[ STuDMuFFiN - PRoTeSt0r oF GriTz & CHiTLiNs ]======-----------
UsEr Pr0FilE: StudMuffiN of VaS FaME.
Well since I am the creator of this vile concoction of slimy badger pus here
is where you get to learn what makes me tick.
HandLe: StuDMufFin
agE: 17
HoW I GoT staRted In ComPutInG: I fOuNd a K-RaD TeXtFile on How To Ch0w oN
FestErInG MouNDs oF RotTiNg SeA uRchINs AnD DeCiDeD TheN T0 iNcreAse My PeniS
LeNgth tri-F0lD anD BeCum a M0deM d0oD.
PasT FaiLed GrOuP AttEmPTs: CoH, A GreaT CraCkIng GroUp We Had ForMed in 3i3,
We haD a SteaDy SuPPlIEr. T0o Bad We OnLy KneW hOw tO CraCK Sect0r-Edit Doc
CheCkZ AHahaha. AfTer RelEasIng 3 Fine WaRez We BrOke Up. TheN TheRe WaS
USA - UnitEd SoCiEtY oF AnArChy. AfTer 1 Mag oF oLd T-FilE RePrinTs We CaLLEd
it quiTs. aLPHa LaStEd a WhoLE 2 IssuEs <RepRinTed As VaS #2 and #3>. We HaD
Big PlAns But No TiMe. AcE - AnSi CrEaToRs ExTrOiDiNArE. HaD a FeW ArTiSts But
T0o LaZy To GeT a GrOuP ToGeTheR. ThEn CaMe VaS - My PrIdE anD J0y. I L0Ve VaS
LiKE i L0vE My EvIl TwiN BroTher Wh0 WaS PartLY AboRted At BiRTh AnD LiVes in
My AbDoMen.
LiKEs : TeXTFilEs - KnOWLedGe iS PoWer. LiFe is ShOooOrT, ExPerImenT wiTH
EvERy TypE 0f DruG ThaT eXiSTs. LiFe LiFe On The Edge. AlS0 F0oD LikeS aRe
PiZZa, TaC0 Bell, Play-D0uGh, c0W PiEs, Ko0Sh BaLL StriNgs, AnD The EnTiRe
ReCIpE SeT FoR ThE CaNniBaLS C0oKbo0K. MuSic LiKEs - NoTHInG CoMmeRciAL. I
HaTe GnR, New MeTaLLiCa, NeW AnYThIng. I LikE 0ld MeTaLLiCa, 0Zzy, RuSh,
AnThRax, and BeaStiE BoyS. I AlS0 LiKE t0 EaT ThE WoRmS ouT Of All ThE Tequila
BotTleS aT DruG StoRes And WrAp AluMiNum FoiL aRouND My HeaD As I WaLk ARoUND
ThE MaLl.
DiSLiKEs : PeOPle Who SaY VaS iS LaME, yeT I DoN't See TheM CoNTriButiNg a
FuCKing THiNG TO The MoDem WorLd. 0 DaY WaReZ d0oDz. I D0 AppReCeaTe The WorK
GreaT GuYs LiKE iNC, ThG, RaZoR, FlT and others Do, But PeoPle Wh0 LeT WaReZ
TaKE oVer TheIr LiVEs And TheIr Ph0Ne BiLLs And HAvE MoMMy Buy TheM a 486/50
wItH 5 GiGs, 6 LiNes, and 6 USr DS 16.8k's to Go WiTh iT JUSt to RuN a BoArd,
AnD TheN Say 'Oh CoMputErS areNt My LIFe'. HAha YeaH RiGht. AlSo DiSLikE:
ChUrCh PHreaKs. I HaTe ChURch, I dOnt BeleIVe in God (No iM nOT a SaTaNisT or
HAri KrIShNa) i DoNT BeLEIVE in AnyThiNg I CannOt See Or ToUch. AlSO: DiSLiKE
LamErs WiTh HanDlEs That INSiNuaTe That The PeRson iS KnOWlEdgeaBle iN aNy
UnDerGrouND ActIviTy Wh0 DoN't KnoW ShiT aBout WhaT TheY aRe TaLkING About.
AlS0 PeOPle AfRaiD tO TrY DrugS oR oTher ILleGaL AcTiViTiES. I WiLl do AnyThing
ThaT IM ReaSonAblY SuRe I Wont EitHEr Die From 0r G0 To JaiL FoREVER. FiNaLly
i DiSLiKE AnY BiTch Wh0 CaN ReFuSe The AlMigHty PeNis PoWeR sworD oF...
\/\/\/ S T u D M u F F i N \/\/\/\_____
GReeTs Go 0uT To The PhoLLoWiNg:
MaJeStiC CoCKStEr - For A GreaT BoArd & aN ALLaR0uND K0oL DuDe.
The RagiNg GoLEMn - WHeeeereeee Arrreeeeee Yoouuuuuuuu.
313 LaMeRs - YoU All SuCk The SweaT oFf A NeGr0s WrINkLy BaLLs.
PhReAK_AccIdEnt - We MuST PaRty s0oN. I NeeD BeEr.
JaG oNe & HoMey - FoR The GReaT AnSis <esPeCiALy HoMey Ahaha>.
PhAnToM AccOuNt - HowS CaRdING 92' CoMiNG ALoNG?
NoCtuRNus - For Kn0WiNg THe BIbLe S0 WeLL.
EggPlAnt - LooKs LiKe We No LoNgEr NeeD The VaS CouRrIeR eH?
NoN-VaS-LoVeRs - YoU JeWiSh-BiBle-PHReaK-FlAmIng-HoMoSeXuAL-NiGGeRs SuCk.
EvErYoNe ELSe - KeEP ReaDiNg VaS We Are LearNINg T0 SPeLL!
Ice T - HeY puT Yer ALbUM oN SaLe s0oN. BoDy CouNT SoNDs CooL.
SoRry For The Big DeLay In ReLeaSe... I WoULD HaVe DoNe It LasT NiGht But I
CouLdN't EVeN StaNd UP StRaIGh For SoME ReaS0n <WoNdEr If IT haD AnyThiNg To
Do WIth The AppRoXiMatELy 9-10 BeERs i DRaNk... NaHhhh...>.
HeY iTs OVer! St0P ReadiNG YoU FuCkIng IDi0T! CaLL LiVe WiRe!
º BBS Name Number Baud Sysop Title º
º LiVe WiRE BBS (313)464-1470 14.4 Studmuffin World HQ º
º Floating Pancreas (305)551-0311 14.4 Majestic Cockster Dist. #1 º
º VaS Voice Mail Box ... (313) 910-3030 ... Toll Free In Michigan! º
º And To Reach us Via U.S. Mail, Send Letters To: º
º VaS World Headquarters º
º P.O. Box 530768 º
º Livonia,MI 48153 º