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Underground eXperts United
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[ Poetry Collection 1 ] [ By Bob Slack ]
I Bob Slack, as I call myself am a poet.. Well perhaps I am
that is for you to decide i guess. I write poems for myself
but have decided to release these thru uXu.
Any comments should be directed to be via my BBS, the number
and info for it is in the index file.
This is what the Devil does.. You liars! Repent!
item: 1
Sitting in his room
Quiet and alone
He roams th'
electronic lands.
Standing on the edge
Wading in the pool
chrimson eyes
and darklit skies.
Running the route
With the parcel
Playing the fool
for the devil.
Running in circles
he will do
Around and around
over and over.
Flying in the sky
whispering a darklit lullaby
singing to the devils
whilst laying in the gravel.
Opening the doors
reality unfolds
the new self stands
on the ashes of the old.
The new one walks
upright with the human
devouring the waves
and deceiving at th' raves.
item: 2
I have lied for her
I have cried for her
I had pride for her
I died for her
I am in
I am there
I am shun
I dissapear
I find another
I rise up
I fall down under
I fall up another
I find stuff
I look I look
stuff dissapears
stuff reappears
I think
I feel
I fall
I rise
All is as it seems
All is false
everything is true
or kill me
item: 3
honor is important
truith is honor
yourself is the point
others are stuff
honor amongst thieves
stolen trust
untrust and distrust
lie to yourself
lie to me
lie to everyone
honor among thieves
be true to yourself
everything will work
be true to yourself
bork bork bork
item: 6
Water proof
under the seas
dumb waiter
that's where she's
don't be a cump
don't feel the lump
don't make it worse
you need a nurse
run around the walls
run down the halls
breaking down the walls
making late night calls
i could die tomorrow
i could fly tomorrow
i could fry in sorrow
i am underwater
being pulled by the current
being dragged down
down, going under
item: 7
waiting here
by my keyboard
waiting here
being bored
sitting here
waiting for a call
sitting here
ready to take a fall
mind spins
brain cringe
sitting on pins
listening to the tunes
typing stuff
getting the blues
this is tough
monochrome glare
half asleep
blank stare
the black sheep
it will all be over
when the call
it will all be worth
rise again from the fall
item: 8
pave the way
heeding the trail
quick dry
holds the stance
stand fast
thoughts disturb
thoughts fold upon themselves
fear arives
fear changes thought into fear
imagined future
the future is fake
do it
be there
stand fast
have a blast
item: 9
Die robot die
the robot stands there
scanning the horison
searching for more emotion
the murderer of emotions
the human searches
searches the land
searches for emotion
emoton to fill the void
the robot came across a villiage
a villiage of great
a villiage of fate
it was the bait
the human spots his fate
a long lost date
the time is here
the robot draws near
they clash their steel
steel bends and folds
the tales are untold
the human grows old
uXu #213 Underground eXperts United 1994 uXu #213
Call CLU 'PUTERNET -> +1-515-232-7631