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Underground eXperts United
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[ Settle For Nothing ] [ By The Chief ]
settle for nothing
"Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you
tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do
what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I
won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me,
fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you
tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do
what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I
won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you tell me,
fuck you, I won't do what you tell me, fuck you, I won't do what you
tell me. Motherfucker."
- Rage Against The Machine
People. No, women, men, the other sex. Whatever. With large egos.
Some have had their call with them. Some will meet them. Anyway,
you need to keep your shit-ass hat on when you're dealing with
them. Fuck. You know, that girl. (Hey, substitute 'girl' for boy
if you're one. This goes for everyone). You know you need something
from her. It may be just friendship, it may be more than that,
but believe me, it is a lost cause from the start. Well, you don't
believe that from the start, of course. Or _they_ have failed. They
need to throw that web of innocence, non-egotistical, friendly and
oh-ever-so-kind front up your ass to get you to become interested
in the first place. When they notice that you indeed did swallow
the bait, they will continue to be sweet, innocent, even caring
(if they are able to be that) sometimes. For a while. JUST DON'T
BE FOOLED! Please. P L E A S E, if you're sincere, if your feelings
are genuine, keep the distance, you had before, from the start.
(Of course this only applies when you've noticed that she _is_ in
fact just a large ego walking the streets.)
How? Just don't meet her, call her, talk to her for two days, and
meet other people during those two days, and *think* about if you
really want her to be yours/your friend/whatever. Can you stand
hearing her talking about herself day in and day out, when you're
with her, when you sleep, when... If she gets pregnant, do you want
to be the father, and hers for the rest of your life? Do you care
about her enough to make that commitment? Of course. When you _think_
you like, even love, someone, you can make those commitments, and
fool yourself to death. What you need is "A Bullet In Your Head"
- courtesy of rage against the machine yet again. Seriously, watch
your ordinary day and see if she fits in. Can you give her something
she doesn't already have by becoming her boyfriend/friend/aaaaaagh?
Sex? Sure.
Listen, she's getting all the sex she wants from others, so that is
at the very lowest step of the ladder. No, cross that one out. THINK!
How does your everyday look? Would it change if you became her
whatever? Why? Ask yourself these questions. More than once. Get
drunk. Get stoned. Get your ass out the door and ask yourself.
Now if you think I wanted you to say "Yes, it would change" to get
out of this stupid situation you're _wrong_. If it would change
then she's got the hook in you. Yes yes, you're hooked. There's
only one thing you can do if you're hooked and really want to be
hooked on this person. Let it go. Unless you're able to share her
with about 20 ex-boyfriends and 200% of her talking about herself,
you're lost. She will dump you like the fool you are in a couple of
weeks. It's just a matter of time before she loses interest in you.
It's just a game to her. She proves that she can get _anyone_ by
not doing anything. You just proved her point.
Now, I hear you say - "well, what if she's not _really_ like that?"
"she's an ego, okay, but she's kind to me." _Big_, no - _Huge smile_.
Yeah, so I also thought that once, or twice. (Some people don't
understand the first time - like myself.) Believe me, she is like that.
She'll be kind to you as long as you only show an interest. But as
soon as you open up to her (ie. whatever you say, "I want you.." etc.),
she wins. Then she can use everything you said to your disadvantage,
she's got you where she wants you to be. And she won't listen to reason.
Now you can't tell her "Hey, why are you talking about yourself all the
time? You're such an ego." because you don't want to lose her and make
her _use_ the stuff you said. But listen. Why do you want to keep her?
Keep her, by the way? Do you _have_ her? No. She's got _you_. You'll
never ever _have_ her. No-one will. That's the deal. To spare yourself
from nerves on the edge, to save you from getting really _hurt_, to
keep your dignity (if you have any that is), keep the fucking distance.
Of course, there are things you can do if you want to keep her as a
friend. Maybe you want that huh? There might be ways to change her
ego into something not-so-egotistical, right? (yeah.. right. santa
is real too huh?) Seriously, of course you _may_ be able to change
her ways. If so, you're lucky, but you're also in for some heavy duty
work. They way I do it (can't speak for anyone else) - I keep the
I remark lightly when she talks about herself, give her small hints
like changing the subject every time she starts on her ego-trips. Any
subject is good enough. Even the weather. And I don't call her. No no.
That's probably the most effective thing to do. She expects you to call
her. _You're_ the one that's interested in _her_, right? So you're
the one who should call her. So, just don't do it. Easy enough. She'll
wonder after a couple of days (usually two days is enough for her ego
to start wondering what she did wrong this time) - then she'll call
you. "I WON!" you think. W R O N G. You're on your way to success
though. But it is a small step. Tiny tiny step. You're playing with
her ego, remember that. You can still end up on either side of the
border. Friend. Enemy. She's still in control, but she allowed herself
to show you something by calling you of which you now have control over.
She'll never ask you why you didn't call her. That would _really_ be
fatal to her ego. That would show she waited for you to call. (You're
still the one who's interested in her, and that's the way she wants
it to be.) On the other hand, if she asks you, then her ego isn't that
large, and you can play it your way from here on. You're lucky.
Well, suppose she didn't ask. What do you do then? Real easy. Keep
doing it! Don't call her. Make her call you a couple of times (two
or three times is enough, the more the better though.) When you
notice (and you'll notice) she loses interest (and she will), do
something about it. Let her "win". One time. Yes, call her once (or
meet her, or something, whatever). But only once! Then go back and
play it safe. Just don't repeat this again, because then she'll
think she figured you out. Do something different, just don't let
her "win". Not yet. Don't call her. She'll call you. Go out with
someone, do stuff with other people, live your normal social life,
but without her, for a while, and tell her about it (if you're home
when she calls -hint hint-) Play it out for a while, and _don't_
let her win when you notice she's starting to lose interest. Not
this time.
We're well on our way to success now, and you don't want to fail,
do you? No, of course not. By this time, she's not sure of you
at all, and her ego has received a blow, small, but still a blow.
If she still calls you, she probably want to keep you as a
friend. So be her friend. Just _never ever_ let her win more
than once in a while if she continues to show you her large ego.
What I mean is, keep the distance. Even though you're friends,
don't let her think she's got control over you - then you have
to work twice as hard the next time (and probably lose her too).
This is only a game we play. People do this shit all over the
world. It's going on right now. And it _is_ only a game. She
probably doesn't want to be your friend after all of this, but
who cares, right? It's just life. There's a lot more to it than
wasting time on egos. What it all comes down to, though, is;
Friends shouldn't take advantage over each other, right? Good
friends share. Good friends can talk about everything. Good friends
have fun. You should be able to criticize a friend without a risk
of losing him/her. When you think you're able to do that with
someone, you're friends. Good friends are hard to find.
sometimes... it's wiser to settle for nothing
remember that.
Play your game well, and you'll win.
uXu #152 Underground eXperts United 1993 uXu #152
Call CYBERPUNK SYSTEM -> +1-316-942-0064