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Underground eXperts United
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[ An Introduction to uXu ] [ By THE CHIEF ]
What's this?
It's The Chief from uXu's...
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-*- An Introduction to the Next Generation of Textfile Authors -*-
Perhaps an introduction is due, and some sort of explanation why this
author starts a new group instead of writing for the group he once
founded and lead. This is the story.
First, you might know that the Original 'THE CHIEF' quit
this scene and moved to Switzerland a couple of years
ago. During the time he was active, we shared accounts
all over the world, though mostly in the U.S. and had
many friends who knew 'us' as 'The Chief'. When he quit
I continued to use our accounts, and held on to the
friends we'd gotten during the years through them.
In the beginning, I tried to use my old handle in
letters and messages, but I always had to explain why
I had Two Handles, and that's when I decided to use
THE CHIEF as my handle, With the approval from the
original 'The Chief'. So now you know the story behind
the handle-change.
* LEADER? Yes. I was the Founder and leader of the Swedish
Hackers Association, and also a member of the International
Hackers Association. Now I am a traitor in their eyes.
Why? you ask. It is a short story (didn't expect that,
did you? <grin>). It's because I started this group.
Some (no names) members thought (and believe) that it
is like treason to start a new group. Even after they
recieved explanations why I did this, and that my
intentions was NOT to leave the group, and NOT to have
just another Hacker Group, they still kept their views.
Well, my explanations did not convince them, so I
decided to withdraw, and to end my membership in the
group I once started. I don't give much for people that,
unfounded, treat members like dirt, keeps vital information
from them, and starts to behave like 'gods' for one
reason or another. That's not a Group.
* EDITOR? I have been the editor for both International Hackers
Association Annual Report and the Swedish Hackers
Association Protocol until now. To run a board, keep
the writers writing, collecting own material, editing
and put the whole thing together, + writing for my own
group, Underground eXperts United (uXu), and publishing
The European Digest (TED) was a bit too much for me
(most of the time was really spent on keeping the
writers on their 'job' <grin>) so I handed over the job
to one of the members of the Swedish Hackers Association
and would still be writing (as contibutor & member) to the
protocols if it hadn't been for the 'traitor' story.
I didn't think that I handed over my position as the
leader with the Editor job, but that's what I noticed
when another member wrote the person I handed the editor
job over to, as the leader. Also, there will be claims
that I went abroad for such a long time, and that I
didn't need to know everything. Bullshit! 3 1/2 months
was the 'long time' and no-one said anything even after
I had returned about anything. Also, during the time I
ran my board as the HQ for the group, another member
listed His board as the HQ for the same group. I could
cope with that, no problem, but when all of this gets
gathered like this, it's easy to understand that some-
where during that time, it was enough.
Everything I write, I will publish through my OWN group,
uXu from now on. I have no connections with the group
'Swedish Hackers Association' anymore.
I say Good Luck to the new editor, and leader for S.H.A.
I know you will do a good job.
* uXu? Underground eXperts United was formed for three reasons:
1) Swedish Hackers Association was on the edge
when the 2nd of it's members was caught and got
his equipment apprehended by the police.
The first member that got busted, now awaiting
trial since over a year ago, have had 'strange'
noise on his phone, vans and other cars outside
his house, and other various 'strange' things
happen to him.
We still await the outcome of his forthcoming
trial, if the legal system can get their butt
out and quit stalling.
2) Swedish Hackers Association ONLY publish
things about Hacking/Phreaking and other
miscellaneous RELATED subjects.
I write a lot of other things, like stories,
'How to..' series, + Hacking/Phreaking related
things. In fact, almost everything can be
published with the uXu label.
3) The 'traitor' shit.
* THE REST The TED series, and all of the now available uXu
textfiles are written solely by me, but outside writers
are more than welcome to contact me to join the staff,
or just to contribute with a textfile. Everything is
welcomed! Just call uXu's homeboard INFO ADDICT at
+46-498-22113 and talk to me there.
FACT: INFO ADDICT & uXu have NOTHING to do with
the Swedish Hackers Association.