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uSu - united States underground By:Cyberglitch
Rape in comparrision
"Hey missy, what'cha you doing around here so late?". "What'ta mean!!"
"Come here bitch". "Hey let go of me, NOOOOOOOO!!!!". Within the alley the
18 year old girl was walking, she was attacked by a guy waiting in the alley
at night time. She was raped brutally that night.
Rape in America, as it would seem to be, a rather tiresome process in
which women are forced to have sex with men without their consent to it. And
afterwards the criminal is usally caught, goes to court, and usally goes away
scoot free. But the scar of the rape is left in the women's mind forever. But
however i must let you know. Women who get raped in America are by far the
brutaless rapes in comparrision to another country. The country, well for the
fact that remains the race. Asains have the most highest rates or raped women
that are reported. What goes left unreported in unkown. But it is estimated
that only about 5% percent of asain rapes are reported.
Well you might say. oh big whoop! Like i care, they're just like the
woman that get raped around here. But i'm going to tell you right now, you
are dead wrong. When people make a comparrasion of rape they do not include..
- How bad the victim was beaten/how much bruising they have
- How many times the same victim was raped
- Whether or not the victim still lives today to talk about it or
report it ever happened.
you're probally saying to yourself, ahhh Asain women get raped as much and as
badly then american women do. But that i not even the slightiest bit true.
Lemme share a story with you...
A 14 year old girl in tawain is working out in the rice
paddies minding her own business. A truck suddenly stops and a man
comes out and grabs her. Throws her into the truck and ties her down.
She is driven to a hotel and locked into a room by herself. Tied and
chained down to the bed posts in a position that please a customer.
Usually with her legs spread a part. Then day after day passes. The
girl is beaten, raped, urinated, bruised, and cut all over her body,
whatever it takes to please the customer, at about 9-14 times in a
You might be saying to yourself, "Holy shit, i never thought there
were people who could do that to a girl". Well actually there are worse people
in Tawain and other asain countries, that not only have this happen. But in
some cases fathers, uncles, yes even mothers take they young daughters and
sons, usually ranging from the age of 6-17 years old, to people who let their
child be raped and discrimanated almost anywhere from 12-18 hours in a day.
They willingly let their daughters and the small portion of sons be raped,
beaten to death by a customer. And you might be asking yourself why would they
do such a thing, especially to their children. They do it for money, the money
that gives them what the needto bu food, clothing. And if you still think
rape in America is anything in comparrasion to what happens to these little
girls and boys. Them you have to be insane.
I could see prostitution, i can imagine rape, but i could never
imagine child prostitution, let alone the family betraing a child to people
who do that, for the money. That is plain sick.
Here's a even more fucked up outrageous part. People from other
coutries go to agenticies that setup up with tickets to asain countries and
set them up with these maltreated girls and boys. Even worse a man was caught
for raping 9 girls in 5 hours. You wanna know what he got off on? A $550 fine
for every girl he raped. And that was it, he went back home after that. And
people from all around the world come to these countries, yes even people
from the US. But what most people don't know about, this multi-billion dollar
corpation(to say the least, is that it's probally the biggest prositution
that goes on anywhere, and that it's a major source of income for these
poeple. In the scenario it would see as if it is a good thing to them to do.
But I would sure like to know what the victims think of it.