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The Unplastic News is alive again. We hibernated this
winter and overslept. Now we understand the machines
better and have them in our home. We hope you are
The following Electronic Publication is
It is made of quotEs.
...this is May...
------->> Spring 1992 on Earth,
who has your BrAin ??
<<< we offer this to the acoustic spirit >>>
The Unplastic News | frEe
ISSUE #4: perception
"According to computer scientist Dr. Jacques Vallee,
information is now doubling every 18 months.
Nearly four billion years of evolution to get to the
first tool. Almost four _million_ years to arrive
at the information density of Rome in 1 AD. Only
one-and-a-half thousand years for information to
double and for the West to arrive at Leonardo, the
high point of the Renaissance and the dawning of
Protestantism. Two-and-a-half _centuries for the next
doubling, the rise of Industrialism, the birth of
democracy - ... - only six years for the doubling of
information between 1967 and 1973..."
Robert Anton Wilson
"We expect them [Salvadoran officials] to work toward
the elimination of human rights."
-Vice President Dan Quayle
"Mars is essentially in the same orbit...somewhat the
same distance from the Sun, which is very important.
We have seen pictures where there are canals, we
believe, and water. If there is water, that means there
is oxygen. If there is oxygen, that means we can breathe."
-Vice President Dan Quayle
"A woman was awarded $18, 000 by a Minot, North
Dakota, court for injuries suffered when a bull at an
indoor rodeo threw its rider, jumped three 5.5-foot-high
restraining fences, stampeded down a hall, burst into
the ladies' room, and pinned her against a wall"
Scandal Annual 1990
"Every now and then when your life gets complicated and
the weasels start closing in, the only real cure is to load
up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from
Hollywood to Las Vegas."
Hunter S. Thompson
When you think about death do you loose your breath
or do you keep your cool? Would you like to see the
Pope on the end of a rope? Do you think he's a fool?
black sabbath 1970
Truth: IGNORANCE hates knowledge....
My friend Eric said he was listening to the radio
last week and some report spoke of a guy who was
running across America to show that everyone
can get along. (He set out to find goodness in the
hearts of humans) Two guys stopped him on his run.
"Hey, are you that guy who is running across America
to show that everyone can get along?" The guy
said yes and they beat him up, took his money and
threw him off a bridge.
"Naomi waved when he turned at the door, then
handed me the notes. We'd be stopping at the
newspapers, demanding coverage of the senior
citizen contingent at the food rally. I organized
the notes on the clipboard while she drove. Then
I copied over neatly the poem Mother Weeelll had
composed on the spot. "Good Book taught me how
to live right and resist wrong," it began.
"Old folkes forced to eat dog food to live is
as wrong as you can get," the other woman
contributed. She worked that into the poem too.
I figured it'd make a good companion piece to the
article about the old folkes and the rally."
_The Sea Birds Are Still Alive_
Toni Cade Bambara, 1974
SPY quoted the monthly journal:
_Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality_
"A psychiatrist in Manhattan wrote in about a patient who
was in the Army and wondered whether his sexual practices
made him "different" from other people: 'I like girls, and I
certainly enjoy sex with them, but...I like having sex with
guys, too...[And] from what I understand, the other guys in my
unit never had sex with anybody in their family. I used
to have sex with my mother, my father, and sisters and
brothers...And I used to have sex with some of the [farm]
When the psychiatrist asked whether the soldier could
afford to get private professional help when he went back
to civilian life, the patient said, 'Doctor, that's a very
personal question.' Ba-dump?"
Jamie Malanowski
SPY magazine May 1992
"Japanese researchers are working to replace silicon
computer chips with a biological substance found in
egg whites...[which] can carry electronic information
faster than conventional silicon chips. Some scientists
believe that combining molecule-size transistors made
with biological substances may be the most direct path for
technology to mimic the brain's thinking processes."
Environtmental News Service as quoted in
Edges Magazine, New Planetary Patterns
May 1992
"Imagine a Nietzsche with good digestion."
Mondo 2000
"Tom Brokaw has tried to suppress a home video starring
his daughter in a parody of the Patty Hearst
kidnapping. She is introduced by the head of the
Citizens Liberation Front: 'You will meet the golden
child of the media, daughter of the chief pig and
nightly network pawn, re-educated, ready to fight for the
revolution.' Then Andrea Brokaw says, 'I am a child
of the media. I have lived a life enslaved by the
institution that bore me. Now, I am free.'"
The Realist
number 119
**Written 4:13 pm May 11, 1992 by gn:peacelink in cdp:pn.alerts **
According to the Italian monthly magazine "PANORAMA DIFESA" (May
1992) specialized in military news, Mrs Elisabeth Osborne, an
American state administration employee, has been dismissed
because she has revealed unauthorized information about IRAQ
civilian deaths during the Gulf war. Mrs Elisabeth Osborne
is an employee of the White House(U.S.A.).It seems that 39,612
women and 32,195 children have been killed in that period.
The total figure of civilian Deaths is 158,000.
Source: Panorama Difesa, May 1992.
This is the prospect that man now faces. Change
is avalanching upon our heads and most people
are grotesquely unprepared to cope with it.
"...We are not, as Spengler supposed, in the situation
of Rome at the beginning of the Christian West, but in
that of the year 3000 B.C. We open our eyes like
prehistoric man, we see a world totally new..."
...the present moment represents a crucial turning
point in human history...
...In effect, our century represents The Great Median
Strip running down the center of human history.
Future Shock
Alvin Toffler
"Art galleries in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Phoenix...
have had formal showings of the artwork of John Wayne Gacy,
the notorious mass murderer who was convicted in 1980 of the
slayings of thirty-three boys and young men. One gallery owner
regretted the showing, saying that 'the people who came were
suburban punks who thought serial killing was cool.' A prison
spokesman said that Gacy receives eight hundred letters a year."
Scandal Annual 1990
"...Gotta find a way, a better way..." Nirvana '92
MYTH: The European colonists brought progress to the Americas
and U.S. aid brings progress to Latin America
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket
fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who
hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone, it is spending
the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the
hopes of its children."
- General D. D. Eisenhower
Remember the 1992 Intergalactic Rainbow Gathering.
The Rainbow Family of Living Light.
Coming to a Colorado near you!
21st Year.
"The rethinking of life as machine has also brought us
to the age of biotechnology. As we have noted, with
recombinant DNA technology it is now possible to snip,
insert, recombine, rearrange, edit, program, and
produce human genetic material. We are creating new
combinations of living things just as our ancestors
were able to combine various inert materials to
create the machines of the industrial agree. With this
newfound ability to manipulate the very "blueprint"
of living organisms, we assume a disturbing new role
in the natural scheme of things."
"Body Wars"
may/june 1992
"Oh, great altar of passive entertainment, bestow upon
me thy discordant images at such speed as to render linear
thought impossible!"
"When Jimmy Swaggart got busted, he was wearing a
T-shirt with the words, "Saddam Hussein, Jesus
Loves You."
ThE ReAlisT
number 119
"Not until the photograph, Movie and TV did there
appear any rival to the insatiable cultural conquest
of the phonetic alphabet."
Marshall McLuhan
a High Times interview with Terence McKenna.
Terence "has devoted most of his life exploring [the
question,]... Did hallucinogens play a crucial role
in human evolution?"
You're recognized by many as one of the great
explorers of the 20th century. You've trekked
through the Amazonian jungles and soared through
the uncharted regions of the brain, but perhaps your
ultimate voyages lie in the future, when humanity
has mastered space technology and time travel.
What possibilities for travel in these two areas do you
foresee, and how do you think these new technologies
will affect the future evolution of the human species?
I suppose most people believe space travel is right around
the corner. I certainly hope so. I think we should all
learn Russian in anticipation of it, because apparently the US
government is incapable of sustaining a space program.
The time travel question is more interesting. Possibly
the world is experiencing a compression of technological
novelty that is going to lead to developments that are very
much like what we would imagine time travel to be.
We may be closing in on the ability to transmit information
forward into the future, and to create an informational
domain of communication between various points in time.
How this will be done is difficult to imagine, but things like
fractal mathematics, superconductiity, and
nanotechnology offer new and novel approaches to the
realization of these old dreams. We shouldn't assume time
travel is impossible simply because it hasn't been done.
There's plenty of latitude in the laws of quantum physics
to allow for moving information through time in various
ways. Apparently you can move information through time,
as long as you don't move it through time faster than light.
Throw away your consumer guide books & don't bother
to kick tires when you go shopping for a car.
Aries: Ford Probe
Gemini: Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme
Cancer: Dodge Caravan
Leo: Chrysler Fifth Avenue
Taurus: Chevy Lumina
Virgo: Chevrolet Corsica
Libra: Pontiac Bonneville
Scorpio: Chevy Caprice
Sagittarius: Saturn Coupe
Capricorn: Ford Thunderbird
Aquarius: Dodge Shadow
Pisces: Ford Festiva
May Turner
SUN april 1992
The black budget began its sharp ascent in the 1980s.
As the Pentagon's budget doubled, the secret budget
quadrupled to an estimated $36 billion a year. It financed
wonder weapons for World War III, billion-dollar nuclear
bombers, and space-based brains to win six-month
nuclear wars. And now in the 1990s, though the prospect
of nuclear Armageddon between the United States and
the Soviet Union has evaporated, the secret projects
grind on. Billions are still being spent covertly to
build nuclear bombers that can fly at eight times
the speed of sound, underground nuclear-war
command posts for the president and his peers,
nuclear-powered engines for Star Wars rockets,
and a hundred more highly classified military projects.
Tim Weiner
"The Pentagon's Secret Stash"
Mother Jones april 1992
Gilbert Gottfried told a Pee Wee Herman joke:
"If masturbation is a crime, I should be on Death Row. To think
that by age 14 I was Al Capone."
Taken from 'Metro' (San Fran Bay area weekly)
Edition Jan 2-8 . Vol7, No 44.
Without Permission.
"Police in Papua, New Guinea, solved the mystery
of an arm found underneath a truck in Mt. Hagen
when a man contacted police 150 miles away in
Lae to report his missing. The man, who had been
drinking, recalled driving towards Lae with his
right arm hanging out of the window when a truck
passed in the opposite direction. Some time later,
he felt some pain and noticed his arm wasn't there.
Police searched for the missing limb but found
nothing until a truck driver noticed the arm beneath
his truck and reported it."
Your groove I do deeply dig.
we will write right to you after the rainbow