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Where Is My Brain Going?
Toxic File #36
by Gross Genitalia
Centre of Eternity 615.552.5747 HQ of Toxic Shock and The Esoteric Society
My brain is floating out of my head
It's floating around to my butt.
Oh dear! The people are going to think
That my mind is simply a slut.
My brain is floating into my ass
It's wedging in too tight!
Oh no my ass is feeling funny
My brain's gone out of sight.
What's this? My butt is rumbling,
I have to take a shit!
My brain's in there, and covered with hair
Rolling in my stomach pit.
It feels so fucked my brain's been plucked
From the inside of my head.
My ass so hurts it's rubbing raw
My butt cheeks are so red!
Where's my anus, what's it doing?
It slipping outward really quick!
I think it's wrapping around under my balls
Oh no it's sucking my dick!
My brain is escaping at a slithering pace,
I'll catch it when it falls.
I only hope it doesn't spurt out
Or it'll rip off my balls!
Oh here it comes and so do I
My anus sucks good cock;
My brain slides out and falls to the floor
It deposits goo on my sock.
I pick up my brain and put it back
In the deep gaping hole in my skull.
Despite the good suck and the hightening orgasm
The experience was nevertheless dull.
(c)1990 Toxic Shock.
The Followers of Fetus
Gross Genitalia
Fetal Juice
Bloody Afterbirth