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: mp[tia] .
[ T r a p p e d I n A b s e n c e ]
number 000
Thank you for your interest in TiA [Trapped in Absence]. Let me start
off by telling you a little about what TiA is all about. TiA is a "semi-
serious" zine.. In our releases you will find stories, articles on current
events, humor, and thoughts on some subjects from different angles. Along
with some hack/phreak articles in it. For the most part, I, the editor of
TiA, Mephisto, will try to keep TiA as informative as possible.. I
believe writing a little about everything is a way to a successful e-zine..
I hope you enjoy reading TiA as much as I enjoy writing it. You may contact
me via internet email at: phiber@en.com , or catch me on irc as Mephisto
(Im usually on channel #zines). And by the way, I am *not* the
Mephisto (mephistopheles) who writes the *2112* zine. Dont be confused. ;)
If you decide to look for me on irc, if you do a /whois on mephisto,
you should get a hostname as phibah@*.en.net. Then you know it is me!
Greets go out to: cbg, skooter, creed, Joltcola, evilive, brain_sur,
Guardian and morbius!
Mephisto (phiber@en.com)