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Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 08:55:18 CDT
Reply-To: Public-Access Computer Systems Publications
From: Public-Access Computer Systems Forum <LIBPACS@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU>
Subject: PACS Review 6, No. 2 (1995)
To: Multiple recipients of list PACS-P <PACS-P@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU>
+ Page 1 +
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
Volume 6, Number 2 (1995) ISSN 1048-6542
Carol Pitts Hawks, OhioLINK: Implementing Integrated Library
Services Across Institutional Boundaries
This paper discusses the issues and challenges associated
with the implementation of the OhioLINK system, which
primarily serves public academic institutions in Ohio as
well as the State Library. It provides a brief history of
OhioLINK, discusses its organizational structure, presents
decision-making procedures, examines public relations
strategies, and analyzes issues related to cooperative
circulation, collection development, and database management
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Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
University Libraries
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-2091
(713) 743-9804
Associate Editor, Columns
Leslie Pearse, OCLC
Associate Editor, Communications
Dana Rooks, University of Houston
Associate Editor, Production
Ann Thornton, University of Houston
Editorial Board
Ralph Alberico, University of Texas, Austin
George H. Brett II, Clearinghouse for Networked Information
Discovery and Retrieval
Priscilla Caplan, University of Chicago
Steve Cisler, Apple Computer, Inc.
Walt Crawford, Research Libraries Group
Lorcan Dempsey, University of Bath
Pat Ensor, University of Houston
Nancy Evans, Pennsylvania State University, Ogontz
Charles Hildreth, University of Oklahoma
Ronald Larsen, University of Maryland
Clifford Lynch, Division of Library Automation, University of
David R. McDonald, Tufts University
R. Bruce Miller, University of California, San Diego
Paul Evan Peters, Coalition for Networked Information
Mike Ridley, University of Waterloo
Peggy Seiden, Skidmore College
Peter Stone, University of Sussex
John E. Ulmschneider, North Carolina State University
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List server technical support is provided by the Information
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Publication Information
The Public-Access Computer Systems Review is an electronic
journal that is distributed on the Internet and on other computer
networks. It is published on an irregular basis by the
University Libraries, University of Houston. There is no
subscription fee.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to listserv@uhupvm1.uh.edu
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PACS-L@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU: 9,315 subscribers in 70 countries.
PACS-P@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU: 3,226 subscribers in 57 countries.
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whether an article is updated, whether both ASCII and HTML files
are created for updated articles, and whether all prior versions
of an article are retained.
Print Distribution
The first four volumes of The Public-Access Computer Systems
Review are also available in book form from the American Library
Association's Library and Information Technology Association
(LITA). (Volume five is in process.) The price of each volume
is $17 for LITA members and $20 for non-LITA members. All four
volumes can be ordered as a set for $60. To order, contact: ALA
Publishing Services, Order Department, 50 East Huron Street,
Chicago, IL 60611-2729, (800) 545-2433.
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