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Public-Access Computer Systems News
April 24, 1991 Volume 2, Number 3 ISSN 1050-6004
Editors: Dana Rooks (LIBL@UHUPVM1) and Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Issued on an irregular basis by University Libraries,
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-2091.
NOTIS Systems has completed its NOTIS Library Management System
Release 5.0. The new release includes a completely new online
public access catalog with labeled displays, cross references,
and support for the Common Command Language (ANSI Standard
Z39.58). Other new features include a menu-driven navigator for
staff functions, an online system control file, support for the
USMARC Format for Holdings and Locations, automated fiscal year
closing routines for the acquisitions module, and enhanced global
heading change capabilities. The release is already in
production at the two beta test sites--Fort Hays State University
(Kansas) and Purdue University (Indiana).
Users of NOTIS' turnkey package, Key NOTIS, will receive many of
the Release 5.0 features in Key NOTIS Release 1.1, scheduled for
shipment in August 1991.
For information, contact Stuart W. Miller, NOTIS Systems, Inc.,
1007 Church Street, Evanston, IL 60201-3622, or call (708) 866-
A new line of full text databases on tape will be demonstrated by
Information Access Company at the ALA Conference in Atlanta. The
full text expansion of the Infotrac 2000 Database Licensing
Program enables public and academic libraries to provide the full
text ASAP files through existing online public access catalog
systems. Initial full text databases available under the program
will be Magazine ASAP, Computer Database ASAP, Trade and Industry
ASAP, and Health Periodicals Database.
For information, contact Todd Miller, IAC, 362 Lakeside Drive,
Foster City, CA 94404, or call (415) 378-5000.
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IAC is offering a free 90-day trial of its new InfoTrac 2000
databases on tape. Under the program, libraries may access one
of the ten InfoTrac 2000 databases on their online public access
catalog systems for up to 90 days. The databases are available
on tape or via the Data Research or CARL network gateways. The
InfoTrac 2000 tapes are compatible with CARL, Carlyle, CLSI, Data
Research Associates, Dynix, Geac, Inlex, Innovative Interfaces,
NOTIS, Sirsi, and VTLS library automation systems.
For more information on the free trial, call 1-800-227-8431 and
ask for InfoTrac 2000. The offer expires July 31, 1991.
The Research Libraries Group has developed a new document
transmission system called ARIEL. Using an IBM PC/AT or
compatible, H-P scanner, H-P laser printer, and RLG proprietary
software, users can scan and store articles, photos, and similar
documents, transmit the highly compressed images over the
Internet to other workstations, and then print them on a laser
According to RLG, the system is faster, more reliable, and less
expensive to use than fax and produces images of greater
resolution and quality. The system has been tested at Colorado
State University, Dartmouth College, University of California at
Berkeley and Davis, University of Michigan, and University of
For information, contact Marilyn Roche, RLG, (415) 691-2284, or
e-mail bl.mxr@rlg.bitnet.
Wayzata Technology, Inc. has developed a CD-ROM for the Macintosh
on U.S. Presidents. The CD-ROM contains biographies and
statistics for all forty-one presidents of the United States.
TextWare, a high speed database search and retrieval engine is
included in the $39.00 list price.
Contact Mark Engelhardt, Wayzata Technology, Inc., P.O. Box 807,
Grand Rapids, MN 55744, or call 1-800-735-7321.
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Innovative Interfaces, Inc. is developing a direct-export feature
that enables users of the INNOPAC online catalog to export
catalog records into Pro-Cite databases. This feature transfers
to a PC or a Mac used as a terminal on the INNOPAC system a file
of records in the specific "comma-delimited" format required by
Pro-Cite. After using the INNOPAC export command, users complete
the process by executing the Pro-Cite import command. Users are
not required to have Biblio-Link software in order to do this.
With their data now in a Pro-Cite database, users can search,
sort, index, manage and generate bibliographies formatted in any
bibliographic style of their own selection of records derived
from INNOPAC. Innovative will make available the new export
command as an option in the upcoming Release 7 of the INNOPAC
Dialog Information Services, Inc. has announced the addition of
the San Francisco Chronicle, Newsday and New York Newsday, and
the Detroit Free Press to its line of CD-ROM newspaper products.
Each product contains the full text of all stories, features,
columns, editorials, and letters from the print editions.
For pricing and additional information, contact Dialog Marketing
at 3460 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, or call 1-800-334-
The Institute for Scientific Information has announced the April
release of Current Contents on Diskette with Abstracts in four
multidisciplinary editions: Life Sciences; Agriculture/Biology
and Environmental Sciences; Physical/Chemical and Earth Sciences;
and Clinical Medicine.
Weekly access is provided to the latest contents listings and
abstracts. In addition, this enhanced version contains author-
assigned keywords as well as ISI's KeyWords Plus, extracted from
the references cited in each article.
Current Contents on Diskette with Abstracts is available on 3-
1/2" and 5-1/4" high-density diskettes for IBM and 100%
compatibles, and 3-1/2" high-density diskettes for Macintosh
microcomputers. Customers receive weekly data diskettes, search
and retrieval software, and a User Guide. Both single-station
and network editions are offered.
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For information, write to the Institute for Scientific
Information, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, or call
SilverPlatter has introduced Cross-Cultural CD, a series of 10
topical, full-text databases compiled from the Human Relations
Area Files Archive. Two databases will be published each year
for the next five years on five CDs. Volume 1, Human Sexuality
and Marriage is now available. Part I of Volume 2, Family is
also available with Crime and Social Problems to be published as
the remainder of the second volume at a later date. Additional
volumes planned are: Volume 3, Old Age and Death and Dying;
Volume 4, Childhood and Adolescence and Socialization and
Education; and Volume 5, Religious Beliefs and Religious
Practices. Each database will contain from 6,000 to 12,000 pages
of text, citations to source documents, and summaries on each of
the 60 societies from around the world included in the HRAF
For information, contact SilverPlatter, One Newton Executive
Park, Newton Lower Falls, MA 02162-1449, or call (617) 969-2332.
Copyright (C) 1991 by the University Libraries, University of
Houston. All rights reserved.
Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computerized
bulletin board/conference systems, individual scholars, and
libraries. Libraries are authorized to add the journal to their
collections at no cost. This message must appear on copied
material. All commercial use requires permission.