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>From: dh644@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (R. Patrick Jones)
Subject: Drum. Volume 1. Number 1.
Date: 22 May 1993 18:33:11 GMT
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=Drum= D we're talking about transfor-
edited by rpj R mation here, the line by line
grafik concept st. witch U by edit endless unrepentant
online translation doomboy M charge up and out through the
d self to society becoming as
special thanks: hipriestess - r large as society and enacting a
asexual guru of love - john b. u physiochemicalspiritual change
- brunette dreamr - kozmik tryb m so cataclysmic that it ruptures
- disciples of RAM - books & D all the old organs out and
co. - peirce & barb - doomboy - R regenerates raging.
m.t. capone - U
M our generation was raised with
xtra peace 2:: eris - yvonne s. d icons of bugs bunny, speed
- t. macneeley - annye camara r racer, battle of the planets
(dreams into action) - my folks u and now in our early twenties a
- mr. gabbard - judy y. - m presentation of a technological
D myth that touches the very core
xtra props: william lee - brain R of our spirit. within an age
cell possee - nova mob - pax to U where warfare is fought through
all! M the stamping over of under-
d developed countries; whipped up
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r into a jihad fever to take oil,
u the lifeblood of our mechanical
m society. or perhaps warfare as
feature "acid house" music and D the assumption that there
on has been growing in europe ( R truly are no rules. planting
the united kingdom) and in some U bombs in baby carriages; in
called "rave" features synthesi M international flights, assuming
also been very popular in the g d that anyone who doesn't take a
number of years after its intro r side is expendable, that there
substance. it became illegal w u are no innocents left in the
that it caused permanent damage m world & that the object is to
research has failed to support D become terrifying technological
illegal, and strange stories ci R specters hiding out and using
causes the spinal cord to lique U the same guerrilla tactics that
stories, but both mda and mdma M the viet cong used. the same
some people snort them or (rare d tactics the revolutionary
intensifying their action and p r americans used in their war of
drugs with alcohol or other dep u independence.
lity or adverse effects. as se m
the pleasure of touching, but t D if revolution engenders the
with orgasm in both men and wom R emergence of a force that is
have been reported; they resemb U more repressive than the
almost identical to serotonin, M previous then it's that force
different hallucinogenic state d elemental that can't be
in ayahuasca, where it is combi r destroyed. which leaves one to
make the dmt orally active. in u conclude that this destruction
injected or smoked to manifest m of rule is impossible.
within seconds, and the trip la D
dose. one distinctive characte R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tendency to produce visions of U
terence mckenna has written and M TOWARD THE INFINITE . . . .*
ordinary phenomenology of the d d + .. .* .
reports we have had from others r .. . . + . .. .. . +
"elf" contacts. mckenna was al u + .... . .. + . :. :
he called "visible language," o m .... + . : ...
colored modalities that have li D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U once looped she could use them.
M surprisingly beautiful; the mel
10111001101.\ .| / 01011010000 d being into hybrid instruments.
001011000000.\.| /.001111110111 r the presence an underground str
0110010000111... 1011110100111 u
110000000111 / | \.100000100111 m know that the seven spheres mus
10100110000 / | .\.00101101001 D their seasons, one at a time, a
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R know that the four beasts of th
U iniate, each in their own time
=NOTES TOWARD A MANIFESTO= M ever to rise to the stars, and
d then a new age will come of ear
the fact that technology is r whole, and the waters will be a
here should never in any way u not been named. remember to pr
limit our soul and spirit. we m the family. the elder sign and
have within our grasp the D watcher too if they be slow. a
seedlings of machinations that R that time, for the blood will b
can alter the future of the U and will call them. beware of
homo sapiens. we must coalesce M cult of the dog, the cult of th
our apocalyptic surroundings d they are worshippers of the anc
into a unified myth to rescript r in for they have a formula of w
this rape of our souls. we u these cults are not strong, sav
have been molested not by m open up to them and unto their
technology but by the mentality D
behind it, which offers nothing R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
but a narrow faddish view of U
our consumed selves. we have M Rearrange these six matchsticks
been bred to be perfect para- d to make "nothing." No match-
sites, cogs in a machine that r sticks may be bent, broken or
gave us the persian gulf, h- u placed over each other.
bombs, vietnam, a.i.d.s., m
george bush, holes in the ozone D o o o o o o
& on & on ad nauseam. R | | | | | |
U | | | | | |
majik is the act of manipu- M | | | | | |
lating media, to wrap words, d
images, sounds, lectures & tv r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
into a whirlwind. to defeat u
the "rational" mind and teach m mescaline was isolated from pey
and re-educate humanity's D only naturally occurring psyche
collective unconscious. to R related drugs. throughout the
re-introduce ritual, to show U philosophers, and psychologists
the path of urban shamanism or M but there was no general demand
techno-paganism, to perform the d adrenaline a few artists with
Great Work. r revolution of the 1960s. then
u appear. however, since the dru
each piece, each artistic m many dealers sold lsd as mescal
endeavor is a spell which D needlelike white crystals; half
presents another petition, R drug may cause initial nausea,
another suit to mother nuit for U its effects last up to twelve h
a healing flood and a doorway M the whole cactus.
once again to angels & demons. d
to once again unify our minds r mdma (methylenedioxymethampheta
within our bodies, to transmute u a new drug, mdma (usually calle
the concept of being human into m mdm, and adam), gives the same
a glorious being filled with D hours instead of ten to twelve.
light. R action, it is gentler on the bo
U by mouth in reasonable doses (1
and to bring a final fuckin' M mdma rarely causes bad trips.
end to "civil"ization as we d an enhancer of empathy between
know it in seducing the goddess r counseling. in other circles i
to come back home. u reputation as a party drug, bei
"the price we pay for obtaining D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
information is scrambling up R
the world somewhere.... in our U . . .
study of statistical mechanics M . .
we learned it is not possible d . . .
to obtain information without r . . . . . .
increasing entropy" [cosmic u . ..
code] m . . . . .
D .
it is accepted that 90% of our R . . . . .. . .. . . . .
perceptions come via sight. we U . . .
seek visual overload to disrupt M . . . . . ..
that. information is the d . . . . . .
subatomic particle of our r . . . . .
perception- seek constructs u . . . . .
that divorce perceptions from m . . . .
actualities thereby making D . . . . . ..
divination easier to be R . . . . . . .
realized- our thinking patterns U . . .
are chemical and the specters M . . .
of "moral decency" & self d .
appointed vanguards of r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"reality" limit our chemical u
m processes via laws and "common
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D sense" doctrines- 20th century
R humyns are stunted in their
produces the most profoundly U mythmaking abilities due to
dmt is the active ingredient M these empirical constructs
h beta-carboline alkaloids to d which having done away with
ynthetic form, dmt must be r classical deities are left to
ects. when smoked, it comes on u make potholes of language or
4-30 minutes, depending on m reside in the arms of 18th and
of the tryptamines is their D 19th century morality- one is
unters with hon-human entities. R not allowed visions per se-
extensively on the extraord- U as sark says in [inspiration
rience. our experiences, plus M sandwich], "have wild imagin-
porate mckenna's descriptions d ings" which means see elvis in
first to report on a phenomenon r your revco if you like only
e puts it, "three-dimensional u convince @ least 2 others that
c content" m you did.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THIS YOUR SPACE- Leave notes, p M oems, xcetera, send on to
others- Drum. is not an isolate d d event but an ongoing process.
d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
u coming soon- --- ---
m letters from you --- ---
D more rants --- ---
R ht mak bathtub napalm -------
U --- ---
M RPJ/-ka- -------