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ë The BëM Squad ë
"The Toll-Booth Scam"
by Mr. Sandman
ë Disclaimer ë
This file is for informational purposes only. The BOM Squad, author,
and the BBS carrying this file do not condone what is in this file and will
take no responsibility if you get arrested for the use of the information
in this file. There is still free speech in this country (I think) and
nobody is forcing you to read or do any of the actionss discussed in this
ë Back to the Good Stuff ë
This is a very nice way to get alot of money which I noticed someone
doing a couple years ago. It is a little dangerous so speed is of the
essence. Have you ever been on a Turnpike or Highway which requires you to
stop at those little toll booths and throw in a quarter? Imagine how many
people drive through just one of those booths in a couple of hours. Here
is a method for you which will allow you to get every one of those quarters
thrown into the little basket. The first thing you must do is pick a booth.
The booth must be an exact change booth! This scam will not work if a person
is working in the booth. Next, study the basket where the money is thrown
into. Watch where your quarter slides into after you throw it into the
basket. It is normally a relatively small hole. Now, take a cloth and block
up the small hole. The quarters will pile up in the basket! Nobody ever
stops to see if there quarter actually went in (at least not in New Jersey)
and by the time you come back you could have a small fortune in quarters
waiting for you. Of course you have to work quick. It would look pretty
strange to one of the toll attendents if they saw you trying to rig
the cloth or removing a bunch of quarters from the basket. Also, before
you do this you should note if there are surveilence cameras in the
toll area. If there are then you obviously shouldn't do this. The one time
I saw this done the basket was filled with quarters and my father removed
the cloth causing the man who tried to pull the scam to lose everything
so don't wait too long. Also, I have never tried this so I am not sure how
easy it is but it seemed worth writing about. I hope you enjoyed the info.
Mr. Sandman
Closing note: Arete is now officially down for good. There is no point in
trying to call there. It seems that lamers and just the
overall hassle of running a BBS made him decide to close
down. Farewell Eagle, hope to see you back in the scene
soon ;)
Also, The BëM squad is still looking for sites and writers.
If you are interested in being involved please fill out the
BOM.APP file.
BOM Squad Members
Mr. Sandman
The AntiChrist
Phat Klown
Cop Killer
BOM Squad Sites
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test ú 908-813-2738 ú BOM WHQ!
2112 ú 201-728-2612 ú BOM 201 HQ!
The Dark Side of the Moon ú 215-396-0177 ú BOM 215 HQ!
Secluded Nihilists ú 401-521-2923 ú BOM 401 HQ!