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Published by: Andrew Wyatt
NightSoft BBS (508) 760-2147
ISG 91:91/0, FIDO 1:331/101
Vol. 1 No. 4 (April 1993)
Published bimonthly by and for the Members of the International
Sysop's Guild. Copyright 1992, Andrew Wyatt All rights reserved.
Duplication and/or distribution permitted for noncommercial
purposes only. For use in other circumstances, please contact
Andrew Wyatt
Paper price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 US
Electronic Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . free!
For more information about International Sysop's Guild refer to
the end of this Newsletters.
ISGNews 1-4 Page 1 April 1993
Table of Contents
1. EDITORIAL ( Andy's Rambling's ).......................... 2
2. New RC's : ............................................. 3
3. The BAck BOne ............................................ 5
4. Teen Sysops .............................................. 6
5. Dos 6 and DesqView........................................ 8
6. ISGNEWS INFORMATION.......................................13
7. The Echolist.isg .................................Attached
8. BOARDWATCH NEWS .................................Attached
ISGnews 1-4 Page 2 1 Nov 1992
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EDITORIAL <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <
My apologies for taking so long to get this issue out.
Over the past few months ISG had a few set backs. But I'm happy to say
we have over come them and set in motion a program that will out allow
this to happen again.
We could use moderators in some of the echo
get involved, also we would like to see a few echo's
from he MidWest and WestCoast
The State of Florida is considering a BBS TAX of some kind .
Will some one down there dig up the info on this and send it
up to me along with the address of the Fl. State Senators and
Representatives. So we can start a letter writing campaign.
If any other state is considering the same someone please inform
Attached to this months news is the BOARD WATCH news letter
normally I don't use other news letters , But this one contains
information that I thought was important to all sysop's.
ISGnews 1-4 Page 3 1 Nov 1992
Speaking of RC 'S :
Aubry Presha The Dark Side of Town has taking over as RC for Region 218
doing one hell of a job.
Ron Bowden Home Net BBS in West Cajon valley Ca will take over as RC
for Region210 ( The West Coast )
Michel Barthelemy The SoftWare Motel Saint Firmin France the RC for
Region 220 also Michel will act as ZC for Zone 92 Europe.
National Mail Hub.
The National Mail Distribution site is now 91:200/0 Largo Fl.
Mail Distribution Site North is now 91:200/261 Tisbury Ma.
Backup Mail Site 91:200/625 Cape Cod MA.
Europe Mail Distribution Site 92:400/10 France
We need a Mid West Site and a West Coast Mail Site
ISGnews 1-4 Page 4 April 1993
Welcome new Node's:
Welcome to the World of The International SysOp Guide ..!!!
Region - 218
Aubrey Presha - 91:218/0
I would just like to take a second in say that Region 218 is growing with
New Nodes And NETS ..
NET-100 Michael Brisbois 91:100/0
~~~ Ken Mohr 91:100/3
~~~ Paul Berniccni 91:100/4
~~~ Scott Williams 91:100/5
(NET-100) Michael Brisbois from The Python BBS 91:100/0 will oversee all NET
operations in seek out new nodes in the SOUTH-WEST part of Florida..
Lets Welcome Michael Brisbois & the NEW NET to ISG !!!
(NET-80) Lets Welcome Ray Newton to NET-80 , Ray is from New Port Richey
his system will be up from 20:00 to 08:00 until future notice from him ,
Misty Base II returned online 03-19-93 from being down for about 1 month, so
we should be getting some more activity in the ADULT part of the ECHOs !!
(NET-200) The BackBone 91:200/0 will soon be Gateing some ECHOS from Mustang INC.
(Home of Wildcat) soon as I can clear it with the Zone Council..
Thinking about starting a U.F.O ECHO ,there have been alot of talk and rumor
about the creatures so if you have any information regarding this ECHO please
contact 91:72/0 or 91:216/1 Andrew should have more about the ECHO
ISGnews 1-4 Page 5 April 1993
The BAck BOne
I also will take this time to point out that we do have
a backbone (90:200/0)
---High speed mania
Traffic is light, But if the other Regions would participate....
Who know's what we could do....
See Echolist.ISG for more information on the echo's....
ISGnews 1-4 Page 6 April 1993
I've been following the discussion in the Fidonews about young sysop's
well I would like to put in my two cents.
Here in Net 5 we have a few YOUNG sysop's, some have gone by the way side
but a few have remained, as far as I can tell, you would not know who was
a teen and who was not. With only one bad experience , his Dad pulled the
plug on his system.
In general we do not ask the age of a sysop who wish's to join. I don't
think it's appropriate. Some of the teenager are really bright, and to avoid
them would be a loss to the network.
I would think that a teen in front of a computer would be preferred
over a teen standing on a street corner looking for trouble.
I would like to show one example, Our BackBone, when Aubry join ISG about
6 months ago he was a teen, he ran the teen echo, went on to be NC for
Net 80 and now Rc for 218, and our Backbone, he has brought more people
into the Network then the old RC ever did.. setup nets and so..
As far as I'm concerned any TEEN sysop who wish's to join the ISG is
welcome to do so, and I'll use the energy and enthusiasm that come
with their youth...
ISGnews 1-4 Page 7 April 1993
(50) 29 Mar 93 19:36:00
By: ANDRE CAR, Over Board (91:5/201)
Re: at&t modem deal
AT&T Paradyne is offering everyone a limited time offer on
the same kind of modem that is being offered to sysops for
$222. Everyone has heard of AT&T, of course, and those of
you in commercial data communications have probably heard
of Paradyne over the last 10-15 years. I personally feel
this is the best modem available for the money anywhere in
the world right now for the money. Here is an overview of
their advertisement in PC COMPUTING (March 1993).
AT&T DataPort/14.4 FAX modem
LIFETIME warranty (as in "the rest of your life")
OLI (Optical Line Interface) - beats all other modems
V.32bis (14400 BPS/BAUD rate), V.32, 2400, 1200, 300 baud
Group 3 FAX, Send & Receive 9600 BPS
V.42bis/MNP-5 data compression & error correction
Effective throughput up to 57,600 BPS
QuickLink II modem/FAX software included
CompuServe bonus kit worth $22.95 included
LIFETIME toll-free technical support
$289 internal, $299 external, plus $5/order shipping
OFFER ENDS April 30, 1993. They honor Visa, MC, American
Express, or you can arrange prepaid shipment with check or
money order. Call 1-800-554-4996, ext. 4804. Ordering
hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST, State
& Local taxes apply.
ISGnews 1-4 Page 8 April 1993
ID:D6 MS-DOS 6 and Quarterdeck Products
Quarterdeck Technical Note #166
by Bill Burge
Last Revision: 31 March 1993
The information in this Technical Note assumes that you are using versions of
Quarterdeck products that are DOS 5 compatible: QEMM-386 ver 6.00 and later,
DESQview 2.40 and later, QRAM 2.0 and later, QEMM-50/60 6.00 and later, and
any version of DESQview/X.
1. Is Microsoft DOS 6 compatible with my Quarterdeck products?
Absolutely! There is nothing in DOS 6 that poses any danger to your system or
the data stored in it due to the use of any Quarterdeck product. The
Microsoft DOS 6 README.TXT file states, in Section 6.10: "Quarterdeck's QEMM
memory manager is compatible with MS-DOS 6." In addition, there are no known
incompatibilities between MS DOS 6.0 and Quarterdeck's DESQview or DESQview/X
2. As a QEMM-386 user, what information do I need to install Microsoft DOS 6?
As a QEMM-386 user, the most important information that you can take with you
in the installation and configuration of Microsoft DOS 6 is the knowledge that
you are already running the most effective memory management system available
for the IBM-compatible computer. So, if you are already using QEMM:
a. Run the SETUP program from the DOS 6 installation diskette and
follow the instructions on the screen.
b. Install any of the new DOS 6 utilities that you desire. DOS 6
provides you the opportunity to add virus protection and other
things to your configuration. Remember: the default installation
of DOS 6 installs only the MS Windows versions of these utilities;
you have to tell it to install the DOS versions as well. This is
done on the Utilities screen of the SETUP process.
c. Run QEMM's OPTIMIZE to load those drivers into Upper Memory.
If you should desire to experiment with Microsoft DOS 6's MemMaker (the
program that attempts to provide more memory), we can recommend a couple of
safeguards. MemMaker will remove ALL the QEMM-386 commands and configuration
from your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. We are confident that you will
want to return to Quarterdeck's QEMM-386, so we urge you to save a copy of
your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. Before you begin to experiment, copy
these files from the root directory to some other directory or to floppy
diskette. This will allow you to restore them easily.
Next, be aware that even if you save the configuration created by MemMaker,
you can usually reverse its process by running MEMMAKER /UNDO. If the final |