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Dedicated to Dylan Thomas - Whoever HE Was
Organ of the Revolutionary Surrealist Vandal Party (RSVP)
ANARCHO-SURREAL: Clearly, rational values must prevail over
disguised traditional values within any culture that honestly
merits being called revolutionary.
While among such values must be tolerance for older cultures
and for cultural diversity among the world's masses, revolution-
ary culture is for revolutionaries -- to meet the needs of a
category of people concerned with maintaining morale for a
specific type of struggle against racism, classism, sexism and
statism. Also, it is an outreach toward potentially rebellious
individuals in the general populance. For these reasons it need
not in any way tamely condescend to square notions of moral ob-
So as to embody such strength of principle without becoming
offensively intolerant it can simply avoid taking itself too
Anarcho-surrealism is shallowly criticized for being trivial
when it is simply modest, tactful and psychologically strategic.
In its departure from conventions is some of the weight of
its message, while its light-heartedness tends to soften the
blow. Culture is returned to a sane perspective and does not,
therefore, continue to serve as fodder for endless bickering.
See Alan Watts in the chapter of PSYCHOTHERAPY EAST AND
WEST called "Invitation to the Dance." In his final book, TAO:
THE WATERCOURSE WAY, Watts praises the anarchism of Kropotkin.
SEX-POL by Wilhelm Reich is also worth studying in this
connection. In the first, and in my view unrivaled, synthesis
of Marx and Freud this genius -- who had not yet been driven
half mad by Marxist and Freudians, both -- shares with anarch-
ists, social democrats, Trotskyists and many Stalinists of the
day what was simply the popular wisdom: that puritanism is the
backbone of bourgeois sexual morality. (That free-thinking
materialist libertines were also to be found among capitalists
was not taken as overwhelming proof that cultural rationalism
was bourgeois and decadent. It seems to have taken the over-
lapping reigns of terror and virtue of Hitler and Stalin to
establish the contemporary assumption that only 19th century
Prussian values are not safely called decadent.)
"Every type of political power presupposes some form of
human slavery, for the maintenance of which it is called into
being. Just as outwardly -- that is, in relation to other
States -- the State has to create certain artificial antagon-
isms in order to justify its existence, so also internally the
cleavage of society into castes, ranks, and classes is an
essential condition of its continuance. The State is capable
only of protecting old privileges and creating new ones; in
that, its whole significance is exhausted."
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to Ho Chi Zen, 2981 Lookout Place, Atlanta 30305.