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BULLETIN #6 1986
"Supposing people were to find a book and open it and read: 'Repay injury
with kindness; repay evil with good. Abracadabra, his puff but a piff. If
people are hard to govern it is because they are too wise. Fisk, lobster
short and long.'" (From HOW THE GREAT RELIGIONS BEGAN by Joseph Gaer -
Dodd, Mead & Company, 1956 - p. 159)
Any experienced student of scriptural interpretation can tell you they
would decide, "Abracadabra, his huff but a puff," means, "Avoid sexual
intercourse and masturbation." As for "Fisk, lobster short and long," that
would probably comprise some equally sensible advice, like, "Try not to
deficate or urinate, either."
January 1986.... And it is sunday afternoon in The Pub. This morning
Herbert Armstrong explained on television the Seven Laws of Success. I
bought Growing Up Absurd at the thrift store on the way over here .... Roger
Lovin dodged the problems of life so facilely he seemed shallow. The sage
of Walden Pond found the waters of life shallow so his words were deep,
etc. I always wind up noticing the props more than the actors, the fact of
the stage more than the point Hamlet was making... #
The Riddle of Jack Burnsides, Rolland Heath and Kenny Rogers: "That's my
sister; she can't sing." -- Kathy #
In EROS AND CIVILIZATION Marcuse unfortunately restricts himself to
Freud's philosophical theories. He puts down the neo-Freudians and accuses
Reich of an anti-Freudian heresy that individual did not commit. And that
the death instinct is not misnamed is never proven. That sublimated
sexuality is identical with what is called the death instinct isn't
addressed. That there can be any such thing as non-desbructive
sublimation of sexuality is not proven.
So, compared to the contemporary wisdom of Love Generation hippies ...
Marcuse... is frightfully backward, and so adopts a naiave tone when he
occassionally ventures into more progressive opinions and speculations. In
other words, he is not only no Rene Guyon or Albert Ellis, he isn't even a
Wilhelm Reich.... Nevertheless, EROS AND CIVILIZATION is worth reading,
because it began a debate that lead to greater things.
Paul Goodman's philosophy: Elect honest and imaginative politicians to
office and, that failing, smash the State.
I took Acid again last weekend. What kept striking me most was the
miracle of mine, or anyone else's prolonged survival. So many things can
always go wrong that don't. So I live through yet another day.
The purpose of society is to secure rights. Societies that do not without
games secure rights should be destroyed at our earliest convenience.
I am not studying to be your king or one of your embarrassingly pathetic
political leaders. Organize! Don't mourn. Organize!
DON'T LET COSTA RICA HAVE ALL THE FUN! Help make National Pliers Day
an international holoday.
-- Kerry Wendell Thornley KULTCHA
c 1986 Kerry W. Thornley
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