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$$ .d""b. .d""b. HOE E'ZINE #1047
[-- $$""b. $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --]
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ss$$ "Flamers Fight with Force"
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ by pl0nk
$$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ 03/22/00
[-- $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $$ -- ------------------------------------------- --]
$$ $$ "TssT" "TssT"
if i'm going to make it anywhere, i wanna make it to bottom, the
lowest anyone can go. i wanna walk down a street and have people be so
sick of me that they just have to puke or spit on me. i don't want
people to know what's on my mind. and i don't want people to care. i'll
shut you all out and keep to myself.
i fucking hate every thing that makes you people you. your hair,
your personality, your egos... the way put cologne to cover up your stench.
your make up does nothing but cover up the fact that you're unpretty.
we can see your makeup. you can't see it because you want to believe its
not there. you're not the anti christ. you're just confused. there is
no religion, just evolutionism. you want everything faked and you don't
care who you hurt in the process. china man don't wear pants. and if i
were perfect i wouldn't either.
you with the three fingers. fuck off and die.
i wrote a poem one night when i was all fucked up on acid. if you
like anything to do with thoughtful poetry on acid read it. copy and
paste it to notepad print it and take it in for show and tell, teachers
love this sorta shit.
Shot in the Head
you are nothing but a coward
i wanna hear you say it, say you're a coward
i'm a coward
louder i can't hear you!
i'm a coward
flash than silence
the body fades to darkness
time ticking lightly
power shown with time
the innocent never do the crime
just a question asked by the mime
blame society. steal your parents guns and make some space for
some new children to be born. poverty striken whores giving birth to
crackhead kids to add to the army of the crack comunity. this service
annoucement has been brought to you by pl0nk. i would like to take the
time now to thank all the people who made my life shitty. you made me
who i am today.
[ (c) HOE E'ZINE -- http://www.hoe.nu HOE #1047, BY PL0NK - 3/22/00 ]