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ggg "Why Bother?" ggg
$$$ by -> Cyn $$$
$$$ $$$
$$$ [ HOE E-Zine #931 -- 12/08/99 -- http://www.hoe.nu ] .,$$$
Hey, you. You're reading this, so I'm assuming you got out of bed
this morning, or at least this afternoon. My question: Why?
Why get out of bed? Why bother to do anything at all?
Eventually you're just going to have to grow up and get a job, unless you
happen to be independently wealthy, in which case I suggest you stop
reading this, and go snort cocaine off of the round, indolent bellies of
high-priced call girls or something.
So. You're either not independently wealthy, or not smart enough
to go away and spend your money on something fun. Let's assume that you
will some day have to work for your living, and work at something other
than not pissing your father off so badly that he disowns you. Now at
this point, you have two options. You can either go the education route
and spend a minimum of four years at college, or you can get a job as
soon as possible.
Now, if you've gotten a job, you're fucked already. For one
thing, you threw away a perfectly good opportunity to spend at least four
years drinking and smoking phatty nugs while complaining about how hard
your life is. Now, don't get me wrong, college can be an utter bitch
sometimes, but it's nowhere near as frustrating as spending an entire day
asking people if they want fries with that. You can look forward to
doing pointless, meaningless, slightly demeaning tasks for the rest of
your life.
So let's assume you go to college. Great. You get to put off
real life for at least four more years, if you don't rilly fuck up. But
some day, some how, you're going to graduate. And what then? You're
either going to have some pointless job in Academia where you'll do
research on something that no one other than you and the five other
people in you're absurdly specialized field will care about, or you'll be
working on creating some unneeded consumer good that the huge, uncaring
corporation you work for can sell to the masses so that we can all
convince ourselves that capitalism works.
If I were you, I'd start drinking heavily right now.
[ (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! HOE #945, BY CYN - 12/08/99 ]