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ooooo ooooo .oooooo. oooooooooooo HOE E'ZINE RELEASE #799
`888' `888' d8P' `Y8b `888' `8
888 888 888 888 888 "The Advice Letter Project"
888ooooo888 888 888 888oooo8
888 888 888 888 888 " by The HOE Staff
888 888 `88b d88' 888 o 8/22/99
o888o o888o `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8
This is a special compilation issue. All of the HOE writers were
asked to write another HOE writer a special "letter of advice" of some
sort. The specific nature (such as length, content, direction, and purpose)
were left completely open. These selected writers were chosen by RANDOM,
using a dandy PERL script that Jamesy whipped up. Since some of the
writers didn't use conventional indicators for whom they were writing to,
I stuck an ugly header at the top of each letter indicating the author and
You know, I didn't think HOE could possible create a compilation
file to match the pointlessness and stupidity of what's been done already,
but I was wrong. This is really fucking stupid. I had no idea the kind
of worthlessness this project might produce.
-- Mogel
TO: Jubjub
FROM: Caitlin
TO: Daisy
FROM: Aster
asters are better than daisies.
TO: Teerts
FROM: Isaac
You can do drugs, you can do school, but you can't do both.
Choose school.
Drink Pepsi Cola. Pepsi One only have ONE calorie!
Never awaken.
TO: Mr A Jim
FROM: Jubjub
You should stop eating all meat, dairy, eggs, other animal products,
stop wearing leather/fur, and stop using products that have been tested on
animals. Once you have adopted a vegan lifestyle you will become more in
tune with your own body, animals, and the earth in general. Good luck!
TO: Unrelated
FROM: RottenZ
Dear Unrelated,
Your craftmanship, when it comes to the conception and execution of
an e-zine article, is uncompared in the modern age. However, I'd advise
that you read Meenk's work, and strive to be more like her. Remember,
Unrelated, Meenk is life.
- Jon
TO: RottenZ
FROM: AltRocks
To The Reader:
Ok, so I had to write this advice thingie for hoe. And I got one of
the worst match-ups in history. So much for Faith in PERL. I hardly ever
see RottenZ in the channel and I'm much too lazy to go back thru the
archive and read his files. I certainly wouldn't want somebody to judge
me on my t-files... after all, they're crap ! Anyway, so I decided to write
a general list of advice for anyone.
Wear sun screen. Ah, fuck it, just don't go out in the sun.
Don't trust women. And if you do trust women, then always keep
money aside where they can't find it and don't know about it.
Keep a high standard of hygiene.
Never take IRC seriously.
If it smells like shit, and looks like shit, it's probably shit.
Going under 20 does not constitute a complete stop.
Having a fake ID saying you're 22, while good for getting drunk, is
often not helpful when picking up 16 year old girls.
Listen to that voice in the back of your head... unless it's more
than one voice, of if it tells you to kill your parents.
Stay away from the brown acid.
If a powerful ethereal being asks you if you're a god, say, "Yes."
But trust me on the sun screen.
Hey, what'd you expect ? I don't exactly have a lot of advice.
TO: Aster
FROM: Seaya
Dear Aster:
I advise you to have a dose of reality in your work and life.
Princesses, all caps, repeated sayings get tired after a while. Why don't
you come out about your real self and stop being silly. I'm starting to
believe you don't really exist.
TO: Mogel
FROM: The Jester
dear moggie,
so. j00 want advice. ok, here goes, fellah.
firstly, do a fuckload of drugs in your short sweet life. most
people understand the goodness of this, but some people haven't yet
realized this. so, yeah, do drugs motherfucker. make other people do
drugs, too.
next, and almost as important, is the need to commit suicide at the
age of 65. i mean, god, your life is already over. all you to look
forward to is smelling like an old person, you know? no one will give a
shit about you, so why not put your faith in death?
baz luhrman sucks. his advice sucks. if you like baz luhrman,
commit suicide now.
cheese is the closest equivalent to god.
proctor and gamble poisons animal. become nocturnal. donate a dime
to the march of dimes. people who classify themselves by the music they
listen to are losers. really. beat them with plastic poles. working
sucks. quit working.
blah. i'm in a bitchy mood. always allow your moods to dictate
what you write. bitch.
the jester.
TO: Oregano
FROM: Big Daddy Bill
Hi Oregeno! I'm writing this letter in response to Mogel's advice
idea. You now have the pleasure of being written the lamest advice letter
ever! Please enjoy my nuggets of wisdom:
Don't eat yellow snow. Don't eat white snow. Don't eat snow. It
causes cancer.
You are not as good-looking as everyone says you are. You're better
off dead anyway. What that means, I really have no idea but it's 3:30 in
the frickin morning and I'm being pressured into doing this, I mean really?!
I can't work under these conditions! I'm a starving artist damn it! I
demand to be fed every once in a while! Feed me! FEED ME!!!!!
My last little hairball of wisdom? Don't listen to Bill. Whatever
you do, please god don't listen to me. I smoke crack. Your mother always
told you, "Don't listen to crack heads. They love cucumbers." Maybe YOUR
mother didn't. Oh poo.
Big Daddy Bill
FROM: Unrelated
Dear Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. a.k.a. - AIDS,
Try pulling yourself away from the computer for more than a week
and go fishing, or try skydiving, how about something really fun, try
hitchhiking. That's right, give up everything you have, pack a set of
clothes, a canteen of water, and a book or two(including a blank one to
write down your "adventures"). Then go stand on the ramp of interstate
with your thumb out. Visit a side of life you've probably never seen.
Trust me, it's an experience you just can't find sitting on your ass in
front of a computer.
TO: Uberfizzgig
Well Scott, I read all your t-files as dear Mogel recommended, and
I have no fucking idea what advice to provide. So uhm I'm going to babbly
on about my general advice to anyone.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sun screen would
be it. The long-term benefits of sun screen have been proved by scientists,
whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own
meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.
As if no one else was tempted to do that! I have very little advice
to give. I'm only 22, it's not as if I've accumulated some vast amount of
experience. Don't run up your credit cards, but anyone knows that. Don't
go through your whole life trying to please your parents, they will never
be pleased until you are being tormented by children of your own. Listen
to 'Hair Bands' and thrash around your room, it's a good release. Don't
cheat on people its mean and just all around fucked up. If you're really
gonna cheat its a sign of relationship problems or your own problems.
Party, get drunk, let loose be crazy, it's part of being under 30. I guess
that's all I have to say.. Oh yeah one more thing...
No matter what a stripper tells you, there's no sex in the champaign
TO: Oscar Meyer Wilde III
FROM: Jammer 427
Well, how do you start an advice letter to someone who you've never
met. Who cares?
Oscar roughly the only things that I can learn about you is from
your writing. By rough study I can decipher that you are obsessed with sex
and content to telephone and harass local fast food establishments.
First off, it may not seem clear but these problems are both related
to each other. I know that you're saying, "Jammer, how can you come up with
such an amazing concept." That's my secret. Here's my advice -- GET LAID!!
Right now! You really need to get your rocks off. I'm not talking about
looking up some big breasted girls over at bustyamatuers.com and having a
primate punishment session.
It's stunningly such a sign that you are not getting laid because
you are wasting time by making those aforementioned calls to those
aforementioned fast food establishments. This is what you are doing in
place of sex.
Of course, you can tell that these calls are about sex. Your
transcript to Dunkin Donuts is between you and a woman. The donut with its
hole is a clear symbol for a vagina and that you want to be "dunkin'" her.
The other call is a travel into the homoerotic. You called a Burger
King and spoke to a man. Symbolizing a desire to have his hot, sizzling
meat in your mouth.
So you can see that a lack of sex is on display for all to see. I
don't care how you get it or how you take it, but go out and get laid. Be
it with a love or some dirty, hard, tiring monkey sex, but get some. You
really need it.
Good luck,
TO: Art
FROM: Darwin
Dear Art,
I've got some advice that I want to share with you.
You may think that being in school sucks, living at home sucks, being
underage sucks, being a nerd sucks, etc., but I'm here to tell you that the
real world sucks more.
Even if you have a "good" job, you'll be playing a ridiculous game
that involves you getting up early in the morning, going somewhere where
you're paid less than you'd like to be for work that will usually be boring.
Also, you should try to be less of a dork around girls. Girls don't
like dorks. They like aggressive, obsessive dorks even less.
Try to make some sort of effort to exercise and eat food that isn't
full of fat and or chemical fertilizer or hormones. Don't smoke tobacco.
Spend less time doing dumb things on your computer.
For example, writing stupid advice letters to people you don't like.
TO: Meenk
FROM: Styx
Because I've a feeling that you really don't need any advice on
anything due to you having figured most things out as best as you can
already, and because I don't know any more than you do, I've opted instead
to present you with a helpful tool - something you may have never considered
that would probably make your mornings a bit less stressful, assuming you're
awake in the morning in the first place. I hope that I have helped.
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sum -r/size 36115/4721
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TO: Anjee
FROM: Kreid
OKay So liKE anJEE DSince OYOU bwAnAN AN BE LIKE , ME EliFEKE aLl thE OthER
SMOKE PLT!!!!!!!!
TO: Kreid
FROM: Anjee
My dearest Kreid,
How does it feel to know what love, commitment, caring and all that
is all about? Because you obviously know a lot about it since you were
married for a few years. Do you honestly think that makes you more
knowledgeable than all those "inferior" humans that haven't been married?
If you don't, I feel the need to inform you that all you have said
insinuates it. Being married, paying bills, taking care of daily chores
does not make you a better person than anyone else. It may heighten your
maturity a half of a notch, but keep in mind that you're heightening your
responsibility maturity meter. However when it comes to emotional
maturity, yours is quite clearly lower than a 12 year old's.
You insist that you know so well what love is about. Love is
different for each and every person on the face of this entire planet.
Love for you obviously defines someone giving you all you need, to satisfy
you and only you. And even if you do/did know what love is, that doesn't
entitle you to constantly rip on someone because they haven't had the
chance to experience it. Tim obviously dated you because he liked you, and
you must've felt the same way if you agreed to proceeding in that path.
He wanted to show you how he felt and was punished and cursed at for doing
so. And even if you didn't care for him (which puzzles me, because you
still pursued the dating for a short while apparently knowing this.) you
cannot automatically assume that he did or didn't care for you.
I can see that you're obviously scarred from your experiences with
Glenn, but that does not mean that every one that feels anything beyond
friendship for you wants to control you. It phases me how you associate
concern with control without thinking twice. If Tim wanted you to inform
him where you were that one weekend, it's not (surprise, surprise!) because
he wants to control every part of your life, but more because for all he
knows, you could've been laying in a ditch in the middle of nowhere,
bleeding to death. Sue him for being worried. I'm sure even a 5 minute
phone call from wherever the hell you were would've eased his mind. And as
you said, it is okay to be selfish, but being too selfish is certainly no
good to no one. Life is give and take (I can psycho-babble and say "You
are given life, and later on, it is taken back. It's a prime example of
life's give and take motto", but I'll spare you from at least that.) You
want a person who will give give give, and if not they can go screw
themselves, and for this reason it's pretty obvious that Tim isn't and will
never be for you.
Knowing 1/100th more about life than Tim may or may not know does
not make you better than him. You keep insisting on how you know so much
and how it makes you better, then you say how he is nor superior nor
inferior to you, then continue on with your self-glorifying "I know more
about so and so". You can do what you want, and you are right for saying
so. But dating someone you don't want to date, but are dating because you
have nothing better to do does is just wrong. But then again, for reasons
that no one probably knows, you pursue the dating and constantly lash out
and the other party for showing the tiniest amount of care and concern, I
I could go on and on but 1) I don't see why I should for reasons
other than telling you what exactly is wrong about yourself, your
personality. 2) Because you may just ignore this e-mail entirely.
3) You'll probably e-mail me back telling me what love is like. etc. etc.
I will put it as plain as day, you are clearly a (no, not selfish.
you're beyond that) egotistical psychopath that is in serious need of
psychiatric help and sympathy fucks.
Sincerely Yours,
P.S. On a positive note, it's a great idea to not trouble yourself
with homophones.
TO: Nybar
FROM: Effy
Dear Nybar,
There's so much I've heard about you.
There's so much I want to tell you about what I've heard about you.
What do I tell an adolescent boy from the East who raps on
Phairgirl's answering machine? I have heard the songs Nybar, I have heard
them, but there lies a seemingly unfixable problem here.
You are white.
But that can all be fixed!
That brings me to my point of advice:
I suggest that you should have a make over. You need to turn
yourself into a gangster. Not like that pussy white ass Eminem or that
rotten bag of overrated shit Everlast, but you need to look, act, and feel
like a thug straight out of the ghetto. First thing, for all practical
intentions and purposes, you should probably be black, because white
gangsters don't cut it these days. If you can't afford the surgery, get a
good can of non-toxic paint. Next, if you have any length for hair and
it's not dark, you're going to need to dye it or just shave your head.
Next, make sure you have the proper attire; I'm sure you know how to dress.
Now, get a gun. Get a lot of guns. Don't buy them, steal them. And just
for practice, rob a convenience store. And I want you to start smoking
crack. Smoke lots of crack. And when you can't get crack, smoke pot. But
make sure you're never clear-headed so you don't realize what the hell
you're doing. Freestyle on corners of favorite localities, and make some
friends that aren't on the internet. Start your own gang, and when you get
big and powerful enough, turn it into a record label. Then start recording
your own rhymes. Everyone will love you and want to smoke crack with you.
People will be honored when you rob them and will then want to smoke more
crack with you. You'll be able to delete your internet porn, sell your
computer, and buy more crack. Hoochies will sleep with you all day and all
night. You'll get so very much ass.
If nothing else... do it for the nookie, Nybar. Do it all for the
TO: Reflecks
FROM: LilNilHil
Dear Reflecks.
i have no advice for you. i don't know who the hell you are, or what
your problems are like, or how your life is. here is advice on how to be
me. never floss. never form 'intimate relationships'. don't trust anyone.
don't eat right. always be late. never call or write anyone back. be an
asshole. know that the glass is half full of shit and that there aren't any
lights or tunnels. laugh for no reason. do way too many drugs. lose
everything that is important to you. smoke. never keep a job for more than
3 months. don't hate love or believe in anything. take up on every
diversion from reality you can find. never look someone in the eye, unless
yer gonna fuck with them. be dangerous. be unpredictable. wear old
clothes. be humble. like a cat that is tied to a stake that is driven
into frozen winter shit. be dreary/aloof/witty/angsty/sick/jaded/
disenchanted/desensitized. as the fools are fooled again... but most
importantly, never have even the slightest fucking possibility of a clue as
to what the hell you are doing.
TO: Jammer 427
FROM: Trilobyte
jammer 427,
take to heart the ideals of the man who walked the master plan, the
one who got rid of all hypocrisy and lived the life of a rockstar genius.
wear the tights that show your muscular legs and travel amongst people as
the most famous of all, the one with the pointy beard. when a hangover
takes its hold, stuff your mouth with a big mac -- bears only eat
vegetarians -- and you will become better, you will become oodles of
puddles of lovy goodness, and you will shine with the brightest of human
when trouble comes your way, wave your arm in the air and shout
"BEGONE! YONDER HEATHENS". put on your spirit-shield as to not allow any
troubled souls to enter the church known as YOU. levitate regularly to
help digestion. god appreciates those who burp trees. god appreciates
those who appreciate god. those who appreciate god appreciate god's
goodness and the other things that they appreciate but some other people
don't listen to the people who appreciate god. listen to the voice
of the minister of the church of YOU. listen to that speaker implanted in
your chest, follow its words, and you will understand exactly why you're
sitting down by the river playing a guitar. you will be able to rock with
the long-gone souls, you will pee on master fisherman, throw rocks at
heads, and cross bridges upside-down.
you will be able to move mountains once you become strong enough to
do so.
TO: Hardcore
FROM: Reflecks
hardcore, dear friend.
i shall skip the advice, the wise words of wisdom, the little gems
of knowledge so often given out, and, instead, present you with a story.
there once was this little, nasty, dirty, old man who lived alone in
a decaying grey clapboard house in the city. he loved pornography.
hardcore, softcore, dutch, kitty, video, audio, streaming, anime, you name
it. in fact, he loved porn so much, he often forgot to feed his (now dead)
dog, Handjob. Handjob was a wonderful pooch, arriving at his front door
one day with mottled fur and a note around his neck which read "Please take
care of me, my owners can't stand the stench." The man soon found out the
dog's love of peanut butter, and, quickly, Handjob became this man's
greatest friend. All day, all night was spent with the dog, and the both
shared a "special" bond. The two, one day, were watching the man's favorite
pornographic video, "Naughty Nurses of Nantucket VI", when, in a freak and
unrelated accident, the man's wrist flew off. Frightened and aghast, he
continued his current job with his other hand. Again, his wrist flew off.
This time, careful not to step on his now severed wrists, he looked for
Handjob. Searching High and Low, he finally found his favorite peanut-butter
loving hound in the bathtub, reclining back, sipping a tall glass of Jack
Daniel's and Lemonade. The man screamed. "YOU'RE NO DOG! YOU'RE A FUCKING
MIDGET." With that, he swore off porn and any form of sexual
gratification. He became a eunich and, later, a boy's choir leader at the
local church.
So should you.
-much luck, sock.
TO: Swiss Pope
FROM: Girl From Mars
My Darling One and Only SwissPope,
If I can impart nothing but these few pearls of wisdom, so be it.
If my text files have not yet touched you in weird and wonderful ways, let
this be the first to rock your world. Let me forewarn you that my advice
to you is incredibly important, that you will carry these words with you in
your heart until the end of time. Now listen, and listen good.
I will start off with the most earth-shattering, life-altering
counsel you will receive. In the course of time, we human beings have
desires, some of which are socially acceptable and some of which are not.
There are things we really dream about doing, our fantasies, if you will.
These fantasies are an integral part of life and are essential to one's
mental health, but can potentially do much harm. Yes, I'm talking about
most everyone's aspiration to perform this one idiotic act that, in giving
them the guilty pleasure they unconsciously seek, could just as soon kill
them. Naturally, you can guess what I'm about to say. Don't whiz on the
electric fence! Don't do it! I don't care what your friends are doing, or
how many of the cool MTV kids support this risky activity, just please,
don't. If I reach you with nothing else, I will feel fulfilled having
known this bit of information has been passed on.
My other advice to you is not as all-encompassing, but is useful
nonetheless. Again, as humans we have desires, and sometimes our desires
get in the way of our sanity and/or everyday functioning. As important as
it is not to let your fantasies get the better of you, it is equally
meaningful to heed my warning: Never ever ever listen to 'The Safety
Dance' by Men Without Hats on repeat. You will get it stuck in your head,
and then it will slowly spread to the rest of your body, and before you
know it you'll be dressed like someone out of a renaissance faire and
you'll be looking at your hands. Listen to me! I've seen it happen to the
best of people, and I don't ever want to see it again.
I hope I have gotten through with some of my advice, I feel so much
better knowing that I've passed on the wisdom I've acquired in my travels.
Take care of yourself, and remember, you can dance if you want to.
The Girl From Mars
TO: Trilobyte
FROM: Miasma
<Insert music to "Everyone's Free (to wear sun screen)">
--> Don't stick a fork in an electrical socket. It does no good but can do
lots of harm.
--> If you ever are in mixed company, and you sneeze, and you can't find
yourself a tissue to wipe that dreaded snot off your nose, don't worry.
But don't use someone else's shirt to alleviate yourself of the problem.
--> Your amiga setup is rad. Don't change it for anything.
--> Don't rape goats. It's not a polite thing to do. Goats can't talk
back to you. They can't say "NO!". They can't scream "RAPE!".
Furthermore, and most importantly, they can't tell you whether to go
'harder' or 'faster' or 'a little to the left'.
--> Mitosis makes my toes grows, Meiosis makes me.
--> You look like this guy I know named Abe. I told you this already.
So, disregard this piece of advice.
--> Eat live goldfish. It won't make you any more healthy, but hey... it's
damned entertaining. Just make sure you have an audience.
--> It takes 3 polish men to screw in a lightbulb. I forget the rest of the
punch line.
--> In order to get my house, you need to make a left onto Cerenzia Blvd.
That's something you always need to know.
--> Serve me.
--> If you ever have holes in a white wall, toothpaste works wonders as to
covering it up. Likewise, if you kill someone on accident. Suicide
notes and wiped fingerprints can fix the situation right up.
--> Don't eat paste. I did at a young age, and look at what happened to me.
--> HOE is like a drug, GET OUT! GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN! |