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'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!!
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##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #327 !!
#########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !!
##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: ===========================================
##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "The Crap I Write" !!
##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> PezMonkey !!
..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/11/98 !!
here are excerpts from my college application essay. i wrote
something like 12 total, i think. these were all used for schools i got
into, and for the most part was offered scholarships to. i think that's
probably an embarrassment to most of the schools, since these essays are
cheesy out the ass, and just stupid. though, admittedly, i read a bunch
of essays on "how to write a good college essay" before i wrote these,
so these're pretty much copies, except with dumber concepts. so, uh,
for Georgetown: Me Wanting to Be "Different"
Jerry stripped off his blue jumpsuit and stood nude in the midst
of the other workers. The suit was nothing but a burden there in the
hot work yard. The sun beat down on his newly exposed body, but soon
his skin would become tough and accustomed to the rays. He did not need
that scratchy wool suit provided for all employees so that they would be
identical machines of labor. Jerry knew that perhaps he was being
foolish by breaking the unwritten law of the ages, but he also knew that
he was stronger when not hiding behind the bond of the identical worker.
We as a society are progressing towards an era in which we no
longer need to hide behind the bond of conformity. My peers and I are
the new generation of young people who strive to be tomorrow's leaders.
We do not need those constricting wool jumpsuits of ages past, for those
navy suits are only covers for difference; difference that was once
thought to separate, but instead is beneficial. Jerry realized that his
strength lay in his difference - there was no need to hide within the
bonds of conformity any longer - just as our strength lies in our
for USC: Me Showing How Gullible and Cheese-ball I Could Be
". . .So I just put a little cocaine on the end of my cigarette
and dab it on my gums. Look, I have to. I ain't got no teeth. They
wouldn't let me have none when I was in that institution in
Milledgeville. . ."
As he pulled up his lip to show me his toothless gums, I wondered
what I had gotten myself into by allowing him to start a conversation
with me. I turned back around to face the front of the bus. Maybe it
was my own fault that I felt suddenly let down. I had been gullible
enough to believe that this senile, loud, crazy old man really could
have been an Olympic-caliber athlete.
The moment had held such promise, sharing an experience with
someone that I would have been proud to say that I met. Instead, the
man turned out to be just a person, a person that any one of us could
one day become. It was in that moment I realized it matters not how a
situation may seem; it is what we make of it that counts. I looked at
Ralph and smiled. Even if all I gained from the experience were a few
stories, I wanted to give Ralph the listening ear for which he was so
obviously aching. And perhaps he really had been a gold medal winner.
for Tufts: Me Showing What a Pathetic Computer Geek I Am
I once heard someone describe the on-line community as a place
which causes "real life [to become] almost 'blah'," and "People you've
known for a long time [to] suddenly seem shallow and self centered." I
don't find this to be true at all. Instead, my time on-line has caused
me to discover new things about myself which I can take back to my
friends outside of the on-line experience. Every time I go on-line, I
can feel my mind open to new ideas and possibilities. It gives me new
insights to contribute to class discussions or friendly debates. The
on-line community not only gave me a whole new set of friends, but it
also allowed me to become closer and more involved with the other people
in my life in an intellectual manner. I have reaffirmed many of my
previously held ideas, and gained new ones through people I met on-line.
I made new discoveries in my beliefs concerning God, religion, politics,
other nations, and my own morality. I looked more closely at the
political candidates as the Presidential elections approached and
followed my own discoveries and ideas instead of accepting blindly the
beliefs of my parents. Also, I learned about many religions besides the
one present in my home. I found that many of my friends didn't
necessarily need to be a part of an organized religion to find faith,
God, or religious fulfillment. Their beliefs caused me to want to study
and read more about other world religions as I decided on the ideology
that best suited me. While I have yet to decide where I stand insofar
as religion is concerned, when I do decide, it will be with conviction
and a deeper understanding.
Perhaps I may never find answers to many of my questions, but the
friendships I have developed on-line and the people I meet help me to
realize many thing that I would not have been aware of otherwise. Sure,
sometimes I spend my time with my on-line friends just chatting or
making jokes, but in many ways they have helped me to more fully realize
who I am. Though I may never see what any of these people look like or
meet them in "real-life," many of them are just as valuable and
beneficial to me as those friends I have known since childhood.
for Brown, maybe?: Me Being Fucking Stupid
I never put much stock in dreams before, but there was something
about this one that made it important. It was prophetic. Playing it
safe was the easy route. "Follow your dreams; take every chance," it
told me. I thought then how important it is to always always reach for
what seems to lie just out of your grasp. All too often, we only try to
achieve those things in which we are guaranteed success. More
important, however, is to try for what you are unsure of, what is said
to be too difficult or inaccessible. If you try to walk on clouds, you
may tumble. But if you don't try, then you underestimate the power of
dreams and the strength of clouds.
either Brown or Georgetown, or both: Showing How Dorky & Friendless I Am
I looked at Scarlett O'Hara, Gone with the Wind's heroine, and
she reminded me of our innate desire to be friends with "bad" people.
At some point, we are attracted to people who don't behave as we would,
but we live vicariously through their deeds. The qualities that I
admired in Scarlett and which drew me to her were not necessarily
characteristics that I would have liked to have for myself, but it was
fun to be with her. . She lived for the moment - threw caution to the
wind. Even so, Scarlett had a plan was determined to carry it through
to the end. She was often selfish, but she was strong and resolute. I
saw what she could accomplish even with the conditions she had to face,
and I took some of her will with me.
Some of my closest friends weren't always pretty and fun,
however. Piggy, for example, from Lord of the Flies was not attractive,
but he was kind and intelligent. He had certain qualities that caused
me to want to sit and have long conversations with him. Initially, this
may have been because I pitied him since he was misunderstood by the
other boys, but this was not the only reasons that he was my friend. He
was an honest, sincere, loyal and trustworthy being, deserving of
friendship not only from myself, but from the other boys in the novel as
for James Madison University: Me Showing That I Am a Retard
My name is Lindsey, and I am not unique.
!! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #327 - WRITTEN BY: PezMonkey - 12/11/98 !!