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'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!!
##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: ===========================================
##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #326 !!
#########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !!
##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: ===========================================
##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Fuck Tibet" !!
##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Zaff !!
..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 12/11/98 !!
My attitude toward Tibet had been one of relaxed indifference of
late. What, after lightning struck a Tibetan Freedom Concert last
summer, I thought that God himself had pretty well spoken on the matter
and set things clear for once and for all as to where Tibet stands in
the cosmic order. But, sometimes, God just doesn't talk loud enough, it
Today, during Daria, there was a Levi's commercial in which two
'friends' (read: very smug womyn fashion victims) were sporting tatoos
on their tummies. "It is Tibetan for hello" one of them says, giggling.
And that reminded me that Tibet, despite the good intentions of the
People's Republic of China, remains one of the trendiest causes in the
American suburbs. But I sure don't see why.
Religion you say? Tibet is the birthplace of Many Important
Eastern Religious Traditions. But, if it is religion you want, I direct
your attention to Jerusalem, the Middle East. Christianity, Judaism,
Islam--*all* very nice and important religions in their own right, and
all born in the Middle East. But you never see Billy Corgan drag his
ennui drenched ass to Jerusalem to do a benefit at the Wailing Wall, or
pleaing for the violence to stop among the Jews and the Arabs. You can
hardly heave a grenade in Jerusalem without blowing up a major landmark
of vast religious significance, but kids in the burbs don't have
"Yahweh" tatooed on their bellies, or wear "Free Mecca" tee shirts.
I never grasped why Eastern religions were more trendy than
Christianity, Judaism and Islam. I mean, those three are *just as easy*
for half-witted kids with too much time and money to fundamentally
misconstrue as Buddhism or Hinduism. Maybe easier! Besides, as I have
mentioned before, Jesus had nice abs whereas the Buddha in his
traditional representation is a fat little bald man and it just seems
like Jesus would play better with the 15 year old girls and their
intellectual kindred who squawk about freeing Tibet.
Maybe you want to talk about natural beauty in Tibet. If you
want beauty, though, just go a little further on down to Sri Lanka.
Lush, green forests, breathtaking hills, they have elephants for God's
sake. Gorgeous nation which is itself rife with injustice, people
blowing up each other right and left. The terrorists there even go by
the name "Tamil Tigers". Sounds like a baseball team.
Or if you want to talk about the sheer quality of oppression (or
quantity for that matter) Tibet cannot hold a candle to other parts of
the world, especially in Africa. Take Rwanda. Please. Two tribes,
apparently pissed off at their silly names (the Hoot Owls and the Toot
Toys I think) took to each other with guns and machetes. Huge
carnage. UN is in desperate need of help running the war crimes
tribunal. Prisoners piled up literally 100 to 150 to a room. Where
are the Beastie Boys? Why aren't the Crust Brothers being indier than
thou in Rwanda?
The best I can figure, we are angry Tibet is oppressed because
it is being oppressed by those mean old Chinese. And why do we hate
the Chinese? Residual aspects of phony Beatlemania. Remember when
John Boy got all pissed at Mao because he realized that Maoism was
*not* the idealistic utopian way of life that he thought Communism
was supposed to be?
That's right, years later, we are still reeling from the
terrible effects of the British invasion and its impact upon our
culture. We have been pop-culturally conditioned to dislike the
Chinese, which means disliking Tibetan "oppression" while we allow
more serious offences all throughout the rest of the world.
The solution is to ship all the Free Tibet kids to Jerusalem, or
Rwanda, or Cambodia, or some other shitpit where they are crazy about
torture and genocide. It will teach them a thing or two. Or just
weed them out of the gene pool, which leaves more used beemers and Doc
Martens and hackey sacks for the rest of us.
!! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #326 - WRITTEN BY: ZAFF - 12/11/98 !!