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'##::::'##:::'#####:::'########: VIVA LA REVOLUCION! CERDO DEL CAPITALISTA!!
##:::: ##::'##.. ##:: ##.....:: ===========================================
##:::: ##:'##:::: ##: ##::::::: THE HELOTS OF ECSTASY PRESS RELEASE #284 !!
#########: ##:::: ##: ######::: ZIEGO VUANTAR SHALL BE MUCH VICTORIOUS! !!
##.... ##: ##:::: ##: ##...:::: ===========================================
##:::: ##:. ##:: ##:: ##::::::: "Sponsor an IRC Asshole" !!
##:::: ##::. #####::: ########: by -> Teerts !!
..:::::..::::.....::::........:: 11/12/98 !!
are you an idiot? do you have $50 laying around? be forewarned,
some of the words that are to follow may be disturbing to some readers.
[1:05] *** Joins: ELVIS (Matt@{something}.ipt.aol.com)
[1:05] <iamalimey> hrrm...I thought Elvis was dead
[1:05] <BlahBoi> go fuck a goat
[1:05] <ELVIS> es9, Your Mama's so stupid, when your dad said it
was chilly outside, she ran outside with a spoon
[1:05] <Oily> not really just not a fan
[1:05] <iamalimey> umb.....don't hate....just thought was dead
[1:06] <Oily> why am i happy? hmm....... no reason
[1:06] * ELVIS is giving a present to es9 (tick tock tick tock)
[1:06] <iamalimey> and who's fucking a goat?
[1:06] * ELVIS hides under the table and waits...
[1:06] *** Oily is now known as gasoline
[1:06] <gasoline> no one blows up nothing without gasoline
[1:06] *** Quits: ELVIS (Read error to ELVIS[{something}.ipt.aol.com]: Connection reset by peer)
[1:06] <BlahBoi> he got his kaboom
[1:06] <iamalimey> heh
[1:06] <gasoline> hehehe
[2:53] *** Joins: LeEtCaT (LeEtCaT@{something}.dialup.usunwired.net)
[2:54] <LeEtCaT> hi what is patch.exe i just installed it
[2:54] <BlahBoi> prolly a trojan
[2:54] <BlahBoi> :)
[2:54] <LeEtCaT> i cant find it
[2:54] <LeEtCaT> whats a trojan
[2:54] <BlahBoi> trojan == bad
[2:55] <LeEtCaT> yea right
[2:55] <BlahBoi> where did you get it from?
[2:55] <LeEtCaT> friend
[2:55] <BlahBoi> reliable?
[3:06] * BlahBoi has returned. (ive been back for awhile, 44m 25s)
[3:07] <LeEtCaT> no
[3:07] <LeEtCaT> fucking show me what netbus is!!!!!
[3:07] <BlahBoi> HAHAHAHAHAHA.. a trojan (not really but when used
maliciously, yes)
[3:08] <BlahBoi> i dont remember how to clean it..
[3:08] <LeEtCaT> fucking show me what netbus is!!!!!
[3:09] <BlahBoi> its an app that lets you have complete control of a
host computer
[3:10] <LeEtCaT> you are good people
[3:10] <LeEtCaT> join the fbi in the fight against hackers
[3:10] *** Parts: LeEtCaT (LeEtCaT@{something.dialup.usunwired.net)
[3:11] <BlahBoi> people? only one person here.. me.
[3:11] <BlahBoi> dumbass
day after day, silly lameness such as this is repeated all over
irc. why is this allowed? because there was no one out there to help
these poor individuals. until now! for only *pennies* a day, you too
can sponsor an irc asshole and help him find a life!
sponsoring an irc asshole is relatively cheap, and what you get
out of the deal can save yourself future annoyance for years to come.
if you choose to sponsor an asshole, you will receive a file with the
asshole's picture, creditcard, and personal information. you will also
receive quarterly a letter from your asshole letting you know how they
are doing.
if you decide your asshole has relied on you long enough, you can
cancel your sponsorship at any moment. upon cancellation of sponsorship,
your lameass will be terminated, and their few belongings will be mailed
to you at once.
ehh, fuck you.
!! (c) !LA HOE REVOLUCION PRESS! #284 - WRITTEN BY: TEERTS - 11/12/98 !!