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>> "I Don't Care If You Like Eating Pussy" <<
by -> Styx
Path: mindspring!news.mindspring.com!not-for-mail
From: dropdead@mindspring.com (Styx)
Newsgroups: rec.music.artists.ani-difranco
Subject: Dan Bern rocks my world (was Re: One man's review of his first Ani
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 19:32:30 GMT
Organization: DTO Productions.
Lines: 36
Message-ID: <3555f8ae.46681001@news.mindspring.com>
References: <35403834.584661@news.mindspring.com>
Reply-To: dropdead@mindspring.com
NNTP-Posting-Host: pool-207-205-203-132.kgpr.grid.net
X-Server-Date: 10 May 1998 19:32:07 GMT
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.1/32.230
Xref: mindspring rec.music.artists.ani-difranco:5225
jimmybryant@KILL-SPAM-BOTSmindspring.com (jimmy bryant) wrote:
>She also told a story about an outdoor show she had played
>in Indiana for some womyn's convention. The story ended
>with her saying how she liked that show because for every
>face she saw in the audience there were twice as many tits.
This sentence pretty much sums up why I dislike Ani so much. Not
only does she go and support a womyn convention (which is, in and of
itself, absolutely fucking ridiculous), but here she goes again making
sure *everybody* in the whole wide world knows she's bisexual.
I am not intimidated by Ani's clitoris in the least, and she
certainly doesn't impress me. People like her are a dime a dozen,
and I'm sick and tired of them flaunting and gallivanting all over the
place. I see them at the bars, at the bookstores, at the 7-11, at the
schools and the concerts, in the sewers and the carnivals and the gas
stations - everywhere, like spread-eagled hookers baiting for the
hook, line and sinker.
Ani, just in case you're more stupid than I thought and you have
an internet account, I just want you to know that I am not biting the
worm. You will *never* get any of my money unless it's an accident.
I don't care if you like eating pussy, okay? As a matter of fact, I
don't care if you like sucking cock either. Your sex life and
preferences are painfully uninteresting, loud, and old. Get a new
shtick or find a job.
"Why in HELL did you subscribe to this newsgroup, Styx?"
For any and all Dan Bern discussions, of course!
styx - dropdead@mindspring.com
your one-stop abortion fan page!
* (c) HoE publications. HoE #236 -- written by Styx -- 5/29/98 *