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- t h e p o e t r y v e n t u r e -
"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that
wound and stab us . . . We need books that affect us
like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death
of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being
banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide.
A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us."
- letter to Oskar Pollak, by Franz Kafka
And so mirrors poetry....
Kdqhdgp's Heart
I have a locket,
that I wear around my neck.
It's silver and simple,
hangs at just the right length.
Seeing it at first sight,
I thought of you,
and I hope now you will think of me.
Wear it, tuck it away, lock it beyond ...
There is only one - you
that I know besides myself
only interested in knowing
the truth ... the truth of my heart lies inside.
I wear this locket,
when I am missing you,
or wish I was closer,
or just when you're on my mind.
My heart is as if a locked locket,
that can only open to a certain person
that can seep into it, and view it,
being able to hold it, and not condem it.
The locket I wear about my neck,
will be given away - very soon.
I will miss it, but I know
that it should be yours.
For it is only you
that has somehow helped
free this locked heart of mine.
It must go to you.
This locked locket
will only be opened by you ...
for it has my heart and I hope
you will take care of it.
Not being able to say
exactly what all I sense or feel,
I will just leave it at this ...
a silver, simple heart-shaped locket.
A seagull cries
The water laps against the cockles
as the tide is ripped from the bay
mist shrouds the pines that stand motionless
on the bar.
Surf crashes down from behind,
as i lay in the open
alone and saddened
by the disrepair of lives forgotten
lives lost
in the silence, i hear
their dreams as once they lived,
their love, their friendships
made and lost forever.
true story v2.0
i need you,
do you need me?
i plant a kiss on your bare stomach,
and follow it to the cleft of your breasts,
with passion,
again and again,
you inspire me,
to the point of insanity,
you make me want you more and more,
i'll make love to you until the sun implodes,
kiss after kiss,
day after day,
over and over,
until you tire of me,
for i love you,
and there's not a goddamn thing anyone can do to kill that love sugar...
[i feel the] guilt for my
actions. did I not see her resolve? was
I scared? or did I not match hers as
I fled onward in life? [scared to give]
contemplation yielded to [painful]
decision. a forced [one second] attrition
to please her. to puppet the rest
of my life. snap judgement that
now brings pain, like the rope to neck. [will
next week]
even knowing, will i let it happen? i must
so dearly live for that pain. single voice
of unheard merit, cry out in musical hell.
why can't i
explain that i live without her, because
of my own shortcoming, not hers.
with a 'no' falling off lips, i silently
ask you to give me self again. i know i'm
so wrong, i know my pain will grow.
with that
i lost resolve
and here i'm damned. to solitude.
mea culpa
your mold is too small
for the plaster that is me
i crack at the seams
of your wishes and hopes
my inferior material will
not curve gracefully to
your vision of artistic
force it if you must
and watch your masterpiece
crumble into a haze of
smoky dust, your grand
vision reduced to the
possibility of an almost
i laugh in your face
controlling creators
with the grimaces of
children watching their
sandcastles washed into
the tide
To Her Again
love ferries through your veins
like seagulls fly across the bay
they will return home from loneliness
while love cycles back to your heart
love deposits itself in fingers and toes
but it cannot grasp other loves
until it evolves into more than lust
when whispers echo lingering touches
love remains as sedentary flesh
when it cannot be refreshes by a kiss
because neglect traps this emotion
behind negative regrets from your past
and when remorse calls your numb
love still seeks to escape injustice
but no matter how many times you forget
love keeps flowing toward your heart
Indiana Poet April 29, 1998
Cut so cleanly,
Shaped like jewels,
Maybe emeralds, maybe diamonds,
Hitting the ground they explode,
Smaller and smaller jewels,
So very precious, so very red,
So very necessary,
Worth a fortune to the few,
Taken for granted by the many,
The great equilizer,
Fending off death,
Foretelling its arrival,
Microscopically dissected,
Broken apart, simulated and studied,
Its importance has faded, its mystery unravelled,
Its purpose known...
Pain, despair, lose, love, loneliness, hopelessness, rejection,
All of these and more, the unlearnt,
The unknown, unfound reasons,
Cut so cleanly,
Shaped like jewels,
Down they drip, down they fall,
The light fades, things get darker,
Breathe comes slower, calmer,
Life, life, life, its a whisper,
Slipping, slipping into serenity
Everything becomes clearier,
A mystery to many,
Inner^Kry 16/Jul/98
E D I T O R S: jericho@dim.com & demonika@dim.com
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(c) Copyright. All poems copyright by original author.
F O U N D E D: October 30, 1997