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= F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K. =
Disclaimer : I am an athesist. I don't believe in your/any God. If you
don't like this, don't read the following text.
I guess one of the reasons I am an athesist, if because I never went to
church. This is most likily because I grew up in El Paso, where it was OK
to not have a religion. My parents never were into the big church thing,
and they never were into pushing religion on me. At school religion was
never discussed, so it didn't matter to me. I understood that some people
believe in God, and some don't. Either way, its OK.
Then I moved to Lubbock. Hmm. Religion is a major part of life for
everyone here, and I was forced to pick a 'side'. I choose athesist, because
of what I could logically think about. I don't want to explain every single
thing that I have thought about...so I am just going to list thoughts in a
nice little uniform manner. These are strictly my beliefs.
1. Religion is for the weak minded that can't think for themselves. They
take whatever is 'force fed' to them, and like it. Most religious individuals
are that way because that is the way they were brought up, and they don't
question it.
2. Everything that most religous individuals go back to, is 'The Bible Says'
Don't believe everything you read. I believe that the bible was a book written
for strickly folk-lore purposes, and was not meant to run the world. Someone
back in the day of old wrote a book that was going to be all of the things that
good represents. This book would be written by 'God' or whatever so that it
was believed, and helped strighten out morals.
3. I believe that religion gives people something to believe in. Something
there for when there dead, so they don't have to live with the fact that it is
over when you die. People don't want to believe that there life is in vain,
and that they will be reduced to dirt when they die.
4. I also think people believe in God because they don't understand certain
things around them. Look back at the aztecs. They had a God for everything
that they didn't understand. I think that science has got rid of the major
mysteries, and so the Gods were 'destroyed', and reduced to one greater god.
This god is respondsible for everything that our feeble minds can't comprend.
As science progresses, more and more people will become athesists, until no
one believes in god, and they look at this time like we look at the aztecs.
5. Alot of people think that evolution never happened. Who is to say that
God(If you believe in one), didn't plan evolution. Maybe that was part of
his plan.
6. I think another reason people believe in God/Gods is because it makes
them fit in, maybe even become more popular. I dunno, but I do know that
believing something to be cool is dumb.
I have alot of friends and and relitives tha believe in God, and I don't
think any less of them for it. Everyone has a mind, and they sould be able to
use it. If a person wanted to believe in Santa Claus, then so be it. What I
am getting at is that a large portion of the religious community thinks less
of the athesist community, and even the other religions. Thats not right.
People should be able to believe as they want, and do what they want, without
being riticuled for it. Another thing that pisses me off is that at school
here there is not a sepration between religion and school. For instance, one
of my sciences teachers spent 1 day on 3 chapters of a book, because it delt
with evolution. He therefore affected others point of view, etc.
--- Acid Warlock
Sysop of Purple Hell
PS : I wasn't around for the first file, so I am going to do greeting things
here because I hope to be writing for F.U.C.K. for a long time.
Greets : All FUCK Dist Sites, Asriel, Cott Lang, WWiV Netmail,
Chaos Crew, Swamp Ratte' & cDc, DWE, Dark Walker,
FJ, Purple Motion, PcI Crew(PsI, M. Dave, Larry, etc), All
my users, Secert Service, Tech X Crew, Western Digital,
Borland, MicroSloth, Inet & Gopher, HD Disks, and Coke Classic.
= Questions, comments, bitches, ideas, etc : z1max@ttuvm1.ttu.edu :FUCK =
= Ionic Destruction 215.722.0570 Flatline 303.466.5368 =
= Purple Hell 806.791.0747 Culture Shock 717.652.5851 =
= The Keg 914.234.9674 Red Dawn ][ 410.263.2258 =
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= interested in writing for, or in becoming a distribution site for =
= F.U.C.K. call Flatline and mail Disorder or mail Max on the Celestial =
= Woodlands or internet. Knowledge is power... =