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: :::. : ____,
In Memory, : :: : : |_ _; Karl Marx
,~~ : :::'istorted : `|| says:
--)( : :::. :::: : || "Aufheben!"
()= : :: :igital ::. rection : []
HOOKAH! : :::' :::: :
: :
4 April 1994 : Text File #24 Mongoloid Telecom
FUCK! Fuck. This always happens. I go looking through my old buffers
and all the other shit I have from telecom ages past, and I begin
to remember the fun ol' days, when life was worth living. Here
assembled is a collection of TDL/Necropolis users from the Winter
1992. This is a rather recent time, though, so be expecting something
from a lot longer coming up. But for now, enjoy. It should bring
back some old memories.
These were the days when users were users and rodents were rodents.
And we all had user numbers. Christ, I can't believe we had user
Sidewinder - The original ... the only ... the co-sysop. Wow.
His Grace - And, oh my, yet another co-sysop, replacing Sidey.
Elminster - Jesus, he's been around forever. User #46!
Iron Eagle - Where'd he go? Wait ... he's back! Is he? Umm..
The Mistress - The woman with twenty last names!
Power Man - A user that everyone loved to hate.
Cochise - Whatever happened to hi- Krell? Ratlung? What?
Ceasaro - I can't tell. Leech or one of the best users? Hm.
Spew Queen - I can't live life without her.
Watson - Another one of those: whatever happened to?
The Womanizer - Our only defense against the Lord.
Prince of Darkness - Was this guy ALWAYS on acid or what?
Chris - Remember her? Just for a little while?
Mr-bad-example - The champion of the USS Paramount!
Quantum - "Oh, shit... was that your leg? Sorry."
Strider - "Wow, Larry! What're these? Balloons?"
Napoleon - Ugh.
Beef Jerky - You just gotta love those Music Mags, huh?
Elvis - Remember him? Yeti's friend.
Yeti - Also known as Barney Gumble on Arrakis.
Deity - Finally that little brat moved away.
Cyberpunk - Yod Yawannablowmelikemymomneverdid.
The Cultist - Wasn't this evil incarnate?
Goldfish - Remember him? At the MMfMD?
Varicose Brain - Christ, one of the only 300 bauders left!
Cleopatra - Boy, did she ever sizzle my circuits.
MC Rad - Part of the growing telecom hood.
Sentinel - Wow! Remember him? The right-wing FREAK?
Tape God - Part of the Louisville Invasion.
Midiman - One of those users everyone likes.
Mac - Hey, remember him? Well, remember those E-MAIL buffers?!
Semidri - What the FUCK ever happened to him?
Shaboo - And you thought TCC was the first to deal in modem perversion!
and, you just KNOW who I have to save for the VERY, VERY last..
someone who never graced us on the Necropolis, oh... but we
think of her like part of the family...
"Hey.. you messin' wit' Fair Lady? You want to ruin her modelin'
career? Da family will take care o' ya... eeder dat or we'll
send Dan to tackle ya!"
Well, this ends our nostalgic trip for this time. Let's just end
with something that might just sum up the experiences we've all
had on the Necropolis. This is a New User (of JEW User, really)
message from none other than the immortal Edorhas:
Date: 10:04 pm Fri Dec 4, 1992 Number : 23 of 49
From: Gad Dam Gumit! #106 Base : Private mail
To : The Sorcerer (sysop) #1 Refer #: None
Subj: New User Application Replies: None
Stat: Normal Origin : Local
hey wat is goin on her? I thot dis wuz da nekropalpiss bbs not da
Drunkens loser bbs... wat da fuk iz goin on ya froot luip.
i gots ta B goin nou dudezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz by da way U problee
figeered it out dat dis is da PU kru, weel, U R korrectum!
Dis is nun oder dan Rattledickhead. Got meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
hahahdheufhuashsahahahahdhehehehehhjahahahahahhsdheheheha dcall me
sumtime and Al giv ya anoder vmb jus lik befo Inphormation BLOker. Kunt!
Noah head, Mavis. just got off dee bote! noahs ark!
i meen BATDOPE!
C ya L8tezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
by da wa dis aint dat fukhed kranerd!
... amphetamine gobbler
Distorted Digital Erection
An AUFHEBEN Production! Support Boards: Tyrant: Number:
"Why, I don't know much of The Necropolis .. DDE WHQ!.. 216.PRI.VATE
anything!" -Eraserhead Radio KAOS ... Moonshadow .. 216.830.4657
The Sewers ... Aligator King 513.229.1965
_Submission Policy_: Distorted Digital Erection LOVES to get subs!
If you write something - anything - send it to us and we'll get it
to press. For contacting DDE, see below.
CHECK for MORE Distorted Digital Erection in the NEAR future!
Want to be a support board for DDE? Download ALL the DDE's,
create a file sig on your board, and let me know. Your BBS will
be listed. TO CONTACT US: Send e-mail to Amphetamine Gobbler
on Radio KAOS, or send Internet mail to aufheben@aol.com