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:: :istorted
Text File #5 :::. Mango
14 February 1994 :::' Mongoloid Telecom
::. rection
Oh, boy! You faithful DDE readers are in for a treat this time!
We have a never-before-seen super pre-release of a _Big Bush Fan_
article by a NEW staff member - Mango. BBF has been put on
"suspended" hiatus for the timebeing and thus, this story is
being distributed first electronically. Enjoy. This is the first
peak at BBF: The New Generation. ... er sumthin.
'Satanic Justice'
A great man once wrote that it is every man's duty to consider
all sides of an issue. That all sides must be heard and considered if
justice is to be done. It is upon this premise that I base my choice
of a companion for the evening.
Assuming that such exists, I would like to spend an evening with Lucifer,
the prince of darkness.
Being that God has written all the books, it is no wonder that Satan has
been portrayed as a lying serpent. After all, the Hebrew word for Satan
simply means adversary. Considering this, one has to think that if any
of us had the chance to shape the world's opinion of someone who opposed
us, we would probably be none to king the unfortunate soul.
As for the crimes of which he is accused, Satan's rebellion against
God could be a liberation from tyranny, for even according to the
Almighty himself, God's word is law. What was that definition of
tyranny again?
Assuming Satan did rebel (after all if God is a tyrant he could also
be a liar) we could consider him and his follower's revolutionaries,
much like our forefathers. Instead of the minion of evil he is often
portrayed as, we might consider Satan the ideological father of the
American Revolution and one of the first advocates of liberty.
Perhaps our pledge of allegiance should read "one nation under
Finally, Satan gave man knowledge of good and evil. As the philosopher
Friedrich Nietzsche pointed out, this knowledge is essential for true
freedom. Why should we condemn the one who gave us liberty?
When we consider the weight of evidence, it is essential that we
take another look at Satan, and give him the fair hearing that he deserves.
One last thing- remember the opening thoughts concerning justice. They
were spoken by Christ himself.
Distorted Digital Erection February 1994 Text File #5
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