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Communications of The New Order
Issue #4
Spring/Sumer 1994
"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!"
-Rage Against The Machine
Special Thanks: Kilslug, Kingpin & RDT Syndicate, Loxsmith,
Erikt, Gatsby, Maelstrom & PHaTe dudes, Phreddy & the 414's,
Dark Tangent, Kryptic Knight, and very special thanks to our
friends at the ACM.
Good Luck To: Deathstar, AntiChrist, Coaxial Mayhem, Maestro,
Lucifer, Grappler, Mystic Ruler, Jimbo, John Falcon, Karb0n,
Nuklear Phusion, Pather Modern, The Public, and any other
victims of Operation SunDevil '94.
Welcome to Communications of the New Order issue #4, DefCon II release. This
is being written in the car as we cruise through the Rockies on the way to
Vegas. Agent 866, Remj, and myself are rockin' out to Testament and we just
entered the Eisenhower tunnel. I guess we're really in the 'underground'
now! I will write the conclusion on the way back and give you a report on
the 'Con. With that out of the way, lets get busy.
CoTNo is a 'zine of the computer underground of the 1990's. It is written
for H4Qu3r's and pHR3aCK3r's of intermediate to beginning experience. All
the information published herein is as accurate as possible and pertains to
techniques and devices that actually work. We do not publish any article
that is not of an H/P nature. If you wish to comment on or contribute to
CoTNo, email us at ak687@freenet.hsc.colorado.edu, or catch one of us on
the iRC or try to catch us in your local Telco dumpster.
I have convinced myself that there is a conspiracy at work and we are
all deeply involved. The government, primarily the Secret Service, plays
an active role tracking and eliminating the top phone phreaks in the USA
(as well as other countries). I believe that they have infiltrated the p/h
scene, and are clumsily masquerading as our friends to track our activities.
In short, the feds have formed a war party.
I have come to this conclusion from the facts which are available to us.
Here is a list of the primary indicators as I see it.
1. Over a dozen top phone phreaks have been eliminated by their local
law enforcement in Canada, US, and UK in the last four months.
2. All of these phreaks were aquaintances of each other.
3. All of these phreaks were active on the IRC, especially #phreak.
4. Almost all of them were members of Flatline BBS.
5. Most of them were affiliated with TNo, PHaTe, or other various groups.
6. Although the phreaks were brought down by local law enforcement, the
Secret Service and/or the Air Force OSI participated as consultants.
These facts appear to point rather strongly at a world-wide crack down on
the well known phone phreaks. I believe that it is an organized effort
which is being orchestrated by the U.S. Secret Service and/or other Federal
In short, I believe we are witnessing Operation SunDevil part two.
It seems to me that the only way the Feds could be gathering so much
information is through a well planted enforment. From the available facts,
it would seem that these informants are active on the IRC, are members of
various top H/P BBS's (ie. Flatline and Maestros' board), and were aquainted
with P/H groups such as PHaTe and TNo, at least in passing.
In short, there is a narq running loose among us.
I can personally vouch for all past and current members of TNo, but there
were almost 100 members of Flatline. Likewise, #phreak sees a lot of
activity and the narq is almost certainly active on the IRC.
Now for the questions and my opinions of the most probable answers to
those questions.
Q. If this is an organized bust, why has there been no publicity?
A. The feds are not finished with their investigation and publicity would
cause their targets to go underground. Publicity could also possibly
compromise there infomant.
Q. Why have these particular phreaks been targeted?
A. These phreaks were very well known because of both their high level
of activity and their flagrant publication of phreaking magazines and
information. This group of phreaks was highly organized and were
helping to train younger phreaks. The government may be trying to
make an example out of the top phreaks in order to scare off the up
and coming phreaks and hackers.
Q. Who are the Feds targetting next?
A. I believe they will continue to hunt down the top writers and activists
in the scene. If they can remove the leaders and teachers of the scene
they will be able to effectively destroy it.
Q. What should phreaks do to protect themselves?
A. If you are active in the scene and wish to remain so, I suggest that you
encrypt or destroy all of your notes and P/H material. I suggest you
be very careful about what you say and do on the IRC. If you run a BBS, I
suggest you screen your users very carefully or not take on any new
users for a while. If you are attending any cons this year, I suggest
you be careful of who you associate with. When you phreak or hack, always
use diverters and carefully modify the logs of any machine you visit. In
other words, a little paranoia can go a long away.
In short, be careful.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................DeadKat
2. Blueboxing in '94........................................Maelstrom
3. Mail and News Daemon Hacking.............................Remj
4. A Guide to Meridian Mail.................................DeadKat
5. UNiX Defaults 2.0........................................TNo
6. The Complete Guide to Trashing Fax Machines..............Coaxial Mayhem
7. Retail Skamming..........................................Disorder
8. The Complete Datapac NUA List............................Deicide
9. Unpaid Advertisement.....................................Corrupt Sysop
10. Elite Music III..........................................John Falcon
11. Conclusion (DefCon2).....................................DeadKat
-=- Blueboxing in '94 -=-
- (C5 for the masses) -
-=- by Maelstrom/PHaTE! -=-
Well, I've been promising DeadKat an article since COTNO #1, and was
searching frantically for a subject that I could write a useful/informative
article on...having failed dismally in my quest, I decided to turn my
attention to a beginners guide to present day blueboxing. This article
will only deal with the practical uses of CCITT 5 (C5) signalling systems,
and NOT with the more advanced systems such as R2. Becoming familiar with
C5 signalling will provide you with a good grounding in blueboxing,
therefore making understanding a guide on a future system easier. And so
to the main text...
"You just blast 2600hz right?"
No. All too often when blueboxing is mentioned in the context of actually
doing it today, some dolt pipes up with this. Treasure your old Mark Tabas
files, for they contain some excellent information even today, especially
concerning routing codes, but forget all about the R1 signalling described
within his 'Better Homes and Blueboxing' guide. The system we are
concerned with today is C5, so swiftly clear the limited space available in
your mind. The first point I would like to make is that you will NOT be
siezing trunks within your own country. The focus of your attentions will
be those 1-800 wonders known as 'Country Direct' numbers, which will
connect you to the telephone system of some far-off nation for the princely
sum of $0.00. While these are certainly not the only countries you should
experiment with, South American and Asian countries are usually the best
bet for a C5 connection that you can seize. From nearly all European
locations it is possible to bluebox over Chile for example, and lines to
Columbia, the Philipines, Taiwan and Thailand are also often C5 connections
to your country. While these provide a good starting point for your
adventures with C5, don't restrict your attempts to only the aforementioned
places...You never know what you might find...
"So, uhh, what next?"
After dialling a country direct number to a country on C5, you will usually
hear a very audible 'chirp' (some may choose to call it a 'ping' even...)
when the line is picked up. This is the moment to start sending the tones
required to manipulate the line for your purposes. A few countries using
C5 may not give you a 'chirp' when your call is connected, but when the
call is disconnected. Before you can start to signal your call, you will
need to 'sieze a trunk'. To do this you send a compound signal of 2600hz
and 2400hz for approx. 150-450ms. On sending this signal the line should
respond with a sound similar to the one you heard when your call to the
country direct was completed. Next you send a 2400hz signal, usually for
approximately the same length of time as the first compound signal. The
delay between these two tones is often crucial, so experimentation is
essential. There are no concrete rules for siezing a C5 line, although I
usually use 150ms length for both tones as a starting point. If playing
the first tone leads to immediate disconnection then decrease the length of
the tone - if the opposite is the case, and the line ignores your first
signal, then increase its length (personally I use steps of 10ms but feel
free to jump up 50ms if you feel the urge). BillSF of HackTic Holland
informs me that newer C5 systems nearly always require timings of 150ms per
signal +/-20ms, and with an inter-signal delay of 10/20ms, and I have also
found this to be true. When you have successfully gained control of the
line, you will have by this time heard two acknowledgements from the line,
one per signal sent. At this point you are ready to begin signalling your
call. The first digit you must dial is the KP1 or KP2 signal. This
determines that the call is either terminal (local), or transit
(international) respectively. An international call is usually what we
want, so we send the following dialstring: KP2+countrycode+0+acn+ST. For
example, if we wanted to dial the Colorado office of the Secret Service, we
would send KP2+103038661010+ST. If we wanted to place a call to a number
in a European country then the dialing format is identical. This is the
correct dialing format in accordance with all the technical CCITT 5 texts I
have read, but not always the correct method in practice. Macao (country
code 853) was long known to be breakable from the United Kingdom before
anyone figured out that the correct routing was
KP2+00+countrycode+number+ST, so again the key word is experiment. Not all
countries will 'play fair' in terms of their accepted routings.
To place a call to within the country you are calling couldn't be
simpler however. The correct format is KP1+0+number+ST, and I have never
found any nation deviating from this template. One interesting route to
note at this point is KP1+2+Code11+ST (see freq. list for Code11), which
will nearly always connect you with the inward operator in the country
whose country direct number you have dialled. Lots of interesting
information may be gleaned from a conversation with these operators, such
as correct routings, and most operators are more than willing to furnish
you with the routings for their technical assistance/engineering
departments, who will further assist you, often to the point of telling you
the exact timings you require. Remember that their equipment is telling
them that you are an operator, so feel free to spin any suitable yarn about
testing international connections etc., and also bear in mind that in 99%
of cases the operator's limited grasp of the english language is in your
Also, be prepared to try other digits in place of 0 between ccode and
number in the dialstring for a transit call. KP2+ccode+2+number+ST will
usually work for example, and in some cases is the only way to route the
call (the country direct to Taiwan from the UK was a good example of this).
The digits 0,1,2 and 9 are the only ones I have found to be acceptable in
this way, but I wouldn't discount the possibility of being able to use
others over some nations.
"It doesn't work?"
Then you're doing something wrong. Not all countries will allow you to
place transit calls over their lines so if you really have experimented
with that line and had little or no success then move on, there's no real
shortage of country direct numbers on C5... You might want to try sending
a short burst of 2400hz previous to breaking/siezing the trunk to 'free'
the transit lines. I have found this to be neccessary on the country
directs from the UK to Brazil and French Guiana in order to place a transit
call successfully. Another thing to bear in mind is the fact that the
country you are trying to (ab)use may only call: a) Countries in close
proximity, and/or b) One or two countrycodes. This is true of certain
lines in Canada, and also of most South American C5 links to the UK. Trial
and error is the only way to establish if this is the case on any given
"D3Y M0Ni+0R D3 LiN3Z" & "They have 2600hz detectors you know..."
Well, what can I say? You never make use of a pure 2600hz tone, so even if
it IS filtered/detected you don't have to worry. The most obvious way I
can see of being detected blueboxing is to make 10hrs of international
calls per day over whichever 1-800 direct you're using. Very few telco's
are going to ignore 140 calls/day to Guyana Direct per month. Use your
common sense to avoid detection, that's it.
CCITT 5 Signalling frequencies
Digit Freqs
1 700 & 900 hz
2 700 & 1100 hz
3 900 & 1100 hz
4 700 & 1300 hz
5 900 & 1300 hz
6 1100 & 1300 hz
7 700 & 1500 hz
8 900 & 1500 hz
9 1100 & 1500 hz
0 1300 & 1500 hz
KP1 1100 & 1700 hz
KP2 1300 & 1700 hz
ST 1500 & 1700 hz
C11 700 & 1700 hz
C12 900 & 1700 hz
(These are the C5 signalling frequencies I use nearly every day, so if you
spot an inaccuracy in the above frequency set you are cordially invited to
blend your phallic muscle...)
Now to the timings. All the normal digits (0-9) should be 55ms in length
and have a 55ms delay in accordance with the technical specificiations
laid out in the CCITT manuals. However, in practice these timings may be
decreased to as little as 30ms per digit, perhaps even less in
exceptional cases. The command and operator digits (KP1/2, ST, C11/12)
are usually 100ms in length, with the delay the same as that set for the
normal digits. Certain South-American countries that I have (ab)used have
required that the command digits, more specifically the KeyPulse signals
and the ST, be much shorter than this, although usually still with a length
longer than that of digits 0-9.
End note.
That's all folks. If you don't know how to produce these tones then you
shouldn't really be reading this - go read your SimCity 2k docs...
If anyone has any questions regarding anything contained in the above text,
or indeed any C5 queries, you can mail me at: mael@phantom.com or if you're
lucky you can catch me on IRC in #phreak. If there's any interest I might
even write a sequel to this rather hurried guide...
QUICK NOTE: This author of this article is Scottish, and as such I have
used correct English spellings rather than the American versions...8)...
DEDICATION: This article is dedicated to Coaxial/PHaTE, who has had a
rather torrid time of it lately (legally...). Good luck and I hope
everything works out for you.
--==[Mail and News Daemon Hacking]==--
| |
| By Remj for CoTNo |
| |
| Fuck The Government! |
| |
--==[ CoTNo CoTNo CoTNo ]==--
A mail daemon is a program that is started up every time a unix
machine boots, which handles all mail. It sits and listens for connections on
port 25.
When you send mail to a site, it gets sent to its destanation by a mail daemon.
Say you were to send mail to root@cert.org. You'd type your message and save
it. The message gets sent over the internet through the mail daemon, running
on port 25. It is received by the mail daemon running on taylor (port 25) and
gets stored in the /usr/spool/mail/root file.
When sending fake mail through a daemon, I suggest doing it from a university
or a public place where you can use anonymous telnet. Some newer mail daemons
can be traced, but most can't.
Here is a list of some older untraceable mail daemons:
Ok, time to hack.
Command Breakdown and Reference:
Helo gail@sundevil.arizona.feds.mil - This line will just wake up the
mail daemon. Don't ask me why.
Mail From: president@whitehouse.gov - This line will make the mail from
Rcpt To: root@cert.org - This line will send the mail to
what ever you enter.
data - This line will let you enter the
message. End with a "."
quit - Will quit and send the message.
help - Help
YOU> what you type.
MD> output from the mail daemon.
YOU> log into your unix account.
YOU> telnet to IP address 25
MD> Trying
MD> Connected to
MD> Escape character is '^]'.
MD> 220 gold.tc.umn.edu (EP/IX Turbo Sendmail) Service ready
YOU> helo gail@sundevil.arizona.feds.mil
MD> 250 gold.tc.umn.edu G'day gail@sundevil.arizona.feds.mil!
YOU> mail from: president@whitehouse.gov
MD> 250 president@whitehouse.gov... Sender ok
YOU> rcpt to: root@cert.org
MD> 250 root@cert.org... Recipient ok
YOU> data
MD> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
Here you would enter the message..
YOU> fuck you CERT b1tcH!@ I GH0tZ y0 inF0!2
YOU> .
250 Message received and queued
YOU> quit
Now the the "mail from:" line can be changed to anything you wish,
so can the rcpt to line. This is a great way to send out anonymous flames
and/or mail bombs.
# from
From god@fuck.you.com Mon Jan 24 18:56:10 1994
# mail
Message 1/1 From president@whitehouse.gov Jan 24 '94 at 7:56 pm -360
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 94 19:56:44 -0600
fuck you CERT b1tcH!@ I GH0tZ y0 inF0!2
That's a breakdown of sending fakemail. There are a dozen or so scripts that
will automatically send fakemail for you, which are relatively easy to find.
Now, on to a CoTNo exclusive...
The news daemon is the part of a unix's machine port which handles the UseNet
news. These do not exist on every machine, only news servers. To read news, you
type trn -q from your unix prompt, which telnets to the news server on port 119
and communicates with it using the commands listed below.
There are a variety of useful things you can do with this, such as mail bombing
(post a message on alt.test), posting someone's info or e-mail address on a gay
newsgroup, add an e-mail address to a mailing list, or just post to all the
news groups and make the helpless idiot look like a lamer.
Following below is a capture of the fakenews process.
NOTE: commands that you type are denoted by an asterisk (*) to the right of the
command, with comments in brackets.
bvsd% telnet news.colorado.edu 119 (*) [telnet to the news server on port 119]
Connected to lace.colorado.edu.
Escape character is '^]'.
200 lace NNTP server version 1.5.11 (10 February 1991) ready at Fri Feb 18 15:31:46 1994 (posting ok).
help (*) [list commands]
100 This server accepts the following commands:
Additionally, the following extention is supported:
XHDR Retrieve a single header line from a range of articles.
Bugs to Stan Barber (Internet: nntp@tmc.edu; UUCP: ...!bcm!nntp)
group alt.test (*) [choose the newsgroup that you want to post to]
211 999 66874 67886 alt.test
post (*)
340 Ok
Newsgroups: alt.test (*) [at least one of the newsgroups that you enter in
here must match the newsgroup that you put in
under the 'group' command. If you want to post
on more than one newsgroup, separate newsgroups by
a comma.]
From: mapostol@bvsd.k12.co.us (*) [the person you want the news to 'come
Organization: the #warezz dude. (*) [insert anything here.]
Distribution: world (*) [use 'world' so everyone can see it.]
Subject: did this get to you? (*) [insert anything here.]
Hello all! I've been having some troubles lately with my rn command. Please
write reply privately to root@cert.org if you can see this! Thanks a bunch-
The CERT Team.
. (*) [when you are done type a period.]
SAVE (*) [save the message.]
NOTE: if you pulled this off correctly, it will respond with:
240 Article posted successfully.
500 Command unrecognized.
Now, simply type:
quit (*)
205 lace closing connection. Goodbye.
Connection closed by foreign host.
In 20 or so minutes the post will show up on the newsgroups,
and the bots the continously check the base will respond with an automatically
generated test receipt. The guy will recieve abundant amounts of 'interesting'
Mail version 2.18 5/19/83. Type ? for help.
"/usr/spool/mail/root": 2 messages 1 unread
>U 1 lists@ifi.unizh.ch Fri Feb 18 15:35 54/1748 "Automatic reply to your test "
& 1
Message 1:
From: lists@ifi.unizh.ch Fri Feb 18 15:35:20 1994
Received: from josef.ifi.unizh.ch (josef.ifi.unizh.ch []) by bvsd.k12.co.us (8.6.5/8.6.5/CNS-3.0) with SMTP id PAA16902 for <jstoerme@bvsd.k12.co.us>; Fri, 18 Feb 1994 15:35:18 -0700
Message-Id: <199402182235.PAA16902@bvsd.k12.co.us>
Received: from ifi.unizh.ch by josef.ifi.unizh.ch
id <12249-0@josef.ifi.unizh.ch>; Fri, 18 Feb 1994 23:35:17 +0100
To: root@cert.org
Subject: Automatic reply to your test post
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 23:35:17 +0100
From: IFI Distribution Lists <lists@ifi.unizh.ch>
Sender: lists@ifi.unizh.ch
Status: RO
Greetings from the University of Zurich, Switzerland!
Your fascinating posting with subject
"did this work?"
showed up over here in newsgroup alt.test on
Feb 18 23:27 MET 1994.
(Replies to this automatically generated e-mail will be discarded.
Direct problems/comments to autoreply@ifi.unizh.ch)
If you would rather not see these automatic responses, please include the
text "ignore" or "no reply" anywhere in future test postings.
Here the first 20 lines of your posting:
Newsgroups: alt.test
Path: josef!scsing.switch.ch!swidir.switch.ch!univ-lyon1.fr!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!boulder!news
From: root@cert.org
Subject: did this work?
Message-ID: <CLFvr1.IB@Colorado.EDU>
Sender: news@Colorado.EDU (USENET News System)
Organization: the #warezz dude.
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 1994 21:30:36 GMT
Lines: 3
did this work?
BTW: Technical reports from the University of Zurich
are available for anonymous ftp in
ftp.ifi.unizh.ch []: pub/techreports.
#! /bin/csh -fB
### This is a simple shell script for easy use of anonymous mail. To run the
### program just save it and delete everything up until the #! /bin/csh -fB
### line. Then just type the name you save it as or the name and whoever
### you will be mailing. e.g. amail bill@some.university.edu or just amail.
if ($1 != "") then
set mto=$1
echo 'To: '
set mto=$<
echo -n 'From: '
set mfrom=$<
echo -n 'Use which host for smtp (return for '`hostname`') ? '
set usehost=$<
echo -n 'Use which editor (return for vi)? '
set editor=$<
if($editor =="") then
set editor=vi
if ($mfrom == "") then
set mfrom=`whoami`'@'`hostname`
echo 'helo amail' >> tmpamail1
echo 'mail from: '$mfrom >> tmpamail1
echo 'rcpt to: '$mto >> tmpamail1
echo 'data' >> tmpamail1
$editor tmpamail2
echo -n 'Are you sure you want to send this? '
set yorn=$<
if($yorn == 'y') then
echo . >> tmpamail2
echo quit >> tmpamail2
cat tmpamail2 >> tmpamail1
telnet $usehost 25 < tmpamail1 > /dev/null
echo 'Mail has been sent to: '$mto
echo ' From: '$mfrom
rm tmpamail1 tmpamail2
#end script
(*) (*)\
(*) A Guide to Meridian Mail (*)\
(*) (*)\
(*) by Dead Kat (*)\
(*) (*)\
Meridian Mail, is, in my opinion, the all mighty of the VMB systems.
I thought I would make this one about a certain VMB system that is very special
to phreakers. This voice mail system has proved to be the easiest and most
common way to divert that we have ever discovered. I have the Meridian
Release #5 User Guide so I hope this doesn't sound to technical. I will take
whole paragraphs from it, but i'll try not to bore you with too many details.
I will cover everything from basic options to the advanced features, such as
the all important Thru-Dial option (Diverting).
Also, I will be taking my format from the manual.
Logging On
1. To log in from your own phone
First you need to find whats called the Meridian Mail Access Number.
This number is a direct line into the Meridian's Voice mail system. It is
totally obvious when you find one, because the automated attendent will say
"Meridian Mail. Mailbox?"
These so called "Back-doors" into the system answer on the first ring, so it
should not be too difficult to scan one.
Once you discover a Meridian, you have to first scan yourself a box.
Enter a box number, followed by #. The bitch will then say "Password?", use
the box number as the default password. For example: Box 1234# -
Password 1234#. Use a # after both the box number and the password. Once you
have found a box; be it empty or used, you are now logged on to Meridian Mail.
The first thing that will be heard is a description of new or unsent messages,
or maybe it will say you have no new messages at all. You can press 83 to log
off when you want.
2. To log in after leaving a message
After you have called a Meridian Mail user and have left that person
a message, you can log into your own (hacked) box without calling back the
Meridian Access number.
Just press # to indicate you have finished recording. Then press 81
and you will here "Mailbox?". You can now log into your mailbox as usual.
3. Autologon/Autoplay
The system administrator can enable Autologon and Autoplay.
With Autologon, you can log in by simply dialing the Meridian access number.
The Mailbox and password do not have to be entered. This is for time saving
purposes and can be used when phones are in a secure location. (This can only
be done from that extension in the buisness.. too bad huh?) With autoplay, all
new messages are automatically played, in sequence, after logon. (I have come
across a shitload of boxes that have this option, and it's annoying but not a
Recorded Greetings
For legitimate users of Meridian Mail systems, they give an option to
have one of two greetings: An external greeting for callers outside the
organization, or an internal greeting for callers within the organization.
Oh sure, you can change these greetings if you want, but the only one worth
anything is the external greeting. I would actaully recommend leaveing the
internal greeting either the way it was or have nothing recorded on it at all.
1. To record external and internal greetings
Press 82. (withing the box)
You will here "For your external greeting press 1. For your internal greeting
press 2." Enter the appropriate number. Then you'll here, "(External/Internal)
greeting. To review the greeting, press 2. To re-record it, press 5. To exit,
press 4." Press 5. Wait for the tone, then speak. When you are done recording
press #. "Recording Stopped." To listen to what you have just recorded you can
press 2. "Start of Greeting. (Greeting.) End of greeting." When you feel
satisfied with the greeting, press 4 to go to another activity, or hang up.
2. To delete a greeting
Press 82 "For your external greeting press 1. For internal press 2."
Again, enter the appropriate number, followed by 76. "(External/Internal)
greeting deleted." If your internal greeting has been deleted, your external
greeting will be played to all callers. If you have no external greeting, the
standard greeting will be played.
Changing your Password
You can change your password as many times as you like, provided you
don't repeat your most recent ones, since Meridian Mail keeps track of up to
nine of your previuos passwords. But the sysadmin can change this to whatever
number he wishes.
Press 84. "Password change. Please enter your new password followed by
number sign." (Thats a # in case you didn't know). If you decide not to change
your password after you already hit 84, and before entering any new numbers,
just hit #. When you do change your password it will ask you this, "Please
enter your new password again, followed by number sign." ,or, "<BEEP> Your
password must be 4 to 16 digits in length. Leaving password change."
This is pretty straight forward. As always I recommend changing the
password on any box you hack that is empty, because there's always those
moron new wanna-be VMB studs that think they're bad-ass when they hack your
box. But what they also end up doing is hacking the whole system and
eventually changing a password on a valid box, which then tips of the
sysadmin that he's been hacked.. and the whole system goes down. Oh well,
thats life in the lame world of VMB's, as you'll soon come to find out.
Personal Verification
The Persoanl Verification is a recording of your name used by the
system inplace of your mailbox number. A Personal Verification is basically
a very short recording of possibly your name and box number. When someone
enters an incorrect mailbox number to address a message, hearing the name
associated with that box can reveal an error if they misdialed the box number.
But as always it's comes down to whether the sysadmin has activated this option
or not. But to do it:
Press 89. "The Personal Verification is (Name)." or "There is no name
for Personal Verification of mailbox (number)." Then press 5, wait for the
tone and speak your name. To stop recording press #. It will repeat what you
have just recorded. When you're done you can hang up or go to another option.
Playing your messages
In this section I'm just going to make a diagram of the options that
can be done when you want to play or delete messages.
To... Press... You Hear...
play the message 2 "Start of message" Message
go to next message 6 (also to scan) "Description of message"
go to previous message 4 "Description of previous"
go to a specific messages 86+Message #+# "Description of message"
pause during playback # "Playback stopped"
to continue from the pause 2 (Message just resume's)
skip backwards 5 seconds 1 (earlier part of message)
skip forward 5 seconds 3 (later part of message)
delete the message 76 "Message (number) deleted"
(description of next msg)
restore deleted message
(within the current session) 76 (go to deleted "Message (number) restored"
message first) (description of next msg)
to get more info about the 72 (detailed description of
specific message message)
Attendant assistance
There are two options to the attendant assistance feature. You can
talk to the Meridian Mail attendant if you need assistance of information on
something your having trouble with. I probably wouldn't do this with your
hacked box, because the attendant may recognize that your voice isn't the real
owner of that box. I haven't tried it and probably won't, because after this
submission you shouldn't be having to ask any questions.
Anyway, you can also reach your telephone system attendant (PBX op)
if need be. I probably would not do this either. Again, this option must
be activated by the sysadmin of the Meridian Mail system, unlike the first
1. To speak to the Meridian Mail Attendant
Press 0#. You are the disconnected from Meridian Mail. The Attendant
will answer if he or she is there.
2. To speak to the telephone system attendant
Press 00#. Your call to the Telephone system attendant is then placed.
The reason behind disableing the second feature is this, if the PBX
operator did answer you could place a call wherever you wanted to. It would
be a diverter (which I will get into in a second), so these tend not to be
activated through the box because if the person works there he can just dial
directly from his phone on his desk. Most sysadmin's know of phreakers, so
they disable this, but don't hesitate trying it if all else fails.
The thru-dial, ahh yes, as said before this is the core to this VMB
system for the phreaker and hacker. This is what saves our ass from getting
caught. At any time while using Meridian Mail, you can make an internal or
external call without disconnecting from the system (again the sysadmin has
to activate this feature). And even if it is activated the sysadmin may have
To dial-out. Press 0 followed by the number you want. Do not pause
for more than two seconds after pressing 0, or you will be connected to the
attendant. If a pause is needed (for example, after dialing a digit to get an
external line or for use of a pager), enter a * where the pause is needed,
then enter the rest of the number. To dial someone by name, enter the name
dialing prefix (usually 11), then spell the last name, followed by the first
name. Name dialing will be discussed later on. Anyways, when you have finished
entering the number press #. Your call has been placed. When you're done simply
hang up.
I want to talk about this a little more. I have heard many people say
that there are about "6-10" ways to dial off a Meridian. No, there are only
two, and technically there aren't even two. The manual says only one, but
I'll explain what I mean by two ways to dial out. As most people know, when
dealing with a PBX you typically have to either dial a "9" to get an outside
line before making your normal 7 or 10 digit local or LD number. Well this is
not always the case with Meridian Mail PBX's. Most often you do need to dial
a 9 but at very, very small companies where they have a Meridian PBX, a 9 to
dial out is not needed. So when trying to dial off a Meridian Mail system,
be sure to try a 0+Number+# and a 0+9+Number+#, and to go even further try a
0+8+Number+#, because I know in 303 I have come across many systems that
require an 8 instead of a 9 to get the outside line.
Those are basically the only two ways to dial off a Meridian. Now I
have talked to a few people who said there more than two ways to dial out and
I realized what they meant. I guess I shouldn't say they are wrong but to be
technical there are only two. What they were talking about is that (depending
on the sysadmin) you can use the 0+9+Number+# in many places, not just "IN"
the mail box itself. Try the 0+9 in different places before getting into the
box. Try it when your first call and hear "Meridian Mail, Mailbox?". If the
dial out works there then there is no need to hack a box. If it doesn't, you
still need to try that command inside the box itself. In general, if the dial
out doesn't work inside the box basically it doesn't work at all. So snag a
box for the hell of it.
The Help Service
You can get help at any time while using Meridian Mail. The help that
you hear tells you which commands you can use, depending on where you are in
the box.
1. To get general help
If you are in the process of addressing or recording, press # to stop
that activity. Then press * "(This is where the help information will be said,
depending on where you are)" Then enter the command you want.
2. To get message command help
If you are in the process of addressing or recording, press # to stop
that activity. Press 7*, "You have started to enter a message command... (list
of available commands)". Then enter the command needed.
3. To get mailbox command help
Same as before just 8*.
Call Sender
After listening to a message, you can speak immediately with the
person who just left you the message. Unless the message is from a number that
is not part of the Meridian Mail System, that person's number can be
automatically dialed for you by the call sender feature.
After hearing the message, press 9. "Calling (sender's extension
number, room, or name)." Talk to the sender or leave a message, then hang up.
I wasn't going to put this in because it's not really something we can use,
but I figuered if another hacker d00d had a box on the same system you might
use this feature. Obviously you won't be able to talk to the person, but you
could leave a reply message to him.
Replying to messages
When another Meridian Mail user sends you a message, you can use the
Call Sender command or you can use the reply command. With the reply command
you don't have to address the message, this is done by Meridian Mail itself.
If you recieve a message that was sent to several people, you can reply to the
message's originator alone, or use Reply All to send a response to the
originator and all other recipients.
1. To reply to the sender of a message
After hearing the message, press 71. "Reply to (sender's mailbox
number or name). To begin recording, press 5. To end recording, press #." When
you are ready to record your reply press 5. Wait for the tone and say you
message. When your done press #, "Recording Stopped." If you want to send the
message then press 79, "Message sent."
2. To reply to the sender and all recipients
Same as above but it will list all people the message is going to in
either Box number or name format. YOu can hear the list of people by hitting
Express Messaging
Just thought i'd mention this in case you ever stubled on the Express
Messaging number. Like the Meridian Mail access number this to is a way into
the system. When you call it you will hear "Express Messaging. To Mailbox?"
Enter the mailbox number of the person you want. This is meant for mainly only
messages. But if you do find this number then you have a place to start.
Creating Messages
Instead of calling someone and waiting for Meridian Mail to take your
message, you can use the Compose command to send messages. The Compose command
is very useful for sending messages to more than one recipient (hacker).
Press 75 "Compose. Enter a list of mailboxes." Enter the first mailbox or
distribution list number followed by the #. "(Name or mailbox/list number.)"
To remove a mailbox or dist. list number from the list, press 0# after you
entered the mailbox number. "Address (mailbox number) cancelled." Enter the
next mailbox, followed by the #, or simply press # to tell Meridiain Mail
that you're done entering all the boxes. "To begin recording, press 5. To end
recording press #. So press 5, wait for the tone the say your message. When
you're done press #. "Recording stopped." When you're done and want to send the
message press 79. "Message Sent." If for any reason Meridian Mail can't send
your message, a message called a Non-Delivery notification is sent to your
Creating and editing messages
To... Press... You hear...
Pause during recording # "Playback stopped"
check your message 2 "(message.)"
skip back 5 seconds 1 "(5 sec's backward.)"
Skip forward 5 seconds 3 "(5 sec's forward.)"
erase and re-record 5 (at the beginning Wait for tone, re-record
of themessage)
Add to the end of message 5 (at end of message) Wait for tone, record
Re-record part of message 5 (at the place where Wait for tone, re-record
you want to redo) from that point to end
Delete entire message 76 The message is cancelled
Get more information 72 "Description of message"
about message
Remove last entered mailbox 0+# "Address (mailbox/list
or dist. list number while number) cancelled."
addressing a message
Forwarding messages
You may receive a message that you want someone else to hear. You can
forward the message exactly as it is, or you can record an introduction that
the recipient hears prior to hearing the forwarded message.
After hearing the message, press 73. "Forwarding message (number).
Enter a list of mailboxes." Enter the first mailbox number followed by the #.
"(Name or mailbox.)" To remove a mailbox press 0#. "Address (mailbox number)
cancelled." Enter the next mailbox number and then a # for your last mailbox.
You then can add an intro by pressing 79. Hit # when your done recording. To
forward the message at this point press 79 again. "Message sent."
Name Addressing
Name dialing lets you call a person by spelling out the dudes name.
Name dialing is usefull because it lets you place calls without knowing the
telephone extension or number itself, and without asistance from the bitch
attendant. This is also good because when you search for a name and the guy or
girl says "Hi.. joe bob here at extension 866", this kinda gives you a place
to start scanning for boxes. If there is one box in the 866 range you know
there are probably more. So it makes things a little easier. When scanning
for names try shit like "Smith","Jones", etc.. common names.
When Meridian Mail prompts you for a mailbox number, enter the two
digit Name Addressing number instead (which is usually 11). Spell the last
name followed by the first (it will stop you when it has found a match).
For example to reach "The Visionary" dial: visionarythe (for Q use 7). The
system announces a match as soon as it finds one, so stop when it starts
reading of names (if there's more than one it will read all matches). If you
have entered the complete name or you don't even know the complete name press
#. If there five or fewer names, the names are announced and a number is given
to identify each name. To choose one of these persons, enter the number of
the person you want. If more than five names are found, the system pormpts you
for the name again.
Tagging Messages
You can tag messages after creating the, using the Message Options
command, to indicate that you want a message handled one of these ways:
-Acknowledge- When you tag a message for acknowledgement, you receive
a notification message when each recipient hears your
message. Kinda cool option.
-Urgent- An Urgent message is specifically announced when the
recipient logs on.
-Economy- An Economy message is delivered to the remote site when
it is most economical to do so.
-Private- If a message is confidential, you can tag it as Private.
The recipient of the message tagged Private can't
forward it to anyone.
-Timed Delivery- When you tag a message with this, the message is sent
at the date and time you tell the system to.
1. To tag an unsent message
Press 70, "Message options. For urgent delivery press 1. For standard
delivery press 2. For economy delivery press 3. For private press 4. For
acknowledgement press 5. And for Timed delivery press 6." Press the number
you wish to do. To remove any tagged message just untag it by using the same
number you used to tag it in the first place. So if you did 1 for urgent, and
you change your mind about wanting it tagged that way just hit 1 again. To
send the message prees 79.
To save time by not listening to the whole prompt that the bitch reads
to you just hit the number you want. For example if you want an urgent message
delivered just hit 701. The 70 for message options and 1 for urgent. Thats it.
Now for a timed delivery just basically follow the prompts. So hit 706 and
follow what the bitch is saying, but i'll explain in detail of course. After
pressing 706 enter the month followed by the #. The months are entered by the
number. An example would be September is the 9th month so hit 9#. Then enter
day followed by the #. Then enter the hours and minutes followed by the #.
The time is specified by a number from 1-12 for the hour and 0-59 for the
minutes. So if you want it sent at 1:02 (2 minutes after 1:00) you hit 102.
It will aks a.m. or p.m, 1 for a.m. and 2 for p.m, just hit the number you
want and end with a #, "Your message has been tagged for Timed Delivery (date
and time)..." To send press 79. "Message sent. Your message will be delivered
at (date and time again)."
Distribution lists
A personal distribution list contains a list of mailbox's that you
frequent often. You can create up to nine personal distribution list, each list
can contain a maximum of 99 mailbox's. This could be helpful if there's a city
of phreaks on the same system as you.
1. To create a personal distribution list
Press 85, "Distribution list. Enter the dist. list number followed by
the #." Enter a number from 1-9 that you haven't already used for another
previous dist. list. followed by the damn #. "Distribution list (number)."
Press 5 "Compose a dist. list." Enter mailbox numbers or dist. list numbers,
and do the # thing. When the list is complete press the # (believe it or not).
"End of list. To review the distribution list, press 2." If changes need to
be made to a list later on dlete the list by pressing 76, then create a new
2. To check the contents of a certain Dist. list
Press 85. "Dist. list. Enter the dist. list number followed by the
#." Enter the number, and end with the #. Enter the dist. list number and
press 2. "Distribution list (number). (The names or mailboxes.) End of dist.
list.". You can update these whenever you want if you ever use them.
Well thats more than the basics for Meridian Mail. Like I said, look
for the dial-out option, because this is the most powerful tool of the system.
Meridian Mail VMB systems aren't hard to find, but one that has the dial out
option activated is hard to find. Once you become very familiar with Meridian
Mail you will find other options that can be used that I did not discuss in
this article. In some systems there are other ways to dial out than what I
wrote in here. I hope you find them. Laters!
(C)opywrong 1994, DeadKat Inc.
All wrongs denied.
*| The TNO Hacking Crew Presents |*
*| |*
*| UNiX Defaults 2.0 |*
\ /
This is the revised list compiled by the members of The New Order from
frequent visits to UNiX hosts. These are default accounts/passwords
observed in hosts running UNiX variations including System V, SCO, BSD,
Linux, Xenix, and AiX. These defaults are included in standard setup on
various machines so the Sysadmin can log on for the first time. Often
the negligent Sysadmin forgets to delete or password the accounts.
This makes UNiX machines extremely easy to infiltrate. This article
does not go into specifics of hacking but it is highly suggested that
you immediately copy the /etc/passwd file (/etc/security/passwd in AiX
machines!) so you can later run a dictionary hacker and get some other
accounts and insure your access. This is list of default accounts which
are often unpassworded. If the system asks for a password, try the account
name which sometimes works. E.G (bin/bin or adm/adm)
root bin adm
makefsys sysadm sys
mountfsys rje sync
umountfsys tty nobody
checkfsys somebody setup
lp powerdown ingres
dptp general guest
daemon gsa user
trouble games help
nuucp public unix
uucp test admin
student standard pub
field demo batch
visitor listen network
uuhelp usenet sysinfo
cron console sysbin
w root2 startup
shutdown ncrm new
sysadm mso backup
vt100 cron field
trouble asg
student network adm
dos uucpom2
lpadm tty01 sso
tty1a xdm tty1b
tty1c tty1d dptp
user menu rroot
ooO The Compleat Guide to Trashing Fax Machines Ooo
ooO By Coaxial Mayhem Ooo
Well, here it is: "The Compleat Guide to Trashing Fax Machines" Ok, now
wait. This isn't the same old g-file about trashing fax machines we've all
seen. Although this includes topics discussed in many of those g-files,
this is the ULTiMATE guide. Every possible devious technique I can think
of, and its successful application, will be covered in this file.
Now, lets create some technoanarchy!
Ok, you can get fax numbers from a variety of sources, but probably the
most common are scans and asking. If you do any scanning, you've probably
come across a fax machine. It sounds like a 300 baud modem underwater.
You can use this fax machine but, there are two downsides to this: 1.
You don't get to laugh at the poor bastard because you don't know who
he is. 2. You might inadverently toast your friend or coworkers fax machine,
or worse, your bosses. The other way is asking. If some company has wronged
you, or whatever, you can just call 'em up and say, "Ummm I need to send you
a fax, what's your fax number?" Most of the time the secretary will give it to
you, but some of the time (especially those companies you or your phellow
phreakers have abused) will ask for your name or something. If they do,
play it cool. "What? My names Chester Karma. (hehe) I have to get your
boss this fax by 4:00 (or whatever) otherwise I could lose my job!" That
kinda line will almost guarantee you the fax number.
Before you can trash the fax machine, you have to figure out what kind
of access you have, witch isn't too hard. There are only two kinds (it is
possible to have both)
1. On-Site Access
This means you have access to the physical fax machine itself. This is
probably the best, because you can: call ANI and get the faxes # (No
asking required), Foward all the calls into the fax machine to Flatline.
(when the faxes don't go thru they'll call the # voice, and when they
hear the carrier connect, they'll assume the fax machine is just out of
paper or somthing :), Or you can use a special attack form (see Section 3)
The immidate downside to this is if someone sees you (The last guy i saw
use it was that Karma guy.. Yeah, Chester Karma, didn't he get fired a
week ago? ...) If you have on-site access when you trash the fax, make
sure you are not seen, and that you wear gloves (fingerprints are WAY
2. Remote Access (no, not the bbs software)
So you can't get into the company, maybe its because your doing it
anonymous, maybe they put a restraining order on you, whatever. You
can still totally destroy the fax machine. Phirst, you obviously must
have your victims fax number. (see above) Next, you must have a fax
machine or fax modem. Make double-damn sure you've changed the message
displayed by your fax machine (which usually includes your name and fax
#) otherwise, you may be getting a visit from your friendly neighborhood
police-person. Also don't forget to disable CiD when calling, as many
fax machines have it built-in now.
Ok, so now you've got access. I congratulate you if you've come this far,
you must be hell-bent on destruction, which is good. In this section I'll
talk about the many methods of fax trashing. Please note that many of them,
if carried out, will totally DESTROY the fax machine. Not only will this
cost the company big bucks to fix. It will cost them big bucks in lost
customers, sales, whatever, because thier fax machine is down. Please be
sure that you know what your doing when you do this, because if you get
in serious trouble, it will be your own fucking fault for not listening to
me. Ok, now that we've got that cleared up, there are two basic kinds of
fax destruction: The "Moebius Fax", and one I've entitled simply the
"IBM Fax"
The Moebius Fax
The Moebius fax is for people with remote access. If you have a regular
fax machine, set it up so that your banner reads something totally fake
and bogus (maybe the name and fax # of a rival company, etc.) Then get
5 sheets of black contruction paper from a) your kid. b) your school.
c) Your local print shop (or wherever you go to get paper)
Next, tape the paper together, overlapping, so that you have one long
chain of black paper. (the blacker the better, use the blackest side)
Ok now you're all set, put the phirst sheet in the paper feeder, and dial
the victims fax #. Allways block CiD (*67 for the ignorant) and if you've
abused this company before, you should probably route your call. (Operator
divert is probably sufficient) When it connects and starts to receive your
fax from hell, wait untill the phirst 2 sheets have gone through, then
tape the phirst sheet to the last sheet, thus creating an endless loop.
(and creating what mathematicians call a Moebius Band, from where I
derived the name. In case you're wondering, I didn't come up with this
idea, its pretty old. I did think of the name though)
There is only a few problems with this. It will only work on regualar, not
plain-paper fax machines. The reason being that all this black overloads
and wears out the thermal head on regular fax machines, thus rendering
them inoperatable. If the fax machine is plain-paper, then all you can
hope to do is make the machine run out of paper, ink, or both. Still
doing some damage, but it won't leave the impressive effect of the fax
machine smoking. The smell of this is horrible, and if your lucky, the
heat from the thermal head will melt the cheap plastic fax machine, or
blowup, sending sparks everywhere (or if your really lucky, both). Aside
from that, you should probably start sending your fax whenever the store
or office has been closed for a few hours (ie. around 9:00 pm) and stop
around 4:00 am (or whenever the machine shuts down). Texts I've read say
that a fax machine can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours to burn
out, but all the machines i've done went total meltdown in an hour or
less. One of the heads on one of the machines got so hot it burned
through the paper and started a small fire!
If you don't have a fax machine, but have a fax modem, you can do this
trick too. All you have to do is get an ANSI editor, like TheDraw, and
fill up a few pages with the black background fill color(After you've
filled the maximum page length with The Draw, you can use an editor to cut
and paste the file so it's larger. Now port that file over to your Fax
Modem OCR software and take a look at it. It should be one whole black
screen. Ok. Now follow the steps above, changing your banner, blocking
CiD, etc. Except set up a schedule to send the file over and over again.
(See your Fax Modem docs for info on this) This takes the place of the
endless moebius loop on regular fax machines.
The IBM Fax
This is for people who have On-Site access to their victims fax machine.
IBM has a 800 number that will fax you a 39 page document about thier
services. The number is 800-IBM-4FAX. Other companies have a service
similar to this, but i can't think of thier names/numbers offhand. If
you have such a number, post it on Flatline. Anyway, I think you can see
what's going to happen. But big deal. A 39 page fax isn't going to cause
major damage. No, your probably right, but what if you set up the fax
machine to make, oh I don't know, say a hundred calls to that number a
day, how long do you think the machine will last? Of course, if your
company has a plain-paper fax machine, all that will happen is that
they'll have a couple hundred pages on the floor of thier print room, and
a fax machine that needs ink. This, of course is a cost expense for the
company. This was implemented repeatedly on the hotel managers fax machine
at SummerCon '93.
4. iN ADDiTiON...
This is just a list of other things that i thought about doing to fax
machines that I really didn't have time to test out. Most of them are
just malicious things you can do for revenge, etc.
Send a fax with "Fuck You!" Written on it in big letters to a rival
company of your victims. Make sure you send it at least 30 times.
Also, don't forget to change your banner to your victims banner, so
it looks authentic.
Copy the VISA or AMEX logo onto a piece of paper, and then make up a
bullshit letter under it. "Dear Joe Shmoe, We suspect that your credit
card has been used illegally. To confirm this, we ask you to call our
voice mail system at: <enter your VMB # here> and leave us your card #,
expiration date, and your social security number for verification. We
will send you a fax after we have verified if your card has been stolen,
Thank you for your time, <Sign Fake Name>" Make sure to make it business
like so that they won't suspect a thing. Also, after you've got the
number, you should send a fax confirming thier credit card has not been
stolen. (not yet, at least hahaha)
If you've got a whole bunch of local fax numbers from scanning, prepare
a fake fax to send to them ALL. Recommended: A fax detailing the next
local KKK or Satanist meeting with the appropriate slogans. A very
authentic looking fax that details the exchange of something illegal,
a major drug sale, stolen property, cargo, etc. For this one you may
only want to send to one person because the police will catch on once
they get 20-30 calls about the same fax. A fax with one or two words
written in big letters. Try to avoid "Fuck You" or any other swear.
My favorite oneliners are things like "REPENT!" or "ADULTURER!" or
or the ever popular "The KKK Controls you, Nigger" or something to that
effect. Trust me, these slogans scare people a lot more than "Fuck You"
Most people will call the police. The best was when I sent the local
Catholic Church faxes of pictures copied directly from the Necronominon,
along with slogan's like "Old God, New Devil" and the like.
Fax bomb threats to your local educational institution, along with local
businesses. Most of the time they will shut down any building that has
a bomb threat sent to it, resulting in a loss of business for the
victim. (and a free day off for the kiddies)
Fax threating letters to residental households. Ie messages like
"I know where you live" and "i'm coming to kill you" will scare the
shit out of most people (I know, I don't scare easy and I was scared
shitless when I got one of these calls) You could follow one of these
letters up with a moebius fax that said "DIE!" Over and over again.
If there is a serial killer roaming your city, fax your local paper
saying that you are the killer and leave riddles and threats and stuff.
(Look at the letters Jack The Ripper sent Scotland Yard if you need
inspiration) Be careful to only do this once. The paper will set up
a trap to catch you if you call again.
Well, there you go, the compleat guide to trashing fax machines. Now you
have something to do Friday night instead of beating off on a Conference.
This can be loads of fun, and if can even get you some cards if you find
someone guillible enough. But don't be an idiot. Take safty precautions.
This crime is way to stupid to be caught for. Oh yeah, don't get too
cocky and abuse the same company 30 times. Their more then likely to set
up a trap with the Telco if this happens too often.
Retail Skamming
Hello boys and girls. Time for a small installment of retail
scams that YOU can get away with. The are just little things I have
picked up over the past few months and decided to share with all you
out there in white bread land. All of the following ways of skamming
have worked at one time or another and can be done at least at one
store. The scams covered today are:
- Discounts
- Free Clothes
- Safe Carding
- Free Money
- Free Goods
- Free Hardware
- Free Software
- Other Things
Anyway, as usual, this file is for informational purposes
and may be used by anyone (including security d00ds) for anything
YOU may wish to do.
This one is really easy, and you just have to know it exists.
If you are in a mall, at almost any food place, and sometimes other
types of stores, you can get mall discounts. Most food places will
give either a 10 or 15 percent discount to mall employees. All you have
to do is order your food, just ask "Do you give discounts to mall
employees?", and usually they will just say "yes" and give it to you
without asking. If they ask where you work, just tell them some store
at the other end of the mall, and say you are new there. I have never
had anyone question me about this, and I have done this at malls that
I don't work at.
I was surprised to find that Lens Crafters(tm) gave me a
15% discount on my 150 dollar glasses I was having put together. That
is a nice little discount when you think about it. So don't count
on discounts on food only, always ask, it never hurts. The most they
will say is 'no'.
Free Clothes
Ok. Free clothes this time. This scam takes a little more time
but in the long run, can pay off quite nicely. A few chain clothing
stores run specials on buying more than one item. Chess King is well
known for their '2 for 45' deal. A pair of pants and a shirt for
45 dollars. Not bad at all. Anyway, individually, those two items
are about 30-35 dollar range, and just discounted when purchased together.
So, buy the two for 45 and leave the store. Next day, return the one
item with the tags still on it. Since it is a single item, despite the
2 for 45 purchase, they will return it for full credit. Next day, bring
back the second item for full credit. Once again, make sure you aren't
doing this with the same person or they may catch on.
Now you have spent 48.29 (tax) and received back around 65
dollars of credit. When you get the first two items, try to get two
high priced individually for more credit later. Use that credit
to purchase another 2 for 45 deal. Wait a week and return them back
to the store. If you can, go to another location and they should
take it back. Return each on a seperate day and get full credit.
Now you have spent 48.29 and should have around 120 dollars in credit.
You see the pattern. Keep doing this and you can build up a shitload
of credit. Most store credit at clothing retail places is good for
anywhere up to 6 months and sometimes beyond. Take your time with it
so they don't catch on. Eventually, you will have enough credit to
purchase a leather jacket or something, or a shitload of clothes.
That is about it. The critical thing in this scam is making
sure they don't catch on. Just use your head and everything should
be cool.
Safe Carding
First. Obtain a card number, name, and expiration date. If
at all possible, obtain the actual card. If you think that is impossible,
think again. Grocery stores turn up 5-10 cards a week, and they aren't
even looking for them. If you or someone you know works in a place that
gets more credit cards than average then you are set. If you are a cashier
at a grocery store or some other large store, you are in an ideal position.
During the 6:00 rush when everyone is begging to get the hell out of
the store, accidently hold on to the credit card. If they say anything,
just say 'Oops. Heh. Sorry, it's been a long day' and act like nothing
happened. If by chance, the customer walks off without their card, just
hide it under your register, or somewhere else you can get to it should
they come back for it. Either way, you can do what I will discuss. If
you have an actual card, then you are set. If you only have the number,
name, etc, then you need to do this: Write all that info on a small
piece of paper. Tape the paper to some other bullshit card you don't
need, so that it appears you are handing someone your credit card.
Second. Once again, this relies on a friend or you working in the
right place. How many of your friends work in a computer or a software
store? If you have one friend that does, and is willing to help, then you
are both set. Throughout this file, I will use Waldensoft as our example,
because I know it can be done there and places like it. Now, wait one
night when your friend(s) are working there(it is important that
everyone working there is in on the deal) and go to the store. Take the
card or card number and information so you can get your loot. Just go
shopping for whatever you want. Pick up some games, disks, books,
hardware if they sell it, or anything else you might need/want. Now,
take it to the counter where your friend is waiting. Give him the loot,
and after he rings it up, hand him the card. If it is the actual card,
he can scan it through, and if it the card has already been invalidated,
he can just shake his head, and watch as you walk away and get the hell
out. If it goes through, take your stuff, and the card, and split. Done!
If it is your card with someone else's info on it, almost all stores
have a way to punch in the info by hand in case a card is damaged. So
your friend can manually punch in the info and you are set.
Other stuff to watch out for:
- If the card or the card number doesn't go through for some
reason, just calmly walk out the store and if anyone asks
about the incident, your friend can say 'Hmm? This older
lady came in the store, picked up some stuff, came up and
handed me the card. When I told her it wasn't going through
she just grabbed it out of my hand, and walked out.' From
here your friend can make up a description of the lady or
whatnot, and that is about all that will be said.
- If it is an actual card, some places offer rewards to their
employees for hanging on to stolen credit cards. Hell, if you
can't get some new stuff, might as well get a small cash reward!
- Make sure the place you do this at has NO security cameras.
- If possible, talk to your friend and make sure that the store
you are doing all this at, doesn't have it set up so that if a
stolen card goes through, security is automatically alerted.
I have heard of malls with that kind of set up, but don't know
if that is true. I know it isn't true at the mall I work at,
or other malls I have worked at in the past.
- Remember, that for this to work with the actual card, you have
to do it the same day you get it, or chances are that the
person has called the company and cancelled it.
- Make sure there aren't too many other customers around or
watching since they can probably describe if security came
- Don't get too greedy. If the place sells hardware, don't
get too much. Also, avoid getting two of the same things.
If you were to get two soundblasters or two modems, this
looks really suspicious and may cause problems.
- Don't do this more than once at a single store if you can.
If you do, wait at least one month before attempting it
Some larger computer warehouses, no names mentioned (Comp USA,
Computer City) will willingly let you purchase stuff with a credit
card #, exp date, and name. If you use this method, make sure you have
a payphone number handy, and tell the cashier to call and verify
that you are using "dad's card". Just have them call the payphone number,
have a friend answer, and play the role of daddy. Easy enough.
Last thing. This is based on rumor, so if someone tries this, and
it works, or doesn't work, get word out about it. These days, they have
it set up so you can get cash from ATMs using Mastercard or Visa. I have
been told that if the person has a card with that feature, and they have
never used it, then the PIN number for that card is the last four digits
of the card number. If you try this, make sure you aren't standing in
front of a camera at the ATM. In some grocery stores there are ATMs without
cameras, but a lot of people around. You have to weigh the risks on that
one yourself.
Free Money
Free money. The ultimate scam. Ok. First, you need to find
a store that does price matching. Certain computer warehouses do it
like Computer City, Comp USA (i think), and a few others. Find a
high price item at one store, and find another place that price matches
but has it for a higher price. That is pretty easy to do. Good items
to do this on are printers, scanners, monitors, etc. Remember that
they usually won't match on full systems or anything like that.
Purchase the item at the expensive place. Leave, come back the
next day. Walk in to the customer service desk and tell them how you
purchased something there and found it cheaper somewhere else.
When they ask, tell them where you found it so they can call and
verify. Once they do, they can offer the price match, and if
under a certain amount, give you CASH back for the difference. Try
to shoot for about a 70 or 80 dollar difference because most places
have a limit of 100 dollars and the rest is done by checks mailed
to you. When you are doing all this, it is important that you keep
your receipt away from them as much as possible. Hold on to it, fidget
with it, drop it, whatever, just don't let them write on it. Most
places will just write the price on something else and then do some
shit on the register and give you the difference. If they give you
the money, and do NOT write on your receipt, then thank them, walk
out, and wait. Come back a few days later, during a different shift,
and scope out who is working. Make sure there aren't too many
familiar faces, and go up and do the same thing. As long as they
don't mark up your receipt, then you are fine, and they have no proof
that they have given YOU the money back. If for some reason you are in
their computer system, or they suspect it, tell them that you buy things
from them all the time, and that you end up getting prices matched on
a lot of things.
After you do this a few times, return the item (within 30 days
usually) and get your money back. They key is no marks on your receipt.
Free Goods
Once again, this works great at busy computer warehouses etc.
Go in and buy a pretty high price item. Once again, printers, scanners,
memory if it isn't locked up, or anything else. Purchase one item while
the store is real busy, and people aren't paying attention to a lot.
Go through the line, buy the item, and stall afterwards. Say something
like "I need to look for my friend" or "Can I go look at something else?".
Either way, say this while your receipt is in your hand, and the cashier
can see it. Odds are, s/he will tell you no prob, as long as you have
your receipt. Walk back in for about 5 to 10 minutes, WHILE IT IS BUSY!
That is the most important part of this whole thing. If they let you
take the item back in the store, that is fine, if they keep it there,
that is still cool.
After you have walked around a bit, go back up and talk to a
different person, and show them the receipt and the merchandise. Walk
out with it, since you payed for it, drop it in a friends car and let
him drive off. Walk back in while it is still busy, go through the store
and pick up a second item. If they original cashier made you leave it
at the register or something, you might have some problems, just depends
on if you see the oportunity. Anyway, if you were allowed to carry
it back in the store, wait until you see the person you talked to leave
the area. Go back to your original cashier, show the item, and the
receipt, and walk out with a second one. Wait a couple of days and
come back with one of them, and tell them you want to return it for
your money. They shouldn't have a problem with that if it is unopened.
Now you have a high dollar item, and your money back. Use the
item, sell it, or whatever. It was free.
The other way: Many places make you check in your bag from
another store when you enter. If they do, and don't give you a ticket,
yes, some places do that, then go in, walk around, and as you exit,
walk up to the counter and ask for your bag. You can usually see what
kind of bags are there, and half the time see what is in it in case they
ask you. You don't get to select your stuff that way, but it is free
and hell, if the receipt is in the bag you can return it for someone else's
money. :)
Free Hardware
Free hardware. Run to your local computer warehouse and purchase
a complete system. Hell, get a 486/66 with a 450 meg hard drive, 8 meg
of ram, and some other shit. Pay with cash or check and take your item
home. Don't worry, you will get the money back. As soon as you are home
rip open the machine and take out the motherboard, hard drive, memory,
and anything else you need. Put all your old shit in it and box it back
up identically. Take the whole thing right back to the store and
return it for your money. Just tell them that you aren't ready to
make such a large purchase, can't afford it after all, or anything
else. If the place doesn't give cash back, then don't pay by cash.
Ideally, use a check, and just ask the place to get the check back out
and let you rip it up. That way, there is little or no record of who
did it. You don't want your name, or address, or anything else left
with them if at all possible.
If you hesitate doing that, then do everything, but call back
in and tell them that when you got home, it wasn't what you bought,
and that apparently, the box had been opened. Despite what you may
think, when stuff is returned to warehouses, they often re-shrink wrap
a box or retape it for resale.
Free Software
Free software without being a warez kiddie. You ever need
some free software. Don't want to pay? Don't wanna get on a warez
board? Want the docs and everything else? Go to Egghead! If you
live in a town with Egghead Software, then you are set. As this
file is being written, Egghead will allow you to purchase software,
install it, use it, copy it, whatever, and then let you return it
without a hassle!
I work at a competitor of Egghead and am constantly beaten
over the head with that fact since we don't allow software to be
returned after it has been opened. Anyway, take your time with
the software, copy the docs, manuals, or whatever else, and then
return it for another piece. If they ask why you are returning it,
just say one of the following:
- I didn't have the system requirements. (HD, RAM, etc)
- I have Macintosh/IBM and this won't work on my computer.
- The box said it did this and this, and it doesn't quite
do what I need.
- I wanted it in CD Rom
- Or any other excuse like that.
Now you have access to high dollar software, access to copy
the documentation, and you didn't have to become a warez kiddie to
do so!
Other Things
If you have access to a shrink wrapping machine, you have
almost unlimited access to free stuff. Easy as this:
1) Purchase something kinda small.
2) Take it home, immediately open and take out the
3) Put something in the box that weighs the same, and
close the box up.
4) Re-shrink wrap the box.
5) Take it back almost right away and ask for your money back.
Since they will no doubt look at the time and date it was
purchased, and the fact that it is 'unopened' they will no doubt
give you your money back. Only thing to watch out for is that when
you replace the goods, make sure it doesn't 'shake' differently.
Notice how things were packed, and make sure the weight is about
the same.
By the same token you can do this: Buy an item, take out the
goods, replace it with a few decks of cards or something, and then
return it to the store claiming that was all that was in it. Just
be pushy and no doubt a manager will let you get a new one by "customer
satisfaction". Wait a few days, and then take it back for your money.
With those ideas, I think you can start to see the possibilites
of retail scams. Working for retail will open you up to most of the
ways, and keeping an eye out for customers that do it to you is the
other good way. Always remember to not get greedy. That will put a
quick end to scamming most of the time. If you are not the best
at social engineering (which a lot of this is in one way or another)
then go for the old fashioned way of shoplifting. For a good guide to
shoplifting, check out FUCK0016.TXT by Max Headroom. If you wonder
what that file is, it is the 16th file released by F.U.C.K. (Fucked
Up College Kids) and is a good guide on how not to get caught. Yes,
a shameless plug never hurts.
Release 1.0
Release 1.1
Release 1.2
Release 1.3
Written, scanned & compliled by:
((((((((( Deicide ))))))))))
Well, after all the wait, it is finally out. The largest and most
comprehensive Datapac NUA list ever. This is for all the people who wish to
have a relatively safe place to ply their trade, and Datapac contains NUA's
for ALL skill levels. The Telenet/Sprintnet NUA lists by the LOD/H was a great
source of hackable systems for most people, and i hope that this list will
help people out(and save months of scanning) as well, but for the ever popular
, ever insecure PSN called Datapac.
This is the first release ever of this list, and it will probably not
be the last. NUA's go up and down every day, so this list will never really
be complete, but it is as complete as it can get. Keep in mind that I have
scanned each and every NUA prefix from 200 to 999(pre-200 i have never found
a NUA..) at least a small amount, so if i do not include a NUA prefix, it was
probably not active at the time i compiled the list. New prefixes will and do
go up, so help keep me on top of these changes. Also, when a NUA dies, and new
ones come up, let me know and we will correct these and release the next
version, and you will even get a mention in the 'Contributors' spot! K-rad or
what <g>??
This list does NOT contain accounts, something which a few people
falsely advertised by error. If you need help with a system, contact me and
i'll help you out.
This list does not contain connect information.If you do not know how
to access Datapac/Tymnet/Sprintnet then ask a local H/P user for help, or
consult my guide to hacking.
I did NOT list any system that was not obviously hackable..if the
system consisted of a blank screen, or random garbage, i left it. This
is because of space & pointlessness. Why contain NUA's that no one will use,
because they are unuseable? If for any reason you want these NUA's, contact
I have also included a header for each NUA prefix where NUA's were
found. This header will be in this format:
- 200 - ONTARIO - Up to 9999
Where 200 : Is the NUA prefix.
ONTARIO : Is the province the NUA prefix is located in.
Up to 999: Tells how far i have scanned. Feel free to scan further,
there might be more farther than this, but i didn't think
there would be.
The NUA format is :
Where X: Is the NUA. Enter exactly as shown INCLUDING the comma, if needed.
Datapac NUAs are standardly 8 digits, but can be 9 or 10 if
subaddressing is used.
The data behind the comma is what is known as a mnemonic extension,
used either by the system as an external password or a port selector.
I discovered mnemonics on my own, and seem to be the only one around
who knows how to use them properly.
$: Designates a reverse charging system. If this symbol is not present,
the system will accept reverse charging.
S: Is the system type, if known.
D: Is the description. Extra info/notes.
NUA's with System types but not Descriptions are simply the standard prompt
for that system, without additional data.
Also, i didn't include double/triple NUA's, if the system backed-up
or hunted, i listed the original NUA(the NUA that DID NOT back-up or hunt.)
***NOTE:The NUA does not contain Datapac's DNIC. If needed, the DNIC is 3020.
***NOTE: All systems are assumed to have the parameters of 8/N/1. It will
be specified if 7/E/1.
I did NOT include the FOX,LOGGER or MACHINE mnemonic to NUA's with
XMUX's present, for space reasons and as these mnemonics are present EVERY
time(with the possible exclusion of MACHINE). To access these, type the NUA
(without listed extentions) and include a comma plus the mnemonic after the
In the System Description when I list UNIX as the system type, that
encompasses all the Unix variations unless otherwise specified.
In the case of Gandalf PACX/Starmaster systems, if the system identified
itself as a Starmaster, i used that in the system type column. If not, or it
identified itself as a PACX, i listed PACX as the system type.
Ok, that's all for now. If you have any comments at all, find me and ask
Quite a few new NUAs and new prefixes as Datapac is expanding daily..and the
mnemonics to go with em.. enjoy..
a friend of mine was going to scan every NUA prefix up to 2000 for me,
but I was "busted" soon after and we lost touch.. I'll see if I can get his
assistance for 1.2..
Have fun kiddies..
A few more changes..
More more more..
- 201 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
20100071 $ VM/SP BNR - Bell Northern Research
- 202 - ONTARIO - Up to 700
20200115 VAX/VMS
20200116 VAX/VMS
20200156 Diand Information System
20200214 $ UNIX (gtagmhs2)
20200230 METS Dial-In Server Enter your login name:
2020024098 Control Port on Node Ottawa 6505 PAD
20200286 $ VAX/VMS
2020032099 MPX.25102: PASSWORD
20200321 SunOS Rel 4.1.3 (X25)
20200322 SunOS ""
20200330 INETCO Magicbank
20200342 ::
20200497 VAX/VMS
202005421 $ VAX/VMS
20200548 SunOS Rel 4.1.3 (TMS470)
20200582 $ VAX/VMS Production System
20200586 ULTRIX v4.2 (fcsa)
20200600 $ User Id/Usager:
20200602 $ UNIX (gtagmhs)
- 204 - ONTARIO - Up to 1050
20400011 $ VM/SP BNRCEN - Bell Northern Research
20400089,console XMUX node: 320QUEEN
20400157 HP3000 IDRC/CDRI/CIID:
2040017777 GST Questions & Answers by Revenue Canada
20400180 XMUX node: STORE305
204002051 VAX/VMS
20400249 UNIX
20400268 $ VAX/VMS
20400407 $ VAX/VMS
20400478 HP3000
20400484 VAX/VMS
20400529 $ XMUX node: SMITHFLD
20400642 CDCNET
20400683 PACX (user interface)
20400860 VAX/VMS
- 205 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
20500011 VM/SP National Research Council Canada
20500036 enter v for vtam(roscoe or tso) d for dobis
20500047 $ DECSERVER
20500272 $ Xyplex Server
- 206 - ONTARIO - Up to 450
20600029 SCO domus1 SCO v/386
20600222 Please enter password
- 207 - ONTARIO - Up to 900
20700038 $ VAX/VMS
20700040 Enter profile ID:
20700053 NODE 57206798 (looks like an iNet2000?)
20700122 XMUX node: OTTAWA
20700157 UNIX ""
20700187 $ VAX/VMS Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Satellite Op.
20700194 iNet2000
20700195 iNet2000
20700201 $ HP3000 Supply & Services Canada
20700416 Operator Code:
20700439 UNIX (bcm_kernel)
20700471 ISM (7/E/1) ISM Systems Corp/Ottawa Processing
20700541 UNIX
20700561 (make a logon attempt)
20700591 Canadian Intl. Development Agency's BBS(CIDA)
20700596 UNIX Zoomit
20700615 SCO OD Statsys1
20700616 $ UNIX gateway!login:
20700617 UNIX Zoomit
20700652 UNIX
20700665 $ NC-PASS
20700666 $ NC-PASS
20700718 OBS Online Services (WYLBUR)
20700728 VAX/VMS
20700740 UNIX
20700741 VAX/VMS
- 208 - ONTARIO - Up to 217
20800015 VAX/VMS
20800033 VAX/VMS v5.5-1
20800043 $ DIAND Info System - INAC. Sioux Lookout.
20800095 TSO
20800247 VAX/VMS
20800300 $ VAX/VMS Certification System
20800313 SunOS SunOS 4.1.1_DBE (DBEMCP+X25)
20800322 PACX MD Realty Access Server
20800336 VAX/VMS MPO Artist VAXCLUSTER V/V v5.3-1
20800337 UNIX ecana!login:
20800342 VM/SP CISTI
20800343 VAX/VMS
20800379 XMUX node: SUDBURY
20800380 Operator Code:
20800425 Welcome to the London Gateway
- 212 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
21200014 CDCNET
21200030 $ PACX
21200030,logger $ VAX/VMS PNFI : VAX 4200/VMS 5.5-2
- 213 - ONTARIO - Up to 250
21300047 Please Enter Password
- 216 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
21600001 ::
- 217 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
21700054 VAX/VMS
21700073 ::
- 221 - ONTARIO - Up to 325
22100034 HP3000 Burgess Wholesale Foods MPE/XL -Kingston
22100138 INT NET Enter SecurID Passcode:
22100188 VAX/VMS
- 224 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
22400041 XMUX node: BELLEVIL
- 226 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
22600049 SERVICE ID=
- 227 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
22700017 VAX/VMS
- 234 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
23400121 $ UNIX orillia x25
- 236 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
23600035 VAX/VMS Micro VAX 3100 / VMS 5.5
- 238 - ONTARIO - Up to 800
23800176 VAX/VMS v5.5-1
23800236 XMUX node: OTTAWA
23800343 node 57216d65 (looks like an iNet2000)
23800451 $ VAX/VMS Certification System
23800491 UNIX X.29 Terminal Service
23800507 "" ""
23800594 ENTER FUNCTION:(Fisheries & Oceans Canada)
23800599,console XMUX node: MUX8
23800700 SCO OD vmabs SCO Open Desktop
- 243 - ONTARIO - Up to 250
24300084 VAX/VMS v5.5
24300149 XMUX node: SAULTE
- 244 - ONTARIO - Up to 350
24400061 SERVICE ID=
2440014601 HP3000DTC MULTICARE:
- 247 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
24700021 SERVICE ID=
- 249 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
24900024 ISM (7/E/1) ISM Systems Corp. Ottawa Proc. Centre
24900040 VAX/VMS
24900057 ISM
24900099 PACX Gandalf Access Server
- 252 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
25200014 TAL TORONTO
25200017 VM/SP
25200054 XMUX node: TORONTO
25200258 ::
25200383 VAX/VMS
25200401 $ VAX/VMS
25200486 $ VAX/VMS Notley Info Service
25200630 VAX/VMS
- 257 - ONTARIO - Up to 225
25700031 >
25700057 VAX/VMS
- 261 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
26100091 VAX/VMS
- 283 - ONTARIO - Up to 400
28300080 VAX/VMS
28300083 XMUX node: XMUX1
28300092 INETCO
28300154 VAX/VMS
- 287 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
28700014 VAX/VMS
28700029 SERVICE ID=
- 292 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
29200013 VAX/VMS
- 293 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
29300045 $ VAX/VMS
- 294 - ONTARIO - Up to 400
29400172 VAX/VMS
29400176 Enter System ID: IDS
29400254 XMUX node: WINDSOR
29400263 ISM CDNC
29400264 ISM CDNC
- 295 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
29500009 $ Datapac Public OD
29500071 $ ""
29500072 $ ""
29500073 $ ""
29500074 $ ""
29500075 $ ""
29500092 :
29500137 ::
29500139 PRIMOS 23.3.0 INTENG
29500166 $ Datapac Public OD
29500167 $ ""
29500168 $ ""
29500900 $ ""
29500901 $ ""
- 296 - ONTARIO - Up to 1150
29600018 PRIMOS v23 FAXON
29600224 XMUX node: LONDON
29600242 XMUX node: WELLSARN
29600269 XMUX node: LAMB1
29600363 XMUX node: LAMB2
29600372 VAX/VMS node CRUNCH
296003741 HP3000TC dtc1.clover.produce
29600389 VAX/VMS
29600437 XMUX node: LONDON
29600448 $ XMUX node: SARNIA
29600453 HP3000 DCLDN.MB.NETWORK
296004531 HP3000DTC
29600531 HP3000 HP960.WDSK.TIMBERJK
29600750 SCO SysV/386 3.2 krsar
2960075101 INETCO Polystar E.C.U
29600756 Enter profile ID:
29600890 XMUX node: LONDON
- 305 - ONTARIO - Up to 400
30500153 AXA Canada Data Center(PACKET/74)
- 315 - ONTARIO - Up to 900
31500065 SCO OD isgsys1 SCO Open Desktop 2.0
31500076 $ PACX UWO Computing & Communications Services
315000767 XMUX node: CCSMUX1
31500083,console XMUX node: LONDON
31500225 SCO OD isg2 SCO Open Desktop 2.0
31500528 XMUX node: SARNIA
31500607 PRIMOS 23.3.0.R20 WPPENG
31500787 XMUX node: BUNTINRI
31500838 MHP201A DTPAC06L VER 7.0.3 APPLICATION:
- 324 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
32400014 XMUX node: LONDON
32400067 $ VM/SP D.H. Howden
32400107 PRIMOS 22.1.2.R38 HUNT
32400122 " ""
32400223 VAX/VMS Micro VMS v5.3
32400249 VAX/VMS Big V's Pharmacy System
32400252 IBM3708 Type port password ===>
- 325 - ONTARIO - Up to 750
32500023,console XMUX node: LONDON1
32500053 XMUX node: 074
32500099 XMUX node: WIND
32500149 enter passcode:
32500202 VAX/VMS W.R.C.S.S.B
32500225 VAX/VMS London system A - Boot Node - MicroVMS v4.7
32500239 VAX/VMS
32500274 VAX/VMS
32500367 XMUX node: WINDSOR
32500369 UNIX
32500383 XMUX node: STERLING
325003833 BOSX/DPX (RISC?) Sterling Marking Products Inc.
32500386 5251 Controller emulator - v.191 Password:
32500396 VAX/VMS MicroVMS 5.3-1
32500406 VAX/VMS MicroVMS 5.3-1
32500523 SERVICE ID=
32500680 XMUX node: WINDSOR
32500692 XMUX node: WINDSOR
32500692,lon1 P M R
32500713 XMUX node: STTHOMAS
- 326 - ONTARIO - Up to 350
32600052 (7/E/1) Compuserve
32600056 PRIMOS 22.1.2.R3 PBTOOL
32600243 VAX/VMS
- 334 - ONTARIO - Up to 1630
33400115 SERVICE ID=
33400223 Adjusters Canada Inc. Please enter X25 Security
33400246 PRIMOS 22.0.3.R37 BLTCAD
33400306 $ Datapac Public OD
33400337 $ ""
33400344 $ ""
33400345 $ ""
33400346 $ ""
33400347 $ ""
33400348 $ ""
33400349 $ ""
334005211 ISM
33400550 ULTRIX
33400589 $ Datapac Public OD
33400590 $ ""
33400591 $ ""
33400609 ISM
33400630 PRIMOS 22.1.3 THOR Engle Canada
33400672 UNIX
334006729 XMUX node: CAMBPACK
33400694 Sim3278
33400703 UNIX AT&T SV - WLU
3340070399 MPX.25102: PASSWORD
33400892 ===>
33400900 $ Datapac Public OD
33400901 $ ""
33401149 XMUX node: KITCH
33401414 Datapac Public OD
33401415 ""
33401453 DYNIX SpaeNaur SVR4
33401462 Datapac Public OD
334014751 XMUX node: WATERLOO
33401475 Chase IoLan Terminal Server
33401528 UNIX
33401537 Sim3278
- 335 - ONTARIO - Up to 400
33500021 JMS Online Service. Please enter ID:
33500081 JMS Administator line. Enter SYSTEM or SERVICE.
33500099 " "
33500110 XMUX node: WATERLOO
33500136 Wilfrid Laurier University x.25 PAD
33500142 Prudential Assurance / Kitchener
33500196 University of Waterloo online Library
- 337 - ONTARIO - Up to 600
33700015 PICK
33700115 STARMASTER Agriculture Canada Ontario Regional Com. Cent.
33700115,console XMUX node: GUELPH
33700133 XMUX node: 362
33700216 XMUX node: 767
33700236 VAX/VMS Wellington Country Roman Catholic School Board
33700238 VAX/VMS
33700345 VAX/VMS
33700346 $ HP3000DTC Enter DTC port password:
33700349 $ ZAM0001
33700376 $ VAX/VMS Ontario College Application Service
33700393 ::
- 341 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
34100013 VAX/VMS
- 342 - ONTARIO - Up to 325
34200139 SERVICE ID=
- 351 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
35100010 $ VAX/VMS
- 355 - ONTARIO - Up to 400
35500179,console XMUX node: HLSTEIN
- 356 - ONTARIO - Up to 400
35600110 $ Datapac Public OD
35600158 UNIX 3x3
35600273 DEVELNET University/Hospital Network
35600900 $ Datapac Public OD
35600901 $ ""
- 362 - ONTARIO - Up to 310
36200027 MHP201A U0000053 Ver 7.0.5 APPLICATION:
- 367 - ONTARIO - Up to 640
36700021 USER NUMBER --
36700026 VAX/VMS
36700030 USER NUMBER --
36700038 $ UNIX
36700059 QINTER
36700115 OCC System
36700126 SERVICE ID=
36700172 SAFEGUARD 2>
36700183 XMUX node: DP01
36700184 XMUX node: DP02
36700185 HP3000
36700369,console XMUX node: CMS5
36700372 SAFEGUARD 4>
36700381 Sim3278
36700382 Sim3278
- 372 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
37200020 VAX/VMS
- 375 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
37500014 VAX/VMS
- 376 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
37600014 SERVICE ID=
37600020 HP3000 HP900.HCB.CANADA MPE/XL
37600029,console XMUX node: HAMILTON
37600152,console XMUX node: HAMILTON
37600166 XMUX node: BUTLER
37600176,console XMUX node: DISCOUNT
- 383 - ONTARIO - Up to 265
38300083 VAX/VMS
- 385 - ONTARIO - Up to 1260
38500085 (7/E/1) HCH Magic
38500122 PACX CCINFO
38500150 $ Datapac Public OD
38500151 $ ""
38500152 $ ""
38500153 $ ""
38500154 $ ""
38500163 $ ""
38500164 $ ""
38500165 $ ""
38500198 $ ""
38500200 $ ""
38500201 $ ""
38500202 $ ""
38500203 $ ""
38500204 $ ""
38500205 $ ""
38500226 XMUX node: (no node name)
38500262 Please enter your operator number
38500356 PACX CCINFO
38500399 SERVICE ID=
38500400 ::
38500431 VAX/VMS
38500586 VAX/VMS MicroVMS v5.3
38500891 VAX/VMS
38500900 $ Datapac Public OD
38500901 $ ""
38501019,console XMUX node: WELLAND
38501149 XMUX node: CPNWRI
38501151 VAX/VMS
3850115151 MPX.251A0: PASSWORD
38501175 CDCNET
38501194 VAX/VMS AEG Electrocom CDN_CECO V25.3
- 387 - ONTARIO - Up to 800
38700015 VAX/VMS BURCOM - MicroVAX ][ - MSB
38700022,console XMUX node: RBURL
38700048 PRIMOS 20.2.6 SYSD
38700068 $ Bailey Controls Canada
38700119 ::
38700127 XMUX node: STORE031
38700132 XMUX node: LIMRIDGE
38700152 PRIMOS 20.2.6 SYSF
38700153 PRIMOS 20.2.6 SYSL
38700155 XGATE:
38700162 XMUX node: QUEENSTN
38700261 XMUX node: HAMILTON
38700262 XMUX node: FORTERIE
38700426 XMUX node: HAM
38700583,console XMUX node: DISCNT2
38700629 XMUX node: NIAGARA
- 391 - ONTARIO - Up to 600
39100017 Sim3278 Merlin
39100019 Sim3278 Merlin
39100020 Sim3278 Merlin
39100041 Id: LU:Z0068
39100043 Id: LU:Z0070
39100044 Id: LU:Z0077
39100045 Id: LU:Z0078
39100049 Green Line Investor Services
39100057 VAX/VMS Burns Fry Analytics Inc. Fixed Income Research
39100077 Toronto Public Library
391000775 XMUX node: TPL
39100092 INT/UNIX system name: cirus 2 INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS CORP.
39100146 XMUX node: STORE088
39100200 iNet2000
39100234 VAX/VMS Burns Fry Ltd. MicroVAX 3800
39100395 HP3000
39100498,console XMUX node: BCE
39100503 Sim3278 Merlin
39100566 STARMASTER NORBORD Industries
39100566,console Console
39100581 AOS/VS
- 394 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
39400100 iNet2000
39400101 iNet2000
- 395 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
- 401 - QUEBEC - Up to 1100
40100012 PACX U.C.G. PACX 2000
40100012,console XMUX BELL CANADA DATAPAC 3000 ACCESS node: CRB1
40100016 XMUX node: CRB2
40100044 ISM
40100071 VAX/VMS
40100073 XGATE:
40100111 XMUX node: STORE316
40100112 XMUX node: 086
40100161 ISM
40100347 USERID:
40100354 ISM IIS
40100398 ISM IIS
40100399 ISM IIS
40100406 TACL 1>
40100408 TACL 1>
40100410 ISM IIS
40100411 ISM IIS
40100412 ISM IIS
40100413 ISM IIS
40100437 DG/UX dhserv X.29 Terminal Service Rel 5.4.1
40100486 VAX/VMS Ault Foods - Don Mills Order Entry System
40100682 Life Insurance Corp of Canada
40100791 $ MHP201A Version 7.0.5 Application:
40100792 $ "" ""
40101000 VAX/VMS
40101017 VAX/VMS Philips Medical Systems v5.4
- 404 - QUEBEC - Up to 235
40400017 RSX-11
- 406 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
40600016,0 (banktest)
40600042 USERID:
- 409 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
40900021 UNIX UNIX System V Rel 4.0 (fatman) AT&T MIServer-S
4090002101 SunOS fiji
- 411 - QUEBEC - Up to 730
41100043 INFO Globe Database
41100045 INT/UNIX System name:wgimf
41100054 MICROMAX Green Line Investor Services Inc.
41100057 "" "" ""
41100065 VAX/VMS Quebecor Printing Inc. VAX 4600/VMS 5.5
41100094 ISM
41100130 PRIMOS 23.2.0.R48 MD.CON
41100131 PRIMOS 23.2.0 CS.FSG
41100166 (like a Decserver..to VAXes + others)
41100229 $$ 50 Device Type Identifier:
41100266 ISM
41100291 iNet2000
41100656 VAX/VMS Lotus CSG Canada
41100657 UNIX gnt-1 login:
- 412 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
41200027 $ SERVICE ID=
- 413 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
41600037 $ VAX/VMS
41600094 $ VAX/VMS
41600105 $ VAX/VMS
- 414 - QUEBEC - Up to 300
41400036 RSX-11
- 415 - QUEBEC - Up to 300
41500087,console XMUX node: GNAREX
415000874 HP3000 HULK/XL
- 416 - QUEBEC - Up to 450
41600036 Id: LU:Z0529
41600134 Compuserve
4160031112 XMUX node: (unavailable)
4160031114 QL Systems Limited Data Transmission/Collection
41600316 PRIMOS 22.1.1.R31 HEADCL
41600388 DISC Username:
- 423 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
42300021 XMUX node:(no node name)
42300052 (wants a function)
- 427 - QUEBEC - Up to 450
42700077 HP-UX lenny A.08.02 E 9000/847
42700079 User Id:
42700079,console XMUX
42700089 HP3000DTC DTCC01.BRW.NTL
42700090 HP3000DTC DTCC02.BRW.NTL
42700098 Minicom Data Corp. System L7
42700235 VAX/VMS
- 428 - QUEBEC - Up to 500
42800010 SERVICE ID=
4280001098 6505 PAD (node PCSI) CTP Enter Password:
42800018 $ HP3000DTC Enter DTC Port password:
42800166 ISM
42800174 NOVELL
42800175 DEVELNET
42800349 VAX/VMS Janssen Pharmaceutica Inc.
42800403 $$ 4200 MODEL: USER ID--
- 429 - QUEBEC - Up to 325
42900027 XMUX node: WELLMISS
42900075 Logon:
42900097 $ MHP201A TCX0 APPLICATION:
42900128 SCO asthos SCO System V/386
42900196 Minicom Data Corp. System A3
- 436 - ONTARIO - Up to 1000
43600107 Sim3278 Canada Life Assurance Co.
43600173 $ DIAND - TORONTO
43600190 XMUX node: TELEMAN
43600255 $ Sim3278 Canada Life Assurance Co.
43600301 HP3000
43600322 PCBOARD Black Board
43600363 QINTER Real Estate
43600348 Minicom Data Corp. System CN
43600362 QINTER Real Estate
43600408 ONLINE ******
43600438 UNIX (x25)
43600459 MHP201A LPACK317 ver5.5.5 APPLICATION:
43600477 LU 8 Password
43600484 Amdahl Communications Inc. Testing
43600485 "
43600506 UNIX McGregor Industries Inc. Unix System v.4(SCO?)
43600506,console XMUX node: T1MUX
43600514 Enter Terminal Code: Creditel of Canada Ltd.
43600596 XMUX node: (no node name)
43600620 XMUX node: DACTOR
43600811 MHP201A LPACK163 Application:
43600829 ROYALNET
43600830 "
43600903 MHP201A LPACK317 Application:
- 437 - ONTARIO - Up to 5933
43700016 Sim3278
43700066 Proair Transportation
43700067 HP3000
43700075 UNIX Cohort! X25
43700085 HP3000 HP980.TOR.BASF
43700121 XMUX node: PEARSON
43700138 UNIX
43700162 XMUX node: QUEENSTN
43700185 Regional Realty Ltd. Toronto
43700193 VAX/VMS
43700265 VAX/VMS Rehabilitation Services of Canada
43700292 VCX-100 UMA Engineering/Spantec - Torontor
43700300 XMUX node: TORONTO
43700370 SunSPARC IIS Technologies
43700461 UTLAS at your service Logon please:
43700462 ""
43700463 ""
43700485 HP3000
43700486 HP3000
43700487 HP3000
43700581 HP-UX Apollo - Domtar COD Etobicoke
43700593 UNIX Unix Sys V Rel 4 ICL DRS 6000s DRS/NX System 38
43700645 SEND
43700646 XMUX node: BUNTIN
43700654 $ SCO architel SCO System V/386
43700722 XMUX node: INVSALE1
437007255 XMUX node: TORONTO
43700736 VAX/VMS Abell Waco Computer System
43700756 PACX (User interface)
43700756,console XMUX node: TWM756A
43700771 HP3000 EUCLID1.NETWORK.EUCLID MPE/iX HP319000
437007711 HP3000DTC
43700772,console XMUX node: CHEMEX
43700777 XMUX node: INVWA
43700780 UNIX
43700848 VM/SP
43700851 VM/SP
43701169 HP3000
43701285 XMUX node: RNGREXDL
43701293 VAX/VMS
43701389 SERVICE ID=
43701434,console XMUX node: TORONTO
43701444 Sim3278
43701470 SERVICE ID=
43701471 SERVICE ID=
43701472 SERVICE ID=
43701494 $ Government of Ontario -MGS service:
- 438 - ONTARIO - Up to 1400
43800014 XMUX node: CLAYSON
43800066 VM/SP Integrated Intelligent Solutions
43800128 XMUX node: TORONTO
43800178 XMUX node: STORE389
43800188 WILDCAT chimopad
43800188,console XMUX node: CHIMO1
43800198 VAX/VMS
43800241 AIX
43800276 HP3000
43800336 VAX/VMS
43800349 UNIX
43800395 VAX/VMS v5.4-2
43800458 XGATE:
43800601 XMUX node: COASTPR
43800634 PACX (User Interface)
43800634,console XMUX node: MATHESON
43800637 XMUX node: TORONTO
43800716 Minicom Data Corp. System D0
43800718 Code:
43800738 VAX/VMS MicroVMS
43800732 VAX/VMS MicroVMS
43800741 Sim3278 XEROX CANADA
43800762 ID=
43800775 VAX/VMS CERBERUS Pyrotechnics Inc.
43800783 SERVICE ID=
43800812 PACX (User interface)
43800845 VAX/VMS GE Hamilton Computers VAX 4000/600
43800879 XMUX node: CANTEL2
438008796 (server)
43801024 Sim3278 F.W. Woolworth
43801051 VAX/VMS
43801189 System/32 VOS Module %can_bryker#M1
43801190 "" ""
43801199 UNIX CAD group
43801210 UNIX CAD group
43801290 Hello
43801303,console XMUX node: MARKEL
- 439 - ONTARIO - Up to 500
43900170 DNX-100 MMI
43900256 UNIX X25
- 442 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
44200027 PICK FRI Corporation PMIS 575.Group Commerce/Finance
44200112,console XMUX node: STORE360
44200115 NOVELL
44200135 Sim3278 Cenntial College of Applied Arts & Technology
44200140 Sim3278 Library System
44200192 DCAENRT1 is connected to OSPC1B
- 443 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
44300049 VAX/VMS LCI Corporate Computing
- 444 - ONTARIO - Up to 350
44400030 UNIX CAD Group (cad1)
44400049 UNIX This is our latest and greatest X.29 Service
44400086 XMUX node: WAYE
44400093 VAX/VMS
44400113 MHP201A UTWX21 Version 6.0.1 APPLICATION:
44400139 Sim3278
44400140 QINTER
44400157 UNIX CAD Group (cad1)
- 445 - ONTARIO - Up to 700
44500014 XGATE:
44500040 VTRM1000 Online Logon CA-VTERM
44500044 Operator Code:
44500057 XMUX node: MUXNET00
44500057,m0c7 ITX/DP
44500079 XMUX node: MUXNET4
44500080 XMUX node: MUXNET02
44500110 OCC System
44500116 PACX
44500170,console XMUX node: BURCRMKI
44500216 XMUX node: SCARPLT
4450021611 UNIX Manson/AC Wild 9600 login:
44500217 XMUX node: SCARB
44500324 MSG01I
44500340 XMUX node:FFUPJOHN Upjohn Field Contact Comm. Cent.
44500365 Prudential CDNO
44500366 ""
44500418 XMUX node: GRAFPAPR
44500422 $ Enter profile ID:
44500438 TACL 1>
44500460 VAX/VMS
44500469 MAJORBBS Novopharm PIP File Server
44500484 SCO OD system name: dopey SCO Open Desktop v2.0
44500485 SCO OD system name: scltor
44500510 XGATE:
- 446 - ONTARIO - Up to 1050
44600027 XMUX node: TORONTO
44600029 IAO/AIS HITS
44600083 RAPIDNET (net to various bank/credit facilities
44600106 UNIX Welcome to Suntalk
44600123 ISM
44600169 PICK
4460021201 INETCO amcu
44600425 XGATE:
44600427 XMUX node: TOR
44600436 XGATE:
44600439 VAX/VMS v5.3-2
446004391 DECSERVER Emulux Performance 4000
44600466 XMUX node: PICK1
44600515 PRIMOS 23.3.0.R39 TENEX
44600521 UNIX Olivetti X/OS System V
4460052106 XMUX node: TORONTO
44600541 XMUX node: PICK2
44600546 VCX-100 Businessland:
44600547 XMUX node: ESDENX
44600584 XMUX node: PICK3
44600617 NOVELL
44600631 XGATE:
44600662 XMUX node: OSHAWA
44600773 BULL HN Canada -sbsi Middlefield Switcher Mach.
44600784 XMUX node: TAPWA
44600820 ISM
- 447 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
44700034 PACX
44700037 $ XMUX node: BATA
44700049 OCC System
44700050 OCC System
44700065 (wants a function)
44700067 (wants a function)
44700069 XMUX node: BERWARE
44700075 XMUX node: BARBRELS
44700116 OCC System
44700117 OCC System
- 455 - QUEBEC - Up to 400
45500170,console XMUX node: BURCRMKI
- 458 - QUEBEC - Up to 400
45800114,console XMUX node: QT722XXX
45800114,2225 BIENVENUE AU SERVICE 722-2225
45800114,2220 BIENVENUE AU SERVICE 2220
45800116 ::
45800222 $ UNIX Dell UNIX SysV Rel 4.(i386/486)Sysname:Atlantis
- 462 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
- 465 - QUEBEC - Up to 750
46500250 UNIX UNITL - Applications Pedagogiques
46500346 VAX/VMS
46500392 ::
46500397 $ HITELC
46500439 UNIX Commision de toponymie
46500489 VAX/VMS
46500493 MS-L-CM-028-QUBCPQ1411M
46500494 MS-L-CM-027-QUBCPQ1412M
46500495 MS-L-CM-027-QUBCPQ1413M
46500545 XMUX node: QUEBEC
- 468 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
46800010 HP3000DTC DTC01.FIN.MINERALS Noranda Minerals Inc.
46800034 iNet2000
- 482 - QUEBEC - Up to 1125
48200150 $ PCANYWHERE
48200195 MS-G-CMD-027-QUBCPQ1407M
48200653,console XMUX node: MICRO
48200820 XMUX node: HFLLAUZ
48200828 XMUX node: QUE
48201002 STARMASTER (User Interface)
- 484 - QUEBEC - Up to 600
48400052 $ Datapac Public OD
48400053 $ ""
48400073 $ ""
48400076 $ ""
48400077 $ ""
48400079 $ ""
48400081 $ ""
48400085 $ ""
48400092 $ ""
48400093 $ ""
48400398 $ ""
48400399 $ ""
48400412 $ ""
48400413 $ ""
48400431 VAX/VMS MicroVMS 5.3
48400900 $ Datapac Public OD
48400901 $ ""
- 485 - QUEBEC - Up to 1450
48500077 RENEX
48500114 VAX/VMS
48500127 ::
48500129 XMUX node: QBC1
48500356 SERVICE ID=
48500388 TSO
48500398 TSO
48500473 XMUX node: ROLLAND
48500548 #
48500848 Sim3278
48501266 TSO
48501349 ::
48501390 MS-Q-CMD-027-QUBCPQ 1415M
- 493 - QUEBEC - Up to 300
49300053 SERVICE ID=
- 494 - QUEBEC - Up to 400
49400157 HP3000 SDM Inc.
49400249 UNIX The Echo Group
- 495 - QUEBEC - Up to 400
49500128 VAX/VMS Le Chateau Micro VMS v4.5
49500145 VAX/VMS
- 496 - QUEBEC - Up to 900
49600027 $ Systeme Desire:
49600038 VM/SP FRIMTL
49600043 ISM Banque du Terminologie
49600103 PRIMOS 22.1.4.R39 EHPSTS
49600107 AOS/VS
49600178,console PICK Montrusco Senior
49600186 XMUX node:398
49600225 Sim3278 Tele-Direct(Pub)Inc.
49600230 Reseau I.S.T Network
49600232 $ $$ 4200 MODEL:
49600288 XMUX node: TENEX
49600296 EDUPAC L19T019 MTL2 DIM Identification:
49600318,console XMUX node: DARIER
49600627 VAX/VMS
49600687 UNISYS PARAMAX Systems Canada Unisys System V
49600703 XMUX node: MFA
- 497 - QUEBEC - Up to 450
49700034 SERVICE ID=
49700075 SERVICE ID=
49700106 PICK
49700117 VAX/VMS Micro-VAX ][
49700131 Resource?
49700338 Electronic Access Systems from BCE
- 498 - QUEBEC - Up to 400
49800158 UNIX bbm3 X25
- 508 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
50800036 VAX/VMS Canadian Marconi
50800070 QINTER NHL
50800093 SCO OD SCO Open Desktop vmis
50800094 SCO OD SCO Open Desktop database
50800116 UNIX PARAMAX (disk_x25_sbc_hsis)
- 509 - QUEBEC - Up to 1039
50900179 $ YAK Network Message System - Maufer Dist. Inc
50900255 SERVICE ID=
50900273 XMUX node: MOTAM
50900275 VAX/VMS
50900285 VAX/VMS
50900314 Hartco Bulletin Board System
509003211 HP3000DTC DTC02P.PFD.DOMTAR
50900325 DECSERVER #
50900325,console XMUX node: MUXPAC
50900346 QINTER Bristol Myers Squibb Canadian Data Center
50900368 XMUX node: MTL
50900395 XGATE:
5090041710 VAX/VMS
50900423 VAX/VMS
50900439 XGATE:
50900496 Sim3278 H.J. Heinz
50900497 HP3000
50900560,console $ XMUX node: TUMORS
50900655 STARMASTER (user interface)
50900658 HIBBS - Federation Autonome du Collegial
50900671 Reseau I.S.T Network
50900820 UNIX X.29 link established
50900893 Royalnet
50900894 Royalnet
- 511 - QUEBEC - Up to 525
51100009 XMUX node: MONTREAL Pella Hunt Corporation
51100035 HP-UX
51100038 VAX/VMS v5.5 - 2HW
51100042 XMUX node: STARTMTL
51100110 XGATE:
51100201 UNIX
51100216 SCO OD Sclmon
51100231 XMUX node: THAVILL
51100232 HP3000DTC DTC:4807.GMT.BOMBARDIER
51100293 $ Economux Telecom Inc.
51100298 XGATE:
51100368 INFODOC BBS
5110036801 I-D NET Destination:
51100373 ? for a menu
- 513 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
- 514 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
51400026 UNIX NLC Solar System (nlcvenus.x25)
- 515 - QUEBEC - Up to 210
51500034,console XMUX node: INA
- 518 - QUEBEC - Up to 400
51800036 ISM C.T.I. ALCAN C.S.D.
51800046 UNIX X.29 Terminal Service
51800064,console XMUX node: MONTREAL
51800077 (time) (date) LINE#2
51800116 PC2LAN Connected to Router mon_x25
51800118 XMUX node: XMUX1MTL
- 526 - QUEBEC - Up to 600
52600251 VM/SP (L to VCN)
52600254 VAX/VMS Hydro - Quibec VAX 3300 (GESCON)
- 529 - QUEBEC - Up to 100
52900018 ENTER FUNCTION (Network Manager)
- 531 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
53100020 SERVICE ID=
- 535 - QUEBEC - Up to 300
53500036 SERVICE ID=
- 536 - QUEBEC - Up to 600
53600041 $ VAX/VMS
53600212 A1B2C3
53600273 CBI Credit Bureau
53600475 HP3000 CORP950.CORP.DOMTAR
- 537 - QUEBEC - Up to 1200
53700060 HP3000 MPE V
53700217 XMUX node: MONTREAL
53700229 TSO/E cnsna02
53700233 Johnson & Johnson's
53701022,console XMUX node: UNISEL
53701050 VM/SP
53701127 XMUX node: MTLBANK
53701166 ULTRIX v4.2 CIBC
- 538 - QUEBEC - Up to 300
53800014 SERVICE ID=
53800091 VAX/VMS
- 541 - QUEBEC - Up to 1050
54100013 ::
541000401 w13>
54100314,console XMUX node: PRRMTL
54100320 $ RENEX SN-40013, v3 Enter service code-
54100481 VM/SP
54100494,console XMUX node: MONTREAL
54100591 RISC/AIX Ideal Metals AIX 3.2 for RISC System/6000
54100840 WANG
54100840,console XMUX node: IATA
54100840,host7 WANG
54100847 C.M.Q 102 LOGON:
- 545 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
54500025 STARMASTER (user interface)
54500026 PRIMOS 22.1.1.R38 SYSA
- 551 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
55100035 Minicom Data Corp Profits Montreal(ABM)
- 554 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
55400038 VAX/VMS v5.4-3 on node SSPO
55400074 (wants a function)
55400190 VAX/VMS Eastern Region VAXMTL
- 555 - QUEBEC - Up to 500
55500011 $ enter system id
55500039 enter system id
55500045 $ enter system id
55500097 UNIX Castor.IRO.UMontreal.CA
55500346 XMUX node: MONTREAL
- 556 - QUEBEC - Up to 1125
55600254 XMUX node: MON1
55600314 VAX/VMS BPCO
55600355 VM/SP
55600355,console XMUX node: RBMTL
55600385 HP3000
5560038551 HP3000 PACO.CORP.DOMTAR
55600438 GLOBEFAX MTL 01 8748
55600451 $ PACX (Serves to an HP3000&9000 + a pad)
55600534 XMUX node: CCI534
55600535 XMUX node: CCI535
55600566 C N TRACS MTL
55600638 XMUX node: ESDENB
- 562 - QUEBEC - Up to 700
56200135 ID
56200174 VAX/VMS ...Eros
- 563 - QUEBEC - Up to 1100
56300037 You are connected to DPN01A
56300050 CONNECT:220 100 001
56300200 XMUX node: STORE324
56300251 VAX/VMS Air Canada Author (dunno if its a VAX?)
563002765 XMUX node: MONTREAL
563002766 SunOS (7/E/1) Digidyne (DDI_ADM)
56300402 OCC System
56300403 OCC System
56300430 $$ 0000 CNS RLS:A1U1 PTS:0010PTL0011 SYS:MFER
56300435 Sim3278
56300625 Access2950
56300816 UNIX X.29 Link Established
56300819 VAX/VMS
56300861 RISC/AIX Aix ver3 for RISC /6000
56300888 HP3000 NS1.CANLYTE.CANADA
- 564 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
56400024 VM/SP (gated through a Sim3278)
56400038 $ HP3000DTC
56400040 VM/SP " "
- 565 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
56500010 XMUX node: PPESTE
- 566 - QUEBEC - Up to 1200
56600012 CONNECT: 120 000 001
56600159 CLINIDATA Online Professional Databases
56600193 HIBBS XBR Manager XBR Communications Inc.
5660034191 (wants command, INV CMD if incorrect)
56600366 DATASHARE
56600547 ISM Northern Telecom(ISM serves to VM/SP & Sim3278)
- 569 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
- 571 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
57100010 ::
- 573 - QUEBEC - Up to 110
57300019 entrez un des caracteurs i,p ou t puis transmit
- 574 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
57400022 mcgill: (server)
- 575 - QUEBEC - Up to 700
57500111 XMUX node: XMUX
57500269 VM/SP
57500310 w13>
57500453 VAX/VMS
57500454 ID?>
57500588 GMXMicro Montreal Expos
57500588,lconsole XMUX node: PAD0 CM0
57500588,rconsole XMUX node: PAD1 CM1
57500634 TRACE (wants a transaction indentification)
- 576 - QUEBEC - Up to 1150
57600294 $ XMUX node: HPBSHER
57600427 HP9000 Andritz Sprout Bauer TKS Informatique Inc.
57600427,console XMUX node: SWHOOPER
57600480 XMUX node: GBY
57600789,/04/ (happy face & up arrow as prompt)
- 577 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
57700036 $ VAX/VMS
- 578 - QUEBEC - Up to 230
57800076 service:
- 581 - YUKON/NWT - Up to 450
58100003 XMUX node: YUKON
58100003,cnsl PACX Health & Welfare Canada
58100007 VAX/VMS
58100013 VAX/VMS Development Node NWTDV1
58100016 $ Welcome to INACNET Signed on to Yellowknife
581000597,modem SAM24V Global Out-Dial (2400 but works at 300??)
581000598 XMUX node: RANKYK
58100076 ::
58100078 VAX/VMS DFO Yellowknife
58100102 VAX/VMS DFO Inuvik
58100153 ::
58100188 VAX/VMS Production Node
58100319 ::
58100320 ::
- 582 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
58200051 VAX/VMS
- 587 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
58700010 HP3000
58700015 Datapac Public OD
58700016 ""
58700017 ""
58700018 ""
58700019 ""
58700900 $ Datapac Public OD
58700901 $ Datapac Public OD
- 591 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
59100088 PACX (7/E/1) Athabasca University Datapac3000 Access
591000884 XMUX node: XMUX
59100092 VAX/VMS Librarian Member of Keyano's VAXcluster
59100099 VAX/VMS
- 593 - ALBERTA - Up to 215
59300013 HP3000 MPE XL
- 594 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
59400139 VAX/VMS
- 595 - ALBERTA - Up to 315
59500022 PRIMOS 22.1.2.R7 UMAEDM
59500077 PACX (user interface)
59500112 AOS/VS
- 596 - ALBERTA - Up to 500
59600082 UNIX
59600095 SERVICE ID=
59600238 SERVICE ID=
59600242 VAX/VMS 5.4-2
59600280 ::
59600384 VAX/VMS Alberta Research Council TITAN 4000/300 5.5-1
59600492 VAX/VMS B P CO
- 597 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
59700054 XMUX node: FTR
59700143,console XMUX node: RSLEDM
- 601 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
60100010 University of Alberta MTS
60100198 $ VAX/VMS VAX country
- 605 - ALBERTA - Up to 1600
60500061 SERVICE ID=
60500101 XMUX
60500161 VAX/VMS
60500228 XMUX node: EDMONTON
60500230 $ EDMONTON - INAC
60500251 XMUX node: EDM2
60500267 XMUX node: 357
60500271 VAX/VMS VAX/VMS v5.5
60500462 VAX/VMS Northern Alberta Data Processing
60500588 INETCO Metropolitan Trust
60500591 SunOS apss.apss.ab.ca SunOS 4.1 (apss_inr_x25)
60500654 VAX/VMS MicroVAX 3400
60500803,console XMUX node: EDMXMUX0
60500827 XMUX node: HAKEDM
60500856 XMUX node: EDMONTON
60500886 SARSAT Lut>
60501029 XMUX node: EDMONTON
60501245 VAX/VMS
60501246 XMUX node: ED149ST
60501410 XMUX node: HOCEDM
- 615 - ALBERTA - Up to 400
61500309 VAX/VMS VAX/VMS v5.4
- 616 - ALBERTA - Up to 310
61600123 VAX/VMS
61600153 VAX/VMS Marvin the Robot Development System
- 624 - ALBERTA - Up to 560
62400176 Connected to Channel 0
62400176,console XMUX node: CALGARY
62400415 sign-on
62400440 UNIX 2000Login:
62400506 XMUX node: CALGARY
- 625 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
62500013 PRIMOS 21.0.5.R11 UMACAL
62500091 PRIMOS
- 626 - ALBERTA - Up to 332
62600009 ISM Service/Service:==>
62600046 SERVICE ID=
62600112 ISM
62600180 PRIMOS
- 627 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
62700035 VAX/VMS Lafarge Construction Materials
62700068 XMUX node: CLGRHOST
62700068,ed4 VAX/VMS
62700112 SERVICE ID=
62700149 XMUX node: CALGARY
- 633 - ALBERTA - Up to 600
63300131 enter class
63300513 AOS/VS AOS/VS ][ 2.02 on DGC Network
63300900 $ Datapac Public OD
63300901 $ ""
- 634 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
63400073 ::
- 637 - ALBERTA - Up to 300
63700010 XMUX node: CAL8STNE
63700025 VAX/VMS TransCanada Pipelines - Node UB
63700027 password:
63700035 VAX/VMS Andres Wines MicroVax][
63700044 XMUX node: CALGARY
63700048 VM/SP (gated off a Sim3278)
6370006299 X.25 PAD MANAGER - Neste Petroleum
63700067 PACX Carma Developers Ltd. (User Interface)
63700067,console XMUX node: CALGARY
63700070,console XMUX node: CALGARY
63700086 SCO/OD sclcal SCO Open Desktop
63700088 XMUX node: GENIE
63700099 VAX/VMS 3100/V5.5 Running EDIONE
63700134 VAX/VMS
63700143 RISC RISC/6000 HBX-PAD v-2.0 x25
63700149 XMUX node: CALD
6370015598 $ CSI X.25 Micropad / Tektronix - Calgary term RC
- 641 - BC - Up to 200
64100016 Transmountain Kamloops
- 642 - BC - Up to 200
64200020 VAX/VMS
- 647 - BC - Up to 1200
64700081 ::
64700104 Wants a logon, but says "Too few characters"
64700134 XMUX node: 370
64700135 XMUX node: STORE042
64700212 VAX/VMS Camosun College(R-Charge from authorized only)
64700214 AOS/VS
64700280 XMUX node: EDCNTR01
64700346 $ VAX/VMS BC Systems Corp - (DNET) Dist. Network
64700420 XMUX node: VANC
64700434 SERVICE ID=
64700461 UNIX ctl login:
64700488,console XMUX node: TSSDS7A
64700491 VM/SP
64700494,console XMUX node: VCTADR01
64700502 UNIX This is our latest & greatest X.29 Service
64700567 XMUX node: VANC
64700601 VAX/VMS
64700602 XMUX node: VAN
64700695 Thunderbird Home Centres 155
64700701 Thunderbird Home Centres 101
64700745,console XMUX node: VICTORIA
64700767 XMUX node: COCO
64700778 Minicom Data Corp. System B0
64700804 XMUX node: ESQIMALT
64700835 XENIX xenix386
64700839 UNIX bbm4 X.25
- 648 - BC - Up to 800
64800048 $ HP3000 MPE XL hp3000.bc.wpin
64800118 XMUX node: 64800118
64800274 Riverside Forest Products
64800319 INT/UNIX
64800321,console XMUX node: KINGSGAT
64800340 XMUX node: VIC1
64800347 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
64800363 AMDAHL COMM. INC. 2222 Local Craft Multiplexer
64800365 XMUX node: ANNACIS
64800368 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
64800371 HP3000 DCVAN.MB.NETWORK
648003711 HP3000DTC
64800375 COMM SERVER X.25 Enter UserID
64800385 VAX/VMS
64800443 VAX/VMS
64800450 NOVELL
64800456 VAX/VMS
64800458 XMUX node: (no node name)
64800463 UNIX (softwords) CoSy
64800463,console XMUX node: SOFTWORD
64800468 Operator code:
64800479 XMUX node: KAMLOOPS
64800538 XMUX node: RCMD
64800539 XMUX node: WVAN
64800549 GLANCE Market Data Online Data BAnk
64800551 XGATE:
64800558 TOPIX vpl Vancouver Sequoia Systems Inc.
64800569 #
64800577 ROYALNET
64800589 UNIX X25 DO & Company
64800598 VAX/VMS
64800604 please login
64800629 XMUX node: VICDDP
64800635 XMUX node: OGPT
64800673 XMUX node: VICTORIA
64800691 INT/UNIX
64800694 INT/UNIX
64800715 UNIX
- 651 - BC - Up to 1450
65100028 VAX/VMS VAX 4000-300 Node: NORADM VMSv5.5
65100045 HP3000
65100072 XMUX node: VANOAK
65100073 XMUX node: STORE036
65100080 VAX/VMS
65100098 VAX/VMS CNC VAX 4500 VMS 5.5-2
65100229 XMUX node: DATAPAC1
65100589 INETCO
65100625 ACME Analytical Remote User System
65100778 Thunderbird Home Centres 116
65100779 Thunderbird Home Centres 156
65100792 XMUX node: VANPLANT
65101014 Minicom Data Corporation System C3
65101079 Thunderbird Home Centres 109
65101080 Thunderbird Home Centres 112
65101081 Thunderbird Home Centres 102
65101104 ? (prompt)
65101109 XMUX node: SLCV
65101267 XMUX node: QUESNEL
- 661 - BC - Up to 200
66100004 $ HP3000 NEWWEST.ISDP.SPL
- 662 - BC - Up to 200
66200058 SERVICE ID=
- 665 - BC - Up to 260
66500002 VAX/VMS Ed Centre Office System Server #1 VAX 3800
66500008 XMUX node: LANGLEY
- 666 - BC - Up to 400
66600072 XMUX node: LANGLEY
66600189 HP3000
6660021498 $ X.25 Async PAD
- 667 - BC - Up to 200
6670002401 INETCO NCX
6670002499 INETCO
66700032 XMUX node: LGXMUX
66700038 VAX/VMS v5.5-1
- 671 - BC - Up to 1300
67100132 PRIMOS Version 22.0.4.r21 n:UMAVAN
67100255 Thunderbird Home Centers #153
67100273 Thunderbird Home Centers #110
67100482 (I)ntl. (D)atapac (T)elenet (M)emotec?
67100489 TERMINAL ID=
67100641 COMINCO/SNA
67100752 iNet2000
67100900 $ Datapac Public OD
67100901 $ ""
- 672 - BC - Up to 200
67200040 University of BC General MTS
- 673 - BC - Up to 200
67300031 AOS/VS
- 685 - BC - Up to 200
68500017,console XMUX node: RSLVIC
68500022 SERVICE ID=
- 691 - MANITOBA - Up to 200
69100013 SERVICE ID=
- 692 - MANITOBA - Up to 2250
69200032 VAX/VMS LUCKY is at your service!
69200069 PRWC - LOG ON: environment canada
69200239 XMUX node: WPG
69200242 XMUX node: WPGXMUXA
69200276 PRWC - LOG ON: environment canada
69200343 Enter Userid
69200344 Enter Userid
6920035602 XMUX
69200492 AOS/VS
69200656 ERNIE - LOG ON: environment canada
69200675 SARSAT Lut>
69200901 $ Datapac Public OD
69200902 $ ""
69201034 $ ""
69201035 $ ""
69201036 $ ""
69201037 $ ""
69201057 $ ""
69201058 $ ""
69201059 $ ""
69201060 $ ""
69201061 $ ""
69201062 $ ""
69201063 $ ""
69201064 $ ""
69201074 ERNIE - LOG ON: user (unpwd) Enviroment Can.
69201093 3174 Control Unit Emulator
69201400 UNIX NCR 386/486 (odfwpg)
69201519 $ Datapac Public OD
69201520 $ Datapac Public OD
69201531 $$ 4200 MODEL:
69201569 $ Please enter your full name:
69201586 VAX/VMS Bravo - Ops System
69201612 XMUX node: WINNIPEG
69201675 SCO Air Canada Production Communication (prodcom)
69201680 SunOS CMTS X.29 Service (NWSC)
69201838,console XMUX node: WINNIPEG
69201965 XMUX node: WPG
69201994 SCO OD sclwin
69202170 XMUX node: WPG
- 703 - MANITOBA - Up to 200
70300066 VAX/VMS
70300068 PICK
70300116 $ SERVICE ID=
- 707 - MANITOBA - Up to 235
70700040 ::
70700113 Minicom System LV
- 708 - MANITOBA - Up to 200
70800042 XMUX node: WPG
70800051 UNIX devcomm AIR CANADA Developement Communication
70800082 XMUX node: 0
- 711 - SASK - Up to 1700
7110017310 AIX/RISC AIX ver3 for RISC/6000
7110017398 Control Port/Node Kindrsly. Codex 6507 PAD
71100176 ::
71100318 PICK
71100376 ISM Potash Corporation
71100382 XMUX node: SASKTOON
71100446 User id:
71100583 $ Datapac Public OD
71100584 $ ""
71100585 $ ""
71100586 $ ""
71100595 XMUX node: SAS1
71100732 $ Datapac Public OD
71100733 $ ""
71100734 $ ""
71100735 $ ""
71100736 $ ""
71100737 $ ""
71100738 $ ""
71100772 SERVICE ID=
71100773 $ Datapac Public OD
71100900 $ ""
71100901 $ ""
71101202 DEVELNET
71101311 SERVICE ID=
71101325 XMUX node: STOON
71101329 XMUX node: SASKAP
71101435,/05/ GMXMicro
71101459 VAX/VMS Saskatoon System 1
71101485 VAX/VMS
71101488,console XMUX node: MIDSASK
71101536 QINTER
71101545 XMUX node: SASK
71101564 XMUX node: SASK
71101597 UNIX arcsask The FAMIS Production System
- 712 - SASK - Up to 225
71200064 ::
- 714 - SASK - Up to 425
71400113 VAX/VMS MicroVMS 4.7
71400114 RSX-11
71400122 ::
71400123 XMUX node: SASKTOON
71400140 VM/SP SIAST Woodland Institute
71400180 VAX/VMS
71400227 ::
71400228 XMUX node: FAIRLITE
- 721 - SASK - Up to 1900
7210001698 Control Port on Node DATEC
72100315 VAX/VMS SPMC
72100776 $ Datapac Public OD
72100777 $ ""
72100778 $ ""
72100779 $ ""
72100900 $ ""
72100901 $ ""
72101016 $ ""
72101017 $ ""
72101018 $ ""
72101019 $ ""
72101020 $ ""
72101021 $ ""
72101022 $ ""
72101023 $ ""
72101056 $ ""
72101002 VAX/VMS SaskTel
72101058 ISM ISM Corporation
72101107 >>
72101109 ISM
72101546 XMUX node: REGINA
72101656 VAX/VMS DirectWest
72101711 XMUX node: REG
72101719 $ Datapac Public OD
72101778 PICK
- 723 - SASK - Up to 200
72300013 $ VAX/VMS Agriculture Canada SwiftCurrent ResearchStation
- 724 - SASK - Up to 225
72400014 VAX/VMS
72400054 XMUX node: MOOSEJAW
- 726 - SASK - Up to 515
72600060 Sim3278
72600065 HP3000 Saskatchewan's Purchasing Info Network
72600144 XMUX node: REGINA
72600145,console XMUX node: REGINA
72600148 XMUX node: NPORTAL
72600156 XMUX node: REG1
72600251 VAX/VMS Regina System 1
72600253 NOVELL
72600271 SERVICE ID=
72600346,/04/ GMXMicro expos
72600366 Please enter your User-ID:
72600395 XMUX node: ASHREG
72600415 Welcome to Cairns - Regina
- 732 - NB - Up to 400
73200016 STARMASTER (User Interface)
73200016,console XMUX node: BRUNMINE
73200147 XMUX node: WOODSTK
73200239 XMUX node: CHATHAM
- 735 - NB - Up to 600
73500192 danscp> enter systemID
73500438 VAX/VMS Enviroment Canada Water Quality
73500546 Sim3278
- 737 - NB - Up to 200
73700063 XMUX node: ASHSJS
73700067 RISC HBX-PADv2.0 x25
73700068 RISC ""
7370007599 MCN.1008 ENTER PASSWORD
- 742 - NB - Up to 315
74200013 Datanet8 Sys:0000MGDC TermID= BAKP NodeID:FNP0
74200014 "" "" BAKR ""
- 746 - NB - Up to 1335
74600005 $ Datapac Public OD
74600081 Enter Passcode:
74600165 $ Datapac Public OD
74600178 XMUX node: STJOHN1
74600209 SCO IANEC SCO System V/386
74600278 SERVICE ID=
74600382 $ Datapac Public OD
74600383 $ ""
74600384 $ ""
74600385 $ ""
74600528 HP3000 NBOHSC
74600552 $ Datapac Public OD
74600553 $ ""
74600554 $ ""
74600555 $ ""
74600556 $ ""
74600557 $ ""
74600614 UNIX arcnb Rel 01.03.02 Architel Systems Corp.
74600717 XMUX node: FREDRIC
74600718 XMUX node: MONCTON
74600743 XMUX node: STSTEPNB
74600900 $ Datapac Public OD
74600901 $ ""
74601157 RENEX Renex Connect, SN-00400007 Enter service code-
- 747 - NB - Up to 200
- 761 - NS - Up to 1500
76100023 VAX/VMS
76100342 Sim3278
76101900 $ Datapac Public OD
76101901 $ ""
76150096 XMUX node: DARTMOTH
- 765 - NS - Up to 200
76500027 VAX/VMS MicroVMS v5.3
- 766 - NS - Up to 900
76600004 ::
76600041 Enter pager ID(s):
76600198 VAX/VMS
76600540 $ AMHERST - INAC
76600664 XMUX node: TRURO
76600806 VAX/VMS
- 767 - NS - Up to 600
76700009 VAX/VMS v5.5-2
76700104 >
76700221 VAX/VMS
76700240 VAX/VMS
76700283 XMUX node: ASHHAL
76700314 XMUX node: (no node name)
76700364 VAX/VMS
76700367 XGATE:
76700419 VAX/VMS
76700461 UNIX MT&T FAMIS/NCR 850
76700462 UNIX ""
- 771 - NS - Up to 300
77100184 ::
- 775 - NS - Up to 200
77500001 ::
- 781 - NFLD - Up to 1300
78100092 VAX/VMS
78100265 VAX/VMS
78100402 Datapac Public OD
78100403 ""
78100466 ""
78100467 ""
78100468 ""
78100469 ""
781004761 HP3000DTC
78100565 $ PACX St. John's Reasearch Station (Agrinet)
781005654 $ VAX/VMS
781005655 $ XMUX node: STJNXMUX
78100594 $ VAX/VMS
78100600 Datapac Public OD
78100601 ""
78100602 ""
78100603 ""
78100604 ""
78100605 ""
78100606 ""
78100607 ""
78100651 VAX/VMS node Leif VAX 4500 VMS 5.5-1
78100849 ::
78100855 XMUX node: NFLD
78100876 DYNIX X.29 Terminal Service
78100869 XMUX node: STJNHP
78100900 $ Datapac Public OD
78100901 $ ""
78101001 XMUX node: IMD
78101081 XMUX node: STJCSP
78101097 VAX/VMS Hibernia Management and Development Company
- 782 - NFLD - Up to 600
78200042 ::
78200095 $ SARSAT Lut>
782001481 HP3000DTC clover.produce
78200336,console XMUX node: NEWFOUND
78200473 VAX/VMS
- 784 - NFLD - Up to 200
78400018 XMUX node: 316
78400092 QINTER
- 791 - NFLD - Up to 200
79100066 VAX/VMS
79100161 iNet2000
- 794 - NFLD - Up to 300
79400100 iNet2000
79400101 iNet2000
79400268 iNet2000
- 801 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
80100020 REQUEST:
80100021 REQUEST:
80100057 ANNEX Department of National Defense
- 803 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
80300012 STARMASTER Node 03 (Dialin password required)
- 804 - ONTARIO - Up to 560
80400136 RSX-11
80400427 VAX/VMS
80400468 $ F1 OTTAWA LOGON_ON:
80400472 STARMASTER I.S.T.C. Gandalf STARMASTER Switch
- 811 - ONTARIO - Up to 1050
81100119 UNITEL DIALCOM 19.4Q.111 System 26
81100120 " " 21
81100122 " " 22
81100123 " " 24
81100124 " " 26
81100130 Canadian Corporate News, Toronto Office
81100131 $ Sim3278 CDSL MDC
81100135 $ ISM
81100167 iNet2000
81100169 iNet2000
81100233 UNITEL DIALCOM 19.4Q.111 System 20
81100235 HP3000
81100235,console XMUX node: CROWNPAC
81100344 UNITEL DIALCOM 19.4Q.111 System 21
81100345 UNITEL DIALCOM 19.4Q.111 System 20(fr)
81100398 UNITEL DIALCOM 19.4Q.111 System 24
81100581 ISM
81100611 UNIX mwcfi
81100612 UNIX mwcfi
81100616 $ RSTS
81100626 ID
81100631 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
81100634 Green Line Investor Services Inc.
81100672 HP3000 Norbord Industries Inc. MPE XL
811006722 HP3000DTC
81100676 HP3000 Burgess Wholesale Foods MPE XL - Newmarket
811006761 HP3000DTC
81100904 $ iNet2000
81101023 Name:
- 825 - QUEBEC - Up to 450
82500157 Prudential Assurance / Montreal
- 827 - QUEBEC - Up to 1000
82700009 XMUX node: ASBCLMTL
82700107 ROLM Call, Display or Modify?
82700107,console XMUX node: CCAMTL
82700294 VM/SP
82700606 QNX ver 3.15
82700651 XMUX node: CCI658
82700656,console XMUX node: BROSSAR
82700658 XMUX node: CCI658
82700712 VAX/VMS
82700806 ISM terminal:TTAEXTAA
82700902 $ Datapac Public Od
82700903 $ ""
- 828 - QUEBEC - Up to 950
82800211 ISM
82800253 NET R634 17 ID
82800346 (wants a function)
82800558 VAX/VMS Micro VAX ][
82800565 XMUX node: LEGARDR
82800571 XMUX node: ABRMUX
82800596 ALEXX
82800601 VAX/VMS v5.2
82800602 " "
82800603 " "
82800604 " "
82800689 UNIX Private Network
82800760 RSX-11
- 829 - QUEBEC - Up to 200
82900060 VM/SP Go thru a Sim3278.
- 831 - BC - Up to 3100
83100024 VAX/VMS
83100069 $ SERVICE ID=
83100085 XMUX node: DYNCON
83100182 XMUX node: VANCOUVE
83100189 ::
83100209,console XMUX node: VAN
83100213 SERVICE ID=
83100490 (wants you to sign-on)
8310069335 HP3000 POWM.MB.NETWORK POWM:
83100725 SERVICE ID=
83100745 VAX/VMS
83101413 XMUX node: VCR
83101667 VAX/VMS
83102290 INT/UNIX
83102683 XMUX node: BRELSVAN
83102827 VAX/VMS
83102926 INT/UNIX
83102964 INT/UNIX
83102965 INT/UNIX
83102966 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
83102967 INT/UNIX
83102973 INT/UNIX
83102974 INT/UNIX
83103101,console XMUX node: RSLVAN1
83103101,van101 UNIX refsup login: RSL Vanc.
83103102,console XMUX node: RSLVAN2
83103102,van201 UNIX refsup login: RSL Vanc.
83103103,console XMUX node: RSLVAN3
83103103,van301 UNIX refsup login: RSL Vanc.
83103114 INT/UNIX
83103116 XMUX node: SURREY
- 833 - BC - Up to 200
83300040 PICK MENTOR 6000 O/S 2.6
- 834 - BC - Up to 600
83400017 STARMASTER Gandalf Canada Ltd. BBS System
83400108 XMUX node: (GOOD security..possibly Gandalf itself)
83400212 XMUX node: VAN
- 835 - BC - Up to 1200
83500040 XMUX node: VANXMUX
83500042 VAX/VMS
83500045 VAX/VMS
83500046 VAX/VMS
83500062 LINE#21
83500067 Noranda Forest Sales Inc.
83500107 VAX/VMS Trans-Mountain VC-1
83500241 XMUX node: MTAVAN
83500259 SERVICE ID=
83500280 RISC/AIX
83500298 XMUX node: RUCKER
83500298,calgt1 MAI4000 > BOSS/IX
83500298,seat1 Rucker Fluid Terminal
83500303 INETCO
83500402 XMUX node: UBC
83500405 (D)atapac,(M)emotec,(T)elenet,(I)nternational
83500406 Thunderbird Home Centres 103
83500509 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
83500538,console XMUX node: RSLVAN3
83500538,van301 UNIX RSL Vancouver. refsup. Altos Unix System v/386
83500543 Minicom Data Corp. System BM
83500551 Thunderbird Home Centers 105
83500593 XMUX node: RICHMOND
83500698 XMUX node: TENEXVAN
83500730 $ VAX/VMS
83500815 VAX/VMS
83500819 Operator Code:
83500833,console XMUX node: 83500833
83500838 XMUX node: VANCVR
83500856 XMUX node: VAN7960
83500867 INT/UNIX Interactive Systems Corp
83500873 INT/UNIX ""
83500877 INT/UNIX ""
83501003 X29 Host Gateway Network Password:
83501004 Minicom Data Corp System LN
83501012 $ DECSERVER #
83501019 Login:
83501044 INT/UNIX Interactive Systems Corp
83501045 $ INAC Vancouver
83501055 INT/UNIX
83501058 VAX/VMS
83501062,console XMUX node: VANC
83501071 Air Canada VR Student Username:
83501090 XMUX node: NFSVANC
83501097 XMUX node: DNCN0102
83501100 VAX/VMS Simon Fraser University
83501126,console XMUX node: ALUMVAN
83501178 PRIMOS 20.2.6 METCIS
83501191 SCO medinet SCO SV/386
- 836 - BC - Up to 2350
83600011 XMUX node: 83600011
83600024 UNIX j.Macaulay McColl AT&T Unix 486/33 Compulaw
83600041 VCX-100 Spantec Burnaby
83600055,ddpvan ID=
83600055 XMUX node: DDP
83600061 NOVELL
83600068 XMUX node: COMX
83600069 XMUX node: ALERTBAY
83600070 XMUX node: UCLUELET
83600075 VAX/VMS Micro VMS
83600082 XMUX node: ASHVAN
83600103 $ Password
83600104 VAX/VMS
83600143 XMUX node: HUNTDON
83600158 XMUX node: JISI
83600171 RISC/AIX AIX ver 3 for RISC /6000
83600171,console XMUX node: CRAWFORD
83600192 XMUX node: COASTVAN
83600205 RSX-11
83600221 XMUX node: VAN
83600221 UNIX Posix/RISC MIPS
83600831 VAX/VMS
83600832 VAX/VMS v5.42 Cominco TIMS
- 837 - BC - Up to 400
83700154 XMUX node: WLAKE
83700164 XMUX node: PRUPERT
83700165 XMUX node: PGEORGE
83700182 $ User name:
83700275 XMUX node: KELOWNA
83700287 XMUX node: KELOWNA
83700288 INT/UNIX
83700289 INT/UNIX
83700290 INT/UNIX
83700291 INT/UNIX
83700292 INT/UNIX
83700293 INT/UNIX
83700294 INT/UNIX
83700295 INT/UNIX
- 838 - BC - Up to 200
83800045 iNet2000
83800046 iNet2000
83800047 iNet2000
83800048 iNet2000
83800049 iNet2000
- 841 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
84100082,console XMUX node: RSLCAL
- 842 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
84200050 $ SERVICE ID=
- 843 - ALBERTA - Up to 200
84300098 XMUX node: CALGARY
- 844 - ALBERTA - Up to 800
84400095 Minicom Data Corp. PROFITS Calgary (ABC)
84400169 XMUX node: 315
84400237 SERVICE ID=
84400286 SERVICE ID=
84400310,console node: CALGARY
84400312 ENTER U#
84400400 XMUX node: CGY
84400457 XMUX node: GLENBOW
84400513 SUPERDOS
84400571 MAJORBBS Dialy Oil Bulletin's Electronic Oil & Gas BBS
84400583,console XMUX node: KOKOTOUR
84400583,banff Network Access attached to server CO-CO.
- 847 - ALBERTA - Up to 220
84700002 UNIX
- 853 - ONTARIO - Up to 220
85300019 $ VM/SP BNRMER
85300044 $ DESTINATION:
85300114 Performs various tests
- 854 - ONTARIO - Up to 1300
85400038 CYBER (7/E/1)
85400134 VAX/VMS Geodetic Survey
85400152 VAX/VMS
85400178 STARMASTER Ottawa Starmaster PACX D/PAC_16
85400193 HP3000
85400194 TACL 1>
85400209 UNIX Zoomit
85400220 XMUX node: SALES
85400222 XMUX node: RODPAD1
85400232 VAX/VMS Ottawa System A - Boot Node
85400233 Cupid System Enter User-Id
85400234 " "
85400257 XMUX node:STORE030
85400317 $ # (server)
85400340 ISM Canada Systems Group Ottawa Processing Centre
85400538 VAX/VMS Bienvenue au C.S.L.F.O.C
85400575 VAX/VMS MicroVMS v5.301
85400715 $ VAX/VMS
85401002 INETCO magicnew
85401017 Hello there, i received your call OK!
85401167 PACX (user interface)
854011674 XMUX node: X25MUXC
- 855 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
85500001 ISM
85500115 $ Enter class:
- 857 - ONTARIO - Up to 1500
85700049 VAX/VMS Bondar-Clegg and Company Ltd.
85700204 XMUX node: 309
85700205 XMUX node: STORE003
85700210 VAX/VMS
85700211 VAX/VMS ver: 5.4-2
85700540 Datapac/Gateway 8723
85700545 XMUX node: BUNTOTWA
85700700 @
85700901 $ Datapac Public OD
85700902 $ Datapac Public OD
85701142 n2agc> enter system id
85701219 VAX/VMS
85701260 ISM
85701264 Sim3278 ENTER PASSCODE:
85701265 Sim3278 ""
85701378,console XMUX node: X25PAD
85701390 SERVICE ID=
85701410 Sim3278 National Library of Canada
85701416 Quantum Software Systems Ltd.
85701427 XMUX node: XMUX1
85701445 VAX/VMS
- 858 - ONTARIO - Up to 800
85800406 VAX/VMS FLASSB VAX 4000
- 862 - ONTARIO - Up to 250
86200146 COM XXXX XXXX (where the X's is your ports NUA)
86200154 ""
86200186 ""
86200187 ""
86200199 "" PHARWOOD Daa loaded
- 871 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
871000121 VAX/VMS Nestle
87100024 iNet2000
87100025 iNet2000
87100063 VAX/VMS Nestle
87100067 iNet2000
- 872 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
87200085 VAX/VMS HSO Data Collection
8720010199 TACL 1>
87200104 VAX/VMS v5.5
- 873 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
87300052 XMUX node: TORONTO
- 874 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
87400013 PRIMOS 22.1.3 CANADA
87400023 Road Weather Information System/Aviation Brief
87400039 ISM
- 875 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
87500057 ID
87500067 XMUX node: STORE310
- 876 - ONTARIO - Up to 250
87600117 Minitel USER ID:
87600123 $ VAX/VMS
87600127 #
87600152 Enter User Name:
87600153 ""
- 877 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
87700026 DNM114A
87700034 $ DNM114A
87700077,0 (bank2)
- 881 - ONTARIO - Up to 435
88100027 ISM
88100234 VAX/VMS
88100267 XMUX node: NFSTOR
- 882 - ONTARI0 - Up to 200
88200017 VAX/VMS node: CAVAX1
- 883 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
88300082 " " " "
- 885 - ONTARIO - Up to 250
88500035 XMUX node: CRC
88500037 $$ 4200 MODEL:
88500038 ""
88500058 Gesco Online System Hello=
88500127 SERVICE ID=
88500202 Enter Access Code:
- 891 - ONTARIO - Up to 500
89100037 SERVICE ID=
89100076 VAX/VMS VAX/VMS v5.5
89100201 PACX M&G Gandalf PACX 2000 (User Interface)
89100201,console XMUX node: TORXMUX
89100248 UNITEL DIALCOM 19.4Q.11 System 23
89100249 "" "" (fr)
89100282 VAX/VMS
89100302 UNIX X.29 Link Established
89100303 UNIX X.29 Link Established
89100370 SERVICE ID=
89100417 XGATE:
- 894 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
89400010 iNet2000
89400011 iNet2000
89400100 iNet2000
- 901 - ONTARIO - Up to 350
90100013 MSG01I
90100019 ""
90100057 (E/7/1) Compuserve
90100134 XMUX node: 352
90100163 HP3000
90100236 MSG01I
90100267 ""
90100295 VAX/VMS
90100302 ISM
- 902 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
90200059 ISM ISM Corporation
90200109 VAX/VMS
- 903 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
90300029 XMUX node: STORE011
- 904 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
90400015 RSX-11
90400126 DIAL - The G.Allan Roeher Institute
90400134 UNIX Zoomit
90400149 SERVICE ID=
90400159 UNIX (7/E/1) array login:
- 906 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
90600037 HP-UX hris A.08.02.B 9000/827
90600065,console XMUX node: GANDALF
90600160 Sim3278 ATRNETDR
- 911 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
- 912 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
91200048 SERVICE ID=
- 913 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
91300042 HP3000
- 916 - ONTARIO - Up to 1000
91600122 PRIMOS ver 19.2.17 node: SYS91
91600168 VM/SP
91600169 VM/SP (Type L to logon to VCNTOC00 - The VM/SP)
91600237 VM/SP
91600261 ISM
91600274 $ Datapac Public OD
91600281 $ " "
91600282 $ " "
91600283 $ " "
91600284 $ " "
91600296 $ " "
91600297 $ " "
91600298 $ " "
91600299 $ " "
91600310 $ " "
91600311 $ " "
91600312 $ " "
91600313 $ " "
91600314 $ " "
91600315 $ " "
91600316 $ " "
91600317 $ " "
91600318 $ " "
91600319 $ " "
91600408 Minicom Data Corp. System G0
91600529 VM/SP
91600543 $ U#
91600579 Minicom Data Corp. System F1
91600587 XMUX node: SYNCON
91600679 AOS/VS
91600681 ISM
91600748 XMUX node: PAYPHONE
91600764 SIM3278
91600775 AOS/VS
91600801 XMUX node: MANULIFE
91600812 USS System?
91600901 $ Datapac Public OD
91600902 $ ""
- 917 - ONTARIO - Up to 675
91700115 UNIX sierra!
91700178 Sim3278 XEROX CANADA
91700238 ROYALNET
91700364 ANNEX Port 28:
91700379 XMUX node: XEROX
91700420 NETWORK CONTROL Which system?
91700420,console XMUX CMS 1 CONSOLE node: CMS1
91700421 NETWORK CONTROL Which system?
91700421,console XMUX CMS 2 CONSOLE node: CMS2
91700436 Sim3278
91700470 Sim3278 XEROX CANADA
91700471 Sim3278 XEROX CANADA
91700474 SERVICE ID=
91700482 MHP999I Enter Access Password:
91700487 ANNEX Port 27
- 919 - ONTARIO - Up to
91900900 $ Datapac Public OD
91900901 $ ""
- 921 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
92100009 ISM
92100019 ISM
- 931 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
93100040 USER-ID? <DBW>
93100112 XMUX node: WINNIPEG
93100118 VAX/VMS ...WINREG...
- 932 - ONTARIO - Up to 900
93200017 $ VAX/VMS
93200177 XMUX node: WINNIPEG
93200186 VAX/VMS
93200231 ::
93200232 XMUX node: WINNIPEG
93200233 DEVELNET UMnet (Univ. of Manitoba)
93200289 XMUX node: WINNPG2
93200294 $ TACL 1>
93200295 ISM City of Winnipeg -- Network Servicess
93200512 XMUX node: RSLWIN
93200533 XMUX node: RSLSTB
93200664 (I)nternational (D)atapac (T)elenet (M)emotec?
93200837 ::
- 936 - MANITOBA - Up to 200
93600010 VAX/VMS
- 938 - MANITOBA - Up to 1300
93800007 CN TRACS MTL
93800014 UNIX Manitoba Natural Resource Forestry X.29 Service
93800046 PACX User interface
93800047 C.I.S. Term ID:AADA System:CISWONL NAME
93800146 SERVICE ID=
93800154 VAX/VMS ver 5.4-2
93800209 VAX/VMS NWWNPG v5.4-1
93800217 Sim3278
93800218 Sim3278
93800244 TELPAY Bill Payment Service
93800263 Wants a command
93800321 VAX/VMS
93800324 $ VAX/VMS Freshwater Institute on node:WPGGRN
93800329 ::
93800330 SERVICE ID=
93800399 <<1>> (2-3 letter commands)
93800418 PRIMOS v 22.1.4.r39 node:PCSS
93800461 SERVICE ID=
93800465 CN TRACS MTL
93800466 "
93800467 "
93800469 "
93800715 Enter userid
93800728 SERVICE ID=
93800758 HP3000 HP3000.MB.WPIN MPE XL
93800770 Sim3278
93800845 HP3000
93801015 AMDAHL COMM. Inc. Serial Test Set
93801065 HP-UX Generic-Sys(generic) [HP Release A.B9.00]
93801073 $ WINNIPEG - INAC
93801085 Minicom Data Corp. System JN
93801115,console XMUX node: WINNIPEG
93801175 XMUX node: WINNIPEG
93801206 $$ 4700 Correspondent:
93801229,console XMUX node: PORTAGE
93801263 UTLAS Logon Please
- 947 - ALBERTA - Up to 800
94700091 ALTALINK service
94700109 ::
94700292 PACX (user interface)
94700357 HP3000 HP3000.AB.WPIN MPE XL
947003571 HP3000DTC
94700421 VAX/VMS
94700450 RSTS
9470051498 Control Port on Node Edmonton. Codex 6505 PAD
94700516 VAX/VMS
9470052499 MPX.25102: PASSWORD
9470053598 Control Port on Node Edmonton. Codex 6505 PAD
94700591 AOS/VS Alberta Environmental Protectal DACQ
94700638 INT/UNIX
94700660,console XMUX node: ALUMEDM
94700675 XMUX node: EDMONTON
- 948 - ALBERTA - Up to 900
94800233 XMUX node: 2
94800355 RSX-11
94800405 $ SunOS SunOS rel 4.1
94800406 VAX/VMS MicroVMS v5.3
94800519 RSTS
94800524 HP9000 Edmonton Convention Centre
94800541 XMUX node: EDMONASH
94800601 XMUX node: EDMSO
94800604 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
94800605 INT/UNIX
94800606 INT/UNIX INTERACTIVE Systems Corporation
94800614 XMUX node: EDMONTON
94800622 XMUX node: (no node name)
94800650 SERVICE ID=
94800661 HP3000
94800692 XMUX node: EDMONTON
94800703 VAX/VMS
94800739 XMUX node: NISKU
94800744 UNIX GROW_TEC!
94800744,console XMUX node: NISKU
94800753,console XMUX node: EDMONTON
- 951 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
95100030 XMUX node: STORE387
95100058 ::
95100130 HP3000 MIS.TOR.CANNEX
951001301 HP3000DTC CANNEX Financial Exchanges Limited
95100160 VAX/VMS
- 956 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
95600009 MHP201 LPACK378 Application:
- 957 - ONTARIO - Up to 1325
95700001 XMUX node: SAINT
95700157 VAX/VMS
95700215 XMUX node: STORE319
95700235 MHP201A UPK0BX20 Ver 6.0.2 APPLICATION:
95700238 QINTER WBL (neat picture! <g>)
95700273 MSG01I
95700216 XMUX
95700495 $ MSG02F
95700615 $ Sim3278 Canada Life Assurance
95700658 XMUX node: HO
9570079750 QINTER AT Plastics Inc. Brampton
95700857 VAX/VMS
95700858 VAX/VMS
95700859 VAX/VMS
95700860 VAX/VMS
95700861 VAX/VMS
95701110 Sim3278 ""
95701140 XMUX node: HQ
- 958 - ONTARIO - Up to 1050
95800074 AOS/VS
9580008499 INETCO NCX
95800085 VAX/VMS Canadian National Inst. for the Blind MicroVAX
958002637 $$ 4200 MODEL:
95800334 PICK Canadian National Inst. for the Blind
95800347 GLOBE AND MAIL Please Log On
95800394 ISM
95800399 ROYALNET
95800420 Minicom Data Corp. System F0
95800438 ID
95800448 Sim3278
95800449 Sim3278
95800451 VAX/VMS SMCC12 Hosting EXPERT & TLN - ORNCC Systems
95800459 VM/SP (Type L to connect)
95800462 ROYALNET
95800492 VAX/VMS
95800572 ISM Prudential CDNO
95800574 DECSERVER The MORE Program of Ontario
95800577 XMUX node: HOST
95800592 UNIX
95800595 (A Diamond is the prompt) 3 Attempts
95800655 VAX/VMS
95800656 VAX/VMS
95800900,0 (A Bank of some type)
95800913 $ MSG01I
95801025 Bye
- 961 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
961001101 HP3000DTC
96100117 $$ 4200 MODEL:
- 963 - ONTARIO - Up to 600
96300078 CONNECT:320 200 001
96300079 " 100 "
96300238 UNIX X.29 Terminal Service
96300291 OCC System
96300292 ""
96300478 Welcome to Air Canada Record Keeper
96300492 OCC System
- 971 - ONTARIO - Up to 300
97100031 DEVELNET Credit Valley Hospital
97100049 CYBER Sherdidan Park Atomic Energy - Candu Operations
97100077 iNet2000
97100220 VAX/VMS
- 974 - ONTARIO - Up to 200
97400010 HP3000
97400011 HP3000
- 975 - ONTARIO - Up to 225
97500026 HP3000
97500051 XMUX node: (no node name)
97500116 SERVICE ID=
97500117 SERVICE ID=
97500118 SERVICE ID=
- Deicide -
_______ _____________
/ | ___ ________ _______ _____ ____ _____| |
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__\ _______| |____|____|___|____|______ _| __| __|____|_____
/ |_______ ___ ____ ___ ____ ______ / \ ____|__ | |
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Ever heard of the information highway? Yeah, me too, so many times that if
I ever hear some loser who can't tell twisted pair from Twisted Sister mention
it again, I'm going to run him down with my information Corvette! The media
and the politicians have made this the rallying cry of the techo-wannabe's who
are flooding the 'Nets with thier crys of "Information for the people!"
Hmmmm... haven't I seen that before? Isn't that what the true hackers have
been crying all along?
Well, the techno-wannabe's are in for a big shock. If they think that the
information highway is some electronic El Dorado and the Internet is its
foundation, then they better prepare themselves for the worst. The internet
was around a long time before they got their Macintosh Quadra 640 and bought
an issue of Wired. And during that time, the 'Nets grew from isolated
electronic villages into a raging data metropolis. The media and thier
worshipers have it all wrong, you see. Calling the international data networks
a 'highway' is like calling Los Angelos the Santa Monica Freeway. The Internet
is not just some bundle of copper, but rather the worlds largest city where
thoughts fly around the world in seconds.
These newbies logging onto the net for the first time are not much different
than the farmhands who flocked to New York after World War II. They don't
have the first clue how sophisticated the established city dwellers are and
only have an inkling of what really takes place in its streets. I think
Bruce Sterling said it best when he wrote:
"Things happen there that have very serious consequences. This 'place' is not
'real', but it is serious, it is earnest... Some people became rich and famous
from thier efforts there. Some just played in it, as hobbyists. Others soberly
pondered it, and regulated it, and negotiated over it in international forums,
and sued one another about it, in gigantic, epic court battles that lasted for
years. And almost since the beginning, some people have committed crimes in
this place."
tH3 fAKtz
So if the Internet is a city of millions, than there are bound to more than
just shiny skyscapers and hallowed halls of learning. Every city has its
dark allies, its seedy bars, its whore houses, its head shops, its gambling
halls, its adult bookstores, and its pawnshops. And every city has its
self righteous police force who are just as likely to be found hanging out
in these places as they are to be busting them. This is the high standard
which Corrupt Sekurity BBS strives for!
This bbs serves as a meeting place for those who desire to exchange information
and meet people who are more interested in how the system works (and how it
can be abused) than in where to find the latest Cindy Crawford gif. This is
a place where the crooks, the creeps, and the outcasts can hang out in complete
anonymousity without ever having to leave thier bedrooms. Here is the current
state of the bbs.
-+ The system is currently in a beta test stage and will be fully online by
September 1st.
-+ All accounts will be free until September 1st when we will be forced to
start charging a small fee in order to maintain the system.
-+ The price will be $7/month or $15/for three months
-+ Each month, 10 free accounts will be given out to the top five uploaders
and top five message posters
-+ The first month, 20 free accounts will be given out to the top 20 users.
So what do you get for your hard earned money???
-+ Multi line chat
-+ Local and Internet connections
-+ Full/True Usenet support for selected news groups (like alt.2600)
-+ Many message bases with multi-level access (Currently Over 8000 Files)
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--+ Elite Music Part III
--+ by John Falcon
A Trunk To Bangkok
- ----- -- -------
Our first stop is in Colorado
To check the TNO Scene
The natives smile and pass along
A sample of their yield
Sweet Microwave Uplinks's
Golden San Francisco trunks
Then by fiber, to the East,
Fly by laser light
We're on the trunk to Bangkok
Aboard the Thailand Express
We'll hit the stops along the way
We only stop for the best
Wreathed in lag in Lebanon
We burn the midnight oil
The clarity of Afghanistan
Rewards a long day's toil
Pulling into Katmandu
Phone rings fill the air
Trunking by a Nepal night
The Express gets you there
ESS Project
--- -------
Imagine a time when it all began
In the dying days of Crossbar
A phone switch -- that would settle the score
Whoever found it first would be sure to do their worst --
They always had before...
Imagine a man where it all began
A scientist pacing the floor
In each company -- always eager to explore
To build the best big stick
To turn the winning trick --
But this was something more...
Then MaBell rang -- took and shook the world
Shot down the blue box
the end was begun -- it would hit everyone
When the chain reaction was done
The big shots -- try to hold it back
John Draper try to wish it away
The whistler depend on a world without end
Whatever the phreakers may say
Imagine a place where it all began
They gathered from across the land
To work in the secrecy of bell's labs
All of the brightest boys
To play with the biggest toys --
More than they bargained for...
Imagine a man when it all began
John Draper with a blue box
Trying to avoid a trace on that mid-summer's day
All the powers that be, and the course of history,
Would be changed for evermore...
Tones of violence
Break the silence
2600 Comes crashing in
Into the operator's world
Easy for me
Pierce right through the
Can't you understand
That I need to call
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here at my hands
Bills are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Codes are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does MaBell's pain
Codes are meaningless
And forgettable
All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here at my hands
Bills are very unnecessary
They can only do harm
Enjoy the silence
Well so ends the long awaited CoTNo issue 4. It was only luck that this
issue was saved from the Fedz at all... but thats another story. This issue
was officially released at DefCon2. The Con was a raging success. Remj,
Agent 866, and myself had a hell of a time. We networked with some of the
world's greatest criminal minds and played havoc with one of Las Vegas's
shittiest hotels. I am hoping to go to HoHoCon, so if you didn't catch
me at DefCon, I'll see you in Texas. If you did miss the Con, here is a
list of things that I learned there.
Top 20 Things Learned
at DefCon2
by DeadKat
1. Just 'cause you can spot a Fed, doesn't meen you can make
him admit it.
2. Netax knows his bits.
3. Runaway chicks dig hackers.
4. The best hackers never tell you who they are.
5. Rogue Agent is just as friendly in real life as you would
6. Erik Bloodaxe and Drunkfux are more friendly in real life then
you would expect.
7. Hackers never give out their info... unless they're in front
of a TV camera.
8. Dead Addict could fit into a shoe box if he wanted to.
9. Give a civilian a badge and he becomes a god.
10. Las Vegas has a radio station called KFBI... hmmm...
11. Gail Thackery never rags hackers to their face.
12. The C.C.C. can do ANYTHING with touchtones.
13. Maids who can't speak english will let anyone into your room.
14. All you really need is a rake and a tension wrench.
15. Silver Serpent "wishes they would show the dick."
16. Def Con is secretly a conspiricy between Dark Tangent and
the tee-shirt companies.
17. Hotel employees aren't hired for their brains.
18. A pack of Big Red makes an excellent disguise for a red box.
19. Not only can you listen in on other peoples conversations with
a cell phone, you can talk to them if you really want too.
20. You can buy anything at a Con if you know the right people.