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volume 1 ish 2
May 1994
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666666666666 66666666666 666 666 6666666666666 666
F _ A _ M _ Y
A Private World E-zine. ...transmitted A-peRioDICalY
AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. ...That's our motto"
editor-in-chief = P. W. Casual, C.E.O, Private World Entertainment;
C.O.B, Private World Communications;
Mark Jr. Chairman, A^3 (A.mateur A.narchist A.lchemists)
Ralph Harvey
The Renaissance Society
Heavy D heavyd@bosshog.arts.uwo.ca
| "For mark! no sooner was I fairly found |
| Pledged to the plain, after a pace or two, |
| Then, pausing to throw backwards a last view |
| O'er the safe road, `twas gone: grey plain all around |
| Nothing but plain to the horizon's bound. |
| I might go on, naught else remained to do." |
| -Browning |
Any person who finds the contents of BLAST.famy to be objectionable,
or any music critic who may want to register his/her disgust with
any Private World CD release (esp. LANDSLIDE), may now take advantage
simply enter the following command:
$ cat filename > /dev/null
And your complaint/review/slag will be routed appropriately.
GRIPE: A Staffer whines about his caseload
QUIZ: We all know how Jesus got whacked, but how did his disciples fare?
UPDATE: More on single syllable band-names
QUESTION: Who the hell was Henry Moray?
RANT: Entropy -Accept it Don't Reject it
INFO: For Informational purposes Only: Summary of FBI computers.
griPE! |
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 1994 11:00:33 -0400 (EDT)
>From: ################ <heavyd@bosshog.arts.uwo.ca>
Subject: Bloated Ass, eh?
To: markjr.io.org@bosshog.arts.uwo.ca
Message-Id: <Pine.3.88.9406031049.A6019-0100000@bosshog.arts.uwo.ca>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Dear Mr. Cordial,
I am intimidated by the barage of messages you have been sending me about
this ezine. You don't necessarily have to keep threatening me with
producing material. Should I come across some marijuana in the near
future, the endeavour should prove to be easier. However, there is none
about and so my conservative and anal retentive mind is hard-pressed to
come up with anarchist propoganda. I would like for you to give me some
direction as to what kind of material you desire. Moreover, I don't come
into the university at all anymore. This is my first time in over a
month. Therefore, sending anything out to you is not always that easy.
Modem, anyone? Take care, Mark...
>From the slothful one,
This was supposed to be in the April ish, to celebrate Easter,
but was sadly overlooked. We include it here with apologies for
our lack of timing. BONUS question: one of them survived the
described fate. Send your answers to pwcasual@io.org. Correct
responses qualify you as a Guru of Trivial Divinity.
1. Paul A. beheaded on Nero's orders
2. Luke B. hanged from an Olive tree by Greek priests
3. John C. cast into boiling oil
4. Stephen D. stoned to death
5. James E. beheaded in Judea, AD44
6. Philip F. scourged, thrown into prison, then crucified
7. Matthew G. slain with a halberd
8. James H. beaten, stoned, then brain splattered with a club
9. Mark I. rended to bits by a mob
10. Peter J. crucified, upside down at his own request
11. Simon K. crucifed, in the normal sense
12. Judas L. offed himself
HINT: All answers but one can be found in Amos Blanchard's `Book of Martyrs'
published by N.G. Ellis; Kingston U.C.; 1842.
(What, you don't have a copy?)
Last ish we discussed mono-syllabic monikers. Bands with names
like: band, tube, core, tape, send, pow, take, blah, blah, blah...
The new development in this business is that Pure has just released
a song called Pure. They were there first so that excuses them,
however we predict yet another sickening trend, that of one
syllable-named bands penning self-titled lead off singles:
cub, by cub; Petch by petch; Slaw by Slaw, ad infinitum.
(Could it possibly happen? we'll be surprised if it doesn't.)
W H O + t h e + H E L L + w a s + H E N R Y + M + O + R + A + Y + ?
Ever heard of Spacic energy? I hadn't until I read a little
book called "How to Build a Flying Saucer -and other proposals
in Speculative Engineering", by T. B. Pawlicki
In one essay, "Beyond Velikovsky", spacic energy is described
as power that can be extracted from the sun's gravitaional field.
Sound boring? Well according to the theory, if this really works
you could pratically vacuum energy out of empty space. Apparently
the concept was understood by Tesla as far back as the turn of
the century. The curious thing is allegedly that anyone
who has ever pursued this technology seriously has gotten the
"deep 6".
The person who knew the most about it was an electrical
engineer named Henry Moray who worked the following (magick?):
radio waves in the atmosphere generated by solar activity are
transformed via antenna from electromagnetic waves to a standing
electrical wave in a conductor.
The wave is amplified by resonance, and provided
enough power for the crystal radios Moray was playing around
with. He used natural germanium crystals to tune the radio
receivers, and he inferred that something about crystal
geommetry "could resonate in tune with the quantum field and
and transform the field energy into electricity by harmonic
amplification." He used only the purest germanium crystals, and
constantly bitched that the chemist could not provide fine enough
crystalization. By putting this through a step-down transformer
Moray could supply his appliances with 500 Kilowatts indefinately.
Moray took his idea to the government, and subsequently
became the target of hired assassins. His labratory was ruined
and his credibility decimated. The only account of the technology is
a book called "Sea of Energy", which is published privately
by his son in Salt Lake City. This all transpired around 1914.
It is now reader participation time. Those of you with any input
pick a category and email pwcasual@io.org:
physicists, engineers, techies: does the above sound like babble,
or does it more or less fall
within "normal.physical.laws"
conspiracy theorists: does this have anything to do
with MJ-12 or the JFK hit?
How about the OTO?
I've seen the odd poster war here in Toronto. Rival bands making
a concerted effort to point/counter-point with one another,
employing spray paint, glue, or in the case of my roomate's
band, threatening phone messages. (Check out Snowdog's Brag CD
to catch some LoSEr stooping to just that tactic)
In London, Ontario (Private World's home turf) there seems to be
a "manifesto shoot-out" of sorts. Here's the third volley:
--+==> E N T r O p Y .>:[)*+\"/>K[}
(ed. note: not to be confused
with garbage.in.garbage.out)
This is not a rebuttal, but an expansion of ideas contained
in "CHAOS: Fight it, Don't Invite it". The author of CHAOS
has illuminated an important issue in today's culture: the
widespread expansion of auti - social activities. The author's
admonitions to actively oppose such forces, and the remainder
of our own responsibility in helping to create this mess are
goads encouraging us to take an active part in the destiny
of our great, cosmopolitan species. However, this great
humanitarian message, while it has a vision, suffers from
a limitation of perspective. Chaos is the natural product of
Order. There cannot be a "social" without an "anti-social".
Entropy rises in direct proportion to the complexity of a
structure, a fact well understood by anyone who has anything
to do with Bureacracy (and who hasn't?). Bureacracy is the
highest state of social Order, and consequently, the greatest
source of Chaos. The only effective way to "fight" Chaos is
to remove the structure which breeds it: this is not anti-social
behaviour, but non-social --it is a voluntary decision not to
participate in the restrictive and confining sets of rules
which make up society. To eliminate the negative influences
within society, eliminate society. Crime is the philosophy of
using all necessary force to achieve the aims of society:
criminals desire the fruits of society, and by forcibly
trying to achieve them they negatively reinforce society.
If you remove society, and hence the ambition to achieve
it's fruits, you remove the crime associated with it. Chaos
can neither be fought, nor invited, it can only be accepted
or rejected. If we reject Entropy, we only create more of it
by creating more complex structures to fight it. If we accept
entropy. as a natural and spontaneous response of the universe
to our own creative activities, then we overcome it: we do not
fight what we accept. We must learn to be free and spontaneous
with the universe, open to its infinite possibilities and joyously
at one with it if we are to have any hope of surviving our own
future. Chaos is the child and nemesis of society; it injures
everyone living within or affected by society. If we are to
transcent it, we must transcend society as well.
If ypu are interested in transcending the evils of
society, or you think that this is a hopelessly romantic
anarcho-utopian dream, then I recomend the following reading
list which transcends the tribal, exclusivistic religious
views of the traditional holy texts:
Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Journey to Ixtlan by Carlos Castaneda
Technopoly by Neil Postman
Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson
(ed. note: what about BLAST.famy?, ah well
it's sounded dangerously New.Age.Flake-ish
toward the end there...)
---=--====}}}}(PsssT) -> -> -> FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY ...
This month's ish:
Summary of FBI Computer Systems
By Ralph Harvey
This article is reprinted from Full Disclosure. Copyright (c) 1986
Capitol Information Association. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby
granted to reprint this article providing this message is included in its
entirety. Full Disclosure, Box 8275, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48107. $15/yr.
The FBI maintains several computer systems. The most common of which is
call NCIC (National Crime Information Computer). NCIC maintains a database of
information about such things as stolen cars, stolen boats, missing persons,
wanted persons, arrest records. It provides quick access to these records by
State, Local and Federal law enforcement agencies. NCIC is directly linked
with the Treasury Department's TECS computer and many State computer systems.
According to William H. Webster, Director of the FBI:
When a police officer stops a car and is uncertain about who he's going to
meet when he gets out, he can plug into this system [NCIC] and in a matter of
a few seconds he can find out whether that person is a fugitive or the
automobile is stolen. Incidentally, we receive almost 400,000 inquires of
this nature each day in the NCIC system.
When an agency determines that a subject is a fugitive, it supplies the FBI
computer with as much of the following information as possible: 1) Name and
case number; 2) Alias; 3) Race; 4) Sex; 5) Height; 6) Weight; 7) Color of
hair; 8) Color of eyes; 9) Description of any identifying scars, marks and
tattoos; 10) Date of birth; 11) Place of birth; 12) Social Security Number;
13) Passport Number; 14) Last known address; 15) Nationality; 16) If a
naturalized U.S. Citizen, date, place, and certificate number; 17)
Occupation; 18) The criminal violation with which subject is charged; 19)
Date of warrant; 21) Type of warrant -- Bench, Magistrate, etc.; 22) Agency
holding warrant; 23) Any information as to whether the subject is considered
dangerous, is known to own or currently possess firearms, has suicidal
tendencies, or has previously escaped custody; 24) Driver's license number,
year of expiration and State issued; 25) License number of vehicle, aircraft
or vessel subject owns or is known to use, include the year and State; 26)
Description of vehicle, aircraft or vessel subject owns or is known to use;
27) Associates of the subject*1; 28) FBI number; 29) Name and telephone of
the person to contact when subject is apprehended.
One of the major problems with the system is that the agency that submits an
entry is responsible for keeping it up to date. Once an entry has been made,
there is little motivation for the originating agency to ``waste'' its time
keeping it up to date, so many entries become incorrect with the passage of
Another FBI computer system is their Investigative Support Information
System (ISIS). This system is only used to provide support for major
investigations that require the handling of a large volume of complex
information. It is limited to handling a maximum of 20 cases at a time.
The ISIS system was used during the investigation of the murder of Federal
Judge John Wood in San Antonio, Texas. In this case, the FBI entered 300,000
pieces of information, including 6,000 interviews, hotel registration
information from every hotel in the area, etc. The accused, while on trial,
claimed he was several hundred miles away. The FBI cross referenced his name
& known alias with the hotel registration database and got a match. Contact
with the hotel employees resulted in a positive identification and conviction
of the subject.
The FBI has a system called the Organized Crime Information Systems (OCIS)
of which director William Webster is ``particularly proud.'' The system was
started in 1980 in Detroit, Michigan and is one of their most sophisticated
computers. The system is now functions in over 40 locations.
The OCIS system allows agents in different field offices to share and
analyze information collected in each other's areas. This system was used to
identify some of the United States citizens who were released from Cuban
prisons in 1984 that had criminal histories in the United States. An OCIS
link was recently opened in Rome, where it's used to support drug
The OCIS system was used in the major Sicilian mafia heroin investigation,
commonly referred to as ``The Pizza Connection.'' According to Webster,
``OCIS support ranged from direct assistance in collating information for
Title III court-authorized wiretaps to the analysis of the case for grand
jury presentation.''
Currently under development is the Field Office Information Management
System (FOIMS). The purpose of this system is to fully automate the
administrative and record keeping functions of the field and resident offices.
*1 One of the basic freedoms in this country is the First Amendment right to
freedom of association. The Privacy Act was enacted to stop government
invasions of privacy, and includes a provision specifically prohibiting the
collection of information on the exercise of First Amendment activities.
in the body of your text speak.your.mind
Private World Concert Dates : finger pwcasual@io.org