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A new look for Anew. Look for ATI...
Activist Times - 14
BURLINGMAN, SD - Beginning Of course with this great new
with the next issue of ATI, look must come a price change.
readers will find a new look We've done our best to keep
in regular sections that it as nominal as we possibly
appear each week and contain can, but with paper pricing
expanded quality news and higher each day, and gas rising
information important to ATI. faster than dough in a mixing
We'll continue to bring you bowl with a dishtowel over it,
the information you need to we figure we've got to go up
help you shape your thighs to reflect that. Since you're
without purchasing new things so important to us, we've kept
and we'll also effect your it to a mere 9% increase this
quality of life in this new year.
economy. And next year will be even
We're your phriendz at better. We'll only go up 8.
ATI. So starting next week, the
cost for ATI E-Zine will be
we going up from 0.00 to the affordable
mean sum of 0.00. People, that's just 0
that! cents a day. Dig deep into your
dockets and decide if you can't do
this, we're depending on you.
we Thank you
really do! for your
------ YOUR Place To Hang And Be Cool
The ATI Publishers Column
[As is the "tradit" every once in a while,
I turn over this section in its entirety
to someone such as today's writer, Leonard
Greetings Friends and Supporters,
I am writing to reiterate my full support of the Dine of
Big Mountain and their continued resistance against relocation.
The final eviction day, February 1st, came and went without any
major confrontations or skirmishes. I think this strategy is
very intentional in that the government knows a long, drawn-out
and painful war against a people does not draw as much attention
and is much more difficult to fight than a dramatic and sudden
attack. I am sure they are waiting for people's attention to
lessen before they move inand begin moving people one by one,
when few are watching.
Over the years the resisters have had to struggle just to
survive, and the very fact that they have survived and continue
their resistance is testimony to their amazing strength and belief
in the Creator. The constant fear, harassment, and dangerous
conditions under which they have been forced to live have not
surmounted their knowledge and skills as gardeners and sheepherders
and caretakers of the land. At the same time, I know how the
resisters must feel. The relocation bill was passed only a short
time before I was arrested, and I know it has been a very long and
difficult time for all of us. And like me, I know that the resisters
are likely growing tired, but like me, they do not have the
capability of giving up because they know they are in the right.
When I think of the elders there and all that they have been
through, the pride I feel for our people swells. I am very proud
of them. It is such an important time for the families to come
together in unity and bring a final end to this attempt.
I want to personally ask all of you on the outside to maintain
and continue to build awareness around the Big Mountain situation.
And, I ask you to support the people in whatever way they request.
Relocation really is genocide and if the people of Big Mountain
are lost, we all will lose another very special and sacred source
of traditional knowledge and a way of life we can all learn from.
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Leonard Peltier
ATI - Not just your hackerzine of hope,
it's the rag read round the rotunda.
>Just saw your new 'zine.
Just saw your new 'zine!
Gud stuff!
Thanks for the comment.
Where can I get yer nextish.
I'd like to tell people in my zine...
to ati@etext.org
you notice texas and extras sort of look the same?
sue paradigm
to ati@etext.org
i love you....
F N O R D ! ! !
BioDevastation 2000 Organizers Fear Bawztone Police Overreaction
[PAWN] BAWZTONE Mass - Published on Friday, March 24, 2000
in the Jamaica Plain Dealer
by Rafael Tininjaterdle
With the possibility of "Seattle-style" unrest erupting during
a protest of a biotechnology conference this weekend, Mayor Thomas
M. Mendocino and police officials yesterday said the city is
prepared for the worst, but not expecting it.
"My fondest hope is that, five, six days from now, we'll be
saying, 'You paid me 24 an hour overtime just to bash a few
skulls in and flirt with peacenik chicks?'" Police Commissioner Paul
Evansto-Mergatroid said of preparations for BIO2000. The conference
will start on Sunday and run through Thursday at Fenway Park, IHOP
and Howard Johnsons.
But we would be remiss if we did not prepare for other eventualities,"
Mergatroid added. For more than a month, police have been undergoing
special training in Alexandria, VA; and Quantico, GA officials said.
Organizers of a rally and counter-conference, called Biodevastation
2000, have assured police that they are nonviolent - a point they
reiterated yesterday.
Despite that, Mendocino and Mergatroid said they have been
forwarding each other emails about violent anarchists disrupting in
"new and improved ways." They even started a rumor that Ice T will
be there singing with Traci Chapman.
"Nonviolence is becoming more creative, more innovative," Mergatroid
said during a press conference yesterday. "We're concerned about small
groups of people engaging in more creative forms of nonviolence. When
it endangers our ability to instill fear in our local communities,
then we have to be concerned."
In recent weeks, city officials have warned Bawztone shopkeepers
to take "common sense" precautions. They've also requested that local
newspapers remove vending boxes, which federal agitators/provocataeurs
in Seattle used to smash shop windows. In addition, barricades will
be in place for most of the weekend at certain key areas along Boylston
"Basically," said Mendocino, "we're going to use broken glass and
styrophoam piled nine feet high for our barricade." He mentioned that
the streets surrounding Fenway Park are so riddled with litter that
they can simply sweep it all to Boylston and just use some of the
fresher vomit around Berklee School of music for mortar, saving
enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars which can be better spent
on rubber bullets, cayenne pepper and depleted urine samples.
The rally's organizers stressed they know of no plans by
anyone to cause trouble.
"That just makes it harder," said the police chief. "Not
impossible, just hard."
"We are concerned about a police overreaction because they
definitely overreacted in Seattle, and that led to big problems,"'
said Jessica Hale, one of the organizers.
Organizers have kept in close contact with Chicago's Mayor Daley
to ensure that any violence can be minimized. Daley's father was an
expert in the things Bawzton police are planning, so the current
mayor remembers all the old stories. He agreed to help with such
tactics because "my dad was such a poop. It was inexcusable." He
went on to say that the government doesn't do nearly enough to
make up for past human rights violations; so they should be on
the lookout for how they can help now. "We call ourselves democracy,"
said Daley, "we should act like it."
Brian Tokej, another organizer of the rally, said he expected
hundreds, and possibly "thousands" of protestors from all over
to attend the rally. In addition, scientists, activists, and
celebrities such as Ralph Nader, Jello Biafra, and Prime Anarchist
will speak at various forums that will take place at the Harvard
Business School's Hunting Chess and Conference Center just outside
the Au Bon Pain.
Approximately 8,000 hot dog and peanut venders have applied for
3-day permits and the city had a heck of a time denying all the
non-whites and allowing all the whites. Their success rate this
year was only 70%, according to city clerk Mia Giesen Woo.
"That means we've lost the battle already," she said. "There's
going to be a lower class of people making money off of this thing
overall. A lower class of people."
The rally and march will begin at Copley Square at noon on Sunday,
police said. From there, marchers will proceed down Boylston Street
to Landsdowne, with most main events inside Fenway where protesters
are permitted to demonstrate until 4 p.m.
by Marco
I found all the words
Except Goofy
Where's Goofy???
Did you stump me on purpose?
Maybe I've had too much grog.
I'll look later without the
Goddess in me.
The goddess of grog.
I bet less groggy,
I'll find Goofy.
Am I the ONLY journalist to ever publish an article
by marco
an interview with Forrest Kassanavoid, Comanche
Codetalker - Reprinted from Mountaineer newspaper.
[ Part II of "fourish" ]
Liverpool, England, to regroup and train at Tibberton in
Devonshire, and then to invade Utah Beach.
4th SIG was made up of five platoons, according to
Kassanavoid. HQ platoon contained the company clerks, mess
cooks, drivers, supply and maintainance soldiers. The Message
Center section was where the distribution came and went.
There was a radio section similar to what signal battalions
have today; and a "T-n-T" section. They handled all aspects
of telephone and telegraph, to include the division
switchboard. The wire people, Kassanavoid included, were
called the...
[publisher's note: rather than reprint this
in its entirety, we've decided to excerpt
only that which is NOT straight out of
Public Affairs Department. We'll put the
entire story at
as soon as we have time
for typing in. -mf]
Kassanavoid said it was easy for a Comanche Indian to
adapt to military life because all of their early education
was at government boarding schools.
"Basically we changed barracks rooms and uniforms," Said
Kassanavoid, "that's all."
Army-run schools on the Indian reservations meant speaking
Comanche at home, and mostly English at school. His grasp of
both languages made him an easy recruit for the Code Talker
mission. Comanche language was used to relay some of the Army's
most important messages in WWII. The code talkers worked with
regiments in the field where they coded messages back to 4th ID
headquarters so another 4 SIG could receive and decode the
Kassanavoid lives in Indiahoma, OK., with his wife Marian
and three children - Larry who served in the Army infantry in
Vietnam; Marlon who served in a signal outfit in Europe; and
a daughter, Amaryllis.
He now works for the school department in Indahoma as home-
school co ordinator under the Johnson - O'Malley Program passed
by Congress in 1934. His work is mostly youth-oriented, from
financial assistance for young Indians, morale and attendance
programs, as well as sports programs...
He said the Comanche heritage is in a 124th SIG soldier's
lineage and in his roots.
"Be proud," he said, "Be thankful."
[pub note: as a thanksoffering for his entire life - (his
relations tell me he passed away a couple years ago) I
type in these 5 war words Kassanavoid invented while
he was a Code Talker...]
TU-CHA-PA-KA-NA machine gun
TA-WA-EE rifle
PIA-TA-WA-EE big gun
NA-WHA bayonet
WA-HA-PA-AH tank
DREAM - Christina, my old accompanyist is in Vegas to see me sing at
the Hilton.
I'm playing straight man to Ted Kennedy who's a Sinatra
impersonator. Over and over 'til it's stale, we're in our 3rd year.
Half of it is lip synched, but no one's supposed to know.
We end with a duet of "Get Off My Cloud," and "My Way," the way
Mick Jagger and FS did it on SNL. The audience wants us to repeat
the first song we did which I'm up for; especially since we've been
lip synching the middle half for the past year; but he makes a bunch
of excuses for himself.
I say, I can do it, does he mind?
"Sure," he says; go ahead, he tells me. He wheels around to leave
the stage - piano starts, band starts, I sing the first note.
"He sings four notes," I hear in my flesh-colored earphone -
Sinatra's voice, not Ted's - "and he's a dead man."
I stop the band with a wave of my hand, read a poem I've memorized, bow,
exit to stage left, wishing I'd sung Odetta's "Another Man Done
Gone" instead.
"You were great," Christina says offstage hugging me.
"All YOUR work those years," I tell her.
"Promise me you'll NEVER lip synch, Marco," she says.
"Oh, believe me." I tell her I've been fighting them for weeks
on that. I'm winning but they're going to have to move me soon.
I'm about to blow Ted offstage.
"Not that I'm better," I try for more diplomacy; it really IS a
tragedy in this dream, he's become a bad counterfeit of himself.
(metaphor for the entire US?)
"I mean, I'm 36 and he's 79. I've got a couple more years of this
and then I'm doing just guitar," I tell her, "for sure."
a prime anarchist poem
When it rains
I spend
My whole raise
At the parking garage
& of course...
We end with a pome...
Send things to
Hit the
an old poem reprint
from "Caught In The Quiet"
by Rod McKuen
Out of the sad mistaken belief
that as a man I must behave
as all men do.
I've turned my back
a time too often.
help me keep
a resolution that I make today:
not to walk head high
even one more time
past someone I can help.