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From: raymoon@dgsys.com (Raymond Moon)
Newsgroups: alt.lang.asm,comp.lang.asm.x86,news.answers,alt.answers,comp.answers
Subject: x86 Assembly Language FAQ - A86 and D86
Supersedes: <5h6e41$b4q@reader1.news.act.net>
Followup-To: alt.lang.asm,comp.lang.asm.x86
Date: 21 Apr 1997 21:26:17 GMT
Organization: MoonWare
Lines: 271
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Distribution: world
Expires: Tue, 20 May 1997 23:59:59 GMT
Message-ID: <5jgm1p$ijs@news.dgsys.com>
Reply-To: raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Summary: This is the FAQ for the x86 Assembly Language programmers for the
alt.lang.asm and comp.lang.asm.x86 newsgroups. This particular section of
the FAQ contains x86 assembly information specific to the Eric Isaacson's
shareware A86 assembler and D86 debugger.
Keywords: x86 Assemby Language ASM FAQ A86 D86
Archive-Name: assembly-language/x86/a86
Posting-Frequency: monthly (21st of every month)
Last-modified: 1997/01/06
Subject: 1. Introduction and Intent
This is the x86 Assembly Language FAQ for the comp.lang.asm.x86 and
alt.lang.asm newsgroups. This FAQ is posted monthly on or about the 21st
of the month on both newsgroups and news.answers, alt.answers and
comp.answers. It also is archived at the normal FAQ archival sites and the
SimTel mirror sites in the msdos/info directory. Lastly, the current
version is available from my web page as:
As text files:
As html documents:
Currently, this FAQ is broken into six sections. The following are the
section filenames and the scope of each section of the FAQ.
assembly-language/x86/general/part1 - This is the basic portion of the FAQ
that contains information of interest to all assembly language
programmers. In general, the information contained in this portion of
the FAQ is not specific to any particular assembler.
assembly-language/x86/general/part2 - This is a continuation of the above
assembly-language/x86/general/part3 - This is a continuation of the above
assembly-language/x86/microsoft - This portion of the FAQ contains
information specific for the Microsoft MASM.
assembly-language/x86/borland - This portion of the FAQ contains
information specific for the Borland TASM.
assembly-language/x86/a86 - This portion of the FAQ contains information
specific for the Shareware A86 Assembler and D86 Debugger.
The scope and content of this FAQ is to go beyond just answering the
frequently asked questions. I am including pointers to assembly language
treasure troves that are hidden out on the internet. I believe that this
will enhance the FAQ's value not only to the novices but also to the old
For the ease of determining what has changed since the last FAQ, the Table
of Contents will have "REVISED" at the end of the subject line for all
revised subjects. If more than one FAQ revision has been missed, the "Last
Changed:" entry at the end of each subject can be used to determine which
subjects have been revised during the intervening time frame.
The information in this FAQ is free for all to use as long as you
acknowledge the source. This FAQ can be reproduced in part or in its
entirety as long as the copyright is included. This FAQ can be made
available on public servers, like ftp, gopher or WWW servers. Please do
not modify the file, such as converting it into some other format, without
prior permission of the author.
All references to files and locations are in Uniform Resource Locators
(URLs) format. Some web browser will be able to use these URLs directly as
hot links. If the format is not clear to you, get RFC 1738. It is
available from: ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1738.txt
Suggestions for changes and comments are always welcome. They can be
posted to either newsgroup or e-mailed directly to the me.
Author: Raymond Moon, raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Copyright 1997 - Raymond Moon
Last Changed: 6 Jan 97
Subject: 2. Table of Contents
1. Introduction And Intent
2. Table Of Contents
3. What is A86 Assembler and Where Can I Get It
4. Structuring Assembly Language in A86
5. A386/D386 Availability
6. A86 Source Code Site
7. Eric Isaacson's A86 Assembler and D86 Debugger Web Page
8. Acknowledgments
Subject: 3. What is A86 Assembler and Where Can I Get It
3.1 A86 ASSEMBLER - A86V402.ZIP
The A86 is Eric Isaacson's shareware assembler. The latest version is 4.02
and support up to the 286 instruction set. This assembler does not support
the extended registers and instructions introduced with the 386 processor.
This assembler accepts assembly language source files, and transforms them
directly into either: (1) .COM files executable under MS-DOS, starting at
offset 0100 within a code segment; (2) .OBJ files suitable for feeding to a
linker; or (3) object files starting at offset 0, suitable for copying to
ROMs. A86 is a full featured program designed to be as closely compatible
to the standard Intel/IBM assembly language as possible.
Some of A86's features are:
* Assembly speed
* Ease of use
* Support modular programming even in .COM files
* Support very large programming projects
* Full featured macro capability
* Support for math coprocessor instructions
* Supported by its own debugger, D86
New features of version 4.02 are:
* INCLUDE file support
* listings
* no limit on size of sourse files
* forward references in complex expressions
* END operand
3.2 D86 DEBUGGER - D86V402.ZIP
The D86 is Eric Isaacson's shareware debugger. The latest version is 4.02.
D86 is a screen-oriented debugger that facilitates the troubleshooting of
faulty computer programs written for the IBM-PC and all compatibles. D86
can freeze the state of a program so that the values of registers, flags,
and memory can be investigated. The program's execution can be monitored
by stepping it one instruction or procedure at a time; or starting the
program running, telling D86 to stop it when it reaches certain locations.
D86 recognizes the symbol-table output of the A86 assembler, creating a
symbolic disassembly of a A86 program, and allowing referenced to locations
and variables by name.
Some of D86's features are:
* Values of registers, flags and stack top are displayed at a fixed
location on the screen.
* Support for viewing memory contents in a variety of types including
complicated structures.
* Support for displaying math coprocessor registers
New features of version 4.02 are:
* Keystroke scripts
* macro keys
* Undo command
* file copy and delete
This file contains information on converting MASM files into A86 files.
The information is dated and a better source is Chapter 12 of the A86
If your computer does not have an IBM-compatible BIOS, this file will help
getting D86, the debugger, to work with your BIOS.
All files are available from SimTel
mget ?86* For all files
mget ?86v402.zip or the basic A86 and D86 files
Contributor: Raymond Moon, raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Last changed: 4 Nov 95
Subject: 4. Structuring Assembly Language in A86
John Barnes has converted the macros from Kurt Schindler's "Structure: The
Complete Toolkit for Structuring Assembly Language Programs." John Barnes
warns that the every macro has not been proofed and tested completely.
These macros are available from SimTel.
Contributor: Raymond Moon, raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Last changed: 8 Jan 95
Subject: 5. A386/D386 Availability
I have received the following information about A386/D386 availability from
the author, Mr.Eric Isaacson:
A preliminary version of A386+D386 currently is shipping on the registered
A86+D86 disk. The A386 implements the entire 386/486/Pentium instruction
set, including 32-bit registers, 32-bit expression arithmetic, and 32-bit
memory indexing. The only major feature not yet implemented is segments of
type USE32 (i.e., flat mode). There is not any schedule date for
completing that last feature.
Note that the A86-only registered disk does not have A386. the A386 disk is
available for $80 to get A386 ($82 overseas, $84 in Indiana). The printed
manual that covers everything is an additional $10 ($15 overseas, $10.50 in
If you already have registered A86+D86, the A386 disk is available for the
normal update service fee of $10 ($12 overseas, $10.50 in Indiana). If A86
but not D86 is registered, the A386 disk is available for $40 ($42 overseas
or Indiana). Again, the printed manual is extra.
Contributor: Raymond Moon, raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Last changed: 20 May 95
Subject: 6. A86 Source Code Site
The only A86 Source code site is Simtel and its mirrors. The following two
files are available there:
Writes a boot sector to floppies which displays color text if user
tries to boot from the disk. Works with non-system disks through BIOS.
The display is NOT a file. Choice of many displays. Can boot from C
drive etc. Useful A86 boot sector source code included.
Lets you create your own TSR screens easily and quickly. Includes A86
source code.
Contributor: Ray Moon, raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Last changed: 20 Dec 96
Subject: 7. Eric Isaacson's A86 Assembler and D86 Debugger Web Page
7.1 A86/D86 WEB PAGE
Eric Isaacson has his own web page for the A86 Assembler and the D86
Debugger. The URL is:
The topics of this page are:
Overview of A86
Overview of D86
A86 and D86 Features
A386 and D386 Status
Downloading A86 and D86
As indicated above, you can get the A86 assembler and D86 Debugger right
from the author's web site. The URLs are:
For A86: http://eji.com/a86.zip
For D86: http://eji.com/d86.zip
Contributor: Raymond Moon, raymoon@moonware.dgsys.com
Last changed: 16 Apr 96
Subject: 8. Acknowledgments
I would like to acknowledge all the people who have assisted me or any of
the contributors. For their time and effort, this FAQ is a better product.
John Krueger and Gary Smith