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From: jds@math.okstate.edu (Jennifer "Moira" Smith)
Date: 16 Jul 93 06:00:15 GMT
Newsgroups: rec.games.mud.announce,rec.games.mud.misc,news.answers,rec.answers
Subject: [rec.games.mud]: FAQ #1/3: MUDs and MUDding
Archive-name: games/mud-faq/part1
Version: $Id: faq.muds,v 3.0 93/06/14 16:19:07 jds Exp $
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Basic Information about MUDs and MUDding
This is part 1 in a 3 part series of FAQs.
Disclaimer - This document may be seen to be biased towards TinyMUDs.
This is because the maintainer mainly plays those types of
servers, not because she thinks they are inherently better
or worse than other types of servers. However, this document
is meant to be generalized and useful for all MUDdom, and
so corrections and contributions are always welcome.
Welcome to the world of MUDding!
Table of Contents
FAQ #1: Basic Information about MUDs and MUDding
General Information
1. What is a MUD?
2. What different kinds of MUDs are there?
3. Where are MUDs located?
4. I paid money for my account! MUDding is a right, isn't it?
5. How do I connect to a MUD?
6. What is a client program?
7. Now that I'm connected, what do I do?
8. Why not just dive in?
9. What password should I use for my MUD character?
10. What's the easiest way to annoy a veteran MUD user?
11. What's the easiest way to be a mean veterean MUD user?
12. What should I _not_ do in terms of player interaction?
13. Is MUDding a game, or an extension of real life with gamelike
14. What common commands are used on MUDs?
15. I know what's going on now! What's next?
16. Who should I ask for help?
17. What if I'm completely confused and am casting about for a rope
in a vast, churning wilderness of chaos and utter incomprehension?
18. What USENET newgroups are devoted to MUDs?
19. How do I start my own MUD?
20. What was the first MUD?
21. What is a bot?
22. What's a clueless newbie?
23. What is a cyborg?
24. What's a dino?
25. What is a flame?
26. What is a furry?
27. What is HAVEN?
28. What is a log?
29. What is Maving?
30. What is net lag?
31. What's player killing?
32. What is spam?
33. What is TinySex?
34. What is a 'Wizard' or 'God'?
FAQ #2: MUD Clients and Servers
Client Information
1. What is a client?
2. Where do I get clients?
3. What operating systems do clients run on?
4. Is there anything wrong with running a client?
5. What different clients are available? [Client List]
Glossary of Client terms
Server Information
6. What is a server?
7. Where do I get servers?
8. What operating systems to servers run on?
9. Is there anything wrong with running a server?
10. What different servers are available? [Server List]
General Information
11. What do I do if my client/server won't compile?
12. Should I read the documentation of whatever client or server
I select?
13. What is FTP, and how do I use it?
FAQ #3: Basic Information on RWHO and "mudwho"
1. What is RWHO?
2. How Does It All Work?
3. Where Can I Get This Stuff?
4. Where Are Some RWHO Servers?
General Information
1. What is a MUD?
A MUD (Multiple User Dimension, Multiple User Dungeon, or Multiple User
Dialogue) is a computer program which users can log into and explore.
Each user takes control of a computerized persona/avatar/incarnation/
character. You can walk around, chat with other characters, explore
dangerous monster-infested areas, solve puzzles, and even create your
very own rooms, descriptions and items. You can also get lost or confused
if you jump right in, so be sure to read this document before starting.
2. What different kinds of MUDs are there?
You'll notice the disclaimer on this FAQ mentions TinyMUD. That's
one common type of MUD, but there are many different types of MUDs
out there. The Tiny- and Teeny- family of MUDs are usually more
'social' in orientation; the players on those MUDs tend to gather,
chat, meet friends, make jokes, and discuss all kinds of things.
The LP- family of MUDs, including Diku and AberMUD, are usually
based on roleplaying adventure games; the players on those MUDs
tend to run around in groups or alone killing monsters, solving
puzzles, and gaining experience in the quest to become a wizard.
There are still other types of MUDs, such as MOOs, UnterMUDs,
and so forth. Each type has its own unique style, and players
are rarely forced to stick to one type of playing - there's no
rule that says an LPMUD _must_ be a combat-oriented MUD, or
that a TinyMUSH _must not_ be a combat-oriented MUD. We suggest
that you experiment around with several different types of MUDs
to see what you find is the most interesting. If there's one thing
MUDdom has, it's variety.
3. Where are MUDs located?
Watch the USENET newsgroup rec.games.mud.announce. Every Friday a quite
complete listing of MUDs is posted. If you can't wait till Friday, you can
email mudlist@glia.biostr.washington.edu and ask for one, or they're
available for FTP from caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu( in /pub/mud.
MUDs are run on many fine computers across the world. To play, all you
have to do is telnet to the MUD's Internet Protocol Port, and you're in
business. Some MUDs have a policy called "registration" to cut down on
abuse of privileges; you might have to send mail to the administrator of
the MUD in order to obtain a character. It's important to note that MUDs
are *not* a right, and your access is granted out of trust. People usually
have to pay to use processing time on the large, expensive computers which
MUDs often run on, and you're being given a special deal. Which brings
us to another point: MUDs can't really be run on anything less than a
largish workstation (currently), so they're usually on academic or
corporate workhorse machines.
4. I paid money for my account! MUDding is a right, isn't it?
Don't believe that for a second. When you paid money to your school's
computer department for an account, you entered into a contract with
that department. Most schools have a well written Computer Policy
document, that will detail exactly what you have rights to. Most
schools classify MUD as a game, and games as non-essentials. Therefore,
if your school decides to shut off all games, or disallow you to telnet
out to play muds, you're stuck. Don't try to get around it; they'll
find you. Instead, try to talk to the Powers That Be, and see why they
did what they did. They may have very good reasons for it (such as
limited resource that really need to be dedicated to schoolwork).
5. How do I connect to a MUD?
There are several ways to hook yourself up to a MUD's internet port. First,
you can use 'telnet' once you find out the MUD's network address and port
number. If, for instance, we knew that ChupsMUD was at the network address
'pickle.cs.umsst.edu' at port 4201, we could type:
(on most systems, including UNIX)
telnet pickle.cs.umsst.edu 4201
(or, on some VMS systems)
telnet pickle.cs.ummst.edu/port=4201
and we'd be ready for action. If we get back an error saying something like
"host unknown", we'd want to do the same thing, only using the machine's
internet number address, like this: telnet 4201. If you're using
straight telnet on a VMS system, you might have to make sure that your
terminal has "newlines" turned on. If it doesn't, the mud's output will get
spewed across the screen in a most ugly fashion.
Your second option is to scout out the many fine client programs which
exist for the sole purpose of providing a friendly and useful front end
to MUDs. (See 'client', below.)
6. What is a client program?
Telnet is a rather ugly way to connect to most muds, since it doesn't
do any fancy text wrapping, and if someone says something while you're
typing out a line, it will make a mess out of your line, making it
hard to see what you're typing and hard to keep track of what's going
on in the mud. A client program is simply another program you use instead
of telnet to connect to a mud. Clients also provide useful things such
as macros and the ability to gag or highlight certain mud output. Clients
are available for anonymous ftp from several sites. See the Frequently
Asked Questions posting #2 for more information about clients.
7. Now that I'm connected, what do I do?
Once you connect, find out what the deal is with respect to you getting
a character. Some MUDs allow you to create your own, and others require
you to send off for one via email. If you have to send off for one, send
one e-mail request and cool your heels. MUDding will be around forever,
no need to rush it. But let's say you've now gotten a character, and you're
connected up, and things are starting to get interesting. At this point,
you should do what is probably least intuitive: type 'help', read the
instructions and directions, and understand them. Then, type 'news',
read the information, and understand it. Then (yes, we know, we know...
it'll be fun, soon!) practice using the commands given to you until
you think you've got a good enough grip to be able to start in on
exploring, questing, socializing, or whatever else tunes your engine.
8. Why not just dive in?
Some people are easily annoyed when other people clearly have no idea what
they are doing, even if they were recently in that position themselves.
It'll be much easier for you to cope without some fella saying things
you don't understand to you and possibly killing you. *However*, many
MUD players are helpful, and asking them, "excuse me, are you busy? I'm
a brand new player, and I have a question," will often work just fine.
9. What password should I use for my MUD character?
You should pick a password just as you do for any computer account. Use a
word, or better yet, a phrase or anagram, that isn't obvious. Don't, for
instance, use the same name as your character, or your own first name, or
your girl/boyfriend's name. And never never use the same password as the
one on your computer account. Most MUDs prevent people from getting the
passwords from within the mud, and most encrypt the password when it's
store in the database files. However, there is nothing preventing the
MUD's owner from modifying the code to dump the passwords to a file, along
with other information such as the host you connected from. Using this
information, an evil MUD admin could probably figure out your login name
and get into your account easily. It's also not a good idea to use the
same password on different MUDs, since if your password gets out on one
MUD, all your MUD characters have been compromised. This is ESPECIALLY
important for MUD Wizards and Gods. Use the auto-login feature of your
client, if it has one, and protect the file containing the login information
against reading by others.
This story comes from Alec Muffett, author of Crack and maintainer of the
alt.security FAQ.
aem@aberystwyth.ac.uk: The best story I have is of a student
friend of mine (call him Bob) who spent his industrial year at
a major computer manufacturing company. In his holidays, Bob
would come back to college and play AberMUD on my system.
Part of Bob's job at the company involved systems management,
and the company was very hot on security, so all the passwords
were random strings of letters, with no sensible order. It was
imperative that the passwords were secure (this involved writing
the random passwords down and locking them in big, heavy duty safes).
One day, on a whim, I fed the MUD persona file passwords into
Crack as a dictionary (the passwords were stored plaintext)
and then ran Crack on our systems password file. A few student
accounts came up, but nothing special. I told the students
concerned to change their passwords - that was the end of it.
Being the lazy guy I am, I forgot to remove the passwords from
the Crack dictionary, and when I posted the next version to
USENET, the words went too. It went to the comp.sources.misc
moderator, came back over USENET, and eventually wound up at
Bob's company. Round trip: ~10,000 miles.
Being a cool kinda student sysadmin dude, Bob ran the new version
of Crack when it arrived. When it immediately churned out the
root password on his machine, he damn near fainted...
The moral of this story is: never use the same password in two
different places, and especially on untrusted systems (like MUDs).
10. What's the easiest way to annoy a veteran MUD user?
Demand something. Whine. Follow them around. Page or tell them over
and over after they've asked you to stop. In combat MUDs, steal
from corpses of things they just killed.
11. What's the easiest way to be a mean veterean MUD user?
Don't give help to the new players. Kill them, ignore them, shout
"get a description" at them. These are the best ways to kill off MUDding
in general, actually.
12. What should I _not_ do in terms of player interaction?
You shouldn't do anything that you wouldn't do in real life, even if the
world is a fantasy world. The important thing to remember is that it's
the fantasy world of possibly hundreds of people, and not just yours in
particular. There's a human being on the other side of each and every
wire! Always remember that you may meet these other people some day,
and they may break your nose. People who treat others badly gradually
build up bad reputations and eventually receive the NO FUN Stamp of
Disapproval. The jury is still out on whether MUDding is "just a game"
or "an extension of real life with gamelike qualities", but either way,
treat it with *care*.
13. Is MUDding a game, or an extension of real life with gamelike qualities?
It's up to you. Some jaded cynics like to laugh at idealists who think
it's partially for real, but we personally think they're not playing it
right. Certainly the hack-'n-slash stuff is only a game, but the social
aspects may well be less so.
14. What common commands are used on MUDs?
Most MUDS have a core of commands which players use to move around and
interact with each other. For instance, there are commands for interacting
with other players, like 'say' (or sometimes '"'), and other commands like
'look', 'go', etc. In TinyMUD, there are commands like 'home' (which always
places you in your home -- remember that), ':' (pose -- try it), etc.,
which allow you to do stuff inside the database. Commands prefixed by
a @ (generally) allow you to change the database! Commands like @describe,
@create, @name, @dig and @link allow you to expand the universe, change it,
or even, perhaps, @destroy it, under certain conditions. In LPMUDs, none of
those apply; in order to edit the universe, you have to attain Wizardhood or
be the God of the MUD. Whatever the case, these building commands are
beyond the scope of this little sheet -- find the documentation for whatever
MUD you're playing with and consume it avidly. Most MUDs have documentation
on-line, although better documentation can be gotten via ftp from other
sites. Ask around, or try looking on ftp.tcp.com (,
or ftp.math.okstate.edu ( in /pub/muds/misc.
15. I know what's going on now! What's next?
Now is the time when you should be most careful. Within reason,
don't be afraid to ask questions of other players.
16. Who should I ask for help?
Wizards (see the glossary section) are usually helpful; if you know a
wizard to be a wizard, then you can usually ask them a question or two.
Make sure they're not busy first. Also, players who have been logged on
for a long time (which you can check using the WHO command) are often
helpful, as they are usually the veterans who've seen it all before.
In combat MUDs, asking relatively high level characters is usually the
way to find things out.
17. What if I'm completely confused and am casting about for a rope in a
vast, churning wilderness of chaos and utter incomprehension?
Ask a friend to help you. Don't post anything in any newsgroup. Just
take it slow, one step at a time, smoothing over the things you don't
understand by reading manuals (i.e. 'man telnet'), asking local help,
or trying to find people who use MUDs who are at your site.
18. What USENET newgroups are devoted to MUDs?
There are several USENET newsgroups associated with MUDs. The first (and
least used) is alt.mud. When it got popular, the newsgroup rec.games.mud
was then created, and when it got too noisy and chaotic, a few new groups
were split off of the main one (rec.games.mud is no longer a "real"
newsgroup - all of its volume went to rec.games.mud.misc). The current
newsgroups are:
rec.games.mud.admin - Postings pertaining to the administrative
side of MUDs.
rec.games.mud.announce - moderated group, where announcements of
MUDs opening, closing, moving, partying,
etc are posted.
rec.games.mud.diku - Postings pertaining to DikuMUDs.
rec.games.mud.lp - Postings pertaining to LPMUDs.
rec.games.mud.misc - Miscellaneous postings.
rec.games.mud.tiny - Postings pertaining to the Tiny* family
of MUDs.
If you feel you must post something to USENET, please do it in the
group where it best belongs - no posts about TinyMUSH in the Diku
group, no questions about an LPMUD in the Tiny group, etc.
19. How do I start my own MUD?
First, you need to pick a server. You'll have to figure out how to
compile it, get it running, and you'll need to know how to _keep_ it
running, which usually involves some programming skills, generally in
C, and a good deal of time. Of course, you also need to be well versed
in the ways and commands of that particular MUD server, and you'll
probably need help running the place from a few of your friends.
Don't forget that you'll have to have a machine to run it on, and the
resources with which to run it. Most MUDs use anywhere from 5 to 90
megs of disk space, and memory usage can be anything from 1 to 35 megs.
A good rule of thumb is to first ask around for specifics on that server;
average muds need around 25 megs of disk space for everything, and about
10 megs of memory, although the exact numbers vary widely.
NOTE: If you don't *explicitly own* the machine you're thinking about
right now, you had better get the permission of the machine owner before
you bring up a MUD on his computer. MUDs are not extremely processing-
consumptive, but they do use up some computing power. You wouldn't want
people plugging in their appliances into the outlets of your home without
your permission or knowledge, would you?
Glossary of MUD Terms
20. What was the first MUD?
MUD1, written by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubishaw, back in 1979-80, is
generally accepted as the first MUD. TinyMUD Original, the first of
the Tiny- family of muds, was written in August 1989. A more complete
chronology of MUDs is being prepared - contributions emailed to
jds@math.okstate.edu are heartily welcomed.
21. What is a bot?
A bot is a computer program which logs into a MUD and pretends to be a
human being. Some of them, like Julia, are pretty clever -- legend has it
that Julia's fooled people into believing that she's human. Others have
less functionality. The most common bot program is the Maas-Neotek model.
22. What's a clueless newbie?
A 'newbie' is someone who has only recently begun to participate in some
kind of activity. When we're born, we're all life newbies until we get
experience under our belts (or diapers, whatever). You're a clueless
newbie until you've got the hang of MUDding, basically.
23. What is a cyborg?
A cyborg is defined as 'part man, part machine.' In the MUD world, this
means that your client is doing some of the work for you. For instance,
you can set up many clients to automatically greet anyone entering the
room. You can also set up clients to respond to certain phrases (or
'triggers'). Of course, this can have disastrous consequences. If
Player_A sets his client up to say hi every time Player_B says hi, and
Player_B does likewise, their clients will frantically scream hi at each
other over and over until they manage to escape. Needless to say, runaway
automation is very heavily frowned upon by anyone who sees it. If you
program your client to do anything special, first make sure that it cannot
go berserk and overload the MUD.
24. What's a dino?
A dino is someone that has been around for a very long time (cf. 'dinosaur').
These people tend to reminisce nostalgically about dead or nonexistent
MUDs which were especially fun or interesting.
25. What is a flame?
Flaming is when someone shouts at another person in a vain attempt to
convince them that whatever that other person said or believes in is
unconditionally wrong or stupid. Avoid getting into flame wars, and
if flamed, laugh it off or ask someone else what you did wrong.
26. What is a furry?
A 'furry' is an anthropomorphic intelligent animal. If you've ever
seen Zoo-bilee Zoo on The Learning Channel, you know what I mean.
Furries are not unique to MUDdom - they originated in comics, and
can usually be found at comic or animation conventions and the like.
Generally, any MUD character which has fur and is cute is deemed a
furry. Most furries hang out on FurryMUCK, naturally.
27. What is HAVEN?
On many TinyMUDs, there are several flags associated with each room. The
HAVEN flag is probably the most famous one. In rooms where the HAVEN flag
is set, no character may kill another. (See 'player killing' below.)
28. What is a log?
Certain client programs allow logs to be kept of the screen. A time-
worn and somewhat unfriendly trick is to entice someone into having
TinySex with you, log the proceedings, and post them to rec.games.mud.*
and have a good laugh at the other person's expense. Logs are useful
for recording interesting or useful information or conversations, as well.
29. What is Maving?
Mav is a famous TinyMUDder who sometimes accidentally left a colon on
the front of a whisper, thus directing private messages to the whole
room. The meaning of the verb has changed to include making any
say/whisper/page/pose typing confusion.
30. What is net lag?
The Internet (the network which connects your computer to mine) is made
up of thousands of interconnected networks. Between your computer and
the computer which houses the MUD, there may be up to 30 gateways and
links connecting them over serial lines, high-speed modems, leased lines,
satellite uplinks, etc. If one of these gateways or lines crashes, is
suddenly overloaded, or gets routing confused, you may notice a long
time of lag time between your imput and the MUD's reception of that
input. Computers which are nearer to the computer running the MUD are
less susceptible to netlag. Another source of lag is if the computer
which hosts the MUD is overloaded. When netlag happens, it is best to
just patiently wait for it to pass.
31. What's player killing?
The answer to this question varies widely. On most combat-oriented
MUDs, such as LPMUD and Diku, player killing is taken quite seriously.
On others, it's encouraged. On most TinyMUDs, as there is little to
no combat system, player killing is sometimes employed as a means of
showing irritation at another player, or merely to show emphasis of
something said (usually, it means "and I really mean it!"). It's
best to find out the rules of the MUD you're on, and play by them.
32. What is spam?
Spamming, derived from a famous Monty Python sketch, is the flooding of
appropriate media with information (such as repeated very long 'say'
commands). Unintentional spamming, such as what happens when you walk
away from your computer screen for a few minutes, then return to find
several screenfuls of text waiting to scroll by, is just a source of
irritation. Intentional spamming, such as when you repeat very long
'say' commands many times, or quote /usr/dict/words at someone, is
usually frowned on, and can get you in trouble with the MUD administration.
33. What is TinySex?
TinySex is the act of performing MUD actions to imitate having sex
with another character, usually consentually, sometimes with one hand
on the keyboard, sometimes with two. Basically, it's speed-writing
interactive erotica. Realize that the other party is not obligated
to be anything like he/she says, and in fact may be playing a joke
on you (see 'log', above).
34. What is a 'Wizard' or 'God'?
Gods are the people who own the database, the administrators. In most
MUDs, Wizards are barely distinguishable from Gods - they're just barely
one step down from the God of the MUD. An LPMUD Wizard is a player who
has 'won' the game, and is now able to create new sections of the game.
Wizards are very powerful, but they don't have the right to do whatever
they want to you; they must still follow their own set of rules, or face
the wrath of the Gods. Gods can do whatever they want to whomever they
want whenever they want - it's their MUD. If you don't like how a
God acts or lets his Wizards act toward the players, your best recourse
is to simply stop playing that MUD, and play another.
A more appropriate name for wizards would probably be 'Janitor', since
they tend to have to put up with responsibilities and difficulties (for
free) that nobody else would be expected to handle. Remember, they're
human beings on the other side of the wire. Respect them for their
This posting has been generated as a public service. If you have any
suggestions, questions, additions, comments or criticisms concerning this
posting, contact Jennifer Smith, aka Moira (jds@math.okstate.edu).
Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) postings contain information
dealing with clients, servers, RWHO, and FTP sites. While these items
aren't necessary, they make the game much more playable. I'd also like
to thank cthonics (felixg@coop.com) for his help in writing these FAQs,
ashne and Satoria for their help, and everyone else for helpful comments
and suggestions. Thanks again to Alec Muffett (aem@aberystwyth.ac.uk)
of alt.security.
The most recent versions of these FAQs are archived on ftp.math.okstate.edu
( in pub/muds/misc/mud-faq, plus on rtfm.mit.edu(
in the news.answers archives. Have fun! - Moira
Jennifer Smith
On MUDs: Moira, RosaLil, Jasra, etc. | It's the terror of knowing
Here, have a clue. Take two, they're small. | What this world is about