
109 lines
5.6 KiB

*NOTE* I don't play this game, so if a Martial Champion player
out there would like to become the "official" keeper of
the list to maintain & revise, drop me a line.
_ _ _ ____ _____ _ _ _
/ | / | \ | _ \_ _| | \ | |
/ |/ | \| |_| || | | | \| |
/ | | \ / | | | | | \ | 93g18.1
/ /| /| | _ \|\ \ | | | | _ \|__ 93l20
/_/ |_/ |_|_| \_\ \_\|_| |_|_| \_\__|
____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ___ _ _
| __| | | | \ / | / | _ \ |/ _ \| \ | |
| | | |_| | \ / |/ | |_| || | | | \| |
| | | _ | | \/ | __/ | | | | |
| |__| | | | _ \/| /| | | | | |_| | |\ |
|____|_| |_|_|/\_\|_/ |_|_| |_|\___/|_| \_|
\ | / -O etc. Joystick positions, "O" being the "ball"
High Mid Low High Middle Low Attack buttons
. (ie. / ) "charge": subscripts joystick notations to
O. signify "hold stick there for a moment"
And as always, assume right-facing (opponent is on right of
screen). Execute mirror image if facing left.
_ Mahambah: African _______________________________________________
| -O | \ High Savanah Tornado |
| O O |
| | O Mid Panther Claw |
| O. | |
_ Avu: Saudi Arabian ______________________________________________
| | \ -O Mid Arabian Burner |
| O O |
| O-. -O Mid Arabian Drill |
_ Chaos: Egyptian__________________________________________________
| | O Mid Double Cross |
| O. | |
| | \ -O Mid Nile Star |
| O O |
_ Bobby: American _________________________________________________
| | / O- Mid Bloody Screw |
| O O |
| | \ -O Mid Hell Slugger (?) |
| O O |
_ Jin: Japanese ___________________________________________________
| -O | \ High TenGaRenKen |
| O O (High Jumping Punch) |
| | \ -O Mid Ho'o^Ken |
| O O (Phoenix Fire) |
_ Goldor: French __________________________________________________
| O-. -O Mid Gol Wave |
| Tap Mid Attack Button Gor Barrier |
_ Racheal: Japanese American ______________________________________
| O-. -O Mid Shadow Attack |
| Tap Mid Attack Button HiTon'noJutsu (Fire Magic) |
_ Zen: Japanese ___________________________________________________
| | \ -O Mid Kumo-no Himo |
| O O (Spider's Thread) |
| O-. -O Mid Koma-no Mai (Spinning Top) |
_ Hoi: Chinese ____________________________________________________
| O-. -O Mid MaKuKen (Hurricane Ball) |
| -O | \ High ShoEnKyaku |
| O O (Rising Mokney Kick) |
_ TiTi: Hong Kong Chinese _________________________________________
| | \ -O Mid Chameleon Attack |
| O O |
| Tap Mid Attack Button HyakuRettokken |
| (Hundred Pierce Fury) |
Send Corrections.
CoCoCheckersTUBEAnzenChitaiBUCK-TICKDreamsComeTrue Galen Komatsu
BO0WYnineinchnailsXTCPearlJam10,000Maniacs gkomatsu@hawaii.edu
RevolutionKOOSHAtari2600FatalFury2ym ar592@cleveland.freenet.edu