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Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!news.mathworks.com!newsgate.duke.edu!news.eff.org!news.umbc.edu!not-for-mail
From: msokos1@gl.umbc.edu (Mark Sokos)
Newsgroups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt,alt.answers,news.answers
Subject: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt FAQ Version 16 (modified 5/3/96)
Followup-To: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt
Date: 17 Jun 1996 18:20:55 -0400
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Lines: 1689
Sender: msokos1@umbc.edu
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Expires: Mon, 1 July 1996 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <4q4lo7$sp4@umbc9.umbc.edu>
Reply-To: msokos1@gl.umbc.edu (Mark Sokos)
NNTP-Posting-Host: umbc9.umbc.edu
NNTP-Posting-User: msokos1
Summary: This posting contains a list of Frequently Asked
Questions (with answers), general information, and resources
associated with homebuilt computers. It
should be read by anyone who wishes to post to the
alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt newsgroup.
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt:22431 alt.answers:18547 news.answers:74587
Archive-name: homebuilt-comp-FAQ
Posting-Frequency: Every two weeks
This file contains frequently asked questions (FAQ) and general
information pertaining to the newsgroup alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt.
It is maintained by Mark Sokos (msokos1@gl.umbc.edu). It is posted
every two weeks to the newsgroup alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt. The latest
version may also be obtained by sending an e-mail request to the above
This file is also available via FTP from rtfm.mit.edu in the
/pub/usenet/alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt directory
A DOS text version is available from Dave Baldwin's FTP site:
ftp.netcom.com /pub/di/dibald/
An HTML version, maintained by Hai Pham, is available online at:
This file is copyright 1996 by Mark Sokos. It may be freely copied and
distributed as long as this notice remains intact and the file is not
modified, and no fee is charged for its duplication.
1.0 What the group is about
2.0 Questions
2.1 Can I post ads on the newsgroup?
2.2 Can I post questions involving hardware problems?
2.3 What's this about a new homebuilt newsgroup?
2.4 What is a "Wally" (and other terms specific to this newsgroup)
2.5 Where can I get more information about [x]?
2.6 Where can I get an EPROM/PLD programmer?
2.7 How can I make my own SIMMS?
2.8 Where are the pinouts for [IBM clone port]
2.9 How do I interface to [port/bus]
2.10 Where can I get hard drive specs and interfacing info?
2.11 How can I make my own circuit boards?
2.12 What is the Net Station?
2.13 How do I homebrew an LCD controller?
2.14 How do I make good front panels/cover plates?
2.15 Is there a CD ROM covering semiconductors?
2.16 Where can I get technical information about Game Boy?
2.17 How can I build a POST code reader for my PC?
2.18 Where can I find information on IR standards?
2.19 How can I make a mouse serial/ps2 or ps2/serial adapter?
2.20 How can I convert VGA to TV?
2.21 Misc.
3.0 Where to get more information
3.1 Vendors
3.2 Internet Resources
3.3 BBS Numbers
3.4 Book/Magazine List
3.5 Other
4.0 Misc.
1.0 What the group is about
This group was formed for the discussion of homebuilt computer hardware,
as the name implies. The term "homebuilt" or alternately, "homebrew",
refers to the hobby of building electronics at home, generally with
a soldering iron or wire wrap. No knowledge or experience is required
for posting to this group. Postings may deal with real hardware, or
absract concepts, and are not restricted to any specific cpu or
architecture. Topics may also include homebuilt peripherals added to
existing off the shelf systems, or hardware hacks to existing
Please note: Unfortunately, the term "homebuilt" causes a great
deal of confusion amongst IBM clone builders, which leads to a large
number of inappropriate posts on this newsgroup. This group, as a general
rule, is not for discussion of IBM related hardware, unless there is
some aspect of home built electronics involved, such as connecting
your own device to an IBM serial/parallel/game port, etc. or using IBM
clone hardware as part of a homebuilt design (non-IBM design).
Common IBM clone hardware hacks, such as overclocking and changing the
UART chip, are best discussed in one of the IBM related newsgroups. An
IBM clone hardware questions pointer is posted frequently on news.answers,
and due to its length the information within it will not be repeated here.
Warning: Any post that may be considered an "alt.fix.my.pc" post is
likely to draw flames or intentionally misleading advice from the regulars
at a.c.h.h. Following such advice for a "fix my PC" type post may be
damaging to your computer. You have been warned.
2.0 Questions
Answers to specific questions are included in this section. Many of
the answers are only pointers to more information, so that large volumes
of information are not duplicated unnecessarily.
2.1 Can I post ads on the newsgroup?
As a general rule, alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt is not a forsale group
and thus does not allow advertising. An exception is made for advertising
that is directed specifically for electronics homebuilders, and is not
otherwise available on the net in general. Examples of this are device
programmers and electronics parts. Trading between homebuilders is
Items that fit well into other existing forsale newsgroups should not be
advertised here. PC related advertising, such as hard drives, motherboards,
and other standard PC clone parts, is not permitted. While CPU advertisements
in general are permitted, CPU advertisements for the common PC clone CPU's
(such as 486 and Pentium chips) are not permitted because of the existing
PC clone forsale groups that already provide plenty of coverage for these
2.2 Can I post questions involving hardware problems?
This question was asked to the group in general, and the overwhelming
response was NO! The only exception would be if you are having a
hardware problem with your homebuilt hardware, not pre-fab hardware.
As Andrew noted in an early version of the FAQ:
"Since EVERY SINGLE ONE of the replies I got re: the FAQ said "no, this is
not the appropriate place for questiongs about PC building and pre-made
parts and compatibility between them, the answer obviously is a very
strong NO. This is not to say that you should not post questions, but
only post questions about homebuilt computers, not computers built from
pre-made parts. The difference should be very clear.
If you post here about your hard drive that you want to slave, i doubt if
people will have much mercy. It is getting on peoples nerves."
Replies to PC hardware problems are also strongly discouraged. Such replies
should either be posted on the appropriate groups or should be done via
private e-mail.
2.3 What's this about a new homebuilt newsgroup?
It has been suggested at times (often sarcastically) that a new newsgroup
should be made up with some name other than alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt,
so that the group would not be plagued with off topic pc-clone related posts.
A newsgroup specifically for "homebuilding" in the PC clone sense of the word
(alt.comp.hardware.pc-homebuilt) has been created. All PC questions
should go to that newsgroup.
alt.comp.hardware.homedesigned was created in an attempt to provide a
low noise alternative to this group. It has since been abandoned.
2.4 What is a "Wally" (and other terms specific to this newsgroup)
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
Basic Stamp - a processor that is programmed using Basic, manufactured
by Parallax.
BCD - Binary Coded Decimal
(E)EPROM - (Electrically) Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FP - Floating Point
FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Array
Homebrew - referes to the art of designing and building electronics at
home, and has nothing at all to do with alcohol (usually).
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
Midnight Engineering - refers to designing and building devices at home.
Anyone who has stayed up till the wee hours of the morning trying to get
something to work knows the origins of this term all too well.
MMU - Memory Management Unit
PC - On this newsgroup, this generally refers to Program Counter.
May occasionally refer to an IBM PC (or clone).
PEEL - Programmable Electrically-Erasable Logic (ICT, inc)
PIC - a microcontroller, manufactured by Microchip.
PLA - Programmable Logic Array
PLD - Programmable Logic Device
RAM - Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
SBC - Single Board Computer
Wally - someone who posts off topic noise to the group. No offense
to real persons named Wally is intended (the term apparantly comes from
the TV show "Leave It To Beaver"). "Getting rid of the wallies" is a
common thread on the newsgroup.
2.5 Where can I get more info about [x]?
e-mail: oconell@acapella.co.uk
Actel: http://www.actel.com
Adaptec: http://www.adaptec.com
Advanced Hardware Architectures (AHA): http://www.aha.com
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) http://www.amd.com
Literature distribution by Telephone is at 800-222-9323 which
is also a fax-back number, or at Tel. 408-749-5703.
408-732-2400 Facts-On-Demand. 1-800-222-9323 Option #1
Advanced RISC Machines (ARM):
e-mail: info@armltd.co.uk
AKM Semiconductor: http://www.akm.com
Altera (800) 5-ALTERA
e-mail: lit_req@altera.com
Literature Dept: 408-894-7144
BBS: 408-954-0104
AMCC: http://www.amcc.com
Analog Devices: http://www.analog.com
Austria Mikro Systeme (AMS): http://www.ams.co.at
Advanced RISC Machines (ARM): http://www.arm.com
Altera: http://www.altera.com
1-800-365-3375 Fax 408-436-4300
Faxback: 1-800-292-8635
email: tanagnos@atmel.com
AT&T Microelectronics: http://www.att.com/micro
Benchmarq: http://www.benchmarq.com
Brooktree: http://www.brooktree.com
Chips and Technologies
ftp.chips.com /pub/pdf
2950 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 434-0600
Chrontel: http://www.docwriter.com/chrontel/prod.html
Cirrus Logic: http://www.cirrus.com
Cypress Semiconductor: http://www.cypress.com
3901 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134
Cyrix: http://www.cyrix.com
Dallas Semiconductor: http://www.dalsemi.com
e-mail: micro.support@dalsemi.com
FTP archive is at ftp.dalsemi.com
Fax-Back (214) 450-0441
Digital Equipment Corp. 1-800-332-2717
http://www.digital.com, ftp.dec.com
Elantec: http://www.elantec.com
EXAR: http://www.exar.com
Fujitsu Microelectronics, IC Division
1-800-642-7616, fax 408-954-0616.
Harris Semiconductor
e-mail: centapp@harris.com
(407) 729-4984, fax (407) 729-5321.
Hewlett Packard: http://www.hp.com
Hitachi Semiconductor: http://www.hitachi.com
IBM Semiconductor Division: http://www.chips.ibm.com
Integrated Circuit Systems (ICS): http://www.icsinc.com
ICT, Inc: http://www.ictpld.com
2123 Ringwood Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131
(408) 434-0678
Integrated Device Technology, Inc.: http://www.idt.com
Intel: http://www.intel.com
800-548-4725, 800-468-8118.
Fax 800-628-2283, 916-356-3105.
PO Box 58130, Santa Clara CA 95052-8130
Lansdale Semiconductor: http://www.syspac.com/~lansdale
Latice: http://www.latice.com
Linear Technology: http://www.linear-tech.com
Logic Devices: http://www.logicdevices.com
LSI Logic: http://www.lsilogic.com
Matsushita Electric: http://www.mei.co.jp
Maxim: http://www.maxim-ic.com
Microchip Technology
Micro Linear: http://memec.com/selector/MicroLinear
Micron: http://www.micron.com
Mips Technologies, Inc.: http://www.mips.com
800-998-6477, 415-933-6477.
Fax back: 800-446-6477, 415-688-4321.
Mitel Semiconductor: http://www.semicon.mitel.com
Mitsubishi Electronics America: 408-730-5900
Mosel Vitelic: http://www.moselvitelic.com
Motorola 1-512-928-6800, 1-800-441-2447
Motorola Literature Distribution
PO Box 20912, Phoenix, AZ 85036
automatic fax-back information: 602/244-6609
regular fax: 602/994-6430
BBS: 512-891-3733 9600 V32 8N1
European Literature Center, 88 Tanners Drive
Blakelands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England
Music Semiconductors: http://www.music.com
National Semiconductor 1-408-721-5000
2900 Semiconductor Drive, PO Box 58090 Santa Clara, CA 95052
401 Ellis St, PO Box 7241, Moutain View CA 94039
Oki Semiconductor, Inc.: http://www.oki.com
408-720-1900, 800-654-6388
Fax: 408-720-1918.
Orbit Semiconductor: http://www.orbitsemi.com
Paradigm: http://www.gist-erd.com/PRDGM.site/Product.html
Pericom Semiconductor: http://www.pericom.com
Philips Semiconductor
800-447-1500, Fax.708-635-8493
Faxback 800-282-2000.
Ramtron: http://www.csn.net/ramtron
Samsung: http://www.samsung.com
SGS-Thomson Microelectronics: http://www.inmos.co.uk
602-867-6100, Fax 602-867-6200
Sharp: http://www.sharpmeg.com/products.html
Siemens AG: http://www.siemens.de
Silicon Engineering, Inc (SEI): http://www.sei.com
Simtek: http://www.csn.net/simtek
SMC: http://www.smc.com
Synergy Semiconductor: http://www.synergysemi.com
TEMIC Semiconductors, Inc.
408-988-8000, 800-554-5565
Faxback. 408-970-5600.
Texas Instruments, Inc. 800-477-8924.
PO Box 655012 MS 308, Dallas TX 75265
http://www.ti.com, ftp.ti.com
Product Info Ctr: (214) 644-5580
Toshiba: http://www.toshiba.com
USAR systems: http://www.usar.com
Via Systems: http://www.via.com
Western Digital: http://www.wdc.com/products/iop
The Western Design Center, Inc.
TEL:602-962-4545 FAX:602-835-6442
Winbond: http://www.winbond.com.tw
e-mail: info@smtpgate.xicor.com
e-mail: literature@smtpgate.xicor.com
Tel. 408-432-8888, Fax. 408-432-0640
Faxback. 408-954-1627,
BBS. 800-258-8864, 408-943-0655.
Xilinx: http://www.xilinx.com
e-mail: info@zilog.com
1-408-370-8000, Fax 408-370-8056.
technical center 1-215-653-0230
Links to manufacturer's data sheets:
2.6 Where can I get an EPROM/PLD programmer?
Advin Systems 1050-L East Duane St. Sunnyvale, CA 94086 1-408-736-2503
Andromeda Research, PO Box 222, Milford, OH 45150 1-513-831-9708
BP Microsystems
DATA I/0 (http://www.data-io.com)
Dataman Programmers (http://www.dataman.com)
Digikey 1-800-344-4539 http://www.digikey.com
General Device Instruments, (408) 241-7376
408-241-7376 Sales 408-241-6375 FAX
408-983-1234 BBS All software to demo free
internet ICDEVICE@ix.netcom.com
Intronics, 612 Newton Street, Edwardsville, Kansas 66111
(913) 422-2094
1-800-339-5152 (sales only)
Jason-Ranheim Company, 3105 Gayle Lane, Auburn, California 95603.
(916) 823-3284 Technical Support (916) 823-3285 & Outside The USA
(800) 421-7731 Orders Toll Free (800) 421-7748 From California
JDR Microdevices Orders: 1-800-538-5000 Cust. Service: 1-800-538-5001
1850 South 10th Street, San Hose CA 95112-4108
Logical Devices, 130 Capitol Drive, Golden, CO 80401 1-303-279-6868
1-800-315-7766, tech support (in Flordia) 1-305-428-6868
M2L Electronics 3526 Jasmine #4 Los Angeles, CA 90034
310 837-7818 (9am-1pm)
BBS: 310 837 7818 (all other hours)
Microchip Technology Inc 602 786 7200
2355 W Chandler Blvd, Chandler AZ 85224
Mouser Electronics 1-800-346-6873 http://www.mouser.com
Needham's Electronics 1-916-924-8037 Fax: (916) 924-8065
4630 Beloit Drive, Suite #20, Sacramento, CA 95838
BBS: (916) 924-8094
Stag Micro Systems. 1600 Wyatt Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95054 1-408-988-1118
System General
XELTEK unipro Universl Programmer that programs: Eproms, EEProms,
Bipolar, Epld, Flash, Gal, Pal, and some Microcontrollers. Also tests TTL,
3563 Ryder St. Santa Clara, CA 95051
(408) 524-1929 (voice)
(408) 245-7084 (fax)
(408) 245-7082 (bbs)
Plans for making your own can be found at:
FTP sites:
- ftp.paranoia.com/pub/users/defiant
- ftp.cistron.nl/pub/hacking
- ftp://ftp.cs.indiana.edu/pub/goo/PLD/
- ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/cae/
- ftp://ftp.ix.de/pub/elrad/060/
WWW pages:
- http://www.globalxs.nl/home/s/stegen/files/eprog.zip
- http://www.gpl.net/paulmax/
- http://www.paranoia.com/~defiant/
- http://www.paranoia.com/~filipg/HTML/FAQ/BODY/F_Eprom_pr.html
- http://www.paranoia.com/~filipg/HTML/LINK/F_pal_gal.html
- http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-grads-gs3/loving/www/m2l.html
EZ-EP info (cheap, easy eprom programmer)
- http://hertz.njit.edu/~rxy5310/picb.html - PIC Blaster (simplePIC
programmer, schematics and software)
- http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-grads-gs3/loving/www/m2l.html
A simple eprom emulator circuit & DOS software can be found at
Popular Electronics, in the July 1982 issue
"Build This PLD Programmer" by Robert G. Brown
Electronics Now (magazine), May 1994
Various kits and software are available from
R.G. Brown, 30 Wicks Road, E. Northport, NY 17731
"Project: GAL programmer" by Manfred Nosswitz.
Elektor Electronics (magazine), May 1992
"Project: GAL Programmer Upgrade" by M. Nosswitz
Elektor Electronics, June 1993
The software and PC boards are available through the Elektor
publishers/franchises in various countries.
Old Colony Sound Lab
P.O. Box 243, Peterborough, NH 03458
(603) 924-6371 or -6526 Fax (603) 924-9467
In the UK
Elektor Electronics (Publishing)
P. O. Box 1414, Dorchester DT2 8YH, England
"Generic Array Logic (GAL)" D. Gembris
Elektor Electronics, April 1992
"EPLD programmer design" John Cromie
Electronics & Wireless World, February 1989
"Create Your Own IC's", Bill Green
Popular Electronics, January 1990
"A PAL Programmer" and "Getting Started with PALS" , Robert A. Freedman
Byte, January 1987
2.7 How can I make my own SIMMS?
September 1995 issue of "Electronics Now" starting on
page 35 has plans for 30 pin SIMMs
SIMM blanks may be obtained from:
In the US:
AutoTime Corporation
6605 SW MacAdam Avenue, Portland, OR 97201
(503) 452-8577
Memory Conversion Products 503-753-7918
428 NW 9th Street, Corvillis Oregon 97330
JMS Technologies, 4217C S Mellen Dr. Mountain Home, ID 83648
FAX (208) 832-7897
In Germany:
eMedia GmbH, Postbox 61 01 06, 30601 Hannover, Germany
There are several versions of blank SIMM boards available from the UK
including 1x1 ZIP, 1x1 DIP, 1x4 SOJ and 1x1 SOJ.
Web page offering a number of unpopulated PCBs for making 30 and
72 pin SIMMs.
SIMM pinouts are available at www.cistron.nl/~nctnico
Motorola's data book - Dynamic RAMs and Memory Modules
2.8 Where are the pinouts for [IBM clone port]
See the comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.* FAQ (posted on news.answers
and comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.misc, available via ftp from rtfm.mit.edu).
ISA pinouts can be found at http://www.cistron.nl/~nctnico/index.htm
2.9 How do I interface to [port/bus]
Parallel Port:
ftp.armory.com /pub/user/rstevew
the filenames are: *lpt.faq; ibmlpt.faq, tomlpt.faq, and krislpt.faq
each meets different skill levels and needs.
PC Magazine,. Oct 27, 1992 pages 367-376
ISA bus:
You might also want to look into the book:
AT BUS DESIGN, IEEE P996 Compatible, by Edward Solari
ISBN 0-929392-08-6
AT Keyboard:
Articles about XT and AT type keyboards can be found in April/May 1995
issues of Circuit Cellar Ink.
An early copy of Micro Cornucopia ( March-April 1990 ) has all the
details about standards, interface chips etc
The "pc-hardware-faq" from "comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.*"
by Willie Lim and Ralph Valentino also has a great deal of information in it.
http://cal003109.student.utwente.nl/stefan has info on various ports
(parallel, serial, keyboard, etc.)
Information on IDE and parallel port interfacing:
See the ATAr4c.txt and ide-tech.txt files for more info.
IBM, Technical Reference, Personal Computer AT, 1984
"The IBM Personal Computer, from the Inside Out" by Sargent and Shoemaker
(published by Addison-Wesley) provides a lot of information about interfacing
an IBM type PC to various things.
Official standard for the EISA bus are available from
BCPR services (Texas) Tel: 1-713-251-4770
Standards for the EISA bus are available from Global Engineering
Documents, Englewood, Colorado USA at phone: (800)854-7179,
PCI Special Interest Group (SIG)
P.O. Box 14070, Portland, OR 97214
(800) 433-5177 (503) 797-4207 FAX: 234-6762
(503) 797 4297
"Using a serial port for discrete I/O operations"
September/October issue of MicroComputer Journal.
Brian A. Cole's (tuc@cs.wisc.edu) Repository of Macintosh Information
ftp.support.apple.com or www.apple.com (Hardware Descriptions and
Technical Notes)
The VMEbus FAQ is at http://www.ee.ualberta.ca/archive/vmefaq.html
or http://www.oritools.com/info
The I2C FAQ is available from: ftp.uni.paderborn.de/elrad
Universal Serial Bus home page: http://www.teleport.com/~USB
MIDI interface:
Talking to a floppy control from NC4000:
Using a non-DOS machine to talk to a DOS disk
2.10 Where can I get hard drive specs and interfacing info?
For jumper settings, etc. consult the appropriate newsgroup.
Information on ATA 1,2,3 can be found at ftp.symbios.com in the
/pub/standards/io directory.
Technical information about Seagate drives may be found at
Western Digital technical support 1-800-275-4932
"Yet Another Enhanced IDE/Fast-ATA/ATA-2 FAQ" is posted on
comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware.storage and .misc. It is also available,
together with related material, by FTP from
and by WWW from:
For a complete treatment of IDE interfacing to 8-bit
CPUs (particularly the Z80 family), check out issues 56, 63, 64,
and 66 of The Computer Journal.
There is a simple IDE interface for the Z80 called GIDE (Generic IDE).
It should be possible to adapt it to other 8-bit processors. There is an
article about it on the TCJ Web Page. Click on 'GIDE'.
Connecting IDE devices to 8 bit machines:
SCSI2 interface specs:
2.11 How do I make my own circuit boards?
There are several methods available. Most involve etching, where a
mask is drawn or transferred onto copper clad board, and the board
is immersed or sprayed by an etching solution. Boards and etchant
can be purchased at most electronics hobby stores, and various
manufacturers products are available via mail order. Some methods
use iron-on transfers, and others use a photo-etching process. There
is even a method using conductive ink and laser printers.
Some people have reported good results using Vector wire and
Verowire (UK). These methods are more similar to wire wrapping
than PCB fabrication.
PCB FAQ written by Vincent Himpe
(vincent.himpe@ping.be) at http://www.ping.be/~ping0751
http://cal003109.student.utwente.nl/stefan/el in the PCB section.
Toner Transfer System- (laser printer)
DynaArt Designs, 3535 Stillmeadow Lane, Lancaster, CA 93536
Electrolube : Photo Resist, developer, Lacquer , Nickel spray, Etchant
Electrolube Limited,Blakes Road,Wargrave,Berkshire,RG10 8AW U.K.
Tel. +44 1734 404031 Fax + 44 1734 403084
Isel: Etchant ,plating solution etching equipment etc...
Isel Automation, 6419 Eiterfeld 1,Germany
Sifco : Plating Pen, 5708 Schaaf Rd. Cleveland OH 44131 USA
Tel +1 216 524 0099 Fax +1 216 524 6331
Vero Electronics can be contacted in the US on 1-800-242-2863.
Circuit Works Conductive Pen is available from Ocean
State Electronics, (800) 866-6626.
The catalog number is CW2200
Niche Software's PCB Designer (Windows based PCB CAD program)
A fully-functional (except for printout) demo is available from
Windraft from Ivex (shareware CAD schematic editor) and Winboard
(PC board layout tool) Both can be obtained at ftp.ivex.com.
Ivex also has a webpage at http://www.ivex.com
There is also some free pcb layout software out there offered by Protel. at
2.12 What is the Net Station?
The Net Station was a project whose goal was to create a computer
architecture and operating system that would be freely distributed
on the net. An agreement on the architecture, etc. was never reached,
and the project seems to have been abandoned. The thread does see
occasional revival, but little practical progress has been reported
lately (to the group, at least). There are unconfirmed reports that
the project is still being worked on, but details are presently
2.13 How do I homebrew an LCD controller?
LCD FAQs can be found at the following locations:
http://cal003109.student.utwente.nl/stefan or
An LCD FAQ is in the misc section, file lcd_faq.htm
ftp.ee.ualberta.ca pub/cookbook
2.14 How do I make good front panels/cover plates?
"K-SUN"'s "Letter Quick" Electronic Lettering and Labeling System.
American Draftsource, 1152 Marina Blvd. San Leandro, CA 94577
(510) 352-8688
Toner Transfer System by DynaArt Designs is a wet method for
transferring laser prints for making printed circuit boards. The maker
claims it can also be used for decals and faceplates.
This material can be obtained from All Electronics, (818) 904-0524.
"Copi-Tak" is a peel and stick plastic sheet that you first print on
with a laser printer. You can cut it to fit your panel shape and
then peel & stick.
Fidelity Products Co.
5601 Intl. Prkwy. P.O. Box 155 Minneapolis, Mn. 55440-0155
3M Dynamark II system uses a photo-sensitive label material is exposed
to UV light - through your negative - in much the same way as you
produce prototype PCB's. It is then developed and produces a very nice
professional label.
3M House, 28 Great Jackson Street, MANCHESTER. M15 4PA.
Tel: 0161-237-6142 Fax: 0181-237-9320
3M Specialty Marking Systems Project St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
2.15 Is there a CD ROM covering semiconductors?
CD -ROM from D.A.T.A. Digest
1-303-799-0381 1-800-447-4666
fax 1-303-700-4082
Over 1.25 million active devices from more than 1000 manufacturers.
These cover trnasistors, linear, diodes, optoelectronics, digital and
CD dedicated to microcontrollers - Equinox Technologies
Tel: 01204 491110
2.16 Where can I get technical information about Game Boy?
Jeff Frohwein's Gameboy technical page, http://fly.hiwaay.net/~jfrohwei/
Follow the links for Technical Information and Gameboy.
2.17 How can I build a POST code reader for my PC?
Aug. 1993 Electronics Now magazine, page 31
"Post Code Reader For Your PC".
It is idendical to the JDR card.
July 1993 issue of Popular Electronics
2.18 Where can I find information on IR standards?
2.19 How can I make a mouse serial/ps2 or ps2/serial adapter?
Serial mice and ps2 mice do not use the same type of communication.
Some mice can detect which type of port they are connected to, and
adapters for these are not standard. Consult your specific mouse
manufacturer to find out if an adapter is possible, and the necessary
2.20 How can I convert VGA to TV?
It has the schematic and drivers for VGA to TV adapter.
That adapter is for TVs which have RGB inputs, but can be
connected to an external RGB-NTSC chip.
2.21 Misc.
Miscellaneous stuff that did not fit well into other sections:
Hilary D. Jones, Building a Computer from Scratch, BYTE, Nov. 1977.
Intel's FTP site has information on the intel SMP spec, in the event
that you would wish to build a multi-processor computer that is
compatible with this specificiation. (ftp.intel.com)
Ingo Cyliax from Indiana University made a good project wich mixes
a 68030 and a VGA card on a ISA bus. Schematics and info are at:
Annabooks sell a 'bioskit' that is a complete BIOS, written mostly
in C, with source.
A free MC68K hardware/software design is available (they also
sell the computers complete)
For further information send mail to walter@mct.mct.de
3.0 Where to get more information
3.1 Vendor List
Electronics Resource Center:
(links to distributers and manufacturers web pages)
Active Electronics
11 Cummings Park, Woburn MA 01801
237 Hymus Blvd, Pointe Claire, Quebec H9R 5C7
1-800-677-8899 (US/Canada)
1-514-630-7410 (International)
All Electronics 1-800-826-5432
PO Box 567 Van Nuys, CA 91408
E-mail: allcorp@allcorp.com
Allied Electronics 1-800-433-5700 1-817-595-3500
FAX: 1-817-595-6444 Modem: 1-800-433-5003
7410 Pebble Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76118
Alltronics 1-408-943-9773
2300 Zanker Road, San Jose CA 95131
AM Research
SBC's, parts, embedded controllers, software
American Science and Surplus 1-708-982-0870.
3605 Howard Street, Skokie, IL 60076
Arrow Electronics 1-800-93 ARROW
1860 Smithtown Ave, Ronkonkoma NY 11779
Catalog Division: 25 Hub Drive, Melville, NY 11747-9828
B.G.Micro 800/276-2206, FAX 214/271-2462
P.O.Box 280298, Dallas, TX, U.S.A. 75228
Circuit Specialists Inc 1-800-528-1417 1-602-464-2485
PO Box 3047 Scottsdale AZ 85271
Computer Component Source 1-800-356-1227.
Dalbani 1-800-325-2264 Fax: 1-305-594-6588.
Int. Voice: 1-305-716-0947. Int. Fax: 1-305-716-9719.
DC Electronics 1-800-423-0070 (orders) 1-602-945-7736
PO Box 3203 Scottsdale AZ 85271
Digi-Key 1-800-344-4539 (1-800-DIGI-KEY)
701 Brooks Ave South, Thief River Falls, MN 56701
Electronic Goldmine (602) 451-7454
PO Box 5408, Scottsdale AZ 85261
Eric Electronics (408) 432-1111
2210 Lundy Ave, San Jose, CA 95131
e-mail: ee@ericnet.com
Fry's Electronics (310) 364-3797
3600 Sepulveda Blvd, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Gateway Electronics 1-800-669-5810
Gateway Products Corp. (954) 974-6864
PO Box 93-6397, Margate FL 33093
Heath (Heathkit) 1-616-925-5899
Benton Harbor, MI 49022 1-800-253-0570
1-800-44-HEATH (US/Canada)
1-800-444-3284 (Canada)
H&R Company 1-800-848-8001, 1-215-788-5583
18 Canal Street, PO Box 122, Bristol PA 19007-0122
Hosfelt Electronics 1-800-524-6464.
2700 Sunset Blvd, Stuebenville, OH 43952
Images Company (718) 698-8305
International Components Corp 1-800-325-0101 US/CANADA, 1-503-336-4400
1803 W. Lincoln Way, Toledo OR 97391
Box 13723/612 Newton St, Edwardsville, KS 66113
ITU Technologies (513) 574-7523
E-Mail: sales@itutech.com OR itutec@aol.com
ftp:\\itutech.com http:\\www.itutech.com
kits and electronic products
J&M Microtek, Inc. (201) 325-1892
83 Seaman Rd, W Orange, NJ 07052
PIC programmers, 68hc11 dev. systems, eprom emulators, etc.
Jameco (components) 1-800-831-4242 Fax 1-800-237-6948
1355 Shoreway Road, Belmont, CA 94002-4100
Jason-Ranheim Company, 3105 Gayle Lane, Auburn, California 95603.
Jason-Ranheim, 1805 Industrial Drive, Auburn, Ca. 95603
(916) 823-3284 Technical Support (916) 823-3285 & Outside The USA
(800) 421-7731 Orders Toll Free (800) 421-7748 From California
JDR Microdevices Orders: 1-800-538-5000 Cust. Service: 1-800-538-5001
1850 South 10th Street, San Hose CA 95112-4108
International Sales 1-408-494-1400
Kelvin Electronics 1-800-645-9212, 1-516-349-7620
7 Fairchild Ave, Plainsview NY 11803
Marshall Industries 1-818-307-6000 Fax: 1-818-307-6187
9320 Telstar Ave, El Monte, CA 91731-2895
MCM Electronics 1-800-543-4330, 1-800-824-TECH
650 Congress Park Drive, Centersville OH 45459
MECI (Mendelson's Electronics) 1-800-344-4465
340 E. First St. Dayton, OH 45402
Mouser Electronics 1-800-346-6873, 1-800-992-9943
958 N. Main Street, Mansfield TX 76063
Newark Electronics 1-312-784-5100
4801 N.Ravenswood Ave, Chicago IL 60640 (Attn: Catalog Dept)
Canada: 1625 Trinity Drive, Mississuaga, Ont L5T 1K4 (800) 463-9275
International: Export Dept, 500 North Pulaski Rd, Chicago IL 60624
1-416-673-7799 1-312-784-5100
NTE Electronics, Inc 201-748-5089
44 Farand St. Bloomfield, NJ 07003
Ocean State Electronics 1-800-866-6626 (orders), 1-401-596-3080
PO Box 1458, Westerly RI 02891
Parallax, Inc., 3805 Atherton Rd. 102, Rocklin, CA 95765
(916)624-8333 Fax: (916)624-8003 BBS: (916)624-7101
email: info@parallaxinc.com
(Basic Stamp)
Parts Express 1-800-338-0531, 1-513-222-0173
340 E. First St, Dayton OH 45402
Powell Electronics 1-800-235-7800
(Call for local office)
e-mail: info@powell.com
Small Parts, Inc 1-305-557-8222 orders 1-305-558-1255 catalog
13980 NW 58th Court, PO Box 4650, Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Mechanical parts - good for the home builder
Technological Arts voice & fax number is: (416) 963-8996 (Toronto)
309 Aragona Blvd. Suite 102-418, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
1644 Bayview Ave. Suite 1704, Toronto, Ontario, M4G 3C2
email address is: techart@io.org
Microcontroller modules, socket adapters, other products
The Electronic Source Book is a publication that lists component
manufactures by brand names, and type, their original locations, and their
local sources. The book is regional, you purchase one for your region in
U.S. or Canada. It is published by Interec, at (800) 217-3372, or
(913) 967-1719.
Accelerated Data
Active Electronic
800-363-7601 Canada outside Quebec
800-363-6592 in Quebec
Global Semiconductors
800-668-8776 tel
800-387-6980 gax
ECG Canada Inc.
1928 St. Regis Boulevard
Dorval, Quebec H9P 1H6
(in USA known as Phillips ECG)
sorry no phone, try 411 or white page. They have regional offices.
416-494-1555 order desk
416-494-1666 general office
416-496-3030 fax
Future Electronics
237 Hymus Blvd, Montreal (Pointe Claire) Quebec H9R 5C7
Powell Electronics Canada
3100 Guenette Street, St Laurent, Quebec H4S 1W5
Anzac Components Ltd., 822 Yeovil Road, Slough, SL1 4JA.
Tel. 01628 604411. Fax 01628 660662.
Arrow Electronics (UK) Ltd, Cambridge Road, Bedford, MK42 0LH.
Tel. 01234 270027. Fax 01234 214674.
B.E.C. Distribution (used to be called BONEX)
12 Elder Way, Langley Business Park, SLOUGH. Berks SL3 6EP
Tel: (01753) 549502 Fax: (01753) 543812
Bull Electrical, 250 Portland Road, Hove, Sussex, BN3 5QT
Tel 01273 203500. Fax 01273 323077
Chelmer Valve Company, 130 New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2
Tel. 01245 355296 or 265865. Fax 01245 490064.
Valves (Vacuum tubes), RF power transistor specialists.
Colomor Electronics Ltd., 170 Goldhawk Road, London, W12 8HJ.
Tel. 0181 743 0899. Fax 0181 749 3934.
Valves (vacuum tubes) and semiconductor specialists.
The CR Supply Co., 127 Chesterfield Rd., Sheffield S8 0RN.
Tel. 0114 255 7771
Cirkit Distribution Ltd., Park Lane, Broxbourne, Herts. EN10 7NQ
Tel 01992 448899 (Sales Desk); 01992 444111 (Schools, colleges, account
Fax 01992 471314.
CPC plc, Component House, Faraday Drive, Fulwood, Preston, Lancs. PR2
Tel. 01772 654455.
Cricklewood Electronics Ltd., 40-42 Cricklewood Broadway,
Tel. 0181 450 0995 and 0181 452 0161. Fax 0181 208 1441
Display Electronics, 32 Biggin Way, Upper Norwood, LONDON SE19 3XF
Tel 0181 679 4414. Fax 0181 679 1927
Dubilier, Hewgate House, Rabands Lane, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP19 3RT.
Tel. 01296 393233Yorks.HG2 8QT
Tel 01423 879787. Fax 01423 879030
Distributors of new and surplus electronic components.
ElectroValue Ltd., Unit 3, Central Trading Estate, Staines, TW18 4UX.
Tel 01784 442253 Fax 01784 460320
Suppliers of quality components to industry & constructors since 1965.
Exceptional range of SIEMENS inductors and ferrites, also test
equipment, tools and other components.
Shops in Manchester and Egham, Surrey.
Electromail Ltd., P.O. Box 33, Corby, Northants. NN17 9EL.
Tel. 01536 204555. Fax 01536 405555.
ElectroSpeed Ltd. Boyatt Wood, Eastleigh, Hants. SO50 4ZY.
Tel. 01703 644555 (Sales). 01703 641111 (Technical). Fax 01703 610282.
ESR Electronic Components, Station Road, Cullercoats, North Shields,
Tyne & Wear NE30 4PQ
Tel. 0191 251 4363. Fax 0191 252 2296.
Variety of discrete components, i.c.s, transistors, p.c.b. materials etc.
Farnell Electronic Components Ltd., Canal Road, Leeds, LS12 2TU.
Tel. 0113 263 6311 (sales); 0113 279 9123 (Technical Support); 0113 231
0160 (Data line).
Fax 0113 263 3411
Flint Distribution, Walker Road, Bardon Hill, Coalville, Leics. LE67
Tel. 01530 510333. Fax 0153 051 0275.
Large range of surface mount components.
GMS Sperry-Sun (UK) Limited Phone:+44-1242/265534-544
Fax : +44-1242/221336 E-mail:aiaccarino@sperry-sun.co.uk
Gothic Crellon Ltd., 3, The Business Centre, Molly Millars Lane,
Wokingham, Berks. RG11 2EY.
Tel. 01734 787848. Fax 01734 776095.
Genalog Ltd.,Gills Green, Cranbrook, TN18 5ET.
Tel. 01580 753754.
Greenweld Electronic Components Ltd., 27D Park Road, Southampton,
SO15 3UQ.
Tel 01703 236363 (Sales & General Enquiries). Fax 01703 236307
Surplus electronic boards, new components, test equipment, video & audio
accessories etc.
HB Electronics, Lever Street, Bolton, Lancs. BL3 6BJ.
Tel. 01204 525544. Fax 01204 384911.
IQD (01460) 74433, Fax: (01460) 72578.
John Birkitt +44 522 520767 1, The Strait, Lincoln
Keytronics, P.O. Box 634, Bishop's Stortford, Herts. CM23 2RX.
Tel. 01279 505543. Fax 01279 757656.
The Macro Group, Burnham Lane, Slough, SL1 6LN.
Tel. 01628 604383. Fax 01628 666873/ 668071.
Magenta Electronics Ltd., 135 Hunter Street, Burton-on-Trent, Staffs.
DE14 2ST.
Tel. 01283 565435. Fax 01283 546932.
Well known range of kits from UK magazine projects, also other kits,
test equipment etc.
Maplin Electronic Supplies Ltd., P.O. Box 3, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 8LR
Tel. 01702 554161 (Sales Orders); +44 1702 554000 (International
Enquiries & Orders); 01702 552911 (Non-Technical Enquiries); 01702
556001 (Technical Enquiries, p.m. only); Fax 01702 553935.
MPS Electronics, P.O. Box 777, Rayleigh, Essex. SS6 8LU.
Maplin Professional Supplies - bulk discounts and accounts for
professional users. Tel 01702 554171
N R Bardwell +44 742 552886 Abbeydale Road, Sheffield
Omni Electronics, 174, Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5DX.
Tel. 0131 667 2611
A wide range of components aimed at the hobbyist constructor.
Polar Electronics Ltd., Cherrycourt Way, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. LU7
Tel.01525 377093. Fax 01525 378367.
Franchised component distributors. Famed for its Microchip PIC Owner's
Rapid Electronics, Heckworth Close, Severalls Industrial Estate,
Colchester, Essex, CO4 4TB.
Tel. 01206 751166. Fax 01206 751188.
RS Components Ltd., P.O. Box 99, Corby, Northants, NN17 9RS.
Tel. 01536 201201 (National orders). 01536-402888 (Technical help).
Cash with Order or credit card customers should refer to Electromail Ltd.
Tandy (UK) Ltd., Head Office, 5, Bilston Road, Wednesbury, W.
Midlands, WS10 7JL.
Tel. 0121 556 0786.
Verospeed: (01703) 644555
Farnell Components
72 Ferndale Street, Chester Hill, NSW 2162, Australia
Tel (02) 645 8888
RS Components GmbH - Nordenstrasse 72-76, Postfacht 1365,
64528 Morfelden- Walldorf - Germany
Phone 061 05 401 234 Fax 061 05 401
RS Components A/S
Rugvaenget 21 , 2630 Tastrup, Denmark
phone 38 33 33 11 fax 38 34 22 32
3.2 Internet Resources
FTP Sites:
- ftp.ee.ualberta.ca - U of Alberta (Canada) Electrical Engineering
archive, (electronics cookbook, m68k FAQ, etc)
- cherupakha.media.mit.edu (cher.media.mit.edu) - E&L FTP server
robotics, Mini-Board, and other projects
- freeware.aus.sps.mot.com - Motorola, fuzzy, risc, etc.
- ftp.armory.com /pub/user/rstevew - FAQ's, Tutorials,
Great Internet IC Masterbator (GIICM), PIC, Basic Stamp
- ftp.funet.fi - Microprocessor, PIC info
- ftp://gaitlab1.uwaterloo.ca/pub/circuits/ -Circuit Search Database
- ftp.industry.net/pub/sharewar/circuits -IndustryNet FTP Archive
- ftp.intel.com - Intel's FTP site
- ftp://itutech.com - ITU Technologies
- ftp.mv.com /pub/ddj - Dr. Dobbs Journal FTP site
- ftp.natinst.com - National Instruments
- ftp.netcom.com /pub/di/dibald/ or ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/di/dibald/
Dave Baldwin's (dibald@netcom.com) ftp site for schematics
for simple basic circuits. Single 'A' size pages and in GIF format.
Various FAQs and information about The Computer Journal are also
- ftp.oak.oakland.edu - SimTel mirror site
- ftp.parallaxinc.com - ftp site of Parallax (Basic Stamp)
- ftp.picarefy.com/pub/Sun-Hardware-Ref
Information about Sun parts, etc.
- ftp.sics.se /pub/mchipsoft contains numerous .zip files
- ftp.syd.dit.csiro.au/pub/ken/zcc095.zip - Small C (subset of C)
developement system for Z80 microprocessors
- ftp.texas.net/pub/users/diana/electron/
- ftp.ti.com - Texas Instruments FTP site
- ftp.zilker.net /pub/philips - Philips "mini ftp site" set up by Phil
Wood of Philips, 8051, i2c FAQs
- gaitlab1.uwaterloo.ca/pub/circuits/ -Circuit Search Database
- iglou.com/members/ITU
- nctuccca.edu.tw - mirror of ftp.intel.com
- nyquist.ee.ualberta.ca - U of Alberta EE archive
m68k, spice, cookbook (schematics)
- rtfm.mit.edu - Usenet FAQs
- wpi.wpi.edu - basic stamp information
WEB Pages:
- http://cal003109.student.utwente.nl/stefan (circuits, info, apps)
- http://dvt07.fagmed.uit.no/electronics.html
Electronic related WWW-Page
- http://einstein.et.tudelft.nl/~offerman/chiplist.html
Aad Offerman's chip list comparing different CPU's.
- http://fly.hiwaay.net/~jfrohwei/ Jeff Frohwein's web page
Technical information, links to various sites
- http://freeware.aus.sps.mot.com/freeweb/index.html
Motorola Microcontroller Web page
- http://freeware.aus.sps.mot.com/index.html (Motorola)
Motorola's microcontroller WWW page
- http://fulton.seas.virginia.edu/~ty2n/aimspice.html
AIM-Spice (student version available free)
- http://http.tamu.edu:8000/~jdb8042/SmallSys/8bitIDE.html
Connecting IDE devices to 8 bit machines:
- http://infopad.eecs.berkeley.edu/CIC/ - CPU Info Center
- http://members.aol.com/slapinskas/wxnotes.html
Weather Instrument Notes Web Page
- http://motserv.indirect.com (Motorola)
Motorola's semiconductor WWW page, Master Selection Guide, etc
- http://ssi.syspac.com/~lansdale - Lansdale Semiconductor
- http://users1.ee.net/brey/ - Barry Brey's Microprocessor Textbooks
- http://weber.u.washington.edu:80/pfloyd/ee/
"The electrical Engineering Circuits Archive"
- http://www.acs.oakland.edu/oak/SimTel/msdos/crossasm.html
Cross assemblers (SimTel site)
- http://www.actel.com - Actel
- http://www.analog.com - Analog Devices
- http://www.allcorp.com/allcorp - All Electronics
- http://www.allied.avnet.com - Allied Electronics
- http://www.alltronics.com - Alltronics
- http://www.altera.com - Altera
- http://www.amd.com - AMD
- http://www.annabooks.com/store.html
- http://www.arm.com - Advanced RISC Machines (ARM)
- http://www.atmel.com - Atmel
- http://www.ba-karlsruhe.de/automation/FAQ - microcontroller FAQs
- http://www.ba-karlsruhe.de/automation/home.html
Home Page Automation and Process Control:
- http://www.benchmarq.com - Benchmarq Technology
- http://www.brooktree.com - Brooktree
- http://www.burr-brown.com - Burr-Brown
- http://www.cera2.com - CERA home page, embedded, DSP,
Industrial Computing, Microcontroller-Microprocessor index
- http://www.chips.ibm.com - IBM Microelectronics
- http://www.cir.com - Circuit Specialists, Inc.
- http://www.circellar.com -
the Computer Applications Journal, from Circuit Cellar INK
- http://www.cirrus.com - Cirrus Logic
- http://www.cistron.nl/~nctnico - Electronics WWW page
- http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/cards.html
Microprocessor Instruction Set Cards
- http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/~dburke/databookshelf.html
Links to manufacturer's data sheets
- http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~jones/step/ Stepper Motor Home Page
- http://www.cs.uwa.edu.au:80/~mafm/robot/index.html
Hobby robot web page
- http://www.csn.net/ramtron - Ramtron
- http://www.csn.net/simtek - Simtek
- http://www.cypress.com - Cypress Semiconductor
- http://www.cyrix.com - Cyrix
- http://www.dalsemi.com - Dallas Semiconductor
- http://www.ddj.com - Dr. Dobbs Journal web page
- http://www.dec.com - Digital Equipment Corp.
- http://www.digikey.com - Digikey
- http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Contrib/WorldTV
Worldwide TV Standards - A Web Guide
- http://www.ecn.uoknor.edu/~jspatric/ee-info.html
Electrical Engineering FAQs and Info Home Page
- http://www.e2w3.com/ - Electrical Engineering on the World Wide Web
- http://www.exar.com - Exar
- http://www.fujitsu.com - Fujitsu
- http://www.harris.com - Harris Semiconductor
- http://www.hitachi.co.jp - Hitachi
- http://www.hea.com - Hyundai
- http://www.hometeam.com - Home Team (automation)
- http://www.hth.com - High Tech Horizon (Swedish)
Basic Stamp
- http://www.idt.com - Integrated Device Technology
- http://www.iglou.com/ITU
- http://www.inmos.co.uk - SGS-Thomson &amp; Inmos
- http://www.intel.com - Intel
- http://www.io.com/~guccione/HW_list.html
info. on computers built from FPGAs
- http://www.io.org/~techart - Technological Arts
- http://www.infras.com/semico.htm - Infrastructures
Semiconductor Index
- http://www.isd.com - Information Storage Devices
- http://www.itutech.com - ITU Technologies
- http://www.ivex.com - Ivex web page
(schematic capture, PCB layout tools, etc)
- http://www.jdr.com - JDR Microdevices
- http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~donmck - DonTronics
(PIC, I/O boards, z80 dev system, etc)
- http://www.latticesemi.com - Lattice Semiconductor
- http://www.logicaldevices.com - Logical Devices
- http://www.lsilogic.com - LSI Logic
LG Semicon (aka Lucky Goldstar)
- http://www.marshall.com - Marshall Industries
- http://www.marshall.com/pub/chips/chipmenu.htm
Semiconductor Desk Reference (monthly) from Marshall
- http://www.mchip.com/microchip - Microchip web page
- http://www.meci.com - Mendelson's Electronics & Surplus.
- http://www.micron.com - Micron Technology
- http://www.mouser.com - Mouser Electronics
- http://www.mxim.com - Maxim
- http://www.natinst.com - National Instruments
- http://www.natsemi.com/ - National Semiconductor
- http://www.nec.com - NEC
- http://www.nectech.com - NEC
- http://www.nexgen.com - NexGen, Inc.
- http://www.nsc.com - National Semiconductor
(old site name, but still active)
- http://www.oki.com - OKI Semiconductor
- http:/www.oritools.com - Orion Instruments home page
- http://www.parallaxinc.com - Parallax Inc. web page
- http://www.paranoia.com/~filipg
Home-made PAL/GAL Programmers, LCD FAQs,
links to other FAQs
- http://www.paranoia.com/~filipg/HTML/cgi-bin/giicm_form.html
Online searchable version of "The Giant Internet IC Masturbator"
- http://www.ping.be/~ping0751 - Electronics Homeworld
- http://www.rambus.com - Rambus
- http://www.rockwell.com - Rockwell
- http://www.samsung.com - Samsung
- http://www.sci.siemens.com
- http://www.seagate.com - Seagate home page
- http://www.semicon.mitel.com - Mitel Semiconductor
- http://www.semiconductors.philips.com/ps - Philips Semiconductor
- http://www.siemens.de
- http://www.smarthome.com/smarthome - Home Automation Systems
- http://www.srmc.com/seeq - SEEQ Technology
- http://www.smos.com - S-MOS Systems
- http://www.ssi1.com - Silicon Systems
- http://www.synergysemi.com - Synergy Semiconductor
- http://www.system.com - Advanced Risc Machines (ARM)
- http://www.texas.net/~diana/electro.htm- Diana's Electronic
Information Files
- http://www.ti.com - Texas Instruments home page
- http://www.toshiba.com - Toshiba
- http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~fachat/csa - OS/A65 (operating
system and 6502 based computer by Andre Fachat)
- http://www.ultranet.com/biz/mchip - Microchip Technology
- http://www.vita.com/ - The VME Bus International Trade Association
- http://www.wdc.com - Western Digital
- http://www.worldaccess.nl/~bema - The Electronic Guide
Semiconductor manufacturers adresses, Newsgroups, Mailing lists
Software site for microcontroller applications (MCS51, 68HC11 and PIC)
- http://www.xess.com - X Engineering Software Systems (XESS)
FPGA/Elastic Computing products, etc.
- http://www.xicor.com - Xicor
- http://www.xilinx.com - Xilinx, Inc.
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~falstaff/giicm.html - GIICM (Giant Internet
IC Masturbator)
- http://www.xs4all.nl/~ganswijk/chipdir (Chip Directory)
or http://bbs.cc.uniud.it/chipdir (Mirror site)
Chip Directory, compiled by Jaap van Ganswijk <ganswijk@xs4all.nl>
- http://www.yahoo.com/Business_and_Economy/Companies/
Semiconductors/Resellers (all on one line)
- http://www.yahoo.com/Computers/Hardware/Microprocessors
Yahoo Microcontrollers Hot List
- http://www.zilog.com - Zilog home page
- http://www2.psyber.com/~tcj/ The Computer Journal (TCJ) Web page
Mailing Lists, E-Mail, etc:
- http://www.neosoft.com/internet/paml - Index of Publicly
Accessable Mailing Lists
- Homebuilt-L has been established as a new outlet for the
alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt. This is a forum for the exchange
of ideas, opinions and information among computer builders interested
in the above subject.
To subscribe to homebuilt-l, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo@teleport.com":
"subscribe homebuilt-l"
If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local
redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:
"subscribe homebuilt-l other-address@your_site.your_net"
(Without the quotes, of course)
- "Hotwired" mailing list: (information courtesy of John West)
Hotwired (the name is not my fault) is a mailing list for people
interested in home-built processors - anything from software simulations
to piles of TTL to FPGAs to custom silicon. The address is
and the message to send to it is: subscribe hotwired <your name>
- http://www.eece.unm.edu/staff/ahvezda/hardware/hotwired.html
archive of mail to the hotwired mailing list.
- PIC mailing list
Administrative requests should go the the listserver at address
"listserv@mitvma.mit.edu". You may join the list at any time by
sending a "SUB PICLIST" command via e-mail to the above address.
- The PIC-1 mailing list is available to all users and other interested
parties of ITU Technologies' low-cost PIC-1 programmer for the
Microchip PIC16C6x/7x/8x family of microcontrollers. This list is
designed to keep users up-to-date on issues relating to the PIC-1
programmer and PIC microcontrollers, such as new software revision
notices, web and ftp site updates, application examples, and new
product announcements.
To sign yourself up to the PIC-1 mailing list, simply send a message
to: PIC-1-list-request@itutech.com
To remove yourself from the PIC-1 mailing list, simply send a message
to: PIC-1-list-remove@itutech.com
- info@circellar.com - Email (not ftp)
send Email to get information file on services available
All Circuit Cellar INK and BYTE related files available
3.3 BBS Numbers
Circuit Cellar, Inc. (203) 871-1988
Diamond's BBS: (408) 325-7080 (2400bps)
(408) 325-7175 (9600+bps)
EDN magazine (617) 558-4241
Electronics Now (516) 293-2283
General Device Instruments (408) 983-1234
Intel American Marketing Applications Support Bulletin Board System
(916) 356-3600
Intel's BBS +44-(0)1793-496340 2400,n,8,1
Parallax Inc. (916) 624-7101
Motorola (Austin Texas) BBS (512) 891-3733 (Austin, Texas)
- Munich, Germany: 49-89-92103-111 (2400 baud)
- Stuttgart, Germany: 49-7031-275496 (19200 baud)
- San Diego, California: (619) 279-3907
- Toronto, Ontario, Canada: (416) 497-8989
Philips Semiconductor (parent company of Signetics)
(800) 451-6644 or (408) 991-2406
Netherlands: +31-40-721102
3.4 Recommended books/magazines
- "AT Bus Design", By Ed Solari, Published by Annabooks
ISBN 0-929392-08-6
- "The Art of Digital Design" by Prosser & Winkel
- "The Art of Electronics, 2nd ed." by Horowitz and Hill.
ISBN 0-521-37095-7
(Also, "Student Manual for The Art of Electronics,"
by Thomas C. Hayes and Paul Horowitz ISBN 0-521-37709-9)
- "A Beginner's Guide to Computers and Microprocessors - with
projects" by Charles K. Adams, from TAB books
- 'The Best of Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar" ISBN 0-07-011025-5
- "Best of Interface Age, Volume 1: Software in BASIC" Carl D. Warren
(ed.), dilithium Press, 1979, ISBN 0-918398-36-3
- "Bit Slice Microprocessor Design" by Mick and Brick
- "Build Your Own Low-Cost Data Acquisition and Display Devices"
by Jeffrey H. Johnson
- "Build you own Universal Computer Interface"
Covers a lot about serial interfacing and designing circuitry.
ISBN #: 0-8306-3122-4
- "Build Your Own Z80 Computer: Design Guidelines and Application
Notes" by Steve Ciarcia. ISBN 0-07-010962-1.
- "Computer Architecture, a Quantitative Approach" by Hennessy and Patterson
- "Computer Structures: Readings and Examples" by Bell and Newell
- "Controlling the world with your parallel port" Jamco Electronics
- "Controlling the World with your PC" by Paul Bergsman
- "Design of oscillator and other harmonic oscillators " by Benjamin
Parzen (Published by John Wiley and Sons) ISBN 0-471-08819-6
- "The Design and Drafting of printed circuits," Darryl Lindsey;
Bishop Graphics, Inc.
- "Designing Cards and Drivers for Macintosh II and Macintosh SE"
ISBN 0-201-19256-X.
- "Designing with Programmable Array Logic", Tech. Staff of
Monolithic Memories, McGraw-Hill, 1981
- "Design with Microcontrollers", John B. Peatman
- "Digital Design with Standard MSI and LSI, 2nd ed."
by T. R. Blakeslee.
- "Digital Design Principles and Practices" by John F. Wakerly
Published by Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-212838
- "Electronic Drafting and Printed Circuit Board Design," 2nd ed.,
by James M. Kirkpatrick; Delmar Publishers
- "Electronic Prototype Construction," Kasten, Stephen D.
Originally published by Howard W. Sams, Inc.
- "Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits"
- "Handbook of software and hardware interfacing for IBM PCs", By
Jeffrey P. Royer, Published by Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-381849-7
- "High Frequency Switching Power Suplies:Theory and Design"
by George Chryssis.
- "How to Design, Build & Program Your Own Working Computer System"
Robert P. Haviland, 1979, TAB Books, ISBN 0-8306-9810-8
(0-8306-1111-8 paperback)
- "How to program the Z80" by Rodnay Zaks
- "The IBM Personal Computer, from the Inside Out" by Sargent and Shoemaker
(published by Addison-Wesley) provides a lot of information about
interfacing an IBM type PC to various things. ISBN 0-201-06918-0
- "The Indispensable PC Hardware Book".
- "Inside the EISA Computers", By Tony Dowden
- "Interfacing to the IBM PC" by Lewis C. Eggebrecht.
Signals, timing diagrams, example circuits, etc. ISBN 0-672-22722-3
- "Interfacing to the PowerPC Microprocessor" Ron Rahmel and
Don Rahmel, SAMS Publishing
- "ISA & EISA: Theory and Operation" by Edward Solari (great info and
timing of the bus hardware -- essential for HW design)
- "Making Printed Circuit Boards" by Jan Axelson, Tab Books, 1993
ISBN 0-8306-3950-0 (hard) 0-8306-3951-9 (paper)
- "The Microcomputer Builder's Bible" by Chris Johnston,
Tab Books, 1982 (hard back cover)
- "Microcontrolers. Architecture, Implementation, & Programming"
by Kenneth Hintz and Daniel Tabak ISBN 0-07-028977-8
- "The Microcontroller Idea Book" Jan Axelson
- "Microelectronic Circuits" by Sedra and Smith
- "Microprogramming" by Husson
- "Microprocessor Based Design" by Michael Slater, Prentice Hall, 1989
- "Microprocessor Systems Design" (68000 Hardware, Software, and
Interfacing) by Alan Clements. ISBN 0-87150-095-7
- "Musical Applications of Microprocessors" by Hal Chamberlin
ISBN 0-8104-5753-9
- "Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic systems"
Ott, Henry W. ISBN 0-471-65726-3
- "PC Programmer's Handbook" by Sanchez and Canton (code examples of
programming the DMA chip)
- "PCI, Hardware and Software" Edward Solari,George Wilson
ISBN 0-929392-28-0
- "The PCI Handbook," Brian Dipert ISBN 0-929392-25-6
- "The PowerPC Architecture" IBM book number SR28-5124-00
- "Programmer's Problem Solver for the IBM PC, XT and AT", By Robert
Jourdain, Brady Book, ISBN 0-89303-787-7
info on timer, keyboard, video, disk, parallel and serial port
hardware resources, and software interfacing.
- "PS/2 and PC BIOS Interface Technical Reference: Second Edition"
- "Single- and Multiple-Chip Microcomputer Interfacing" G.J. Lipovski
ISBN 0-13-810557-X (Prentice-Hall Edition)
ISBN 0-13-810573-1 (Motorola Edition)
- "The Book of SCSI" by Peter M. Ridge ISBN: 1-886411-02-6
- "The SCSI Bus and IDE Interface" by Friedhelm Schmidt.
ISBN 0-201-42284-0
- "Stack Computers, the new wave" by Philip J. Koopman Jr.
Published by John Wiley (Halstead Press) ISBN 0-470-21467-8
- "The XT-AT Handbook" by Choisser and Foster
- "Z-80 Microcomputer Design Projects" by William Barden Jr.
ISBN 0-672-21682-5, published by Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc
- The Computer Applications Journal (Circuit Cellar Ink)
PO Box 7694, Riverton, NJ 08077-8784 (609) 786-0409
- The Computer Journal (916) 722-4970
FAX: 916-722-7480 BBS: 916-722-5799
P.O. Box 3900, Citrus Heights, CA 95611-3900
- Computer Design (508) 692-0700
One Technology Park Drive, P.O. Box 990, Westford, MA 01886
- Dr. Dobbs Journal (415) 358-9500
411 Borel Ave., San Mateo, CA 94402
ftp site - ftp.mv.com /pub/ddj
www site - http://www.ddj.com
BBS - 415-358-8857
- EE Times (516) 562-5000
600 Community Drive, Manhasset, NY 11030
- Electronic Engineering Times (516) 293-3000
500-B Bi-County Boulevard, Farmingdale, NY 11735
- Electronics Now (computer/electonics/hobbyists magazine) 800-999-7139
Reader Service Dept PO Box 5192 Pittsfield MA 01203-9989
- Elektor Electronics (603) 924-6371, 924-6526
Old Colony Sound Lab, P.O. Box 243, Peterborough, NH 03458
World Wide Subscription Service Ltd
Unit 4, Gibbs Reed Farm, Pashley Road, Ticehurst TN5 7HE, England
- Everyday With Practical Electronics +44 1202 881749
EPE Subscrptions Department, Wimborne Publishing Ltd.
Allen House, East Borough, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1PF
- Historically Brewed
Historical Computer Society, 10928 Ted Williams Place
El Paso, TX 79934
- Microcomputer Journal (formerly Computer Craft)
76 N. Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801
- Nuts and Volts 1-800-783-4624, 909-371-8497
fax 909-371-3052
- Popular Electronics (800) 435 - 0715
Subscription Dept, PO Box 338, Mt. Morris, IL 61054-9935
3.5 Other
CD -ROM from D.A.T.A. Digest
1-303-799-0381 1-800-447-4666
fax 1-303-700-4082
Over 1.25 million active devices from more than 1000 manufacturers.
These cover trnasistors, linear, diodes, optoelectronics, digital and
4.0 Misc.
Special thanks to Andrew for the first version of this FAQ.
Thanks also to the following for numerous corrections
and additional information (in no particular order):
Robert Boys, Todd Parker, Howard Matthews, David Wilkie
xian the desk lisard, Sandy Harris, Hai Pham, Alan Winstanley,
Dwight Elvey, Gareth Attrill, Gilad Barak, Jan-Derk Bakker
and Dave Baldwin.
(and my sincere apologies if anyone was
accidentally left off this list).
I attempt to make sure that all information in this FAQ is current
and correct, but I'm only human. If you find a mistake, please
let me know.
Your comments/suggestions/contributions are welcome. E-mail to
Version 16 (modified 5/3/96)