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From ts@uwasa.fi Sun Sep 3 00:00:00 1995
Copyright (c) 1993-1995 by Timo Salmi
All rights reserved
FAQPASB.TXT Bibliography of textbooks and references for frequently
asked Turbo Pascal questions with Timo's answers.
Note that several of the references below will have later editions
available, as is usual in this kind of literature with frequent
compiler, program, and OS updates. Likewise, some references may be
out of print and thus no longer available.
Prof. Timo Salmi Co-moderator of news:comp.archives.msdos.announce
Moderating at ftp:// & http://garbo.uwasa.fi archives
Department of Accounting and Business Finance ; University of Vaasa
ts@uwasa.fi http://uwasa.fi/~ts BBS 961-3170972; FIN-65101, Finland
From ts@uwasa.fi Sun Sep 3 00:00:59 1995
Subject: Turbo Pascal Bibliography
A. *****
Q: BIBLIOGRAPHY, text-books:
Bielig-Schulz, G. & Schulz, Ch. (1990). 3D Graphics in Pascal. John
Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Brown, Ralf & Kyle, Jim (1991). PC Interrupts, A Programmer's
Reference to Bios, Dos, and Third-Party Calls. Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company. Inc. (This is not a Turbo Pascal text-book,
but a very useful reference book for advanced Turbo Pascal and
other programmers. Ralf Brown is the author of the well-known
ftp://garbo.uwasa.fi/pc/programming/inter*.zip interrupt list. The
book is based on the list, but the material is arranged by
subjects instead of chronological interrupt numbers).
Cooke, D & Craven, A H & Clarke, G M (1985). Statistical Computing
in Pascal. Mathematics Division, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd.
Cooper, Doug (1992). Oh! Pascal! for Turbo Pascal 6.0 (3rd. Ed.),
W.W. Norton & Co, N.Y. (A description from the author: 894 pages,
16 full color, with 1.2 or 1.44 meg diskette. This edition was
written directly for TP6.0, and fully covers objects. The emphasis
is on modification of existing code; many long (100-500) line
projects, all using graphics, are supplied).
Duncan, Ray (1988). Advanced MS-DOS Programming. The Microsoft guide
for Assembly Language and C programmers. Microsoft Press. (Much
useful information on interrupts also for Turbo Pascal
Dettmann, Terry (1989). Dos Programmer's Reference. Second edition,
revised by Jim Kyle. Que.
Dorfman, Len & Neuberger, Marc J. (1993). Turbo Pascal Memory
Management Techniques. Windcrest/McGraw-Hill.
Duntemann, Jeff (1989). Complete Turbo Pascal. Third edition. Scott,
Foresman and Company.
Dutton, Frank (1989). Turbo Pascal Toolbox. Second edition. Sybex.
Ezzel, Ben (1989). Programming the IBM User Interface Using Turbo
Pascal. Addison-Wesley. (Especially well suited for beginning
interrupt users.)
van Gilluwe, Frank (1994). The Undocumented PC. A Programmer's Guide
to I/O, CPUs and Fixed Memory Areas. Addison-Wesley. (Not TP. For
advanced interrupt and port users with ASM know-how.)
Jamsa, Kris (1988). Dos Power User's Guide. Osborne McGraw-Hill. (In
a way oldish, but has a very good number of examples of interrupt
programming mainly in Turbo Pascal.)
Jamsa. Kris (1993). Jamsa's 1001 Dos & PC Tips. Osborne &
McGraw-Hill. (Not any TP, but some useful interrupt and batch
Jamsa, Kris & Nameroff, Steven (1987). Turbo Pascal Programmer's
Library. Borland-Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
Jamsa, Kris & Nameroff, Steven (1988). Turbo Pascal Programmer's
Library. Second edition. Borland-Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
Jourdain, Robert & The Peter Norton Computing Group (1992).
Programmer's Problem Solver. 2nd ed. Brady Publishing. (A rather
superficial book with interrupt programming. Leaves far too much
essential code out. The most useful aspect is that the snippets of
code that are given, are given in Basic, Turbo Pascal, C, and in
Koffman, Eliol B. & Maxim, Bruce (1993). Turbo Pascal; with advanced
topics. 4th ed. Addison-Wesley. (This is a TP text-book best
suited for teaching.)
Martin, Gary W. (1992). Turbo Pascal. Theory and Practice of Good
Programming. Sounders College Publishing. This is an introductory
text-book on Turbo Pascal programming.
Mitchell, Edward with Shammas, Namir (1993). Borland Pascal
Developer's Guide. Que. (The cover says "Advanced Reference for
Power Programmers!")
Norton, Peter & Wilton, Richard (1988). The New Peter Norton
Programmer's guide to the IBM PC & PS/2. Microsoft Press. (Much
useful information on interrupts and their background also for
Turbo Pascal programmers).
O'Brien, Stephen (1988). Turbo Pascal, Advanced Programmer's Guide.
Borland-Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
O'Brien, Stephen (1988). Turbo Pascal, The Complete Reference.
Borland-Osborne / McGraw-Hill. (Much useful tricks including
fast input handling with BlockRead. But some of the codes have
not been properly updated since TP 3.)
O'Brien, Stephen (1989). Turbo Pascal 5.5, The Complete Reference.
Borland-Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
O'Brien, Stephen K. & Nameroff, Steve (1993). Turbo Pascal 7, The
Complete Reference. Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
Ohlsen, Chris & Stoker, Gary (1989). Turbo Pascal Advanced
Techniques. Que. (Also includes some useful inside tips.)
Porter, Kent (1987). Stretching Turbo Pascal. Advanced Programming
in the MS-DOS Environment. Brady, Prentice Hall.
Porter, Kent & Floyd, Mike (1990). Stretching Turbo Pascal. Version
5.5. Revised Edition. Brady, Prentice Hall. (In my opinion late
Porter's books are not up to his impressive standards shown in Dr.
Dobb's Journal.)
Press, William & Flannery, Brian & Teukolsky, Saul & Vetterling,
William (1986). Numerical Recipes. The Art of Scientific
Computing. Cambridge University Press. (The shareware version of
the extensive pascal codes of this book are available as
Rugg, Tom & Feldman, Phil (1989). Turbo Pascal Programmer's Toolkit.
Que. (I just hate it when TP text-books use include files which I
have to hunt high and low throughout the earlier text.)
Schildt, Herbert (1988). Advanced Turbo Pascal Version 4.
Borland-Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
Stivison, Douglas (1986). Turbo Pascal Library. Sybex.
Swan, Tom (1989). Mastering Turbo Pascal 5.5. Third edition. Hayden
Books. (Best as a nice alternative reference of Turbo Pascal
keywords. Also later TP versions available)
Tischer, Michael (1990a). PC System Programming. An in-depth
reference for the DOS programmer. Third printing. Abacus.
Tischer, Michael (1990b). Turbo Pascal Internals. Abacus. (Can be
recommended for a deeper understanding of Turbo Pascal. Not for
Tischer, Michael (1992). PC Intern System Programming. The
Encyclopedia of DOS Programming Know How. Abacus. (A very useful
reference for intermediate and advanced interrupt programming with
examples in BASIC, Turbo Pascal, C, and assembler. A drawback is
that it draws unnecessarily heavily on assembler modules to be
linked, and requires MASM or TASM in those cases.)
Wood, Steve (1989). Using Turbo Pascal 5. Borland-Osborne /
Yester, Michael (1989). Using Turbo Pascal. Que. (Useful also as
an introduction to more advanced usages.)
BIBLIOGRAPHY, program etc handbooks:
5.0 Turbo Analyst. TurboPower Software (1988).
5.0 Turbo Professional. TurboPower Software (1988). Later 5.5 Turbo
Objective? Not to be confused with Borland's Turbo-Assembler-
Debugger Turbo Professional package.
Microsoft MS-DOS User's Guide and User's Reference. Operating System
Version 3.3. Microsoft Corporation (1987).
Turbo Pascal. Numerical Methods Toolbox. Version 4.0. Borland
International, Inc.
Turbo Profiler. Version 1.0. User's Guide. Borland International,
Inc. (1990).
Brian Long's book "The Borland Pascal Problem Solver" Addison-Wesley
1993 0-201-59383-1
The Pascal Magazine