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From: kalantar@cs.cornell.edu (Michael H Kalantar)
Subject: Baha'i Faith Annotated Bibliography
Message-ID: <1994Mar1.140016.23816@cs.cornell.edu>
Followup-To: soc.religion.bahai
Summary: Annotated bibliography of books on Baha'i Faith
Sender: kalantar@cs.cornell.edu (Michael Kalantar)
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Organization: Moderators of soc.religion.bahai
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Archive-name: bahai-faith/bibliography
Last-Modified: 31-January-1994
This article is comprised of the following sections. For your
convenience in searching, all section headings start in column 1.
Our thanks to the original author, Babak Kashef
<babak@canada.sun.com>, and for revisions and expansions offered by
Carl Fravel <71610.2560@compuserve.com>
Ed Ordaz <70404.1133@compuserve.com>
Mark Towfiq <towfiq@justice.medford.ma.us>
Rick Troxel <rick@helix.nih.gov>
Additional entries are solicited, subject to editorial review. If an
entry is in a language other than English, please include an English
[An up to date version of this bibliography can always be obtained via
anonymous ftp (give Name as "anonymous" and your login name as your
password) from rtfm.mit.edu in the directory /pub/usenet/soc.religion.bahai]
Titles within this section are arranged alphabetically.
All Things Made New
John Ferraby
Baha'i Publishing Trust (United Kingdom), 338 pp
ISBN 0-900125-24-1
Offers the reader a comprehensive introduction to the Baha'i Faith.
The author's inclusion of many quotations from the Baha'i sacred
Writings complements an overview of the Faith as complete as to be
found anywhere. Its first section, "The Teachings of the Faith,"
discusses the oneness of God and of religion, the oneness of mankind,
social and economic teachings, personal conduct, science and the
knowledge of God, the relation of the Baha'i Faith to other religions.
Part Two concerns the Central Figures of the Faith; and Part Three,
"The Baha'i Community," looks at the Covenant of Baha'u'llah, the
Baha'i Administrative Order and laws, obligations and teaching the
The Baha'i Faith
Mary Perkins
Baha'i Publishing Trust (United Kingdom), 96pp
ISBN 0-7062-39393
A short, basic introduction to the Baha'i Faith, covering the history,
teachings and way of life of the Baha'i community. One of the most
popular, easy to read introductions to the Baha'i Faith. Fully
The Baha'i Faith: The Emerging Global Religion
William S. Hatcher & J. Douglas Martin
Harper & Row, 248 pp
ISBN 0-06065-441-4 (cloth)
ISBN 0-06312-078-X (paper)
As the publishers describe it, "Here is the first definitive
introduction -- sure to become a standard reference work -- of the
history, teaching, administrative structure and community life of the
Baha'i Faith, the youngest and one of the fastest growing of the
world's independent religions." Martin, an historian, and Hatcher, a
professor of mathematics, have produced a survey of the Baha'i Faith
especially strong in its examination of the turbulent early history of
the Faith and its relationship to Islam. The authors stress the
pivotal concept of the Baha'i Faith: the oneness of the human race and
an emerging global order. As well, they examine a wide range of
Baha'i teachings, such as the oneness and progressive character of
religion, the unity of science and religion, the equality of woman and
man, economic justice, the spiritual foundation of life, the
institutions of the Baha'i Faith and disciplines for daily living.
Baha'u'llah and the New Era
John Esslemont
Baha'i Publishing Trust (United Kingdom), 318pp
ISBN 0-87743-160-4
The best known introductory book, translated into 30 languages, and in
continuous print since 1923. Written by a distinguished early British
Baha'i, this book presents a thorough outline of the history,
principal figures, spiritual and social teachings, and administrative
organization of the Faith. An especially interesting section examines
the relationship of Baha'u'llah to the expectations and prophecies,
such as the coming of the Kingdom of God in Christianity, that are to
be found in all faiths.
The Earth is But One Country
John Huddleston
Baha'i Publishing Trust (United Kingdom), 320pp
ISBN 0-900125-91-8
"Many, concerned about the condition of society and about the sense of
unfulfillment in their personal lives," says the author,
"automatically assume that they will not find an answer in religion.
Past experience has left a negative impression of superstition and
escapism. This Book is primarily addressed to those who have this
point of view." It presents the needs of humanity today, emphasizing
the practical means for building a new civilization where all peoples
can live together in justice, harmony, and peace.
The Imperishable Dominion
Udo Schaefer
George Ronald Publisher, 320pp
ISBN 0-85398-142-6
An analysis of modern thought since the 1700's showing how it has
contributed to society's current crises, and presenting the Baha'i
answers to today's dilemmas.
Preparing for a Baha'i/Christian Dialogue: Understanding Biblical Evidence
Michael Sours
Oneworld Publications Ltd
Vol 1 ISBN 1-85168-018-7
Vol 2 ISBN 1-85168-032-2
A multi-volume study program designed to help Baha'is familiarize
themselves with the Bible and Christian theology. Well written and
not cumbersome. Among the features one finds practical advice on how
to study the Bible; methods of interpreting the Bible; answers to the
most common Christian questions concerning proofs and progressive
revelation; and answers to Christian questions about Baha'i teachings,
the Bible, and Christ.
The Prophecies of Jesus
Michael Sours
Oneworld Publications Ltd, 223pp
ISBN 1-85168-025-X
In the nineteenth century, many Christians throughout the Western
world expected the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecies. Some even
ventured to conclude from the Scriptures that Jesus would return in
1844. This widespread expectation is well known to historians and
culminated in what has been referred to as 'the Great Disappointment.'
Yet in the very same year, a dynamic religious movement swept across
Persia which heralded the advent and swift emergence of the Baha'i
Faith, the only religion born during that time to become a global
faith. Its founder, Baha'u'llah, claimed to be no less than the
fulfillment of the very biblical prophecies that had so inspired the
hopes of the Christian adventists. _Prophecies of Jesus_ offers a
thoughtful, verse by verse exploration of Jesus's greatest prophetic
sermon in the light of Baha'u'llah's extraordinary ministry and
teachings and of nineteenth century Christian beliefs and current
Christian interpretations.
Briefly, the book is almost 500 pages in length, and goes into great
detail about Biblical prophecies--especially time prophecies--and their
fulfillment by the Baha'i Faith (it's sort of a _Thief in the Night_,
revised and greatly expanded. It contains numerous citations--many of
them quoting Christian scholars and authorities--, and is completely
I Shall Come Again
Hudishar Motlagh
Global Perspective, ~500pp
ISBN 0-937661-00-7 (cloth); 0-937661-01-5 (paper)
Briefly, this book goes into great detail about Biblical prophecies --
especially time prophecies -- and their fulfillment by the Baha'i Faith.
It contains numerous citations -- many of them quoting Christian scholars
and authorities. It is the first in a (projected) 5 volume series.
The Renewal of Civilization
David Hofman
George Ronald Publisher, 144pp
ISBN 0-85398-007-1
Examination of religion as the creative force behind the rise and
reformation of civilization.
To a Seeker
Nathan Rutstein
George Ronald Publisher, 121pp
ISBN 0-85398-239-2
The need for spiritual development as a pathway to happiness is
frequently overlooked. The author describes how the Baha'i Faith can
show us the way to that elusive happiness. A dramatic vision of the
future, and the steps now being taken by Baha'is to attain it, is
offered to the seeker who searches for a "new day."
A Thief in the Night: The Case of the Missing Millennium
William Sears
George Ronald, Publisher, 304pp
ISBN 85398-008-X
The author describes how, having once discovered a problem -- the
belief among many Christians of that time that Christ's return would
take place in the 1840's -- he set out to unearth the clues leading to
its solution. The Baha'i Faith is presented as that solution.
The following books have been in some cases published by a number of
Baha'i publishing trusts in various countries. Where ISBN numbers are
listed, they are generally for the least expensive edition currently
available from the USA Baha'i Distribution Service.
The Hidden Words of Baha'u'llah
Baha'u'llah's teachings on ethics, and on the relationship of God
and man
The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys
Two mystical writings, on the stages in the spiritual growth of the
The Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude)
Baha'u'llah's teachings on the subject of progressive revelation
(the view that the religions and prophets are part of one historical
process by which God has educated mankind). Explanations of earlier
scriptures and the prophecies they contain.
The Kitab-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book)
ISBN 0-85398-999-0 (hardcover)
Baha'u'llah's book of laws for this dispensation, with comprehensive
notes from the Universal House of Justice
Tablets of Baha'u'llah
ISBN 0-87743-216-3 (paperback)
A collection of some of Baha'u'llah's late writings, revealed after
the Kitab-i-Aqdas
Epistle to the Son of the Wolf
ISBN 0-87743-048-9
ISBN 0-87743-235-X (paperback)
One of Baha'u'llah's last writings, this is essentially
Baha'u'llah's anthology of His own teachings
Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah
ISBN 0-87743-111-6 (hardcover)
ISBN 0-87743-112-4 (paperback)
A collection of extracts of Baha'u'llah's writings covering many
Prayers and Meditations
A large collection of prayers and meditations revealed by
Baha'u'llah. Some of these are prayers revealed for us to use, and
some are Baha'u'llah's own prayers to God.
Selections from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha
A collection of important passages from the writings of `Abdu'l-Baha
Promulgation of Universal Peace
The public talks given by `Abdu'l-Baha while he traveled through the
United States
Paris Talks
Another collection of public talks on various subjects by
Some Answered Questions
ISBN 0-87743-190-6 (paperback)
A collection of dinner-table talks in which `Abdu'l-Baha answered a
number of posed questions such as the relationship of the Baha'i
teachings to the Bible
Baha'i Prayers
ISBN 0-87743-175-2
ISBN 0-87743-176-0 (paperback)
ISBN 0-87743-177-9 (deluxe)
Prayers from Baha'u'llah, `Abdu'l-Baha, and the Bab, arranged by
The Divine Art of Living
Baha'i teachings on various aspects of living a spiritual life
Unto Him Shall We Return
Baha'i teachings on the purpose of life, and on death and life after
The Power of Unity
Baha'i teachings on the application of the spiritual principle of
unity in general to race unity in particular
Peace: More than an End to War
Baha'i teachings about the establishment of true peace in this
world, and the prerequisites to that occurring
Bibliography of English-Language Works on the Babi and Baha'i Faith,
William P. Collins
Oxford: George Ronald, 1990
ISBN 0-85398-315-1
The most comprehensive bibliography of English-language publications
The Baha'i Faith: A Historical Bibliography
Joel Bjorling
New York: Garland Publishing, 1985
A less comprehensive bibliography which has been superseded by
The Baha'i Studies Bulletin
Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K., 1982-
This periodical contains regular bibliographic listings
The Baha'i World, v.XVIII, 1979-1983, pp. 887-889
Haifa: Baha'i World Centre, 1986
Includes a brief listing of books in languages other than English
a) Visit your public library. It is quite likely that your library
has a few introductory titles.
b) Contact your local Baha'i community. Many local communities have a
local phone number listed under "Baha'i Faith," or "Baha'i
c) Call the Baha'i Publishing Trust in your country. In the USA this
is (800)999-9019. The staff can take telephone orders, and can
also send you a price list and a more complete listing of
publications than included in this article.
d) Call or visit one of the Baha'i bookstores. For example, there is
a book store at the Los Angeles Baha'i Center, (Los Angeles Baha'i
Booksource, (213) 933-8297), and one at the Baha'i Temple in
Wilmette, IL.