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Why do elephants wear green suspenders?
To hold their green pant up, silly.
Why do elephants wear blue suspenders?
Because the green ones are in the wash.
Why do elephants wear polka dotted tennis shoes?
So they can hide in Candy jars.
(Did you ever see an elephant hiding in a Candy Jar?
See how good they work?)
Why do elephants wear green pants?
So they can hide in the treetops in the jungle.
Why is it not a good idea to walk through the jungle at 4 oclock?
The elephants are jumping out of the trees then.
Why are pygmies so short?
They walk through the jungle at 4 oclock.
Why do ducks have flat feet?
So they can stomp out forest fires.
Why do elephants have flat feet?
So they can stomp out flaming ducks.
When do elephants ever see flaming ducks?
Usually at 4 oclock...
How do pygmies hunt elephants?
They run through the forest about 4 o'clock lighting ducks on fire...
What's the black stuff between elephants toes???
Slow pygmies!!!
Why do elephants paint their toenails red???
So they can hide in strawberry patches!!!
Why did the elephant buy tennies???
Because 9-E's were too small and 12-E's were too big!!!
How can you tell if an elephant been in the refrigerator?
By the footprints in the butter.
What's harder than getting a pregnant elephant in the back of a Volkswagen?
Getting an elephant pregnant in the back of a Volkswagen.
How do you make an elephant stew?
Keep him waiting a couple of hours.
How do you know when a pygmie is making stew?
She doesn't let the kids light the ducks until 6.
How do you know if an elephant is having a period?
Your mattress is missing.
What is grey and comes in quarts?
An elephant
Why do elephants paint their nuts red?
So they can hide in apple trees.
How did the pygmy die if he wasn't running through the jungle at 4pm?
He was picking apples at 4 in the morning!
What's grey, has big ears, and a trunk?
A mouse going on a vacation! (elephant would have been too easy)
What has 3 webbed feet, 4 wings, and 2 bills?
A duck with spare parts.
Tarzan and his pet elephant, Simon, were taking a bath one day, when Simon
turnes to Tarzan, and said "How do you breath through that thing?"
Why are there no sheep in Africa?
The elephants use them for tampons.
What's the Number one killer of African Elephants?
Toxic Flock Syndrome.