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Uploaded By: THE GRIFFIN
+_ _+
+_ The Disk Rigger Rodent Story _+
+_ written by: _+
+_ The Sector Vector _+
+_ _+
Here is a tale... of a very unusual rodent... the kind with great dreams and
hopes of eliteness, but who hasn't the skill nor motivation to back them up...
And here the elite rodent is born....
yes, one of the early posts of our elite dude...
Well shortly after this, he adopted the handle "Disk Raper", later to be
changed to, as we know, "Disk Rigger". While "Disk Raper" though, he embarked
on a series of rodent wars, in fact causing on one board, the entire user list
to turn against him... He was somehow able to apoligize, and save his ass...
It is a shame that all buffer of these messages of long ago have been lost...
His "*ELITE* phreaker!11!11!" days:
Well, one day Alex found out about codezzz, with his new codezzz he could
"kawl" anywhere for phree! Well, he called a few phreak boards, and lo and
behold, they though Alex was "nice". He was so "nice" that they gave him elite
access, although to this day he a complete computer/phreak ignoramus. Well,
now Disk Rigger gets on all the "k00l d00d" cat-furs, and the k-rad phreak-
elite boards, even though he knows... nothing. He weasled his way onto
Hell Phrozen Over, where his posts are so ridiculous they can't be reproduced
here... Well, now a days of course, he is widely hated... There are suboards
devoted to ragging on Disk Rigger, when sysops let him, its usually as a joke
to rag on... Here is a recent Rag file on Disk Rigger:
=- -=
=- The Star Spangled Banner Box -=
=- by -=
=- Disk Rigger *ELITE* -=
=- 4/11/86 -=
=- -=
Disclaimer: I am not responsibe for blinding no P.H.E.D.S.
Warning: Do not use this on yourself due to retinal damage.
Ok dudes, I hope you find these plans very useful. The Star Spangled banner
box is one of the most revolutionary boxes ever created. It can really help
you out if you are busted by the P.H.E.D.S! I have been busted many times
for using PhREaker Codezzz(Mci! dude! I can call for free, can you?), some
people think I am lame because of this, but the SSB box(thats c00l abveration)
really helps.
1 very bright light source. (ie: a torch, flashlight, etc...)
1 shoe box (to put it all in)
5 mylar .001 uf capictors
2 1.3 transitors
5 8038cc chips
20 in914 diodes
and a breadboard and soldering iron.
Ok, first line up the 8038cc chips on the bread board with the transitors
nearby. Set that aside for a while, and connect all the diodes together in
serial. Now wrap this around the shoebox. Now solder all the stuff on the
breadboard however you want. Put the light source in the shoebox, and put the
breadboard with diodes on top of it.
Use of The SSB box
Ok, now wait until you get busted(preety often with me!). Then when the
P.H.E.D.S. come, whip out the shoebox, throw away the breadboard, and shine
that light in thier faces. The breadboard is to trick the P.H.E.D.S. into
thinking it is a blue box or something, so you can suprise them. Its preety
cool! huh?
Other Stuff
Well, since I am very Elite dude, and in LOC(leader) and real kool, I get
a lot of kool warezz, lets trade dude! 212 only!(area code)Please don't use any
Phreaker codezz(you can make phree calls with them!!!11!!). LOD doesnt'
approive! CalL TAP (ELITE) at 212-Joy-Lily(PreEty lame!). Well I am
shure 2600 would like to publish this! k00l!
L8tron Dudes!
Disk Rigger
Beanbusters *ELITE*
Leader of LOC:Legion of Codezzz. <--- kool subset of LOD!
Got 'em all!
"I am a fat-assed spic!!"
Well, as you can see, he was not widely liked...
Back to his early phreak days though...
Before I go any further, I would like to mention one of Disk Rigger's special
relationships. This, of course, is his relationship with a semi-decent phreak
from NJ, known as The Executioner. The relationship between Disk Rigger and
The Executioner is like this: Master<->Slave. Thats right, Disk Rigger is
The Executioner's personal ass-kisser... in return for this he got on a few
decent boards, such as the once great Army, run by General Phreakenstein.
Now, army had incredbile security, and with out his master The Executioner,
Disk Rigger could not have possibily got on... The current status of the
Executioner and Disk Rigger's relationship is uncertain, but rumour has it that
Disk Rigger is demanding higher wages, per inch of ass he kisses...
Note: The Executioner can be reached for comment at: 201-654-9107, ask
for Mike...
Now, about his early phreak days with ex... Before he started out in phreaking
and eliteness, etc... he ran a board called The Galley, which stayed up preety
much in this elite era... here is an excerpt from a loser file a few of his
"friends", King Arthur and The (now disappeared) Galactic Knight...
The Galley
Sysop: Disk Rigger
718-263-1856 2 drives
This board went up with the name "The Galley" for no apparent reason. The
board is mostly wars between big out-of-state phreaks who log on for god
knows why and locals like Prince II. The one good user on the board, Prince II
, was at one point having a war with King Blotto, The Executioner, etc,
and supposedly Lex Luthor was planning on joining. The sysop was friendly
with King Blotto and some other important phreaks, untill finally his board
got its big break, the pheonix phorce wanted to take it over and make it
elite. Disk Rigger took the board down immediatly and did hours of work on
it, totally changing, preparing it for pheonix phorce, finally his board
was ready and for all of 3 days, "Phreakers lair" was an elite board.
Now he has taken his board down untill at least december supposedly because
he doesn't like pheonix phorce anymore, maybe its the other way around.
as you can see, that excerpt preety much tells it all... Its was a sad board,
also rumour has it that Disk Rigger got his jollies from giving out the
passwords, and managed to start some major wars through other methods.
Around this time, he also pulled a few things like acting like an unwanted
mediator between The Executioner and The Colonel, basically he lied to each
of them about what the other said and started a war... His board was really
lame, and even went back up again in '85 for a week, as "The Hideouot"
Well, that latest newsflash is that Disk Rigger has an Amiga, and that he
is using his #, 718-263-7522, as an Amiga trading line... haha... do you
think he'll be the first Amiga Rodent...
Well, another clever thing he did, which shows you how elite he feels
about himself, is to act as a spokesman for Bioc, and even post mis-info
in Bioc's name...
To:The Fake Apple Mafia From:Disk Rigger
You are definatly not the real Apple Mafia. It was a popular group a while ago.
It incluted Bioc Agent 003, Tuc, Hight Technology, Creative Cracker and a few
others. I will inform them of you losers using there names and you will be
ragged out of your minds. I would recomend you changed your group name or you
will feel the wrath of Bioc!
This is serious and you losers can keep your unoriginal name but You will pay
for it.
(Someone's reply.)
Disk Digger:
Get a life dude. The Apple Mafia is OVER. BIOC Agent was thrown out of
the Apple Mafia. The final members were Tuc, Lord Digital, Creative
Cracker, High Technology, Big Brother the Phantom, Silicon Scorpion, &
Sherlock Apple. Nobody is going to Feel the wrath of Bioc
(hahahahahhahahahahha). because 1. he quit the phreak/pirate world over a year
ago. 2. if he WAS around he wouldnt give a shit. 3. The old members who are
still around probably care even less.
(Someone elses reply.)
While the new "apple mafia" (get a life you fuckups. you might as well call
yourselves the Untouchables.) are idiots.
new warez r0dentz who sure as hell weren't around when the REAL apple mafia was
around, are even bigger r0dents. This means YOU disk digger.
Naming yourself after a program used to pack new wherez. get a life you fat
fuckup. And if the people in the apple mafia knew YOU were throwing their names
around on a fucking catfur, YOU are the one they would be mad at.
Number > 7
Subject> Apple Mafia? (Ha)
Viewer > DISK RIGGER <Elite>
Pos<EFBFBD>ed > MON MAR 17 4:24:17 PM
Genius. Are you talking about that
loser group in 213? They are in for it.
If you didnt know already there was
already a group Called Apple Mafia. Too
bad two of 'em were FEDS.
Hey, Where ANY of you ever on The Old
Sherwood Forest's? [ /, //, /// ]?
Preety stupid of DR, eh? He gets ragged on, so he promptly ignores it and
rags on someone else, shows you his intelligence... Another thing is that
he can't program for didly, and resents anyone who can. One of his buddies,
who I had a chat with (though he was scared out his pants of me) "Dead Lord"
ask for the source code to Cat-fur, from DR. And of, course ol' Alex refused
because he didn't want anyone making anymore mods to it.... shuuurrre.....
<SIGH> So many people hate Disk Rigger, that it would take years to compile
a file in which all of you could contribue... Keep the faith and write your
own Disk Rigger Hate Files... If you have any Disk Rigger Buffers,
evidence, info, etc...
leave them to: The Fan Club
on Draco Tavern: 707-740-5805 (instant validation, so call!)
goodbye, and be Spainish!
LeGiOn oF cOdeZzZzZ!!!! <---k00l!!!
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