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LEN ANDERSON 04/19/85 at 10:58:07
ACRONYMS of Computers Explained -
Most hackers use the following acronyms without a
thought about their derivation. To make things
perfectly clear, the following is presented for the avid
computer hacker:
ASCII.......American Standard Code of Interference
CP/M........Confused Processing (of disk) Machinery
DEC.........Dammned Expensive COpmuter
DOS.........Disturbed Organization System
EBCDIC......Extended Binary-Coded Disastrous
Interference Cause
IBM.........Itty Bitty Machine
BASIC.......Beginners' All-Suspect Intelligence Confuser
FORTRAN.....FORmula TRANsgression
PASCAL......non-acronym, named after unknown French
mathematician Irving Pascal (1687-1661)
FORTH.......Hard To Remember Origin Facility (reverse-
notation acronym)
LISP........Logical Interleaving of Suspicious
Parameters (for those with artificial
intelligence instead of the real thing)
LOGO........Lesser Ordering of Gross Observations
ALGOL.......All Language Gone On Location
instructions for non-existant computer
CPU.........Central Procrastinator Unit
RAM.........Random Access Mistakes
ROM.........Randomly-Ordered Mistakes
EPROM.......Electrically-Positioned Randomly-Ordered
Those wishing to know more should consult your friendly
neighborhood computer salesperson. Cont