2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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Boston Fire Department Special Signals
( Struck Identical to a BOX )
10 - 12 No Public School
10 - 13 No Drill School
10 - 14 No Fire College
10 - 15 Display National Standard at Half-Mast
10 - 16 No In-Service or Hydrant Inspections
10 - 17 Period of Unrest
10 - 18 Riot Condition
10 - 19 Riot Condition Terminated, Resume Normal Operations
10 - 25 Emergency Mobilization Alert / Actions Terminated
10 - 26 Divide Two Unit Engine Companies into Single Units
10 - 27 Normal Operation of Engine Companies
10 - 31 High Pressure System out of Service
10 - 32 High Pressure System in Service
10 - 33 Engine Co's respond with Wagons Only, to Alarms in High Pressure
10 - 34 Engine Co's respond with Full units, to Alarms in High Pressure
10 - 43 General Radio Broadcast
10 - 51 Hazardous Driving Conditions
10 - 52 Hazardous Driving Conditions, Affix Cains to Department Vehicles
10 - 53 Department Radio Out of Service
10 - 54 Department Radio Back in Service
10 - 61 Emergency Mobilization Alert exists
10 - 66 Maintain 1 Officer and 5 Firefighters for Oncoming Tour
10 - 67 Maintain 1 Officer and 6 Firefighters for Oncoming Tour
District and Division Aides will remain on Duty
10 - 68 Maintain 2 Officers and 6 Firefighters for Oncoming Tour
District and Division Aides will remain on Duty
10 - 71 Group 1 Mobilized - Return to Duty
10 - 72 Group 2 Mobilized - Return to Duty
10 - 73 Group 3 Mobilized - Return to Duty
10 - 74 Group 4 Mobilized - Return to Duty
10 - 75 All off Duty Members Return to Duty, except those on Vacation or
10 - 81 Suspend Normal Running Card - Covering Assignments
10 - 82 Resume Normal Running Card - Covering Assignments
999 Test Signal for Tapper Transmitter
-/Vuarnet International/-
24oo-16.8k HST/V32bis