2021-04-15 13:31:59 -05:00

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ANARC Affiliated Radio Clubs List
ANARC is the Association of North American Radio Clubs, a loose affiliation
of organizations promoting interest in radio broadcasting, listening and
technology. This list of clubs is current as of 07/05/89.
Full Member Clubs
All Ohio Scanner Club (AOSC), 50 Villa Rd., Springfield, OH 45503. Areas of
interest: Public Service Broadcasting, Utilities. Dues: $15 ($18 Canada).
Sample of newsletter $2.
Association of Clandestine Enthusiasts (ACE), PO Box 11201, Shawnee Mission,
KS 66207-0201. Area of interest: clandestine & pirate radio. Dues: $16 ($17
Canada, $23 foreign). Sample of newsletter $1.50.
Association of DX Reporters (ADXR), 7008 Plymouth Rd., Baltimore, MD 21208.
Areas of interest: Longwave, Shortwave, Middle wave, Util., Ham. Dues: $17.
Sample of newsletter $1.00.
Canadian International DX Club (CIDX), #61 -52152 Range Rd. 210, Sherwood
Park, AB, T8G 1A5, Canada. Areas of interest: Middle wave, Shortwave, Utils.,
Ham, FM. Dues: $25 (US), $26 (Canada). Sample of newsletter $1.00.
Club Ondes Courtes du Quebec (COCQ), 160 rue Prieur ouest, Montreal, PQ, H3L
1R5 Canada. Areas of interest: SW, MW, Ham, Utils. Dues: $35.50 Canadian.
Sample of newsletter (French language) $1.50.
International Radio Club of America (IRCA), 6059 Essex St., Riverside, CA
92504. Area of interest: MW. Dues: $25 ($27 in Canada). Trial membership
$9.50. Sample of newsletter $1.00.
Longwave Club of America (LWCA), 45 Wildflower Rd., Levittown, PA 19057.
Area of interest: LW. Dues: $12. Sample of newsletter $1.00.
Miami Valley DX Club (MVDXC), 4666 Larkhall Lane, Columbus, OH 43229. Area
of interest: all frequencies. Dues: $8. Sample of newsletter $1.00.
Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts (MARE), PO Box 311, Wixom, MI 48096. Areas
of interest: SW, MW, Public Service Bands. Dues: $9.50. Sample of
newsletter: $1.00. Meets bi-monthly in Detroit/Lansing area.
Minnesota DX Club (MDXC), PO Box 3164, Burnsville, MN 55337. Areas of
interest: all frequencies. Dues: $10. Membership limited to Minnesota area.
National Radio Club, Inc. (NRC), PO Box 118, Poquonock, CT 06064. Area of
interest MW. Dues $24. Sample of newsletter $1.00.
North American Shortwave Association (NASWA), 45 Wildflower Rd., Levittown,
PA. Area of interest: SW. Dues: $23. Sample of newsletter $2.00.
Radio Communications Monitoring Association, (RCMA), PO Box 542, Silverado,
CA 92676. Areas of interest: Public Service Bands, Util. Dues: $18.50.
Sample of newsletter $1.50.
Society to Preserve the Engrossing Enjoyment of DXing (SPEEDX), PO Box 196,
DuBois, PA 15801. Areas of interest: SW, Util. Dues: $20. Sample of
newsletter $1.50.
Washington Area DX Association (WADXA), 606 Forest Glen Rd., Silver Spring,
MD 20901. Area of interest: all frequencies. Dues: $6. Quarterly meetings
in Washington, DC area. Membership limited to residents of area.
Worldwide TV-FM DX Association (WTFDA), PO Box 514, Buffalo, NY 14205. Areas
of interest: TV, FM, Public Service Bands, Satellites. Dues: $17. Sample of
newsletter $1.00.
Associate Member Club
Southern California Area DXers (SCADS), 3809 Rose Ave., Long Beach, CA 90807.
Area of interest: all frequencies. Dues: $10. Quarterly meetings in Long
Beach, CA. Membership limited to area residents.
ANARC info
The Association of North American Radio Clubs
PO Box 24
Cambridge, WI 53523-0024
24 hrs./day
300/1200/2400 baud
Fidonet node 232/11
ANARC Ham Net:
Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. EST (1400 UTC)
7240 kHz LSB
[best reception in eastern USA]
All information in this file courtesy of ANARC, with thanks.