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me and fone. /ramblings creative number 9 in a series of a couple. dig it./
fleshy part /author: 3 todaze dayt: 64Jun11/
jimmy page / that is, I am the third writer to .:.:.:.:.:.:. / /
reprontor / ramble in this manner. I have also .: what? me :. / /
darkness / written ramblings creative version 4. .:multitask?:. / /
homeboy / there are others and I hope there are .:.:.:.:.:.:. / /
crispy / more later, since I (as we all* do) / /
every / enjoy these files o so much. dig? / /
they / / /
she / sometimes I don't know what I want to do with the rest of / /
me / my life. but this is true for all of us, and thus, this / /
I / point is irrelevent. if I cared, however, this would not / /
/ be 'ramblings' but something like 'the silver ghost tells / /
/ you how to be as studly as he is' or some such file. what / /
/ I mean is that if it had a purpose, it would be named acc- / /
\ ordingly. but instead it's just a bunch of ramblings, which \
\ which would be done while I was drunk (to follow the great \
\ \ tradition of earlier 'ramblings' files. but it's 9:06 on a \
\ \ thursday night, and I should be studying for my algebra ][ \
Q \ \ final tomorrow. but fuck it - we all need to have a little \
ED \ \ irresponsibility in our lives. (who the hell said THAT??) \
all \ \ \
of t \ \ hey! wait! school doesn't start until 9:30 tomorrow because \
his i \ \ of the aforementioned exams. thus, I can stay up rather a \
s wast \ \ lot later than I normally would. last nite I was up until \
ed spac \ \ 12:30 reading the new steven king (misery) and had to wake \
e. there \ \ up abruptly at 6:47, and thus had to rush like a madman to \
fore I wi \ \ catch my ride to school at 7:00. I did it, but skimped on \
ll now dra \ \ that very important hair care. speaking of which, my father \
w dumb litt / told me my hair looked like shit yesterday. it's kind of /
le things i / long, but not overly. I wanted so much to say, "well, fuck /
n the spac / you!" but he would have gotten veryvery mad and perhaps hit / /
e for no / me, and I didn't want to get into that. but my hair must / /
apparent / be cut, since it's so long it annoys even me. I'll most / /
reason. / likely go to "fred's barber shop" (yes, virginia, there / /
hahaha / really is a place called "fred's barber shop", right here / /
i am r/ in [place deleted - if you don't know who "rambler 3" is / /
unnin/ already, there's no hope for you] . but I digress....... / /
g ou/ / /
t o/ \ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / / / / /
f / \ \ \/ / / \ \ \/ / / <-- compu_wallpaper(tm) / /
s/ \ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / / / /\ / /
/ \ \ \/ / / \ \ \/ / / || / /
\ \ \ \ / / /\ \ \ / / / denotes \
\ \ \ \/ / / \ \ \/ / / trademark \
\ \ "don't I have this in my bathroom?" of \
\ \ --a happy man RAMBLING \
a \ \ __ ENTERPRIZES \
bc \ \ "shitshitfuck!" /\ \
def \ \ --sad man made-up group- - - "o no! \
ghij \ \ bowel cramps!" \
klmno \ \ "pagan rituals? party!" --Mr Dividyd00d(tm) \
pqrstu \ \ -- Mr Party(tm) ^ \
vwxyz|z \ \ ^ / \
yxwvutsr \ \ \ note loss of period after "mr". \
rqponmlkj \ \ there will be an essay somewhat \
ihgfedcba \ \ l8r 0n, and it damn well better \
----------- / b e i n y o u r f u c k i n g n o t e s ! ! ! /
and on the / /
lighter si / this file cannot be read in a linear manner -- I suggest / /
de... moo / printing it out. hey, put it in your locker - no wait no / /
ha ha ha / school any longer - well then the wall of your room. what / /
s repla / do you MEAN you don't hang textfiles on your wall? fuckup. / /
ced th / / /
e tim / all I feel like doing is sleeping, and thus I will. o yeah, / /
e-ho / the algebra (II) final is tomorrow. well, I'll do a little / /
nor / studying, then hit the hay. expect me to continue 2morrow. / /
ed / __________________________________________________________ / /
" / / /
/ hey, take a break yourself.. it has to have been a long day / /
/ for you, too. why don't you catch some z's, too? it would / /
\ be a real change! sleep at your computer (or at the beach \
e\ if you have actually printed this out) with this file on yer\
st\ lap! and when you wake up, start it again, right at this \
a a\ point. I won't do anything to you while you sleep, I prom- \
burr\ ise. no, really! I won't! c'mon, you probably need some \
ido a\ sleep, what with all these finals you must have. come on.. \
hora. \ lie back, take a load off.. nity-nite! \
y tu? \ ___________________________________________________________ \
marikon \ \
_________\ at this point, the author went to sleep, and felt rested. \
\ ___________________________________________________________ \
what's the \ \
time? \ hi! i'm back. the algebra test was a breeze, in case you \
it's time to \ actually care. but you probably don't. so fuck off. \
GET ILL! / /
___________ / there's blood on the computer table (which is white). it's /
/ from my lip, which has been known to bleed rather frequent- / /
marginal / ly. must freak my parents out. in fact, I must freak my / /
thoughts / parents out sometimes, sitting in the darkened room with the/ /
go here./ computer and a glass of what they THINK is ginger ale (it / /
______ / actually may have one of several kinds of liquors in it, de-/ /
/ pending on my mood). heh heh. I am actually a rather evil-/ /
dance/ looking person (some say), due to the fact that I shaved my / /
fart/ eyebrows off at the age of about 13, and they grew back very/ /
wow/ thickly. therefore, any eyebrow motions I make are somehow / /
yo/ accentuated, and I look darkly evil. (no, I am not Jason / /
C/ "TW" Scott.) let's get off this subject.. / /
/ / /
\ you know, what is it about Run-DMC and the Beastie Boys that\
\ makes me enjoy listening to them so? I certainly don't \
\ \ think they're real music, and go around beating people up \
\ \ because they like them. but I know like ALL the raps.. it's\
\ \ really wierd. "you LIKE that kind of music?" --katie nori \
yes\ \ \
i \ \ hey, what do you think of this border? pretty slick, eh? \
know \ \ (probably look like shit when I upload it to the Dark Side \
i \ \ AE, unless I do some F!U!N! formatting tricks.) I think \
didn't \ \ it's neat. I think I'll go do some cute text tricks. \
do \ \ _ _ /\ /\ \
this --> \ \ \_\_\ / \___/ \ \/\/\/\/\/\/ \
last time.\ \ \_\_\ cubix(tm) \|o| |o|/ /\/\/\/\/\/\ \
give me a \ \ \_\_\ | | | <--r0dentia \ \/\/\/\/ / \
break, will / _ _ isn't it / | | \ \/\/\/\/\/ /
you? stop / (_) (_) cute how / / | \ \ you know, /\/\/\ /
nagging me / ^ ^ girls |_______| if I had \ \/ / / /
all the / |_ |_draw balloons used tabs, \ / / /
time.. / on their papers? this file would be / /
/ considerably / /
yngwie / __ __ three one three shorter.. / /
yogie / |_)| || \ four three three but I despise tabs. / /
yoga / | |__||_/ three one six four / /
yog / _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ / /
yo / / /
y / can't think of any other creative ramblings. look for / /
/ ramble[something], coming soon. Not that soon, though. / /
/_____________________________________________________________/ /